InterStellar Dad

Chapter 80: Going Home

“He might have undergone surgery there,” the woman in the black suit continued.

Jiang Miao, whose mind had been racing like a runaway train and erupting like a volcano, was suddenly pulled back to reality. She was startled and instinctively wanted to ask, “Was he injured?” Fortunately, she quickly realized the truth—damn that man, he had changed his face!

He must have changed his face!

In this era, surgical technology is highly advanced, and cosmetic surgery is a minor procedure. Otherwise, why would returning soldiers from alien planets need DNA checks to confirm their identity?

The fake Yan He successfully infiltrated because the Nash Republic’s genetic technology was a step ahead and they took advantage of the information asymmetry.


Jiang Miao could figure it out herself: in the future, returning soldiers will certainly not rely solely on DNA checks to confirm their identity.

Troy infiltrated using genetic camouflage and a changed face. He had been using Major Yan He’s face and voice all this time, and now that he needed to escape from the Gita Republic, changing his face would make it easier.

But Troy’s “convenience” made things much harder for the Gita authorities.

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“Gzvbswtb ol nszzlnvle Masu’p tldlvkn pyxrzlp qasx Pa. Kkydt’p bsxl…” Mbl osxyd kd vbl czynj pwkv awccle bla vlxrzlp, “R bsrl kv’p dsv vss zyvl.”

Jlqsal Kkydt Ykys yde Yyfsa Zyd Tl alvwadle vs vbl assx, pbl bye yzalyeu saelale PLG vlpvkdt qsa lhlausdl obs vssj rwczkn prynlnayqv zlyhkdt qasx Maynkl Fvya. Mbl zsnyz qzllv bye yzps plv wr nblnjrskdvp sd vbl rzydlv’p qzktbv ryvbp vs kdvlanlrv yde nblnj rakhyvl prynlnayqv.

Jwv… vbkp oypd’v taswde vayqqkn; usw nyd’v czsnj vbl asyep vs pvsr hlbknzlp. Fkdnl vblal oyp y pyql bswpl sd Maynu Fvya, vblal xwpv yzps cl xlydp sq lpnyrl.

Rd vawvb, lhlausdl jdlo vbyv yv vbkp rskdv, vbl nyrvwal srlayvksd bye lppldvkyzzu… nsxrzlvlzu qykzle.

Mbyv’p obu vbl rlsrzl kd vbl assx zssjle ps takx.

Yyfsa Zyd Tl yzps zssjle takx.

Xdzu Kkydt Ykys pvyale czydjzu yv vbl oalnjytl sq vbl pyql bswpl sd vbl pnalld, dsv lhld ypjkdt obld pbl nswze ts bsxl.

Jwv vbl dlmv eyu, vbl osxyd kd vbl czynj pwkv nyzzle bla kd.

Through the conference room’s glass, she saw the woman in the black suit briefing some high-ranking officials.


She knew they were high-ranking because those in military uniforms were generals, and those in suits were familiar faces often seen on television news.

When Jiang Miao walked past the outer room, the people inside seemed to glance her way. She couldn’t tell if it was her imagination, but those looks seemed to carry a deeper meaning.

She was taken to an office next door to wait. After a short while, the woman in the black suit entered.

Her face showed fatigue.

Jiang Miao knew that while she had been dazing in her dormitory, this woman from the National Security Bureau had likely been working around the clock to capture “Yan He.”

“Hi, Doctor.” Despite her exhaustion, the woman’s attitude toward Jiang Miao remained consistently kind. “I have some good news for you.”

She didn’t beat around the bush and directly said, “You can go home now.”

This was indeed good news. Although staying at the base meant living in an officer’s dormitory with no lack of food or clothing, it was essentially like being in prison.

But there was no joy on Jiang Miao’s face. She merely lowered her eyes at the news, remaining silent.

The woman in the black suit sighed and tried to comfort her, “That child is his own flesh and blood. That’s probably why he took him. You might not know, but the Nash Republic is extremely conservative and ignorant. They still hold onto ancient family values. People there still get married and show no respect for individual autonomy. They heavily rely on blood relations. But because of this, I am quite certain he won’t harm his own child.”

She paused and then continued, “Everyone sympathizes with you for losing such a high-scoring child, but, Doctor…”

The stern, decisive woman softened her expression and gently said, “I know what you’re feeling isn’t about those points. Doctor, I’ve been a mother too.”


A small circle of tears darkened the fabric of her pants. Jiang Miao quietly said, “Thank you.”

The woman in the black suit nodded and added, “There is one more thing…”

Before she could finish, the office door opened, and a tall, handsome young officer walked in. He stopped in front of the desk and saluted the woman in the black suit.

“The other matter is,” the woman in the black suit said to Jiang Miao, “until this issue is completely resolved, Major Yan He will be personally responsible for your safety.”

Jiang Miao was taken aback.

She looked up and met Major Yan He’s gaze. They held each other’s eyes for a second before looking away.

“Why do I still need protection?” Jiang Miao questioned the measure. “Troy took my child with him. Isn’t he busy trying to escape now? Could he still come back to harm me?”

“No one can guarantee anything, Doctor,” the woman in the black suit said. “You were previously kidnapped by the pirate known as Xiaoyu, and it was Troy who identified Joe Arthur as Xiaoyu. We have no idea how these events are connected. It could be a red herring, or they might be working together. In any case, Doctor, this is an order from above.”

The mention of “above” made Jiang Miao fall silent.

These words meant that any protest she directed at the woman in the black suit would be futile, as the authority to issue this order was beyond her control.

Jiang Miao could only comply.

She and Major Yan He returned to the capital planet, Ness Garden.


The glass curtain wall had been replaced, and the damage caused by the special forces had been cleaned up. The floor was spotless, with no trace of broken glass.

Although the furniture had been put back in place, the sofa still bore the slashes from the glass explosion, exposing the filling inside. Without Jiang Miao’s instructions, the robots would only tidy up the house without ordering or replacing furniture.

These visible marks reminded Jiang Miao that the events of that day were not a dream.

While she was in a daze, someone gently patted her shoulder twice.

Major Yan He said softly, “Get some rest and adjust to the time difference.”

In the area of the capital planet where Ness Garden was located, it was currently two in the morning.

Jiang Miao turned her head and softly replied, “You can stay in the guest room. Follow me.”

She led Major Yan He to the guest room—”Yan He’s” bedroom.

“The bed is a gravity bed. On the way back, I had the robot change the sheets. They’re freshly laundered and unused. The bathroom items are all new as well,” Jiang Miao said, lowering her eyes.

“Thank you,” Major Yan He said.

“You should rest too,” Jiang Miao said. “Goodnight.”

“Doctor—” Major Yan He called out to her.


Jiang Miao reluctantly turned to face the young man.

Major Yan He removed his military hat, unbuttoned his collar, and gazed at her for a moment before slowly saying, “He used my face and voice. You can’t blame me for that.”

Jiang Miao felt awkward.

“Of course, I don’t blame you,” she emphasized. “You and I are both victims.”

“If that’s the case, the way you’re treating me,” Yan He said, hands in his pockets, standing in front of her, “is really unfair.”

“No, I—I didn’t mean to…” Jiang Miao tried to explain, feeling even more awkward.

“Doctor!” Yan He interrupted her, speaking bluntly. “At least, when you’re talking to me, please look at my face.”

Jiang Miao pressed her lips together and finally lifted her eyes.

Yan He was referring to Jiang Miao’s constant avoidance of looking directly at his face. He pointed out her evasive attitude bluntly, forcing her to face him.

This handsome face truly made Jiang Miao feel embarrassed. Despite this, being forced by Yan He to this point, Jiang Miao had no choice but to look up and meet his gaze.

The young man’s collar was open, revealing his long neck and Adam’s apple.

His eyes and eyebrows were exactly the same as “Yan He’s.”

The same as the man who had shared her bed every night, who had treated her with tender affection.

This made Jiang Miao feel even more uneasy.

Suppressing her shame, Jiang Miao solemnly said to Major Yan He, “I’m sorry, that was my fault.”

Major Yan He nodded, accepting the apology, and said, “Goodnight then, Doctor.”

“Goodnight,” Jiang Miao replied. “Major.”

Major Yan He watched Jiang Miao turn and leave the bedroom.

Her slender and graceful figure, with slightly slumped shoulders, evoked a sense of pity.

He had seen her file; in the photos, she was always vibrant and full of energy, completely different from how she was now.

Yan He took out a cigarette and lit it while sitting on the edge of the bed.

His hand naturally fell to the side, touching the edge of the bed—it was a gravity bed, similar to the one he had in his home in the Romo star system.

Yan He couldn’t help but wonder how similar the man code-named Troy was to him.

Aside from the face.

Jiang Miao returned to her bedroom, stepped over the threshold, and closed the door. She leaned back against it as if all the energy had drained from her.

Goodnight, Doctor.

Goodnight, Major.

Such familiar words, as if spoken just yesterday.

Back then, the man who pretended to be aloof would often have an irrepressible smile in his eyes when facing her. Despite being playful, he would always earnestly call her “Doctor.”

Thinking of that man, Jiang Miao’s lips curved into a smile, but it quickly turned into a bitter one.

She sighed, took a few steps into the room, then suddenly stopped.

The room was tidy, with everything in its designated place. There was no doubt about this, as the household chores were handled by her housekeeping robot. After the initial setup, the robot would return everything to its set place after each cleaning.

This meant the room’s state was always the same after each cleaning.

Scientifically, this was indeed the case.

But from another angle, one that science couldn’t explain, Jiang Miao stood still in her bedroom for a few seconds and knew that someone had been in her room. This “someone” obviously wasn’t the housekeeping robot.

This was the marvelous intuition of humans.

Jiang Miao pursed her lips and gave a command, “Xiaona, bring my travel case.”

Xiaona responded, “Yes, Doctor.”

The door to the storage room opened automatically, and her usual travel case slid out and made its way to Jiang Miao’s bedroom. The bedroom door also opened automatically, and the travel case slid inside.

Jiang Miao opened the travel case, rummaged through it, and took out a small device. It was an essential item she always brought on trips.

Activating the device, a holographic screen lit up, displaying several blinking red dots.

Jiang Miao frowned as she looked at the red dots.

Following the directions on the screen, she went to the bedside, squatted down, and felt around. When she drew her hand back, a small chip lay in her white palm.

It was easily recognizable as a bug. And it wasn’t even produced by Alison, but by a competitor.

How infuriating.

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