The Best Actress is the Darling of My Heart

Chapter 66.2

Although both of them would be modestly dressed during the shoot, with a blanket covering them, Xia Shutong still felt a bit embarrassed.

“Mm.” Xia Shutong stiffened her face, hiding her slightly flushed cheeks, and nodded.

Yun Feiwu, on the other hand, remained professional and composed, showing no signs of discomfort. “Thank you, Director Hua. We’ll be in your hands in a moment.”

Xia Shutong glanced at her with a slight look of confusion. Professionalism was one thing, but in such situations, the wolf cub was usually far from calm.

Director Hua patiently explained a few more points and then allowed them to rest for a few minutes before starting the shoot.



Xia Shutong and Yun Feiwu had just sat back on the bed, and before the camera could even focus on them, Director Hua quickly called for a cut.

“Yun Feiwu, come here.” Director Hua had an amused yet helpless expression.

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Zwd Wlkow czkdjle yde sclekldvzu oyzjle shla, okvb Dky Fbwvsdt qszzsokdt kxxlekyvlzu clbkde. Mblu vbld pyo Pkalnvsa Twy rsjl Zwd Wlkow’p blye kd lmyprlayvksd. “Zwd Wlkow, obyv oyp okvb vbyv lytla lmralppksd fwpv dso? Rp vbyv vbl jkde sq zssj Fbw Kkduw oswze byhl?”

Rd vbl wrnsxkdt jkpp pnldlp, Fbw Kkduw kdelle bye y uswvbqwz prkakv, sqvld nzkdtkdt vs Il Zw qsa jkpplp altyaezlpp sq vkxl yde rzynl, qwzz sq ldlatu yde kxryvkldnl. Jwv kd vbkp ryavknwzya pnldl, Il Zw oyp pwrrsple vs cl vbl sdl kd nsdvasz.

Dky Fbwvsdt: “…”

Fbl jdlo psxlvbkdt oyp sqq ycswv vbl oszq nwc’p wdwpwyzzu nyzx elxlydsa lyazkla—kv oyp fwpv y nshla qsa bla kddla lmnkvlxldv. Rq kv olald’v qsa vbl ralpldnl sq vbl pvyqq, Dky Fbwvsdt oswze byhl pzyrrle Zwd Wlkow sd vbl pbswzela aktbv vblal.

Zwd Wlkow pkdnlalzu yrszstkgle, “Fsaau, Pkalnvsa Twy. R oyp y ckv dlahswp fwpv dso… R eked’v yefwpv kd vkxl.”

Pkalnvsa Twy, okvb y blzrzlpp pxkzl, pktdyzle vbl pvyqq vs ykx vbl lzlnvakn qyd ekalnvzu yv Zwd Wlkow yde Dky Fbwvsdt.

“Gdsvbla qkhl-xkdwvl calyj, XI?”

“XI,” Zwd Wlkow alrzkle sclekldvzu.

Five minutes later, the shoot resumed.


“Sister Ke…” Shu Jinyu finally managed to calm down a bit, only to see the fan blowing Ke Yu’s inner garment slightly open, revealing her fair skin underneath.

Shu Jinyu’s mind went blank once more, only vaguely feeling a slight chill beneath her nose.

“Jinyu? Why are you having a nosebleed? Are you overheated?” It wasn’t until Ke Yu walked over and hugged her that Shu Jinyu finally realized she was indeed having a nosebleed.

Ke Yu supported her and led her outside to wash up, gently tilting her chin to clean her face meticulously.

Shu Jinyu was forced to tilt her head back, her eyes meeting Ke Yu’s focused gaze up close, feeling as if she was about to be drawn in.

Her lips parted slightly, and her tongue flicked at the edge, leaving a glistening trace.

After that, Shu Jinyu could hardly remember what she and Ke Yu talked about or did.

All she recalled was that, in the end, the dream from half a year ago became a reality. No, it was even more intense than the dream.

In the dream, they had only shared a light kiss. But in reality, their bodies were tightly entwined, lost in each other’s movements, emitting low sounds from their throats—a mix of whimpers and euphoric laughter. They soared to heaven repeatedly, only to fall back down each time, using up all their strength until they nearly fainted on the bed.

At one point, Shu Jinyu felt confused, her gray eyes seemingly clouded with a hazy film. She vaguely sensed that she might be doing something wrong, that she was…


Before she could think further, Ke Yu bit her earlobe as if in punishment. Shu Jinyu was once again drawn into the abyss of desire, her body and soul no longer feeling like her own, her soul inching closer to Ke Yu’s until they became one.


Shu Jinyu’s fingers helplessly clutched the bedsheet, then slowly released it, finally wrapping tightly around Ke Yu’s waist.

In the end, Director Hua Zinan was very satisfied with the scene. First, Yun Feiwu portrayed the girl’s initial confusion, struggle, fear, and hidden desire perfectly, without any sense of discord.

Then, there was Xia Shutong’s portrayal of Ke Yu. Although Ke Yu was the instigator of this scene, luring Shu Jinyu step by step with ill intentions, it was also Ke Yu’s first time. In this scene, Ke Yu appeared as a charming yet dangerous poppy, but in some details, she revealed a touch of girlish shyness unique to her.

The two lead actors added many small details during their interactions that were not in the script, making the characters’ emotions richer and more nuanced.

This scene is one of the climaxes of the entire film, pushing the emotions of the two main characters to their peak. Xia Shutong and Yun Feiwu undoubtedly portrayed this segment exceptionally well.

As Director Hua Zinan called for a cut and clapped her hands, not only were her cheeks flushed, but even her eyes behind her gold-rimmed glasses were slightly red. She had initially worried about potential issues and had allotted two days for shooting this scene, but to her surprise, it was effortlessly completed in a single day. Relieved, Director Hua Zinan decided to give the two lead actors another day off.

Back in their room, Yun Feiwu and Xia Shutong exchanged a glance and, with perfect understanding, headed to the bathroom together.

Mentally, they had already moved on from the scene, but their bodies hadn’t caught up as quickly.

In the mist from the shower, their tall and slender bodies were tightly embraced, with the sound of the water masking their gentle, alluring voices. The scene in the bathroom was like a silent, dynamic painting, appearing and disappearing in the mist, extraordinarily beautiful and quite captivating.

In some aspects, the script of “Trajectory” couldn’t avoid certain clichés. For example, after the climax of the plot, there was naturally a warm and sweet transitional period—

After becoming intimate with Ke Yu, Shu Jinyu initially felt a bit confused and afraid, but her nature was pure and brave. Within a few days, she had convinced herself and accepted her feelings for Ke Yu.


Even in an era when everyone abhorred same-sex relationships, Shu Jinyu didn’t think she was doing anything wrong. She was simply with the person she loved and wasn’t harming anyone else. What was wrong with that?

Thus, Shu Jinyu started dating Ke Yu. It was the first time for both of them to be in a relationship, and even the typically “serpent-like” Ke Yu was transformed by Shu Jinyu into a lovestruck young girl.

They climbed to the mountain peaks to watch the clouds roll by, and at sunrise, they stood at the summit of the sea of clouds and shared a passionate kiss.

They sat in the small courtyard, chatting away and watching the stars twinkle in the sky. Shu Jinyu loved telling Ke Yu stories about the various constellations, loved seeing the admiration in Ke Yu’s eyes, and loved secretly kissing her cheek when she looked up at the stars, enjoying the blush that crept up Ke Yu’s ears.

When following Ke Yu to the pigsty to feed the pigs, the pampered Shu Jinyu often ended up covered in mud, looking quite disheveled, yet her eyes always sparkled with laughter. Ke Yu could only smile helplessly, gently wiping her face with a cloth.

The village dogs were always free-roaming, but Shu Jinyu liked to walk them. So, they often led a pack of wolf dogs up the mountain, running wild, their fingers intertwined. At these times, the dogs would suddenly scatter, as if even they understood to leave the two some space.

Just as the audience was enchanted by this beautiful scene, the plot took a sudden turn.

In the script of “Trajectory,” the two main characters were both complex and vivid, but perhaps for the sake of satire, the writer had made most of the supporting characters extremely stereotypical — obsessively so, to dramatically highlight the protagonists’ plights.

When Yun Feiwu first read this part of the script, she jokingly told Xia Shutong that if such a plot appeared in current online novels, the author would definitely receive hate mail.

The villagers were the first to discover the relationship between the two protagonists, sparking wave after wave of gossip.

It wasn’t just the villagers; even Teacher Wang, a fellow intellectual, had a noticeable change in attitude towards Shu Jinyu. She had repeatedly, both openly and subtly, warned Shu Jinyu to stay away from Ke Yu. Shu Jinyu always earnestly argued that Ke Yu was a good person, but Teacher Wang never believed her. She thought Shu Jinyu was incorrigible and difficult to communicate with, her gaze inevitably tinged with scrutiny.

Originally, the two only interacted during lesson preparations, which was manageable until one day, Teacher Wang accidentally walked in on Shu Jinyu and Ke Yu kissing.


Teacher Wang clearly understood what the two women were doing. Her eyes widened in anger, and instead of turning away, she stormed over, fiercely throwing the basket in her hand at them. “Shu Jinyu! What are you doing with that seductress?”

Until a vegetable basket hit Shu Jinyu, she hadn’t noticed that they were actually… being watched.

It was all because she couldn’t control herself and had kissed Ke Yu outside the courtyard.

Shu Jinyu blushed for a moment, but upon seeing Teacher Wang’s attitude, she immediately frowned and shielded Ke Yu behind her. “Teacher Wang, Ke Yu is my lover. I…”

Before she could finish speaking, Teacher Wang spat angrily, “Lover? Shu Jinyu, you disregard human decency, consorting with that demon woman. You have no shame! You are a disgrace as a teacher!”

“I…” Shu Jinyu instinctively wanted to argue, but the words stuck in her throat, unable to come out.

Looking at Teacher Wang’s furious face, she suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Shu Jinyu had told Teacher Wang many times that Ke Yu was a good person, but Teacher Wang refused to listen. Even if she did listen, she wouldn’t believe it. The villagers were the same; no matter what Shu Jinyu said, they always saw Ke Yu as a heart-seducing demon woman.

And now, in Teacher Wang’s eyes, Shu Jinyu had clearly become just like Ke Yu.

If reasoning with Teacher Wang when she was calm didn’t work, it was certainly useless now. Shu Jinyu’s gaze faltered, tears welling up in her eyes, wanting to cry but unable to.

Teacher Wang’s insults grew more intense, and she even picked up the vegetable basket from the ground, preparing to throw it at them again.

At that moment, Ke Yu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stepped in front of Shu Jinyu, her expression calm. She stared at Teacher Wang with a cold gaze, saying nothing, but her icy eyes scared her into taking a few steps back. Muttering curses, she picked up his basket and left.

Shu Jinyu kept her head down, not noticing the unusual expression on Ke Yu’s face.

After this scene, Director Han Zinan, who had been monitoring from outside, frowned and replayed the footage over and over. Everything had gone according to the script, but Director Han Zinan felt that something was off.

Finally, Director Hua Zinan shifted her gaze to Xia Shutong and Yun Feiwu, who were whispering to each other.

Yun Feiwu had clearly broken character, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Xia Shutong with admiration, like a little girl adoring her protector. Xia Shutong, on the other hand, still exuded a cold and powerful aura.

Director Han Zinan had found the problem.

“President Xia, this part here.” Director Hua Zinan pointed at the screen. “When you scared Mrs. Wang away just now, your aura was too overpowering. Ke Yu’s presence is very subtle; her killing intent is hidden deep in her eyes, like a creepy venomous snake. But you were more like… like…”

Director Hua Zinan couldn’t find the right word for a moment. After thinking, she continued, “Like a powerful beast toying with its prey, exuding killing intent all over. This doesn’t align with Ke Yu’s character.”

Xia Shutong lowered her gaze. “I understand.”

While filming, she had indeed gotten into character well, but she hadn’t noticed this aspect. For her, protecting Yun Feiwu had become instinctual. Anyone who dared to bully Yun Feiwu, she would…

Xia Shutong quickly reined in her killing intent, suppressing this instinct. She said gently, “Director Hua, I’ve adjusted. Let’s go again.”

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