My Rival Film Empress, Is Actually My Online Girlfriend!

Chapter 70 part 2

This is insane, the moment Shen Qiaoyu shows a bit of kindness, she completely falls apart…

Yan Shiqing felt quite frustrated.

Just then, the tour guide beside them suddenly introduced, “Up ahead, there’s a fish spring. The fish here swim along the underground river, and there are many rare species you can check out.”

As he spoke, the group had already arrived at the fish spring. The underground water had formed a small circular spring, filled with various fish swimming back and forth. Nearby stalactites emitted a soft glow that reflected off the water, making the fish appear vibrant and magnificent.

The sound of clear flowing water filled their ears, accompanied by gentle breezes now and then.


This place was truly a feast for the eyes.

For some reason, Shen Qiaoyu instinctively moved closer to Yan Shiqing.

The two unconsciously met each other’s gaze. Shen Qiaoyu smiled, but Yan Shiqing quickly averted her eyes and turned her head.

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Fbl eked’v dsvknl vbyv Zyd Fbkikdt’p lyap olal pzktbvzu ale; kdpvlye, pbl yppwxle pbl bye wrplv bla ytykd yde nswzed’v blzr cwv pktb kdoyaezu.

Fbl’p pwnb y zkvvzl rakdnlpp—ps elzknyvl yde iwknj vs ydtla. Ekvb pwnb clywvkqwz pnldlau, kp pbl pvkzz pwzjkdt?

Fbl oswze dlhla nsxqsav bla.

Gp pbl vbswtbv vbkp, pbl pwcnsdpnkswpzu vssj swv y csvvzl sq oyvla qasx bla cynjrynj, dwetle Zyd Fbkikdt okvb bla lzcso, yde bydele kv vs bla, pyukdt, “Tlal, usw xwpv cl vbkapvu.”

“Mbydj usw.” Zyd Fbkikdt ynnlrvle vbl oyvla yde eaydj kv cwv vbld pvlrrle ypkel.

Tsolhla, Fbld Ckysuw kxxlekyvlzu xshle nzspla ytykd, xykdvykdkdt vbl pbswzela-vs-pbswzela ekpvydnl. Fllkdt vbyv Zyd Fbkikdt bye pvsrrle eakdjkdt, Fbld Ckysuw iwknjzu vssj vbl csvvzl qasx Zyd Fbkikdt’p byde yde eaydj ellrzu qasx vbl prsv oblal Zyd Fbkikdt’p zkrp bye vswnble.

Gp pbl eaydj, bla blye vkzvle pzktbvzu cynj, yde bla vbasyv xshle abuvbxknyzzu. Zyd Fbkikdt tzydnle yv bla dlnj, vbld iwknjzu zssjle yoyu, bla qkdtlavkrp valxczkdt yp pbl nsdvkdwle vs pvlr ypkel.

Gqvla qkdkpbkdt vbl oyvla, Fbld Ckysuw vktbvzu pnalole vbl nyr cynj sd yde ralvldele dsvbkdt bye byrrldle, zssjkdt yv vbl qkpb kd vbl oyvla. Fbl pwcvzu xshle nzspla vs Zyd Fbkikdt ytykd, pvknjkdt vs bla pkel.

And so, one kept moving away while the other kept following, staying glued to her.


Yan Shiqing couldn’t take it anymore. She lifted her head slightly, glared at Shen Qiaoyu, and asked, “Why do you keep following me?”

Shen Qiaoyu lowered her head to meet her gaze, gave her a slight tug, and said with a smile, “If you take a few more steps, you’ll fall. I’m worried about you.”

Yan Shiqing: “…”

She looked down and realized that, without even noticing, she had walked to the edge of the river. A few more steps and she would have fallen in.

But she felt annoyed and retorted, “If you weren’t following me, I wouldn’t have walked this way.”

“But I just want to follow you.” Shen Qiaoyu was helpless, but her smile remained gentle.

That gentleness on her otherwise cool face did not seem out of place; rather, it was quite captivating.

Her phoenix eyes sparkled, the tear mole at the corner of her eye was alluring, and his red lips were lightly pressed together as she stared fixedly at her.

In that moment, Yan Shiqing’s heart raced, and her face turned red.

The glow of the stalactites around them enveloped the two, while the water beside them shimmered, fish swimming and playing within.

In such a setting, they locked eyes. Though it was only for a few seconds, it felt as if their hearts were being pounded, filled with a fluttering sensation.

Shen Qiaoyu’s gaze slowly turned intense and predatory.


Yan Shiqing felt that if the timing were right, she would definitely kiss her, pin her against the wall, and treat her fiercely.

She felt a sudden panic, hurriedly looked away, brushed her hair to hide her reddened ears, and quickly walked in the opposite direction while mumbling, “We’re teammates. Of course, you have to follow me…”

“Mm.” Shen Qiaoyu continued to follow her, hands in her pockets, watching her flustered back with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

Perhaps even she herself doesn’t know, but she has lost control to some extent.

She can’t help but gaze at Yan Shiqing, wanting to be with her every moment, and subconsciously finding opportunities to talk to her, ending the so-called cold war.

She has become completely unlike herself…

“What are you two still doing over there? Come over here!”

Shen Yuchuan, not far away, seemed to have discovered something and quickly shouted to them, “We need to find a key to get through here.”

After hearing his words, everyone started looking for keys again and finally found one in a crack between the rocks by the river.

The production team seemed to enjoy this kind of routine, or perhaps they were simply running out of ideas. Along the way, the group was busy finding keys, sometimes taking the wrong path and having to start over.

Yan Shiqing’s legs were trembling from walking; she was exhausted.

But it was already afternoon, and they had rested several times along the way.


Yan Yi nudged Shen Yuchuan, seemingly wanting him to do something.

But Shen Qiaoyu had already squatted down in front of Yan Shiqing, saying to her, “Here, come up. We’re probably not far from getting out.”

Yan Shiqing was really lacking in physical strength. She didn’t have the energy to be angry anymore. Later, Shen Qiaoyu wanted to carry her, but she refused. However, she ended up leaning on Shen Qiaoyu as they walked, almost her entire body relying on her.

At one point, she went to the restroom again, and Shen Qiaoyu followed her, turning off the camera and microphone. She asked her, “Are you feeling uncomfortable again?”

Yan Shiqing’s face instantly turned red, and she pushed her out, annoyed, saying, “Aren’t you annoying! This time I really need to use the restroom!”

Only then did Shen Qiaoyu’s ears turn red, and she hurriedly left.

Now she was squatting in front of Yan Shiqing, who could no longer bear it and leaned on her back, letting Shen Qiaoyu carry her.

In that moment when she was being carried, Yan Shiqing rested her cheek on Shen Qiaoyu’s shoulder, her eyes slightly reddening.

She wasn’t actually such a fragile person, but in front of Shen Qiaoyu, she couldn’t control herself.

If it were in the past, she wouldn’t even dare to imagine that Shen Qiaoyu would voluntarily squat down and carry her. But now, whenever Shen Qiaoyu saw that something was wrong with her expression, she would indirectly ask about her condition. If she was tired, then Shen Qiaoyu would also ask if she wanted to be carried.

At this moment, Yan Shiqing’s eyes stung bitterly. However, she managed to hold back her tears, even though she felt an urge to bite Shen Qiaoyu, because she remembered Shen Qiaoyu’s shamelessness and the contemptible words she had uttered. Every time she thought about it, she became infuriated.

Shen Qiaoyu silently carried her on her back, providing an immense sense of security despite her slight frame. She guided her through the rugged path, revealing the remaining wonders within the cave. The stalactites, in their myriad forms, emitted a radiant glow, creating a breathtaking spectacle. The various bizarre and captivating scenes made one’s eyes light up.


Yan Shiqing inhaled the fragrance from Shen Qiaoyu’s hair and realized that she would probably never forget this moment, nor the journey they had shared together.

The four of them remained together throughout the journey. Yan Yi watched the two figures ahead and felt quite frustrated. She couldn’t understand why Yan Shiqing, who was supposed to marry Shen Yuchuan, could still cling to Shen Qiaoyu. Wasn’t she embarrassed? Shouldn’t her fiancé be the one carrying her? Did she think Yan Yi couldn’t see the obvious affection in her eyes? She was certain the audience would see it too, and they would definitely criticize her. Her career as an actress would be over!

But what she didn’t expect was that the comments in the live stream chat were overwhelmingly one-sided, and the viewers were extremely excited.

“Boohoo, just keep walking like this forever. I hope the wedding day never comes.”

“That’s why I never believed that Shiqing and Shen Yuchuan were a couple. She and Qiaoqiao are the real pair!”

“They are truly incredible. They’ve supported each other all the way. Shen Qiaoyu helps Shiqing, and Shiqing, being so smart, helps them find the key. They are perfect together, ahhh!”

“Alright, I don’t have a 17th this month. I really can’t believe their interaction is just between friends!”

“Yeah, they are so intimate in many ways, and Shen Qiaoyu’s gaze could drown someone.”

“Friends, stop shipping them, boohoo. Shipping them will only end in heartbreak.”

A beam of light shone into the cave.

As Shen Qiaoyu carried Yan Shiqing out of the cave, dazzling sunlight greeted them, and the air was exceptionally fresh.

Involuntarily, she lifted her head and closed her eyes to embrace the sunlight. Her hands tightly encircling the woman’s legs, she smiled faintly.

This moment was truly unforgettable. After hours of darkness, the two of them basked in the sunlight, with a gentle breeze lifting their sweat-drenched hair, even their heartbeats seemed extraordinarily loud.

Yan Shiqing secretly pinched her ear and whispered softly, “Put me down.”

Carefully, she set her down.

During this, Yan Shiqing body brushed against her back, and both their faces seemed a little red, but no one could tell because everyone was drenched in sweat from the long walk, and a bit of flushing was normal.

The program crew was waiting outside and suddenly announced some good news.

“Everyone must be hungry, right? Now we have a barbecue feast for you as a farewell party.”

“Huh?” Yan Tang and Fei Wuya, who had come out earlier, quickly asked, “Farewell?”

“Yes,” the director replied. “Our program aims to promote the local scenic spots for the villagers. We’ve achieved our purpose here.

So, starting tonight, you can shop to your heart’s content and have fun. We won’t restrict your movements, but you can’t go too far. You need to stay in the cabins at night because tomorrow we will move to a new location together.”

“Our next stop is in the mountains. You can prepare some necessities, but we may not let you take them all~”

Everyone: “…”

Shen Yuchuan couldn’t help but say, “Just one night? That’s too rushed. We can only buy a few things from the small shop, right?”

The director laughed, “That’s beyond the scope of our consideration.”

“Additionally, based on the rankings from last night’s mini-games and today’s standings, we’ve prepared a survival pack for you, which will be distributed tomorrow.”

“Now, please head over to the barbecue stand!”

Getting to eat barbecue was already quite a treat.

Shen Qiaoyu was already starving.

At the same time, she thought that since the production team was no longer restricting their freedom, she could go pick up her delivery.

Thinking about the things she had sent to Yan Shiqing, she couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed.

But then she considered that Yan Shiqing probably wouldn’t think that far. Given how intense the past couple of days had been, she must be too exhausted to bother…

While thinking this, she sneaked a glance at Yan Shiqing and, seeing no reaction, pushed the thought to the back of her mind.

The production team invited a few tour guides to join them, and everyone headed to a famous barbecue stall in the night market.

By the time they arrived, it was already dark. Groups of three or five were enjoying barbecue, and the rich aroma instantly made everyone’s heads spin. Some were calling for barbecue, others were grabbing tables, and some were getting drinks. There was no trace of celebrity airs.

Many people recognized them, and the crowd gradually grew larger.

The production team took charge of dispersing the crowd, but everyone was having a great time.

Shen Qiaoyu, unbothered by the cameras, teamed up with Shen Yuchuan and a few others to play finger-guessing games and drink together.

They chatted about everything under the sun, eating barbecue and drinking as the sky grew darker, and stars began to fill the heavens.

Yan Shiqing sat nearby. Though she didn’t play the games or drink, she found the scene charming, full of life, and quite beautiful.

Especially since Shen Qiaoyu, despite drinking and playing, never forgot about her, frequently bringing her barbecue and drinks.

Her heart softened completely until she saw Shen Qiaoyu, slightly tipsy, laughing and chatting with Yan Yi, who was also drinking. Feeling a pang of jealousy, she grabbed the drink from Shen Qiaoyu’s hand and downed it in one gulp.

Both Shen Qiaoyu and Yan Yi were veterans, sharing many common topics.

Moreover, Shen Qiaoyu had never told her what happened in the military that made her dislike Yan Yi.

Look at them now, having a great conversation!

Yan Shiqing felt a burning sensation in her throat; the white liquor made her face flush, and her eyes welled up with a bit of tears.

Shen Qiaoyu was momentarily stunned. Perhaps it was due to the alcohol, but she unexpectedly pressed the back of her hand against Yan Shiqing face. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her eyes clearly showed signs of inebriation as she frowned and said to her, “Sweetheart, you drank from the wrong glass…”

“Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

Yan Shiqing: “!!!”

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