It’s Colder Today

Thirty-Four Degrees Part 1

Content Summary: Car Crash

The temperature in the capital was like a salary that could not be raised. When she came out of the hospital after working the night shift, She felt even colder because she had not had a good rest all night.

The wind was very cold, colder than the words of the instructor who cursed them for their weak resolve.

She was not in a hurry to go back today, and went to the flower shop outside the hospital to buy a large bouquet of carnations. When she took out her phone to pay, she saw the message Wei Congying sent her yesterday.

It was a video of the celebration banquet after the race and the video played automatically in a small window.

Shi Yun did not press on the video to zoom in to watch it, but simply ignored the message and did not give him any reply.


After buying the flowers, she returned to the hospital and carried the flowers to the third floor.

Walking over to the ward number in her memory, she saw Zhuo Hui who was undergoing an infusion. He was even more lethargic than when she saw him before the new year, lying on the bed breathing in oxygen.

There was someone sitting next to his hospital bed. After Shi Yun walked in, she greeted the woman beside the bed: “Hello, auntie.”

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Mbl osxyd zssjle wr yv Fbk Zwd yde oyp pzktbvzu pvyavzle, cwv pbl iwknjzu alnstdkgle bla qsaxla dlktbcsa: “Rp kv Fbk Zwd?”

Fbk Zwd bydele shla vbl qzsolap kd bla byde: “Rv’p xl.”

Mbl osxyd pyke rszkvlzu: “Ebu eke usw cwu qzsolap? Zsw’al vss rszkvl. Usxl pkv blal okvb Gwdvkl. Mblal yal nbykap shla blal.”

Hbws Twk’p alynvksd oyp xsal zynjzwpvla yde bl prsjl psqvzu. Ebld Fbk Zwd pyv esod, bl pvawttzle vs rwv sd y pxkzl yde pyke vs Fbk Zwd, “Zsw’al blal?”

Hbws’p xsvbla rwv vbl qzsolap kdvs vbl hypl yde rzynle vblx sd vbl clepkel vyczl. Fbl oypble ydsvbla yrrzl yde tyhl kv vs Fbk Zwd: “Tl Fwk nyxl blal vos eyup yts. Tl pyke bl blyae usw pyu vbyv Dkys Hbws oyp kd vbl bsprkvyz ewakdt vbl Ubkdlpl Llo Zlya, ps bl nyxl vs vyjl y zssj. R nyd’v vbydj usw ldswtb. Xwa ldvkal qyxkzu xshle yoyu, cwv yqvla yzz vblpl ulyap, usw pvkzz nsxl vs hkpkv bkx.”

Fbk Zwd vssj vbl yrrzl cwv eked’v lyv kv: “Ebld R oyp uswdt, ol yzoyup hkpkvle lynb svbla’p bswplp qsa ekddla. Gwdvkl, usw eked’v xkde vbyv ol sqvld oldv vs uswa bswpl qsa ekddla.”

Tlyakdt Fbk Zwd’p osaep, Hbws’p xsvbla pxkzle. Jwv clnywpl pbl bye osaakle shla bla psd’p kzzdlpp ps xydu ulyap, Ywnb sq bla byka bye vwadle obkvl, yde pbl eked’v zssj zkjl y qkqvu-ulya-sze yv yzz.

Vlabyrp kv oyp clnywpl ps xwnb pwqqlakdt oyp olktbkdt sd vblka qyxkzu vbyv Fbk Zwd qlzv ckvvla obld pbl pyo bla pxkzl.

Zhuo’s mother: “It’s just a few mouthfuls of rice.”


Shi Yun and Zhuo Hui’s mother were chatting, and Zhuo Hui laid on the bed without saying a word. Zhuo’s mother knew that Shi Yun had clinic this semester and asked her to come over and talk to Zhuo Hui when she was free.

The person lying on the hospital bed then said: “Mom, didn’t you just say you were going to the supermarket to buy something? Shi Yun is here right now, so go and buy it.”

After watching Zhuo’s mother leave, Shi Yun looked back at him. Zhuo Hui slowly raised his thin and withered hand, pointing his finger in one direction, which was under his pillow.

Shi Yun put the hand on the bedside table and put his hand in. It was a phone. He told Shi Yun the password to his phone and asked her to open up the photo album. There was a photo in it, probably taken several years ago.

The person in the photo still had some flesh on his cheeks and looked in better spirits than he did now.

Zhuo Hui: “Can you do me a favor?”

Shi Yun vaguely guessed his purpose.

“Please help me persuade my mother. I don’t want to drag it on like this anymore.” His hand with the needle in it, suddenly grasped Shi Yun’s sleeve tightly. Tears fell from the corners of his reddened eyes and fell into the knitted wool. In the hat, “I want to live and I don’t want to die..”

He knew that life was precious, and he also knew that there was a saying that went “it is better to cling onto life”, but when a person has no way to enjoy life, when he is struggling before the door of death and has to undergo painful chemotherapy every three weeks, what was the point of living this kind of life?

He felt like his body was like a plant that couldn’t survive.

He really wanted to live.

He also wanted to ask God to save him, but seeing his parents working and worrying about him, he always felt that he was making a mistake every morning when he woke up.


As a medical student, Shi Yun clearly understood Zhuo Hui’s condition. He just kept burning money to survive.

But she couldn’t persuade his mother to give up treatment. Although she knew that his desire to survive would only make him more miserable, she had no choice.

Before Zhuo’s mother came back, a nurse was taking care of the PICC line1[1] A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), also called a PICC line, is a long, thin tube that’s inserted through a vein in your arm and passed through to the larger veins near your heart. It’s generally used to give medications or liquid nutrition. It can help avoid the pain of frequent needle sticks and reduce the risk of irritation to the smaller veins in the patient’s arms. -Source: Mayo Clinic. She rolled up her sleeves to reveal his arms, which seemed to have only bones.

After removing the tape from the wrinkled and dry skin, Shi Yun heard his painful groan. Even expressing pain took effort.

It wasn’t until the nurse lifted up his shirt to reveal the gastric tube on his body that Shi Yun walked outside and waited.

She was leaning against the wall of the hospital, looking at the white ceiling. She hadn’t been standing for long when a hand touched her shoulder. It was Zhuo’s mother who had returned from shopping.

When she saw the nurse beside the hospital bed, she choked up a little, but comforted Shi Yun: “I couldn’t bear to see these scenes before, but even now I still feel pain after watching them.”

Shi Yun put her hand over the hand caressing her shoulder. Looking at her gray hair, it felt that any comfort she could give would be feeble.

“I don’t dare to give up. I’m afraid that if we give up one day, a special medicine will appear soon after. If our Little Hui persists, we can wait.”

Shi Yun knew Zhuo Hui’s physical condition and the fragility of life. Of course, she also knew how slim and unrealistic the possibility of the special medicine Zhuo’s mother spoke of appearing.

Shi Yun often went to the third floor to visit Zhuo Hui. He was still the same. Sometimes he was in good condition and could chat with her for a long time. Sometimes he lay on the bed like a doll, but most of the time he was still in pain. He was a weak patient who had been tormented for years by his illness.

She bought flowers as usual, and when she went to the ward that day, Zhuo’s mother was wiping his hair.


He was not wearing a hat and was sitting on the bed a little weakly. He saw Shi Yun coming in with flowers and smiled at her: “You’re here?”

Shi Yun stood there, not knowing whether she should walk over. After all, some people would not want others to see them like this.

But Zhuo Hui was very optimistic. He touched his head with the hand holding the indwelling needle: “It seems like I haven’t experienced the feeling of using shampoo for a long time.”

Zhuo’s mother put the towel back into the basin and told Shi Yun to feel at ease. She picked up the basin and walked to the toilet: “I’ll pour out the water. You can sit by yourself for a while.”

Shi Yun removed the withered flowers in the vase on the bedside table and replaced them with the flowers she had just bought today: “You look like you’re in good spirits today.”

Zhuo Hui lowered his head, as if he was doing some delicate handiwork, and carefully pulled the little fur ball on his woolen hat: “Yes.”


[1] A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), also called a PICC line, is a long, thin tube that’s inserted through a vein in your arm and passed through to the larger veins near your heart. It’s generally used to give medications or liquid nutrition. It can help avoid the pain of frequent needle sticks and reduce the risk of irritation to the smaller veins in the patient’s arms. -Source: Mayo Clinic

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