Vast Dream

Chapter 34: Snowy Night-Part 2

The Wushen’s Palace had reached an agreement with the Yujing sect, allowing all selected disciples to use the “Heaven’s Eye.”

Elder Hua vouched for it, so Elder Chen reluctantly agreed.

To ensure that Bai Luye, who entered the “Heaven’s Eye,” would encounter Nan Yuan, the Wushen’s Palace had to make some covert modifications to the “Heaven’s Eye.”

The heavenly officials and goddesses of the Wushen’s Palace quietly kept Elder Chen in the dark, but the night before their tampering, a young man hidden in a dark corner saw their plot clearly.

Li Bu, hiding in the shadows, listened with a faint smile to the Wushen’s Palace’s little scheme.


Due to a curse placed on him by Jiang Xuehe, Li Bu was injured and lost many matches in the “Heaven’s Eye.”

This did not match the perception of several inner disciples regarding All-Encompassing’s spiritual root.

Elder Hua couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him and shifted his attention elsewhere. Li Bu himself didn’t care about winning or losing or what skills he might learn at Yujing Sect.

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Tl bye bsdle bkp pjkzzp vbaswtb nswdvzlpp zkql-yde-elyvb cyvvzlp. Bdzlpp kv oyp y xyvvla sq zkql yde elyvb, obu oswze bl alhlyz bkp vawl pvaldtvb?

Tl oypd’v zkjl Kkydt Dwlbl, obs nsymle zkvvzl tkazp.

Fs vblpl eyup, Zl Nydt, yp bl oyp jdsod, bke kd vbl eyaj, shlablyakdt xydu rakhyvl nsdhlapyvksdp yv Zwfkdt plnv.

Tl eyale dsv lyhlpeasr sd vbl plnalvp sq rsolaqwz qktwalp zkjl Fbld Dkdtnbwyd, cwv vbl ynvkhkvklp sq vbl blyhldzu sqqknkyzp yde tseelpplp sq vbl Ewpbld’p Vyzynl eke dsv lpnyrl bkx.

Mbwp, Nk Jw jdlo vbyv vbl Ewpbld’p Vyzynl oydvle psxlsdl vs jkzz Lyd Zwyd.

Fkxwzvydlswpzu, yp bl zlyadle vbkp, y rzyd cldlqknkyz vs bkxplzq qsaxle kdpvydvzu kd bkp xkde.

Zl Nydt lmlnwvle bkp rzyd pkzldvzu, wddsvknle cu ydusdl.

Mbl dlmv eyu, Jyk Nwul, obs bye fwpv yaakhle yv vbl xswdvykd, byed’v lhld bye vkxl vs plde y xlppytl vs bkp pldksa casvbla yde fwdksa pkpvla clqsal clkdt watle vs ldvla vbl “Tlyhld’p Oul” vakyz.

Bai Luye’s eyes flashed with understanding as he grasped the situation.


However, before entering the “Heaven’s Eye,” the young man cheerfully called out to a steward, “I wonder if I could offer incense to the deceased former sect master after coming out of the ‘Heaven’s Eye’?”

The steward immediately grew wary.

After all, many coveted the position of sect master at Yujing sect.

But how could a youth under twenty have the right to offer incense to the former sect master?

Bai Luye sighed toward the sky, his eyes filled with sorrow.

Under the puzzled gaze of the steward, he said bitterly, “If not for my weak fortune, being sickly since childhood and drifting in the mortal world, I should have called the sect master ‘father.’”

Bai Luye murmured sadly, “When I come out of the trial, win or lose, I must offer incense.”

The steward was stunned!

His eyes widened as he realized the incredible secret.

The steward stepped forward and said, “Wait…”

But Bai Luye had already entered the “Heaven’s Eye,” his figure flashing and disappearing. He looked back at the steward one last time.

The wind stirred his snow-white robe sleeves, his dark hair brushed his eyes, and his glance was mocking, playful, indifferent, and confused.


The steward was rooted to the spot.

After a long while, he finally reacted, shouting and calling through the jade tablet to inform other stewards and reporting the news step by step to the elders:

“Something happened! The former sect master’s… illegitimate child has appeared!”

“Is he here to compete for the sect master’s position? With his abilities, it seems impossible.”

“Let me check who his opponent is… Nan Yuan! Junior sister Nan’s spells are powerful, undefeated so far. Before we understand the truth, junior sister Nan mustn’t harm this young master Bai.”

The elders, upon receiving the news, each had different expressions and thoughts.

The illegitimate child of the former sect master.

They knew such a person existed.

In the past, the former sect master had risked his life to overcome tribulation, trying every method to transfer the punishment of the Heavenly Dao through his bloodline.

The elders didn’t know how the sect master did it, only that he had disappeared for a while and returned with the tribulation gone.

People guessed the sect master used a secret method to let his bloodline bear the heavenly punishment.

But the sect master didn’t mention it, so naturally, they didn’t inquire.


Unfortunately, time passed, and over a decade later, the sect master exhausted himself trying to ascend to immortality but ultimately succumbed during the final stage, unable to defy fate.

The elders stood at their windows, unable to help but look up at the vast sky.

Yujing Sect stood tall, suspended in the air, so close to the sky.

The sect master had tried everything to become immortal but still failed.

A thousand years ago, the immortal’s decree – when will it be lifted?

Though you are the founder, the promise of neither demons nor immortals for the Yujing sect and this mortal world, based on the results, was both salvation and punishment.

Don’t you protect the Yujing sect?

Sometimes… one might wish for the return of demons.

Could the return of demons signify that cultivators could become immortal?

In the trial of the “Heaven’s Eye,” Ti Ying was still struggling to find her senior brother and the demon beast.

The heavy snow and fog obscured the path.

She tried to walk into the mist, but the further she went, the more uneasy she felt, her consciousness growing chaotic, and she couldn’t sense the demon beast at all.


Ti Ying had to retreat and continue searching for Jiang Xuehe.

The environment of this secret realm was too strange.

She couldn’t figure it out and decided to find someone she knew first.

However… Was her opponent in this trial her senior brother?

Ti Ying touched her chest, where the snacks and talismans her senior brother had given her were carefully placed, providing some comfort. She thought that even if she couldn’t find a way out of the fog, she could survive in the snowy mountains for a few days with the things her brother had given her.

Ti Ying felt a bit confused.

She really didn’t remember her opponent being her senior brother.

Could it be that she was too angry at the time and didn’t look carefully, thus forgetting?

If her senior brother had known he was her opponent, would he have given her so many things…

Ti Ying was furious.

Who are you looking down on!

Did he think she would lose to him and cry, so he prepared so much in advance?

Why not just admit defeat?

So annoying.

Ti Ying stomped her foot in the snow, as a ball of snow filled with fierce energy flew towards her. She quickly cast a spell, throwing a talisman into the air.

Ti Ying formed hand seals while chanting an incantation and summoned the small sword given to her by sect, engaging in a few moves with the demon beast. She felt she had pierced the demon and relaxed slightly. Taking a few steps back, she saw that she had repelled a… fluffy leopard-like demon beast.

Was this the demon beast?

Ti Ying hurriedly checked her jade talisman.

The jade talisman showed a blank record, not registering any increase in the number of repelled demon beasts.

In other words… the demon beast she repelled wasn’t one needed for the trial.

Ti Ying squatted down, dazed.

She frowned, biting her finger, trying to understand what was going on.

The jade talisman couldn’t be wrong… This was “Heaven’s Eye.”

If “Heaven’s Eye” couldn’t see the “demon beast,” then the demon beast she repelled must have been an illusion, not a real demon beast?

As she squatted there in a daze, more snow leopard demon beasts, with heavy breaths, started to surround her from all directions.

Ti Ying was uninterested.

If these illusions didn’t count towards the trial, why waste her energy on them? It would only drain her already limited spiritual energy.

The most important thing now was to figure out what was going on.

So, in the blinding snow and treacherous mountain path, dozens of snow leopard demon beasts surrounded the girl in the center.

The girl, seemingly scared stiff, only trembled and squatted in place, not even trying to dodge.

Truly pitiable.

As the snow leopard demon beast’s claws were about to strike Ti Ying’s face, she restrained her fear, trying to discern the cause of the illusion.

She encouraged herself: As long as it’s not a ghost, I can handle it!

At the critical moment, a sword flew in from the sky.

Vine-like spiritual energy wrapped around the sword, ensnaring the snow leopard demon beast. The demon beast shrieked and turned to bite the person behind it. That person’s figure flickered like a ghost, moving from behind to in front of the demon beast in an instant.

The squatting Ti Ying looked up, dazed.

Snow clung to her hair and eyelashes, her eyes misty from the fog. As she blinked, demon beast blood splattered on her cheeks and eyelashes. She rubbed her eyelashes and peeked through her fingers at the newcomer.

A young man in black, back to her, held a sword against the snow leopard demon beasts. His black hair swayed lightly in the snowy fog, blown back by the wind.

Ti Ying smelled the cool, quiet scent on him.

One by one, the snow leopard demon beasts fell, wailing, and went silent.

Ti Ying heard the young man’s careless laugh: “Little sister, the mountain paths are slippery. This place is hard to traverse. Be careful.”

That clear, slightly husky teenage voice…

Ti Ying clutched her chest.

She saw the young man turn his head and glance at her.

Up close, she saw his face.

He was indeed young.

But his face was handsome, clear and bright, with an energetic, playful smile.

This was a very proper-looking young man.

He would be quite popular outside.

Ti Ying said, “Senior Brother.”

The young man’s eyebrows twitched, his smile unwavering as he looked at her: “Little sister, scared stiff? I don’t know you, I’m not your senior brother.”

He looked up at the sky, seemingly lost, and tried to get his bearings.

He quickly figured it out, sheathed his sword, and began to walk away.

It seemed he had saved Ti Ying, but had no intention of seeing it through.

Ti Ying stood up, confused, and asked, “Aren’t you Jiang Xuehe?”

Jiang Xuehe.

The young man, Ye Sha, turned his back to her, his gaze turning cold.

That was his real name.

But whether in Duansheng Dao or the mortal world, everyone only knew him as “Ye Sha.”

No one called him Jiang Xuehe; no one knew his real name.

Even Ye Sha himself had almost forgotten his name.

Sure enough, this little girl who appeared suddenly in Misty Snow Valley wasn’t simple.

Ye Sha turned his back to Ti Ying, his eyes narrowing as a thought crossed his mind.

He was on a mission, supposed to meet his companions in Misty Snow Valley. But when the fog arose, they disappeared, leaving him wandering alone until he encountered this strange girl.

He had heard that Misty Snow Valley was home to cat demon beast.

Cat demon beast were skilled in illusions and luring outsiders to their territory, only to devour them.

This little girl in front of him was probably a young cat demon beast.

If not, how could she know his name?

She even…

The girl behind him stood up, still suspicious, but tugged at his sleeve.

She imperiously said, “Hmph, I know you’re Senior Brother. Are you scaring me because you’re still angry about our fight? If you keep this up, I’ll be really upset.”

The young man in front of her remained silent.

But the more Ti Ying looked, the more she was convinced he was Jiang Xuehe.

His aura, like snow, was exactly the same as her Senior Brother’s. His tone, his face… if he were older and had the curse markings, he would look just like her Senior Brother now.

Though she didn’t understand how her Senior Brother had become younger, it was so cold here.

Ti Ying saw he was ignoring her and, angry, let go of his sleeve. But she was also scared and timidly said:

“Stop scaring me. Senior Brother, I’m really frightened.”

Her voice, soft and trembling, reminded Ye Sha of soft rice cakes on a summer night.

Biting into one, it cooled his heart instantly.

Ye Sha squinted: Heh, little cat.


I’ll catch this little cat demon beast, expose her tricks, and use her to find my companions.

Once I’m out of here, I’ll kill her.

So, shivering from the cold, Ti Ying saw the young man turn, looking down at her.

Though young, he was taller than her.

His eyes filled with warmth and concern as he gently said, “Did I scare you?”

Ti Ying’s eyes lit up instantly.

She threw herself into his arms, sobbing.

Ye Sha stiffened.

But he quickly relaxed, hiding his momentary murderous intent. He patted her head, smiling gently, “What’s wrong? Little sister, I really can’t handle you.”

Inwardly, he made a playful face.

Let him borrow this “Senior Brother” title for now.

The young man, Ye Sha, then led Ti Ying through the snow.

Ti Ying stumbled along, frequently tripping and getting caught in the snow.

She glared at Ye Sha ahead of her, annoyed: “You only care about yourself and ignore me?”

Ye Sha: “…”

He squinted.

He thought: What a troublesome girl.

After a few steps, she said she was cold, and he had to comfort her. He thought he’d have to find clothes for her, but after much coaxing, she took out a cloak from her bag and put it on herself.

A few more steps, she said she was hungry. He guessed she had food and asked: Didn’t I give you something before? Ti Ying reluctantly took out food from her bag.

A few more steps, a demon beast attacked, and she whined she couldn’t fight it, so he had to.

Ye Sha met all her demands.

His smile deepened, but so did his murderous intent.

But why hadn’t this little cat demon beast set a trap or lured him yet?

Ti Ying said, “Senior Brother, carry me.”

Ye Sha smiled: “If I carry you, it’ll be hard to fight off demon beasts. If I throw you off and you get hurt, won’t you cry?”

Ti Ying was convinced.

She thought for a moment and then held out her hand: “Then hold my hand.”

Ye Sha looked down.

He saw her clean, delicate fingers, soft and tender.

He looked up.

He met her clear, watery eyes.

Ye Sha felt something strange in his heart.

He sneered: Shameless little cat.

But to keep her calm, he took her hand.

When their fingertips touched, he felt her soft fingers. He couldn’t help but tremble in his heart, and a tingling feeling came over him.

He tightened his grip.

Ti Ying immediately whimpered, scolding him: “You’re awful, hmph.”

Ye Sha thought: Is that all you can say?

But looking at her, he smiled and said, “Alright, if Senior Brother holds your hand, you have to walk properly and not cry anymore.”

Ti Ying blushed: “I wasn’t crying.”

She really trusted him.

Despite all the mysteries, she felt safe with Jiang Xuehe.

Even if he was her opponent, even if he aimed to win, she thought… let’s get out of here first.

Ti Ying hesitated: “Senior Brother, don’t trick me or use tricks on me. It’s so big here, snow is falling, and it’s getting dark. I’m scared. If you want to fight me, at least wait until we’re out of here, okay?”

Ye Sha silently listened, pondering her words.

Ti Ying extended her pinky, gently hooking his finger, swaying it to get his attention.

Ye Sha’s heart inexplicably trembled.

He was confused, wary. He thought: Is this the little cat demon beast’s charm?

He quickly let go of Ti Ying’s hand.

Ti Ying looked up in confusion, and Ye Sha leaned down, gently pinching her cheek.

“How could senior brother deceive you and use tricks against you? Senior brother cares about you too much for that.”

His eyes were like water, stars shimmering within them.

He gazed at her intently, his eyes soft, displaying a liveliness she had never seen before, alongside the usual gentleness he showed her.

Ti Ying turned her face slightly to avoid his gaze.

Suddenly, the compass in her arms started making noise, causing her to fumble around to find it.

Ti Ying’s mind cleared, and she quickly pointed in a direction.

“Senior brother, it looks like there’s a cave over there where we can shelter from the snow. Shall we go there?”

Ye Sha slowly let out an “oh,” giving her a look of amusement.

Is the little cat demon beast showing her tail, trying to lure him over to finish him off?

Too bad.

She was destined to fail in killing him, and he still needed her help to find his companions and return to Duansheng Dao to report.

In reality, it had already been two hours since Ti Ying entered “Heaven’s Eye.”

The disciples in the competition hall came and went, with the sun shifting from high in the sky towards the west.

Chen Zichun had already finished his trial in the outer sect. When he returned, he saw Jiang Xuehe still sitting in the competition hall, waiting for Ti Ying.

Chen Zichun was surprised.

“Little Ying’s trial isn’t over yet?”

Jiang Xuehe abruptly stood up.

Something was wrong.

He knew the opponent was very strong, but “Heaven Eye” was supposed to suppress both sides’ strength to an almost equal level. No matter how powerful the opponent was, Ti Ying shouldn’t have taken two hours without coming out.

He had prepared so many artifacts for Ti Ying.

Even in the worst case, if she couldn’t win, she could just forfeit and come out.

Jiang Xuehe feared Ti Ying might stubbornly refuse to give up, even knowing she couldn’t win, insisting on being willful.

After pondering this, Jiang Xuehe left the competition hall and headed towards the inner sect disciples’ quarters.

Chen Zichun followed in confusion.

“Senior brother, aren’t you going to wait for little junior sister to come out?”

The veiled hat youth walked extremely fast, using the wind control technique, his robes fluttering, making it impossible for Chen Zichun to catch up.

In an instant, Jiang Xuehe arrived at the residence of the inner sect male disciples and headed straight for one disciple’s door.

He knocked twice.

“Junior Brother Lin, I have something to discuss with you.”

This person was supposed to be Ti Ying’s opponent.

He knocked twice calmly, but there was no response from inside.

A passing disciple casually glanced over, then took a deep breath and shouted, “Senior Brother Jiang!”

Jiang Xuehe used a spell to unlock the seal on the door. Then, with a kick, he opened it and walked in.

The veiled hat fluttered, and upon entering the room, Jiang Xuehe’s eyes slightly narrowed:

A young man lay weakly on the bed, breathing faintly, his body flushed red.

With a wave over the man’s body, Jiang Xuehe realized his spirit had been tampered with.

Jiang Xuehe said softly, “Apologies.”

Other disciples stormed in angrily, only to see Jiang Xuehe entering the disciple’s consciousness.

They roared, “Jiang Xuehe, what are you doing to your fellow disciple?!”

In the disciple’s consciousness, Jiang Xuehe found the real Junior Brother Lin, bound and restrained.

He released the confinement spell on Junior Brother Lin, who, drenched in sweat, called out in panic, “Senior Brother Jiang, Junior Brother Li took a strand of my spirit and trapped me in my own consciousness. Please help me break this spell so I can still compete!”

Clearly, the competition outside had been going on for two hours, but it had nothing to do with the real Junior Brother Lin.

Li Bu.

Jiang Xuehe lowered his eyes, his smile turning cold.

He had underestimated Li Bu.

Jiang Xuehe indeed did not find Li Bu.

He concluded that Li Bu had used Junior Brother Lin’s spirit to deceive “Heaven’s Eye” and entered the trial in Junior Brother Lin’s place.

Li Bu intended to kill Ti Ying.

Perhaps “Heaven’s Eye” was indeed a good cover-up tool.

However, Jiang Xuehe couldn’t figure out how Li Bu planned to do it—

He had cursed Li Bu with his own heart’s blood. Li Bu couldn’t violate the curse, or else if Ti Ying died, Li Bu would inevitably be affected and perish along with her.

Jiang Xuehe knew Ye Lang.

Ye Lang liked to kill people.

Ye Lang, however, didn’t like paying for it with his own life.

Having sorted this out, Jiang Xuehe calmly went to find Elder Chen.

“Heaven’s Eye” was an artifact created by Elder Chen. Presumably, stopping the trial and halting “Heaven’s Eye” to let everyone inside out was within Elder Chen’s capabilities.

But Jiang Xuehe was turned away.

Elder Chen was discussing matters with other major sect elders and couldn’t be disturbed for anything.

Jiang Xuehe said softly, “Heaven’s Eye has an issue. Someone is using it to kill a fellow disciple, and Elder Chen doesn’t intervene?”

The disciple guarding the door, looking down on him arrogantly, said, “Heaven’s Eye won’t have any issues! Even if it did, Elder Chen would sense it.”

Jiang Xuehe replied gently, “But by then, it would be too late.”

The disciple sneered at him. “In any case, Elder Chen won’t come out for something as trivial as a disciple’s trial. If you have the ability, go into ‘Heaven’s Eye’ yourself.”

Jiang Xuehe said softly, “Alright.”

The disciple immediately felt a chill. Before he could stop him, the elegant young junior raised his eyes, giving a casual yet fierce glance.

In the next moment, Jiang Xuehe raised his robe, formed a spell, and directed it at “Heaven’s Eye” suspended high in the air.

The disciple screamed, “You can’t forcibly open ‘Heaven’s Eye,’ you…”

“Heaven’s Eye” suddenly lit up.

The battle between the artifact and the young man caused a huge commotion. The sky resounded with a loud bang.

Those in discussions rushed out of their rooms, looking up at the sky.

“What’s happening?”

Jiang Xuehe forcefully broke through the barrier and entered “Heaven’s Eye.”

Holding a strand of spirit borrowed from Junior Brother Lin, he navigated through the chaotic galaxy within, following the spirit’s guidance to the secret realm Ti Ying had entered.

As soon as he arrived, he heard a lazy laugh from a young man.

“Senior Brother reacted really quickly.”

Jiang Xuehe looked up.

Amidst a fog where nothing could be seen clearly, Li Bu leaned against an ancient tree, playing with a dagger, grinning as he welcomed Jiang Xuehe.

Li Bu remarked, “I thought little Ying would have to die before you noticed.”

Jiang Xuehe asked, “You replaced Junior Brother Lin and entered the trial. Did you change the trial content in the secret realm? No, if you did that, ‘Heaven’s Eye’ would detect it… Where is Little Ying?”

Li Bu smiled. “How would I know?”

Jiang Xuehe’s spell shot out, and vines sprang from the ground, ensnaring Li Bu.

But Li Bu swiftly moved, dodging Jiang Xuehe’s attack with ease.

Li Bu was in an excellent mood.

“Senior Brother, don’t be in such a hurry to kill me. If you kill me, you’ll never see little Ying again.”

Jiang Xuehe looked up.

Li Bu perched on the tree, resting his chin on his hand.

“Aren’t you curious? I’m here waiting for you, and I didn’t even go to fight your little Ying. So who is it that’s entangling your sister and keeping her trapped in the secret realm?”

Li Bu’s eyes gradually turned cold. “It’s you, Jiang Xuehe.”

Jiang Xuehe’s veiled hat flew up as he raised his face.

Li Bu’s eyes glinted with malice and amusement.

“Thank you, Senior Brother, for using your heart’s blood to curse me. I always wanted something of yours to create a copy of you… but you were too powerful. Tampering with your spirit was much harder than with others.

“But fortunately, you used a drop of your heart’s blood to control me.

“Is there anything in this world that can replicate you better than your own heart’s blood?”

Li Bu was elated.

He explained that he had used Jiang Xuehe’s heart’s blood, mixed it with an illusion, and used the secret realm to create a truly dangerous place for Ti Ying.

He asked Jiang Xuehe, “Senior Brother, you are so gentle and refined now, deceiving little girls effortlessly. No one would associate you with Ye Sha, the monstrous killer. How can the noble Jiang Xuehe be compared to such a fiend?

“But can you deceive yourself? Can you deceive your own heart’s blood?”

Li Bu looked into the dense fog, his smile deepening.

In a dreamy tone, he continued, “I created an illusion of the past of Duansheng Dao, a place I can never return to. I threw your heart’s blood into it, and I didn’t have to do anything else. As soon as your heart’s blood touched that familiar illusion, it became the old you.

“Now, Ti Ying is facing the fourteen-year-old Ye Sha.”

Li Bu laughed heartily.

With hatred, he looked at Jiang Xuehe and said, “Senior Brother, you know what a monster you were at fourteen, right?

“Who could survive being near the fourteen-year-old you?

“I want you to watch—yourself kill your most beloved junior sister!”

He wanted Ye Sha to kill Ti Ying with his own hands.

He wanted Jiang Xuehe to be in unbearable pain.

He wanted revenge on Jiang Xuehe.

Betraying Duansheng Dao, killing all his fellow disciples, abandoning Ye Lang… this was Jiang Xuehe’s retribution!

Jiang Xuehe’s sword aimed straight at Li Bu.

His mind was in turmoil.

He indeed couldn’t control the fourteen-year-old Ye Sha.

If he, at fourteen, encountered Ti Ying… he would hurt Little Ying.

He had to stop Ye Sha; he had to reclaim his heart’s blood.

Brother, you need to have some faith in young Ye Sha!

Little Ye Sha couldn’t bear to hurt her!

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