My Rival Film Empress, Is Actually My Online Girlfriend!

Chapter 71 part 1

The surroundings were too noisy, and Yan Shiqing wasn’t sure if Shen Qiaoyu’s words had been picked up by the live stream.

But the people around them all heard it. Her cheeks instantly turned red, and her husky voice made her ears tingle and her heart race. She quickly averted her gaze and pulled her hand away, awkwardly saying:

“You’re drunk. Stop calling me that. I just wanted to taste the wine…”

As she spoke, the spiciness of the liquor continued to ferment in her throat. Though she had only drunk half a glass, she felt a bit lightheaded, her whole body heating up, making her heart flutter.

Shen Qiaoyu was grinning foolishly at her. Yan Shiqing lowered her head, avoiding her intense gaze, and sighed inwardly, calling her an idiot.


Did she want everyone to see that there was something unusual between them?

At that moment, Shen Yuchuan, who was also somewhat drunk, placed a hand on Shen Qiaoyu’s shoulder and laughed, “You got it right. Qiaoqiao calls me ‘sweetheart’ when she’s drunk too~”

Yan Shiqing: “???”

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Mbl rlsrzl yaswde vblx cwapv kdvs zywtbvla, eakdjkdt yde nbyvvkdt obkzl alnswdvkdt qakldep’ lxcyaayppkdt eawdj pvsaklp, nalyvkdt y zkhlzu yvxsprblal.

Fbld Ckysuw oyp ekprzlyple yde alvsavle, “Ebld eke R lhla nyzz usw vbyv? Fvsr xyjkdt vbkdtp wr. Ebld R’x eawdj, R’x yzoyup qktbvkdt okvb usw!”

Fbl oyp nzlyazu hlau eawdj, yde Fbld Zwnbwyd vlyple bla, “Fvkzz osd’v yexkv kv? Usxl sd, eakdj psxl xsal, yde R’zz alnsae y hkels.”

“El’zz pll obs tlvp eawdj qkapv!”

Eyvnbkdt vbl pkczkdtp cknjla, Zyd Fbkikdt qlzv bla lyazkla vldpksd ekppkryvl. Rdpvlye, y pxkzl rzyule sd bla zkrp.

Zád Zì pweeldzu rswale bla y tzypp sq okdl yde, okvb y pxkzl, vsypvle, “Rd fwpv y qlo eyup, usw yde Fbld Zwnbwyd okzz cl tlvvkdt xyaakle. R byhld’v nsdtayvwzyvle usw ulv, ps blal’p yd lyazu czlppkdt qsa usw csvb…”

“Mbydj usw…” Zyd Fbkikdt vssj Zyd Zk’p czlppkdt yp kq kv olal xlydv qsa bla yde Fbld Ckysuw, taynkswpzu ynnlrvle vbl vsypv, yde esodle vbl tzypp kd sdl ts.

In truth, she still harbored a competitive spirit, and the jealousy hadn’t quite dissipated. Spurred on by the alcohol, she felt less awkward and boldly hooked her arm around Shen Qiaoyu’s, resting her head on it as she closed her eyes and murmured, “I’m dizzy. Let me lean on you for a bit…”


Yan Yi: “!!!”

This woman!

One moment she was accepting her blessings, and the next, she was leaning on Shen Qiaoyu!

The key point was that Shen Qiaoyu didn’t seem to mind at all. She looked down at Yan Shiqing, saw her flushed cheeks, and then gently pulled her into an embrace, firmly laying her on her own lap. In a slightly hoarse voice, she said, “Rest your head on my lap. It’s more comfortable…”

Even Yan Shiqing was stunned. She had only intended to put on a show, but now Shen Qiaoyu was actually letting her rest on her lap, completely disregarding the live-streaming camera.

But on second thought, there was nothing inappropriate about this between friends…

Besides, she was really dizzy now, so why not just take a nap…

With that in mind, Yan Shiqing stopped feeling awkward. After drinking two glasses of wine, she felt extremely dizzy and closed her eyes, finding a more comfortable position to sleep soundly.

Yan Yi, watching from the side, clenched her teeth.

Yan Yi never expected that not long ago, they were giving each other the cold shoulder, their relationship as bad as enemies. Now, they were suddenly on such good terms again, even leaning on each other’s legs!

But it didn’t matter because Yan Shiqing would soon be getting married…

She took a big gulp of wine and finally started to feel a bit happier.


Meanwhile, the live stream chatroom was abuzz with excitement. The viewers had all heard the guests’ conversation, and the comments section was filled with exclamations.

“Are they just friends? Are they just friends?”

“Yeah, why can’t friends call each other sweetie… Sorry, I just can’t convince myself!!!”

“Indeed, my best friend calls me “baby,” but never “sweetie”!”

“Help, I can’t get over the “sweetie” thing; it’s all I can think about tonight.”


“Oh my god, every move they make is so ambiguous! Leaning on shoulders, sleeping on laps, doesn’t that mean anything?!”

“Unfortunately, Yan Yi’s blessing has sent me straight to hell…”

“+1 (crying)”

The barbecue party continued for a long time, with everyone toasting each other, chatting about gossip, and sharing fun life stories. Alcohol truly brings people closer. Before long, the drunk guests were already draping their arms around each other, calling each other brothers.


Not long after, some passed out, and others babbled nonsense.

No one noticed that Yan Shiqing was asleep on Shen Qiaoyu’s lap.

It was too noisy around them, and Yan Shiqing couldn’t sleep well, feeling dizzy. In her hazy state, she sensed Shen Qiaoyu occasionally touching her face, her calloused fingertips brushing her cheeks, bringing a rough, burning sensation that annoyed her.

She kept swatting her hand away unconsciously, but finally, fed up, she opened her mouth and bit her finger.

To her surprise, Shen Qiaoyu pressed her fingertip against her tongue, moving it skillfully as if she was doing something intimately familiar, stirring her tongue until she was dizzy. Thinking she was dreaming, her tongue moved involuntarily, lightly licking it.

Unnoticed, a silver thread slipped from her lips, her face flushed, and suddenly, a husky voice whispered in her ear, “Still not awake?”


Yan Shiqing woke up instantly, realizing they were outside. What if someone saw them?!

She quickly pulled Shen Qiaoyu’s hand away and wiped the corner of her mouth.

Fortunately, as soon as she opened her eyes, she discovered that she was covered with a jacket, her face protected, and Shen Qiaoyu had taken good care of her. The surroundings were also quiet.

Shen Qiaoyu noticed her slight shiver and softly chuckled.

The laughter made her feel both embarrassed and angry. She cautiously sat up, prepared to scold her, but when she saw that no one at the table was paying attention to them, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, “Are you crazy or something?”


“The live stream is over. We need to go back…”

Shen Qiaoyu must have been quite drunk; her normally composed face was flushed, her eyes glazed with intoxication. She lowered her head and smiled at her, the smell of alcohol wafting over, as if she was about to kiss her any second. She even reached out to touch her face.

Yan Shiqing’s ears turned red. She quickly grabbed her hand and discreetly used a tissue to wipe off the moisture from her fingers.

At that moment, the director was arranging for the guides to be taken back. After giving instructions, he returned, looking exhausted, and began to have the staff assist the intoxicated guests.

Even Yan Yi had passed out.

Yan Shiqing couldn’t help but wonder if Shen Qiaoyu had secretly drunk water; otherwise, how was she the only one still awake? She remembered that her alcohol tolerance wasn’t that great, or she wouldn’t have been fooled by her before…

As she pondered, she sat up again, only to realize that maintaining the same position for too long had left her lower back sore.

Did that mean Shen Qiaoyu’s legs were also numb?

Supporting her waist, she glanced at Shen Qiaoyu’s legs, but to her surprise, Shen Qiaoyu suddenly toppled over onto her.

Indeed, she had indeed passed out from being drunk…

Yan Shiqing quickly wrapped an arm around her waist, allowing her to lean on her shoulder. However, Shen Qiaoyu suddenly struggled again, slurring with drunkenness, “I’m not drunk… I still want to be with you tonight…”

“Shut up.” Yan Shiqing noticed the staff around them and anxiously hissed at her.

Shen Qiaoyu looked aggrieved, rubbing her cheek against Yan Shiqing’s shoulder and murmuring softly, “You’re being mean to me…”

Yan Shiqing: “…”

“I didn’t mean to…” Yan Shiqing neck even turned red. She never imagined she would see Shen Qiaoyu like this one day, leaving her completely defenseless.

At that moment, Shen Qiaoyu reached out and touched her stomach, whispering in her ear, “You ate so little, aren’t you hungry? Let’s pack some food to go…”

“I’m not hungry, I already ate.” Yan Shiqing immediately pulled her hand away, glanced around, and noticed that the other guests were being helped out. She quickly supported Shen Qiaoyu and softly coaxed, “Let’s go home, okay?”


Despite being drunk, Shen Qiaoyu still had some strength and immediately stood up, following Yan Shiqing towards the car. In the end, Yan Shiqing managed to get her into the car.

Seeing her with eyes closed, leaning against the back seat, Yan Shiqing got out of the car again, reported to the director that she needed to run an errand, and borrowed some money in the process.

Director Chen handed her a backup phone, worried that something might happen to her, even wanting to accompany her personally, but she declined, not wanting to trouble others habitually.

She put on the mask and baseball cap she got from Director Chen, ready to walk over.

The 24-hour convenience store was not far away. Initially, she had the package sent to a different address, but a friend had mailed it back to her.

The package arrived too quickly, and she was worried Shen Qiaoyu might ask about it, so she had to pick it up swiftly.

Moreover, she wanted to enjoy the gift she sent as soon as possible…

Yan Shiqing smiled, planning to buy some essentials for the trip to the mountains along the way.

However, her smile quickly faded, replaced by a moment of panic and regret for going out alone.

It seemed like someone was following her, always maintaining a close but not too close distance, like a shadow. It scared her quite a bit.

She quickened her pace towards a more crowded area and picked up a stone along the way, preparing to defend herself by targeting the person’s eyes if necessary.

But when she looked back again, she found that the person had disappeared.

Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief. However, unexpectedly, when she turned around, she bumped into someone’s arms.

The familiar scent of alcohol surprised her.

Looking up, she saw that it was indeed Shen Qiaoyu. She couldn’t help but ask, “What are you doing here?”

“And,” she suddenly guessed something and continued, “You weren’t the one following me just now, were you?”

Shen Qiaoyu looked down at her, with the streetlight casting her shadow over her.

This time, her drunkenness was different from before. Like a child, she thought for a moment with confusion in her eyes, and then softly replied, “Yes, it was me.”

Yan Shiqing: “…”

She knew it! There were quite a few people around; how could someone commit a crime here?

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