The Best Actress is the Darling of My Heart

Chapter 66.1

The next day, everything was ready, and the shoot resumed.

Today’s shoot went much more smoothly. Neither of them made any mistakes, and they even had time to film an extra segment.


Over the weekend, Ke Yu filled her basket with vegetables and added two pieces of pork loin. She then picked up the basket and headed straight to the village school at the foot of the mountain.

At that moment, Shu Jinyu was sitting idly by the small creek behind the village school, feeling bored and daydreaming.


She had been in the village for two weeks. Once the novelty wore off, she couldn’t help but feel a bit bored. Shu Jinyu was a pampered city girl; if it weren’t for her family pressuring her to get married, she would probably never have come to live in such a remote place in her life.

“Miss Shu?”

Hearing the familiar voice, Shu Jinyu was startled and immediately straightened up. She quickly composed herself, trying to appear less flustered. Shu Jinyu thought she had concealed her reaction well, but little did she know, all her small movements were clearly observed by Ke Yu.

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Ms Il Zw, vbkp dykhl tkaz oyp vss lypu vs alye.

Il Zw, nyaaukdt vbl cypjlv sq hltlvyczlp, oyzjle tldvzu vsoyaep Fbw Kkduw yde pyv esod clpkel bla. “Ykpp Fbw, usw zlqv uswa cypjlv sq hltlvyczlp zypv vkxl. Fkdnl R bye psxl qall vkxl vseyu, R vbswtbv R’e cakdt kv shla vs usw.”

Rq Il Zw byed’v vyjld vbl kdkvkyvkhl vs alvwad kv, Fbw Kkduw oswze byhl yzxspv qsatsvvld ycswv kv. Wsa y ryxrlale nkvu tkaz zkjl bla, y hltlvyczl cypjlv oyp ds ckt elyz; zspkdt kv oyp dsvbkdt vs osaau ycswv.

Rv bye clld y ollj pkdnl Fbw Kkduw zypv pyo Il Zw. Pwakdt vbkp ollj, pbl byed’v bye ydu xsal lasvkn ealyxp.

Gqvla qzllkdt kd lxcyaayppxldv zypv vkxl, Fbw Kkduw vbswtbv plakswpzu ycswv kv. Rv oyp pbl obs bye vbspl ealyxp; bso nswze pbl czyxl Il Zw? Rv oypd’v zkjl Il Zw bye qsanle bla. Gzvbswtb vbl hkzzytlap pyke Il Zw oyp y elxsd obs clokvnblp rlsrzl, Fbw Kkduw, clkdt olzz-lewnyvle, dyvwayzzu eked’v clzklhl pwnb vbkdtp.

Gde dso, vbl xlyv yde hltlvyczlp kd vbl cypjlv rashle vbyv Il Zw oyp kdelle y tsse rlapsd.

Fbw Kkduw kxxlekyvlzu qlzv vbyv bla ralhkswp yvvkvwel vsoyaep Il Zw oyp vss awel. Ysalshla, tkhld bso nsdpkelayvl Il Zw oyp, pbl qlzv pbl pbswze valyv bla olzz kd alvwad.

Fs Fbw Kkduw vakle vs yefwpv bla elxlydsa yde pxkzle pollvzu. “Mbydj usw, Fkpvla Il.”

Ke Yu looked down shyly.


The two of them sat quietly by the stream for a while. Suddenly, Ke Yu looked up at Shu Jinyu’s profile and softly asked, “Miss Shu, does your name have any special meaning?”

Shu Jinyu smiled and replied, “Do you think it sounds a bit like a boy’s name? Many people have said that. My name was given by my grandfather. ‘Jinyu’ means ‘today’s universe,’ and ‘Shu’ sounds like ‘book,’ so together it means ‘writing today’s universe’.”

As she spoke, Shu Jinyu’s tone became increasingly playful, like a peacock eager to be praised.

Sure enough, a hint of admiration flashed in Ke Yu’s eyes. “Miss Shu, your grandfather must be a great literary figure.”

“Yes, yes,” Shu Jinyu said, her excitement evident despite having heard similar comments countless times. “My grandfather is amazing. My family initially didn’t allow me to teach in the village, but my grandfather helped me convince them.”

Ke Yu nodded thoughtfully and asked, “But… why ‘Jinyu’ and not ‘Mingyu’ or ‘Zuoyu’?”

“Because…” Shu Jinyu responded, clearly familiar with the question, “I have an older brother named Shu Mingyu. As for why not ‘Shu Zuoyu,’ my grandfather said only today and tomorrow can be written about and changed, but yesterday has already passed and cannot be altered.”

Ke Yu seemed to somewhat understand. “I see…”

Her gaze slowly shifted downward, finally resting on Shu Jinyu’s legs, which were swinging back and forth.

The young girl seemed like a lively, adorable little bird.

Ke Yu’s smile grew softer, but the laughter in her eyes remained somewhat cold, not reaching their depths.

Xia Shutong was adept at conveying emotions with her eyes. In the scene, Shu Jinyu could only see the smile in Ke Yu’s eyes, but off-camera, Director Hua Zinan clearly saw the coldness.


This was exactly the effect Hua Zinan wanted.

However, Director Hua Zinan couldn’t help but worry. Yun Feiwu had just recently resolved her issue of getting lost in her role. If she were to see the coldness in Xia Shutong’s eyes after coming out of character, would she feel hurt and get lost again?

After all, although Yun Feiwu is an award-winning actress, she is still a young girl in love. Director Hua Zinan had seen many such situations and knew that young girls in love nowadays tend to be very blind and fragile. Although Yun Feiwu didn’t seem like the fragile type, Director Hua Zinan could see how close she was to Xia Shutong.

Director Hua Zinan had always been very perceptive about emotions. She even sensed from Xia Shutong and Yun Feiwu a deep and somewhat abnormal emotion, which was one of the reasons for her concern.


Director Hua Zinan sighed inwardly but kept her eyes fixed on the camera, carefully observing Xia Shutong and Yun Feiwu’s actions.

Upon hearing Director Hua Zinan’s voice, Xia Shutong immediately shifted her gaze from Yun Feiwu’s swaying legs and looked up at her.

Yun Feiwu also turned to meet Xia Shutong’s gaze, her innocent smile, which belonged only to Shu Jinyu, still lingering on her face.

Director Hua Zinan watched through the lens, instinctively clenching her fingers, ready to step in if necessary.

However, in the next moment, the coolness in Xia Shutong’s eyes vanished, replaced by an overwhelming sweetness. Yun Feiwu also smiled sweetly, lifting her hand to gently tidy Xia Shutong’s hair.

The sweetness of their love overflowed from the screen.

Director Hua Zinan: “…”


Well, perhaps she was overthinking it.


As the filming progressed, Xia Shutong and Yun Feiwu’s performance only got better. Not only did they not waste any time, but they also significantly advanced the shooting schedule.

In the blink of an eye, it was mid-July.

In reality, Yun Feiwu and Xia Shutong became increasingly inseparable, to the point where they could hardly be apart for a moment. Meanwhile, the plot of “Trajectory” also developed rapidly.

After their third meeting, Shu Jinyu and Ke Yu became friends.

Shu Jinyu completely put that spring dream behind her. She was no longer afraid to meet Ke Yu. In fact, whenever she had free time, she would go to the farm to chat with Ke Yu or pester her to play games and listen to her lesson preparations.

Shu Jinyu’s lively and cheerful personality made her sometimes like a peacock displaying its feathers and other times like a chirpy little sparrow, joyfully sharing her experiences with Ke Yu.

Every move Shu Jinyu made created ripples in the otherwise stagnant lake of Ke Yu’s heart.

Ke Yu realized she must like this young girl.

Ke Yu was well aware of how improper her feelings were, yet she couldn’t help but want to get closer to this innocent girl, to entice her, to bewitch her, to defile her.

Bit by bit, Ke Yu used increasingly bold actions to stir Shu Jinyu’s heartstrings.


Shu Jinyu finally developed different feelings for Ke Yu on a summer night.

During the summer break, there were no students in the village school, and Teacher Wang had gone home, leaving Shu Jinyu alone at the school. For Shu Jinyu’s safety, Ke Yu selected two big dogs and tied them in the school playground. Since Shu Jinyu didn’t know how to feed the dogs, Ke Yu came down the mountain every day to feed them, which extended the time they spent together.

Tonight, Shu Jinyu lay restless, listening to the cicadas outside the window. Feeling unbearably hot and increasingly irritable, she tossed and turned but couldn’t fall asleep.

So, Shu Jinyu went out to take a walk on the gravel playground.

In the height of summer, it wasn’t much cooler outside the room.

Shu Jinyu couldn’t calm her restless mind and eventually glanced up at the mountain unconsciously. From this angle, nothing should have been visible, yet she felt as if she saw a light.

“Is Sister Ke asleep? Could she be awake too? Should I… go talk to her?”

Previously, Shu Jinyu had chatted late into the night with Ke Yu but had never stayed over. When she got sleepy, Ke Yu would escort her down the mountain with a big black dog.

Shu Jinyu hesitated for a moment, then walked to the edge of the playground, untied the ropes of the two wolfdogs, and pointed up the mountain, hesitantly saying, “…Let’s go?”

It was too late for her to dare climb the mountain alone.

The two wolfhounds seemed to understand the command, barking twice before nudging Shu Jinyu up the mountain.

When they reached the yard, Shu Jinyu’s eyes suddenly brightened—the lights in the yard were still on, indicating that Ke Yu hadn’t gone to bed yet.

Before Shu Jinyu could knock, the gate creaked open following a few barks, and Ke Yu stood at the entrance, tilting her head slightly, “Jinyu?”

Ke Yu was only wearing a thin inner garment, nearly transparent in the night, accentuating her graceful figure.

Shu Jinyu’s face instantly flushed.

Her mind went blank, and she forgot what she wanted to say.

“Can’t sleep?” Ke Yu asked with a gentle smile.

Shu Jinyu nodded slightly, a bit flustered.

Ke Yu stepped forward, just like the first time they met, taking her wrist. “Want to come in and sit for a while?”

Shu Jinyu dazedly nodded again, following Ke Yu into the house… and then found herself sitting on Ke Yu’s bed.


Director Hua Zinan called “Cut,” cleared the set, and began preparing for the next bed scene.

“Yun Feiwu, this is your first time performing this type of scene, right? The same goes for you, President Xia. There’s no need to be nervous, just relax. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me,” Director Hua Zinan said with a smile, sitting on the bed to chat with them.

Yun Feiwu had never acted in such an intimate scene before, and neither had Xia Shutong. Given the circumstances, it was natural for them to feel nervous, so Han Zinan sat beside them to soothe their nerves and communicate with them before filming started.

Xia Shutong had previously learned that Director Hua Zinan’s filming style was always authentic and realistic, with high standards for such scenes, striving for a genuine effect.

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