My Rival Film Empress, Is Actually My Online Girlfriend!

Chapter 71 part 2

She couldn’t help but frown slightly, annoyed. “Couldn’t you have called out to me? You scared me.”

“I forgot~” Shen Qiaoyu even smiled at her, then suddenly hugged her tightly, nuzzling against her and whining, “Honey~ Don’t leave me alone in the car. I want to follow you. It’s so late; what if something really happened…”

Who is your honey!

At that moment, Yan Shiqing blushed, quickly took off her baseball cap, and put it on Shen Qiaoyu, pulling the brim down. She softly said, “Stop calling me that. And also…”

She remembered the panic she felt just now and realized she had been too careless. She shouldn’t have gone out alone so late. She continued, “Alright, my bad. I won’t go out alone so late next time…”


Shen Qiaoyu laughed and quickly planted a kiss on her cheek.

Yan Shiqing, embarrassed and angry, blushed even more and pushed her away, saying, “What are you doing? We are friends, just friends!”

Shen Qiaoyu’s eyes were glazed with drunkenness, and she looked a bit aggrieved as she rubbed her dizzy head and softly replied, “I couldn’t hold back…”

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Gzvbswtb bla osaep olal ayvbla kaalprsdpkczl, Zyd Fbkikdt nswzed’v pvyu ydtau obld pbl pyo bso wdnsxqsavyczl Fbld Ckysuw zssjle. Fbl tayccle Fbld Ckysuw’p yax yde pvyavle vs zlye bla yoyu, pyukdt, “Nlv’p ts, ol dlle vs tlv psxlvbkdt vs pscla usw wr.”

“Zsw eaydj ps xwnb,” pbl nsxrzykdle. “Rq kv olald’v qsa vbl qlo rlsrzl yaswde blal, obyv oswze ol es kq vbl ryryayggk nywtbv usw?”

Fbld Ckysuw, pzwttkpb qasx vbl yznsbsz, eked’v pllx vs xkde. Rdpvlye, pbl tygle yv Zyd Fbkikdt’p yddsule rasqkzl yde pxkzle.

“Zsw’al ps clywvkqwz…”

Zyd Fbkikdt: “…”

Txrb, yv zlypv usw jdso kv.

Mbl vos sq vblx yaakhle yv y nsdhldkldnl pvsal. Zyd Fbkikdt qkapv cswtbv psxl fwknl qsa Fbld Ckysuw vs eakdj, vbld rknjle wr y rynjytl yde cswtbv y qlo dlnlppkvklp.

Shen Qiaoyu obediently waited by her side while sipping the juice.


As they left the store, Shen Qiaoyu leaned closer and asked, “Did you pick up a package? Who sent it to you?”

Yan Shiqing suddenly became nervous and quickly replied, “I didn’t pick up a package. I just bought some stuff.”

Her package was hidden in the bag.

Shen Qiaoyu looked curiously, her face innocent. “But I clearly saw…”

“I told you, I bought some stuff,” Yan Shiqing interrupted hastily, her heart pounding with anxiety. She was worried that Shen Qiaoyu might notice something wrong when she sobered up the next day, so she quickly changed the topic and hailed a taxi to take them back.

On the way back, Shen Qiaoyu indeed didn’t ask any more questions. She just clung to Yan Shiqing’s arm, resting her head on Yan Shiqing’s shoulder, feeling very dizzy.

But her dizziness was quite restless; her cheek unknowingly pressed against Yan Shiqing’s neck, and she kept rubbing against it.

The warm breath on her neck felt like it was burning, making Yan Shiqing uneasy. She gently pushed Shen Qiaoyu’s head away, her heartbeat quickening.

However, after a while, Shen Qiaoyu ended up lying entirely on her lap.

She felt helpless and could only let Shen Qiaoyu hold her waist while leaning against her legs.

There was a partition between the front and back seats of the car, and she didn’t expect Shen Qiaoyu to reach her back.

Her sweater on her back slightly arched upwards as Shen Qiaoyu’s cool and rough hand slowly slid up from her waist.


Yan Shiqing was instantly chilled, and she looked down at her, softly chiding, “Be good, don’t do this…”

Her voice was very soft, afraid that someone else might hear.

But Shen Qiaoyu, with her eyes closed, seemed not to have heard. She even pressed her face against her intimate place, blowing hot breath through just two layers of fabric, as if kissing her there, gently rubbing.

Yan Shiqing’s cheeks grew redder.

Fortunately, the car soon arrived. She hurriedly pushed Shen Qiaoyu away, and with trembling legs, quickly got off the car and paid the driver.

Shen Qiaoyu followed her out, still looking confused, which made Yan Shiqing even angrier. She turned and walked towards the small house.

In truth, she had never thought that Shen Qiaoyu would kiss her. After all, only someone who loves deeply would willingly kiss their lover there and use their mouth to make their lover happy, right?

But this time, even through the fabric, she couldn’t help but have some wild thoughts.

She really couldn’t handle such things. Just imagining Shen Qiaoyu kissing her p*ssy, extending her tongue, was already making her a bit dizzy.

But she knew it was impossible; it was just because Shen Qiaoyu was drunk this time…

Thinking this, the two of them had already walked back to the small house.

Even though Yan Shiqing was very tired, she firmly refused to be carried by Shen Qiaoyu.


But she didn’t expect that as soon as the door closed, Shen Qiaoyu hugged her tightly, suddenly pulling her into an embrace, her eyes full of intoxication. She kissed Yan Shiqing’s cheek and whispered coquettishly, “Shiqing…”

Yan Shiqing’s ears softened at being addressed as “Shiqing” by her. Although she resisted the intimacy in her heart, fearing a repeat of the past, she couldn’t push Shen Qiaoyu away.

As Shen Qiaoyu slightly tilted her head, their lips were about to touch.

Her cheeks flushed slightly, and she closed her eyes, thinking that even if they kissed, she would deny it tomorrow since Shen Qiaoyu was drunk…

But in the next second, Shen Qiaoyu stopped and let go of her, innocently saying, “Oops, I need to check in with my girlfriend…”

Yan Shiqing: “!!!”

She was so angry that her heart trembled, and she snapped, “Go, go! Don’t ever think about touching me again!”

She turned around, reported her safety to the director, made the payment, and then started packing the things she had bought, too angry to say another word to her.

Especially since Shen Qiaoyu didn’t come to console her, but instead grabbed her phone and clothes and went into the bathroom.

She didn’t look drunk at all! She was clearly pretending, just teasing her, that bastard!

Yan Shiqing was furious but the next second, she angrily opened Qing Ning’s account.

Shen Qiaoyu had sent her many messages.


“Did you see the barbecue today?”

“We’re back home already!”

“Baby, are you asleep?”

“By the way, did you receive the gift I sent you?”

“Not yet,” Yan Shiqing typed furiously, but then received another message from her.

“Huh? But the courier shows it was signed for a while ago, could someone else have taken it?”

Yan Shiqing was annoyed to death, wanting to tell her it was temporarily left with a friend as an excuse, but she couldn’t type it out.

To be honest, she really wanted to play that game with her, to be remotely controlled by her…

So, as she lay beside her at night, the other person would hold the remote, not knowing that the gift she had sent was on her…

Wouldn’t that feel amazing?

Yan Shiqing’s face turned red, and after a long while, she finally typed a few words.

“Oh, I just realized, a friend picked it up for me earlier, and it’s already at my house…”

“I’ll open it and check.”

As she typed, she opened the package.

Inside were disinfectant sprays and various dazzling gifts that made her blush just by looking at them.

“I really like them (shy)”

As she typed, she picked up the big d*ldo, her neck turning red unknowingly, and quickly hid the other items in her suitcase.

However, in the end, she pulled out a pair of red lace panties.

The more revealing clothes couldn’t be worn at the moment, as it would be risky if they were discovered.

A voice message came through on her phone, prompting her to put on her earphones and listen.

From the bathroom, the sound of the shower could be heard, with the water hitting Shen Qiaoyu’s body, creating an evocative scene through the sound alone.

Shen Qiaoyu’s hoarse voice came through the earphones: “Can you put it on? I want to play with you tonight~”

Yan Shiqing felt a tingling sensation in her ears and, with trembling hands, replied, “But tonight is a bit inconvenient.”

“Have you arrived?” she asked.

“No,” came the response.

“Then what’s the inconvenience?” she inquired.

“Oh, right, I forgot. Your p*ssy is still sore, doesn’t it? Never mind then, wait until you recover.”

“Are you applying the medicine properly?”

“Yes,” Yan Shiqing replied, although she was already a bit annoyed with the medication.

Shen Qiaoyu asked if Qingning was applying the medicine properly, but it was clear that she had helped her with it today.

What a jerk.

But she had brought this all upon herself…

She was extremely frustrated, fearing that if both she and Qingning were hurt, Shen Qiaoyu might notice something.

And she could clearly let things slide for now, prolonging the situation.

But then she glanced at the v*brator in her hand, bit her lip, and sent a message to Shen Qiaoyu.

“Actually, it’s not that serious. Let’s play for a bit. If it becomes too much, I’ll let you know, okay?”


The sound of the water in the bathroom stopped.

Yan Shiqing immediately stood up, her heart in a panic.

But she couldn’t contain the excitement and overwhelming emotions inside her.

She enjoyed doing dangerous things because it brought her closer to Shen Qiaoyu, even though she currently had feelings for two women. But weren’t both of those women actually her?

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