Sl*ve President, Master Secretary

CHAPTER 39: Pain and Happiness

Hua Tian heard Li Mu’s words in front of him, and his heart was moved with indescribable emotions. But before digesting it, he didn’t expect Li Mu to say such bold words. It was really like a stone fell from the sky,1meaning it’s unexpected Hua Tian fiercely inserted his big and lustful c*ck into Li Mu’s back høle.

Hua Tian roared, “This will satisfy you.” A violent twitch was carried out in the blooming little chrysanthemum.

Li Mu was suffering from the huge amount of pain, but it was also this kind of pain that made Li Mu get rid of the crazy itching of his honey hole, and it was also this kind of pain that made Li Mu’s confused head a little sober.

It’s master.

Li Mu realized that only the master would enter him so madly, and only the master would make him feel this pain and the happiness that would come deep into his bones.


Li Mu tried to clench tightly his hole, in order to let the master get the satisfaction he can give him, the only happiness he can give, then the master will not abandon him.

“Ah… Master, please punish the kitten severely… Um… Master… Don’t throw away kitten… Nghh…” Li Mu groaned.

Hua Tian couldn’t stop listening to Li Mun’s groan that was almost a confession in vain. Hua Tian exhausted all his energy to get in and out of that alluring body. He said viciously, “Only the Master can punish kitten, and only the Master can touch kitten. No one else can!” Recalling the scene he just saw, Hua Tian’s raging anger all turned into desire. Li Mu’s lascivious and pitiful cries aroused Hua Tian’s deep sadistic desire. His lower body twitched constantly, and he took the whip in his hand and hit Li Mu’s sexy back fiercely.

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“Crack! Crack! Crack!”

Li Mu no longer owns his body at this time, and murmured, “Only Master can punish the kitten, and only Master can touch kitten…” There was a burst of refreshment rising from his sinful høle. An extreme pleasure, as if the impact could reach his soul, hit Li Mu’s heart again and again, but the pain from his hole forced his pitiful c*ck to explode, causing Li Mu to fall into a trap that he could never help himself out.

Pain and happiness.

No, only pain can make oneself happy. Those pains gathered into a torrent and swept Li Mu. Li Mu could only sob softly under his master, not knowing whether it was because of pain or joy.

Crystal tears fell from Li Mu’s eyelids.

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