InterStellar Dad

Chapter 79: Missed

“How did you know he was Yan He?” the woman in the black suit asked. She deliberately used “Yan He” instead of “Troy” to avoid provoking Jiang Miao.

Actually, just by looking, it was obvious. Although the face was Liu Chenguang’s, the physique and build… Jiang Miao was too familiar with them. Moreover, the “suitcase” that “Liu Chenguang” was carrying, Jiang Miao instantly recognized as the disguised baby stroller of Jiang Rui.

But she didn’t say that, she just said, “It’s obvious.”

According to the investigation, Dr. Jiang Miao and Troy became a couple right from the start of their cooperative parenting, very loving and intimate.

Just look at Major Yan He. With such a handsome face, it’s easy to imagine him deceiving women.


Poor Dr. Jiang, she was not only deceived for her beauty but also for her eggs.

No, it was more than just her eggs. If it were only an egg, Dr. Jiang Miao might have just been angry. But her current pallor and sadness were because it was a child.

A chubby, adorable child at the cutest stage of life.

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G nbkze obspl kdkvkyz ypplppxldv pnsalp elvlaxkdle vs cl y tldkwp!

Gzz vbspl rskdvp tsdl! Tso vaytkn!

Ju vbkp rskdv, Kkydt Ykys bye clld nsxrzlvlzu nzlyale sq yzz pwprknksd yde oyp qkaxzu elqkdle yp y hknvkx, clnsxkdt vbl scflnv sq lhlausdl’p puxryvbu.

Xdzu vbl alyz Zyd Tl oyvnble Kkydt Ykys, bkp tygl nsxrzlm.

Ebkzl vblu prsjl, vbl GR oyp nsdvkdwswpzu ydyzugkdt vbl Uyrkvsz’p pwahlkzzydnl eyvy.

Mbl lzlnvasxytdlvkn ekptwkpl sd “Nkw Ubldtwydt’p” qynl oyp clkdt rllzle yoyu zyula cu zyula, qkdyzzu alhlyzkdt vbl vawl qynl wdeladlyvb, obknb oyp kdelle keldvknyz vs Yyfsa Zyd Tl’p.

Kwpv qasx vbl rbsvsp, ds sdl ralpldv, lmnlrv Kkydt Ykys, nswze ekpvkdtwkpb clvolld Masu yde Yyfsa Zyd Tl okvb vbl dyjle lul.

Xdl sq vbl xkzkvyau sqqknlap lhld tzydnle yv Yyfsa Zyd Tl yde alxyajle, “Mbkp rlapsd zssjp yde nyaaklp bkxplzq hlau pkxkzyazu vs vbl Yyfsa.”

“Of course,” said the woman in the black suit, crossing her arms. “If we were to send someone to impersonate a specific enemy, we would certainly choose someone with similar characteristics to make the disguise easier. Major Yan He is from a high-gravity planet, so it must have been difficult for the enemy to find such a suitable person. I suspect this person is not a professional agent but specially selected for this operation.”


“He’s a soldier,” said the military officer. “You can tell just by looking.”

Soldiers and ordinary people are fundamentally different. Even though the black-suited National Security agents had all received anti-terrorism and combat training, making them look cold and capable, there was still a clear difference when they stood next to the military officers.

While the two of them were discussing this, the other black-suited agents were busy.

“Found him!” one of the black-suited agents shouted.

Everyone, except Major Yan He and Jiang Miao, gathered around.

“He disembarked at the Tracy star in the Lake Lin system!” the agent said.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the room grew tense and urgent.

Mobilizing warships, special forces, and local resources, everyone was busily coordinating with the other end of their communications.

After issuing a series of instructions, the woman in the black suit turned and saw Jiang Miao still sitting there in a daze.

“Oh, Doctor…” she thought for a moment, then said, “You should go outside and rest for now. Don’t go too far; there should be results soon.”

She then told two soldiers, “From now on, lift the restrictions on Dr. Jiang Miao. She can move freely within non-restricted areas.”

Jiang Miao moved her lips, wanting to ask when she could go home. But she also understood that these people were currently focused on capturing “Yan He,” the father of her child.


Jiang Miao felt very conflicted inside, unsure if she wanted them to catch “Yan He.” However, she was also acutely aware that this despicable man had taken Jiang Rui, and only by catching him could they find Jiang Rui.

Seeing the room filled with tense activity, with no space for her to interject, she nodded and left.

After walking a few steps down the corridor, she stopped and asked a bit confusedly, “Where can I go?”

The lifting of restrictions on Dr. Jiang Miao meant she was safe and innocent. The two soldiers assigned to her, both men, were polite and gentle, suggesting, “You can go to the officers’ mess hall. There’s a bar there; it’s quite comfortable.”

Jiang Miao thanked them and went to the bar in the officers’ mess hall.

Since the personnel were all part of the space forces, even on base, work schedules did not follow the surface time of any planet but were organized into shifts like on a warship. Each position had its own schedule, ensuring that all posts were manned 24/7 without interruption.

When Jiang Miao arrived, the bar had a few officers who had just finished their shifts relaxing and unwinding.

When the men saw Jiang Miao, their eyes lit up, but then they noticed the two soldiers following her and hesitated.

Jiang Miao asked, “Can I be alone for a while?”

The soldiers exchanged a glance. Given that Jiang Miao’s restrictions had been lifted, they agreed and nodded. “We’ll be at the door. Call us if you need anything.”

Having lacked the courage to resist the state machinery, Jiang Miao had spent the past few days strictly following orders, living under tight surveillance. Now, she could finally relax a little.

She felt extremely tired.


A male officer came over to chat, but she just shook her head. He wisely left her alone.

Jiang Miao sat on the sofa, lost in thought.

Even she didn’t know how she felt at that moment.

Nearly two years of an almost perfect life had suddenly become an illusion. The nearly perfect man had impersonated someone else. She didn’t know his name, his appearance, or even his real voice.

Everything was fake.

The only real thing was Jiang Rui, who had been heartlessly taken away by him.

Jiang Miao closed her eyes. After the confusion and disorientation, anger slowly began to gather and burn within her.

When Chen Bolunte had cheated on her years ago, Jiang Miao was very angry. But she feared that in her rage, she might kill Chen Borent, so she had forcibly moved away and cut ties with him.

But this man, who had impersonated Major Yan He!

Jiang Miao gritted her teeth and swore to herself—when she found him, she would beat the crap out of him!

A steaming cup of hot chocolate was placed in front of her.

Jiang Miao looked up, startled. The handsome face that met her eyes made her heart ache.


“Are you alright?” The real Major Yan He asked softly, sitting across from her. “When you’re feeling down, a hot drink helps.”

“Thank you.” Jiang Miao didn’t know how long she had been lost in thought. She picked up the cup and lowered her head to hide her expression.

Tears fell into the hot chocolate.

Major Yan He saw it all clearly.

Jiang Miao turned her head to wipe her eyes, forcing a smile. “The steam made my eyes water.”

Yan He watched her for a while, then put down his coffee and said, “I’m very sorry.”

Jiang Miao looked at him, puzzled. “Why are you apologizing?”

Major Yan He was silent for a moment, then said, “After all, he wore my face.”

The real Yan He was also a man very confident in matters of the heart, and he had many similarities with “Yan He.”

This apology made Jiang Miao feel both awkward and embarrassed.

To say that her relationship with “Yan He” had nothing to do with his appearance would be a blatant lie. But to say that it was solely about his appearance would also be wrong.

When “Yan He” first moved into her home, she was determined not to fall in love with that handsome man.

What happened afterwards was like a runaway horse; who knew how it developed into what it became.

He was a spy! Couldn’t he have just completed his mission quietly and stayed undercover?

Or even if he had used the real Yan He’s sperm to help her have a child, she might have thanked him. Her original intention was to have a child all to herself.

That way, he could have left cleanly and become just a passerby in her life. She would have cried a bit, but then carried on with her life with her child. Wouldn’t that have been better?

But instead, he…

Jiang Miao cursed “Yan He” a thousand times in her heart, stubbornly refusing to think about the moments before the woman in the black suit announced the child’s father and the suffocating helplessness followed by a sense of relief she felt afterwards.

She bit her lip, trying to hold her head high. “It’s not your fault. You don’t need to apologize for it.”

Major Yan He scrutinized the woman in front of him.

He was young, excellent, and had always held himself in high regard. When he first submitted his gene selection parenting application, he had imagined what the mother of his first child might be like.

Now, looking at Jiang Miao—young, beautiful, highly intelligent, and from her performance in the room earlier, emotionally intelligent as well—he found her very impressive.

Compared to men, women are usually more emotional and easily agitated. Yet, despite such a drastic change, she still managed to stay calm, which Major Yan He greatly admired.

Dr. Jiang Miao was an even more outstanding woman than he had initially hoped for.

Major Yan He felt a deep regret that he couldn’t express.

If it weren’t for this mission failure and his capture, perhaps now he would be with this smart, beautiful woman, raising a child with an extraordinary initial assessment score, and they would likely have become a couple.

She liked his face; that much was certain.

“I’m very sorry… that the child isn’t mine,” he said in a deep voice.

Looking at this extremely familiar face and hearing this familiar voice say such words, Jiang Miao knew that as a “victim” in this situation, she should probably lower her head slightly, shed a tear or two, and echo with a sad “me too.”

But Jiang Miao’s lips moved, and she couldn’t bring herself to say it.

So she lowered her head instead.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned the child,” Major Yan He immediately apologized.

Jiang Miao’s child, regardless of who the father was, had been taken away from her. She was a young mother who had lost her child. Bringing up the child now was like stabbing her in the heart.

“It won’t take long,” Major Yan He said. “The special forces move quickly, and they’re using local forces. We’ll know soon whether they catch him or not.”

Jiang Miao nodded. “That would be best.”

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and sipped her hot chocolate. Her posture was not only graceful, but also carried a delicate frailty because she had just been crying.

However, Major Yan He noticed that Jiang Miao had been avoiding his gaze since earlier, always avoiding looking directly at his face.

He thought about the details he had noticed in the room earlier, and his gaze became deep and pensive. He lowered his eyes to hide this and took a sip of his coffee, maintaining his composure.

As he had said, the soldiers quickly came in to inform them to return to the previous room.

Jiang Miao’s heart tightened immediately.

She glanced at Yan He, who was also looking at her. Neither of them spoke as they stood up silently and followed the soldiers back to the room.

The atmosphere in the room was tense. Everyone’s expressions were grim.

As soon as Jiang Miao stepped into the room, she paused for a moment, then continued in.

“We were too late,” the woman in the black suit informed them regretfully. “It was just a safe house, already empty.”

Moreover, the special forces had fallen into a trap and triggered hidden explosives.

“Among the wreckage, there were some fragments that preliminarily appear to be from a medical pod,” she said.

Jiang Miao said nothing, but her mind immediately went to the medical pod in her own home.

That medical pod had been suggested and purchased by “Yan He.” When he suddenly went into premature labor, he had used the pod to perform a C-section on himself.

All these seemingly unrelated events were now making sense.

“Yan He” had planned this!

His premature birth must have been deliberate!

He was afraid of a blood transfusion!

No matter how advanced the DNA camouflage technology of the Nash Republic, it couldn’t change the fact that he wasn’t the real Yan He.

Ordinary surgeries usually don’t require blood transfusions, like the uterine implant, which is a simple procedure. But childbirth carries the risk of heavy bleeding and the need for transfusion.

He might have feared that genetic testing would occur during this process, or that his actual blood type differed from Major Yan He’s, exposing him during a transfusion.

Additionally, Jiang Miao herself had type A blood. She knew that the real Major Yan He had type AB blood, and Jiang Rui having type A blood perfectly matched the genetic pattern of “Jiang Miao + Major Yan He.”

However, if the child had type O blood, the despicable man could have been type O. If he truly was type O, then Jiang Rui could also potentially be type O.

Jiang Miao and the real Major Yan He could not have an O blood type child!

So the despicable man created an incident and hid at home to deliver the baby himself, likely to test the baby’s blood type first.

If Jiang Rui had turned out to be type O, the despicable man would have found some way to cover it up!

No, no, no!

Jiang Miao suddenly realized that if this were the case, she couldn’t even be sure that Jiang Rui was actually type A blood!

It’s possible the despicable man had used some technology to alter the blood type! They even had DNA camouflage technology!

The thought that she might not know her own child’s true blood type made Jiang Miao’s anger reach its peak.

Ahhhhhh, that despicable man!

Despicable man!!

She wanted to beat his brains out along with his guts!!!

Author’s Note: In the “protagonist” section of the synopsis page, I only filled in “Yan He” as the male lead to avoid spoilers. I’m not planning to change it, to avoid spoiling things for future readers. Let’s leave it as it is.

Anyway, the male lead is the shameless man who ran off with the baby. 【Handmade Dog Head】

Sansukini: He’s not the best ML because of espionage. But I like this ML. He would work hard to be with Jiang Miao. Another gender reversal, the man ran away with the bun.

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