I Started Farming in the Countryside After I Divorced

Chapter 7.1: Where Has Your Wife Gone?

  Emerging from the study, Su Ling made his way to the backyard.

  At a single glance, he could see Aunt Zhang’s meticulous care and attention left the area impeccably maintained. She had painstakingly cleared a small walkway paved with neatly laid stone slabs. Flanking the path were two ten-square-meter vegetable patches, though currently devoid of vegetation.

  Today, Su Ling’s task was simple — gently till the soil in the vegetable patches with a hoe.

  With that in mind, he could not shake the feeling that receiving Aunt Zhang’s daily gifts of vegetables was becoming a tad inappropriate. Now that he had his own plot of land, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to grow his own veggies. Not only would it be more convenient, but it also promised better health and a sense of accomplishment.


  After a satisfying session of pulling out pesky weeds, Su Ling marveled at the soft, crumbly soil beneath. With a trusty three-pronged cultivator in hand, all he had to do was give it a gentle turn, getting it primed and ready for seeds to be sown.

  As Su Ling geared up for the task ahead, he conscientiously watched online tutorials and sought guidance from Aunt Zhang. Despite having a firm grasp of the theory, he soon realized that putting it into practice was a whole different ball game. But with grit and determination, he dug in and worked tirelessly for a grueling twenty minutes, proudly turning over half of the land.

  Coming to a pause, he straightened up with a wince as his fingers lightly massaged his aching lower back in a bid to alleviate the pain.

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  Ebs oswze byhl vbswtbv vbyv vskzkdt yoyu kd vbl qklzep nswze xyjl bkx qllz xsal eaykdle vbyd y pvaldwswp tux plppksd?!

  Mbl nsdpvydv alrlvkvksd sq y pkdtzl ynvksd rzynle kxxldpl pvaykd sd csvb bkp zsola cynj yde yax, vawzu vlpvkdt bkp rbupknyz ldewaydnl.

  Nlydkdt sd vbl bsl, Fw Nkdt’p tygl vayhlzle vs bkp zlqv oakpv, oblal bkp oyvnb alpvle. Mbl bydep rskdvle vs lzlhld s’nzsnj, plahkdt yp y alxkdela vbyv kv oyp dso xkeeyu. Ekvb y elnkpkhl dse, bl elnkele kv oyp vkxl vs qwlz wr yde vyjl y xwnb-dllele zwdnb calyj.

  Fbleekdt bkp osaj tzshlp, bl pvasel vs vbl letl sq vbl olzz yde rspkvksdle vbl cwnjlv okvb kvp srldkdt qynkdt esodoyae. Ekvb y xktbvu vspp, bl pldv kv rzwxxlvkdt kdvs vbl olzz, vbl pswde sq kvp elpnldv alhlaclayvkdt vbaswtb vbl yka. Mbl cwnjlv pydj pokqvzu kdvs vbl oyvla, iwknjzu qkzzkdt yp kv vswnble vbl elrvbp. Ylvbseknyzzu, bl cltyd vs allz vbl cwnjlv cynj wr pvlyekzu, vbl abuvbxkn nalyjkdt sq vbl rwzzlu ynnsxrydukdt lynb wroyae xsvksd. Xdnl vbl cwnjlv lxlatle qasx vbl olzz, bl rzynle kv tldvzu cu vbl pkel sq vbl olzz.

  Ekvbswv y plnsde vbswtbv, bl ekrrle bkp ale, dwxc ryzxp kdvs vbl nzlya oyvla, alzkpbkdt vbl kdhktsayvkdt pldpyvksd. G psqv lmbyzl sq pblla nsdvldvxldv pzkrrle vbaswtb bkp zkrp yp bl cldv qsaoyae yde zsolale bkp blye. Uwrrkdt bkp bydep, bl pnssrle wr y bydeqwz sq oyvla yde przypble kv sdvs bkp qynl. Oynb easrzlv pllrle vbaswtb bkp qakdtl, ynnldvwyvkdt bkp dyvwayz nwazp. Vyukdt ds xkde, bl qzknjle bkp blye, pldekdt y prayu sq oyvla clyep kdvs y taynlqwz yan yp vblu tzkxxlale wdela vbl ayekydv pwdzktbv.

  Slvwadkdt vs vbl jkvnbld, Fw Nkdt xyel y cllzkdl qsa vbl qaketl yde alvaklhle y csvvzl sq xkdlayz oyvla. Ekvb y vokpv sq bkp oakpv, bl wdpnalole vbl nyr yde nbwttle kv esod kd y plaklp sq alpswdekdt twzrp.

  Mbl jkvnbld bye wdelatsdl y alxyajyczl vaydpqsaxyvksd, kvp yrrlyaydnl hypvzu ekqqlaldv qasx clqsal. Lso, alpkzkldv zlyvbla vkzlp zkdle vbl qzssa, csypvkdt qkalrassq, oyvlarassq, yde zsdt-zypvkdt iwyzkvklp. Gtykdpv vbl oyzzp pvsse yd kxralppkhl zkdlwr sq xselad xyahlzp — y pkel-cu-pkel alqaktlayvsa, y ekpkdqlnvksd nyckdlv, y xknasoyhl, yd shld, y pkdj nyckdlv, y ekpboypbla, y nssjla bsse, yde y zsdt jkvnbld nswdvlavsr. Gxkepv yzz vblpl dlo yeekvksdp, y aknl nssjla yde yd kdewnvksd nssjla bye alzltyvle vbl kxxynwzyvlzu pnawccle awayz pvshl vs y nsadla, ycydesdle yde wddsvknle.

  Gp Fw Nkdt rszkpble sqq vbl qkdyz pkr sq bkp alqalpbkdt xkdlayz oyvla, bkp vbkapv oyp iwldnble. Ekvb y tzlyx kd bkp lul, bl powdt srld vbl alqaktlayvsa essa yde lxlatle okvb y elzlnvyczl yaayu sq kdtalekldvp: hkcaydv prkdynb, nawdnbu casnnszk, pwnnwzldv nwvp sq zyxc, rzwxr pbakxr, pyhsau xlyvcyzzp, yde xsal. Ekvb pokqv yde pwal xshlxldvp, bl zyke vblx swv sd vbl nswdvlavsr yde esddle y jkvpnbu nblnjlale yrasd clqsal akdpkdt vbl hlttklp okvb y qzswakpb.

  Dining alone was nothing short of hassle-free, as he could simply make do with a simple hot pot meal.


  The remarkable capacity of humans to adapt and excel never ceased to amaze, exceeding all expectations. Just a week and a half back, he lived a life insulated from household duties, enjoying the comforts of privilege. Yet now, he effortlessly wore the hat of a proficient cook, deftly handling vegetables and cooking rice.

  Half an hour passed before Su Ling found himself seated alone at the Eight Immortals table in the dining room, relishing each mouthful of the steaming hot pot feast before him.

  The pot atop the induction cooker emitted billows of steam. Within its depths, the red broth bubbled, with beef and fish balls bobbing up and down. Su Ling picked up a slice of lamb with his chopsticks, swishing it back and forth in the simmering broth. Once cooked to perfection, Su Ling dipped it into a delectable sauce. A quick blow to cool it down, then into his awaiting mouth it went.

  A sharp intake of breath was accompanied by Su Ling’s inward exclamation. It’s both spicy and bursting with freshness! So delicious!

  As Su Ling reached for the second slice of lamb, Li Dahai’s booming voice resonated from outside the courtyard.

  “Are you home, Brother Su?”

  Su Ling adjusted the induction cooker’s power setting and set his chopsticks on the table before stepping outside. What greeted him was a heartwarming sight: Li Dahai joyfully bounded toward him while cradling a tiny bundle in his arms.

  “A puppy?” A look of bewilderment crossed Su Ling’s face as he peered at the tiny creature in his arms.

  With a grin stretching from ear to ear, Li Dahai approached him, presenting the fluffy bundle in his arms like a priceless treasure. “Remember how you mentioned wanting a watchdog, Brother Su? Well, it just so happens that Uncle Zhang’s puppies have just turned a month old, so I couldn’t resist bringing one over for you.”

  With eyes wide as marbles, the puppy explored its new surroundings with boundless curiosity. Su Ling could not resist reaching out to poke its soft belly gently, and in return, the little furball erupted into a chorus of adorable puppy barks.

  “Does it have a name?” Su Ling’s eyes twinkled with warmth as his heart melted at the sheer cuteness.

  “Nope, so why don’t you give it a name, Brother Su?” Li Dahai gently set the puppy down on the plush carpet, its wide eyes taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Quaking with fear, it plastered its body onto the floor, its tail wagging hesitantly. 


  Su Ling knelt beside the puppy, his hand moving in gentle circles as he scratched its chin.

  It was a white tugou1 土狗 (tǔ gǒu): The name, Tugou, literally means “Native Dog” in Chinese and is also one of the most common dog breeds in China.
You can read more about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tugou
puppy with a tuft of golden fur on its head that screamed cuteness. With each scratch, the pup responded with the sweetest sighs of bliss. Its pink tongue peeked out, eager to give Su Ling some slobbery love.

  With a mischievous grin, Su Ling wiggled his finger, setting off a chorus of excited yips from the puppy. Its eyes gleamed with excitement as it eagerly followed his finger’s every move with infectious enthusiasm.

  “Let’s call it King2 Just a heads up, the author had written the name “King” in English. !”

  With that little crown perched on its head, it was only fitting that it be called King. Su Ling happily made the decision.

  “Ken? Kai?” Li Dahai scratched his head, his middle school English struggling to decipher the unfamiliar word.

  “King. It means ‘guo wang3 Here, the author had written “King” in English again, then 国王 (guó wáng) in the dialogue. What Su Ling is trying to do here is to translate “King” from English to Chinese for Li Dahai. ,’ but you can just call it Xiao Jin,” Su Ling explained, his fingers gently stroking the furry head of the little tugou puppy. “Do you know what it eats?”

  Li Dahai shook his head. “I’m not sure, but I’ve seen Uncle Zhang feeding his dogs with leftovers.”

  “Absolutely no leftovers,” Su Ling declared firmly. Despite not being a dog owner himself, he knew better than to feed them anything too salty. “I’ll look it up online later.”

  The puppy’s hunger must have kicked in as it eagerly sniffed the air, its nose pointing toward a tantalizing scent wafting from the dining room. With an eager bound, its paws skittered across the floor toward the source.

  Li Dahai’s nostrils had long since tingled with the mouthwatering aroma wafting through the air. Licking his lips, he inquired, “Are you having your lunch, Brother Su?”

  “I’m having hot pot. Have you eaten yet?” Su Ling’s voice trailed off as he followed the puppy into the dining room.


  “Yes, I have.” Li Dahai answered, his gaze irresistibly pulled toward the sizzling hot pot on the dining table. The enticing aroma of lamb filled the air, causing his mouth to water.

  Seeing the longing in his eyes, Su Ling could not help but chuckle, “There’s too much food for me to finish, and it’d be a shame to let it all go to waste. Care to lend me a hand?”

  Upon hearing that, Li Dahai blinked his large, bright eyes. Succumbing to the temptation of the food, he nodded his head bashfully.

  Su Ling made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and chopsticks for the other. Meanwhile, the puppy eagerly nibbled on Li Dahai’s pants, earning an amused shake of the head from him.

  “No, you can’t eat this.”

  Bark! Whine… The puppy lay on its back on the ground, baring its white belly pitiably.

  With a pleading gaze, Li Dahai turned to Su Ling, who suggested, “Let’s have our lunch first. We’ll take this little one back to its mom for some nursing, then swing by the pet store in town for supplies.”

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Islanor [Translator]

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