It’s Colder Today

Thirty-Three Degrees

Content Summary: The Tree that Takes Root on the Eaves

An alarm in Wei Congying’s mind began to sound. He knew that this matter could not be turned over so easily.

He immediately got up from the bed; his sleepiness immediately dissipated: “Why are you going back suddenly?”

Shi Yun shook his phone: “Our instructor is looking for us. You happen to be competing and don’t have time. Go and compete well. I’ll go back first.”

“Are you angry?” Wei Congying asked tentatively, but still felt something was wrong. He got up from the bed, grabbed his pants off the ground and pulled them on, “I’ll take you to the airport.”

Shi Yun had already walked to the door, despite his actions of getting dressed: “No need.”


Wei Congying hurriedly pulled out a sweatshirt from his suitcase, pulled it over his head and walked out to chase Shi Yun.

She was standing at the elevator entrance waiting for the elevator. When she looked, she noticed that he had not even finished putting on his shoes, stepping on the heels of his athletic sneakers and chased after her.

He reached out to pull the suitcase in Shi Yun’s hand: “If you are angry, let’s have a good chat.”

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Ebyv’p vblal vs vyzj ycswv?

Fbl eked’v oydv bkx vs ryavknkryvl kd vbl aynkdt nsxrlvkvksd. Fbl jdlo bso eydtlaswp vbyv nsxrlvkvksd oyp, yde vbl pnyap sd bkp cseu eke dsvbkdt vs vlynb bkx nywvksd. Rv oyp wplzlpp ds xyvvla bso xwnb pbl ekpnwpple vbkp okvb bkx.

“Ls, usw pbswze qsnwp sd uswa nsxrlvkvksd, R’x cyalzu tskdt vs xyjl xu qzktbv.” Fbk Zwd oykvle qsa vbl lzlhyvsa vs yaakhl, eayttle bla pwkvnypl yde oldv pvayktbv kd.

Tkp byka oyp pvkzz y zkvvzl xlppu, yde bl qszzsole Fbk Zwd kdvs vbl lzlhyvsa okvbswv oypbkdt wr: “Fbk Zwd…”

Mbl lzlhyvsa pvsrrle yv vbl xkeezl qzssa, yde svbla nwpvsxlap nblnjkdt swv oyzjle kdvs vbl lzlhyvsa nya.

Fbk Zwd oyp pvydekdt kd vbl nsadla okvb bla pwkvnypl, obkzl Elk Usdtukdt oyp rwpble vs vbl svbla pkel cu vbl zyatl taswr sq rlsrzl obs nyxl kd.

Mbl osaep olal pvwnj kd Elk Usdtukdt’p vbasyv. Tl oydvle vs pyu vblx, cwv bl nswzed’v.

Ebld bl tsv swv sq vbl lzlhyvsa, vbl rlsrzl czsnjkdt bkx olal hlau bwxczl yde oykvle wdvkz lhlausdl lzpl tsv swv clqsal zlyhkdt. Elk Usdtukdt oydvle vs rwpb vblx yoyu yde awpb swv. Ebld vbl rlsrzl kd qasdv qkdyzzu tsv swv sq vbl lzlhyvsa, Fbk Zwd bye yzalyeu oyzjle swv psxl ekpvydnl obld Elk Usdtukdt nbyple yqvla bla.

Shi Yun used her phone to hail a taxi while walking out. Seeing Shi Yun’s refusal to negotiate, he reached out and grabbed her suitcase handle: “I’ll take you.”


There was nothing but silence along the way.

He drove the car to the terminal and wanted to find a parking lot to park the car and send her to board the plane, but Shi Yun asked him to pull over as she slung the shoulder strap of her backpack on her shoulder: “No need. It’s too late to find parking, please pull over.”

Wei Congying watched her pull her suitcase into the terminal.

At that moment, he suddenly realized, ‘Was it because of flight problems that she didn’t leave yesterday afternoon?’

Or was it just because her advisor asked her to go back?

The answer was obvious, he felt the former was more likely, but hoped it was the latter.

Lin Fang had only closed his eyes briefly when he received Wei Congying’s call. He and Xiang Shaoyuan had played cards late into the night.

He found his cell phone from the pile of clothes on the floor, and it was only upon seeing Wei Congying in the caller ID, that he didn’t curse out the caller’s entire family first thing after picking up.

Lin Fang lay back on the bed, his voice weak: “Hey, what’s going on?”

The person on the other end of the phone sounded cold, Wei Congying responded: “Go pick up Shi Yun from the airport.”

He could deliver the bag while he was at it.


The flight back to the capital was delayed a little because of the heavy snow last night.

A sunny day after a heavy snowfall is always colder than a snowy day.

When Shi Yun came out with her suitcase, she saw Lin Fang in an instant.

It was a bit surprising, but she could guess that Wei Congying must have asked him to pick her up.

He was also holding a big-name shopping bag in his hand. He looked tired, hadn’t done much to clean himself up, and also looked a little dirty.

Lin Fang made a smiley face: “Hi, beautiful.”

Shi Yun was not in a joking mood, and Lin Fang was also discerning. Seeing Shi Yun’s bad expression, he reached out to take her suitcase, and then handed her the shopping bag in his hand: “Someone asked me to give this to you. “

Shi Yun looked at the logo on the shopping bag and laughed: “Do you guys like to give girls a big brand bag when they break up?”

“You’ve really got it wrong. He bought it to coax you.” Lin Fang told her that his car was parked in the parking lot.

He walked beside him and led the way. Shi Yun opened the dust bag as she walked, took a look at the bag inside, and smiled lightly.

Lin Fang saw that smile, but it was not a happy smile.

This bag was hard to buy, and he definitely didn’t buy it on a whim when she got on the plane.


It took a long time to get the goods, so he must have had someone buy it when he hid the matter of visiting Xunchuan for the competition.

Was she happy?

It’s like a mother telling her child that he will be beaten if he breaks the vase, but the son breaks the vase anyway and takes the initiative to extend their hands out to receive the punishment.

Would the mother be happy if this happened?

Shi Yun reported the address of the school. He was typing on his phone. It didn’t look like he was typing in the navigation. He was most likely reporting to Wei Congying that she was safe.

Perhaps because he was the backbone of the camp that also opposed Wei Congying’s racing, Lin Fang scolded Wei Congying in a criticizing tone.

It had the feeling of the maternal side of the family, but after all, he was still Wei Congying’s friend, and he was here to persuade her to reconcile: “Don’t be angry with him. Wei Congying is like this, and it’s useless for anyone to say anything.”

“His behavior is to make himself happy and hurt others. He doesn’t care whether he dies or not, and he doesn’t care whether others are worried or sad because of the danger he puts himself in.” Shi Yun put the shopping bag on the back seat and put on her seat belt. Then she stared out the window.

Metal birds flew under the blue sky, carrying the separation and reunion of those who lived on the ground.

Her words were true. Lin Fang struggled to persuade Shi Yun for a while. The car slowly drove out of the airport, leaving the terminal building behind. Blue and white road signs marked the direction.

When she was in a daze, the person next to her suddenly spoke: “Did you know that I attended high school with him in the United States? No one visited him. In his three years there, except for a phone call from his grandparents from time to time, he was just like an orphan. The funny thing is that after graduating from high school, his father didn’t know where he was studying in the United States. That’s when he started not caring about others, because really, no one cared about him from the beginning, and he didn’t have anyone he cared about.”

At that time, Wei Congying really had no one to care about him. He was like a fruit that suddenly fell from the bird’s beak after being carried away and then took root on the eaves.


Thousands of miles from the trees.

What he said after that didn’t sound like he was trying to persuade her.

“Everyone is different, and so is love. If you compare him with other people, he definitely doesn’t spend enough time with you, and he is not that responsible. But if you compare him with his ex, he is already very good to you. ”

The familiar streets of the capital appeared in front of them little by little. It looked like it had snowed recently. Salt was sprinkled on the streets, and the snow was shoveled to both sides. That snow looked particularly dirty.

Shi Yun listened to Lin Fang’s words and chuckled: “You…” After a pause, she continued: “You are not good at breaking up fights.”

Lin Fang’s attempts to stop the fight were of no use. Shi Yun was not determined, but her attitude was clear. She didn’t want to experience the pain a second time.

Lin Fang, who tried to reconcile their conflict, also knew that it was not easy to get Wei Congying to give up his favorite pastime, racing.

The solution was straightforward, that is, whoever likes the other more will win.

Lin Fang wanted to support Shi Yun, but he also knew that Shi Yun’s chances of winning were too slim.

He drove the car next to the dormitory building. The entire dormitory area looked deserted. He watched Shi Yun get out of the car before heading home himself.

When he got home, he realized that Shi Yun had not taken the bag that Wei Congying had him give her.

It was snowing heavily in the capital again. When Shi Yun returned to the dormitory, she received a reminder that there was a courier with the latest delivery news. They were the gifts that Wei Congying was supposed to give for all her previous birthdays.

There were many gifts, and the delivery guy made an exception and delivered several large snakeskin bags to the downstairs of her dormitory.

Contrary to her expectations, he did not buy everything in the list of a girl’s top 20 favorites. But it was still a copy, starting from the age of one to twenty-some years old, making up for all her gifts up to her twenty-third birthday.

It was a total of twenty-three express deliveries.

When accepting the express delivery, Shi Yuan gave her a hand. When Shi Yun opened up the box with baby supplies, Shi Yuan was shocked: “Are you pregnant?”

Shi Yun looked at the greeting card inside the package that said one year old, and put the things back without any change of expression. She did not open the rest of the express delivery but left them piled up beside her cabinet, table, and chairs in a somewhat obstructive way.

Likely, he received notice that she had signed for the deliveries so he made a call to her that night.

Wei Congying had also checked out of the hotel in the old street and moved to the hotel next to the stadium.

Shi Yun was working the night shift when the call was made.

With this, the excuse that the instructor called her back didn’t sound like a lie.

Wei Congying asked her if she liked the gifts.

Shi Yun walked to the door next to the fire escape and told him: “I haven’t opened them yet.”

The surrounding air was filled with a faint smell of smoke, and the air circulation was not very good. Shi Yun kicked the fire escape door with her feet and drew on the door with the hand that was not holding the phone.

The person on the other end of the phone heard her say that they hadn’t been opened yet and asked her, “Why not?”

The hand that was drawing on the door stopped, and Shi Yun answered the question with another question: “Wei Congying, when will you come back?”

The person on the other end of the phone smiled: “Miss me? It will be around March. This course is over. There is another course left, the second course is in the suburbs of Beijing. I will go back after the competition.”

Before Wei Congying could be happy for even two seconds, the person on the other end of the phone poured a basin of cold water on him: “We’ll have a good chat after you come back. I’m going to work now, so I’ll hang up first.”

He was not stupid, and he knew the meaning of Shi Yun’s words very clearly. She meant to wait for him to come back and have a good talk about their breakup.

There was beeping on the other end of the phone from Shi Yun hanging up, and the phone screen changed from the call interface to the communication list.

Wei Congying clenched his cell phone, cursed, and kicked over the trash can next to him out of anger. The trash can rolled into the sliding glass door of the balcony, then returned the same way it came, finally hitting the end of the bed before stopping.

Wei Congying cursed: “F**k.”

The author has something to say:

La la la la la

Two days left in the countdown! ! !

Translator Corner:


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