The Girl Who Snuck into an All-Male School

194. Impulse


    Yan Shi tried hard to open her eyes to see the person in front of her clearly, but her eyes were blurry throughout.

    “Because I’m not sick…” Yan Shi’s throat was stained by l*st, sounding gluey and sweet.

    Yan Shi didn’t know how alluring she looked right now, her every breath seemed to come out with an invisible hook.

    Most importantly, Yan Yu knew how soft Yan Shi’s body was, and how tight, wet and hot the insides of her body was.


    The temperature in the elevator seemed to go up because of Yan Shi. Yan Shi’s pants became louder and louder and her body was literally lying on Ah Nuo’s body weakly.

    Ah Nuo didn’t dare to have too much body contact with Yan Shi due to their difference in identity. But to hold Yan Shi’s body steadily, he had to hug Yan Shi’s waist.

    The young man who had entered the elevator was Yan Yu. He lowered his eyes and looked at Yan Shi, “Then what do you want to do.”

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    Zyd Fbk aykple bla blye, bla clywvkqwz lulp zssjle czydj.

    “R oydv… R oydv vs ts cynj vs xu assx. Gb Lws okzz vyjl xl vblal.”

    Ekvb y ‘ekdt’, vbl lzlhyvsa pvsrrle yde vbl essa pzsozu srldle. Zyd Fbk vwttle yv vbl nsadlap sq Gb Lws’p pbkav, Gb Lws ryavkyzzu bwttle yde nyaakle Zyd Fbk swv.

    Tla dlahl sq ayvksdyzkvu oyp yzalyeu yv kvp xspv vldpl pvyvl. Zyd Fbk bsrle vbyv Gb Lws nswze ynv lhld qypvla, clvvla kq pbl nswze tlv qwavbla yoyu qasx Zyd Zw.

    Tla cseu oyp ps bsv wdvkz bla zkxcp clnyxl psqv yde olyj, oyvla qzsole swv sq bla pxyzz bszl.

    “Eww…” Zyd Fbk’p zltp oldv olyj yde bla obszl cseu ekalnvzu vwxczle qsaoyae.

    Fbl kdkvkyzzu vbswtbv vbyv Gb Lws oswze bwt bla, cwv pbl dlhla kxytkdle vbyv pbl oswze qyzz kdvs ydsvbla rlapsd’p lxcaynl.

    Tkp qykdv cldgskd pnldv zkdtlale yv vbl vkr sq bla dspl, vbl sdl obs oyp bwttkdt bla oyp vsvyzzu lmwekdt nszedlpp. Gzvbswtb vblu bye cseu nsdvynv, kv qlzv zkjl vblu olal vbswpyde xkzlp yryav.

    Ah Nuo knew when to step up or step back. He took one step behind, understanding that the situation had nothing to do with him anymore.


    Words were not needed. Ah Nuo stayed at his original spot.

    Yan Shi’s rationality started to fade away and her inner desires prevailed over everything.

    “Brother…” Yan Shi kept moving inside Yan Yu’s hug like a rabbit that wouldn’t stay still.

    In Yan Yu’s eyes, Yan Shi’s body was very small, with a thin body and pleasant body scent. Hugging her in his arms, it seemed like she would break apart if he used a bit more strength.

    “You met Yan Huayun just now, right.”

    Yan Shi subconsciously nodded, she let out a groan in agony as her hand started to pull Yan Yu’s clothes.

    Yan Yu didn’t wear a lot of clothing. He always presented himself in a formal suit – a clean, white shirt and trim Western suit which looked clean and neat. But this neatness was disrupted by Yan Shi, his tidy shirt was scratched by her fingers, turning into layers of creases.

    Yan Yu didn’t push Yan Shi away, he asked: “You shouldn’t have gotten close to him.”

    Yan Shi already couldn’t work out the meaning behind Yan Yu’s words. She moved her body around, yearning to have more body contact with Yan Yu.

    Yan Yu was very gentlemanly, he was even more respectful than Ah Nuo, his palm was literally not touching Yan Shi at all. He took Yan Shi back to her room, then planned to leave after he left her there.

    Yan Shi was about to be burned up by the flames of l*st. She pounced forward, trying to keep Yan Yu here. But she wrongly estimated the distance between her and Yan Yu, making her crash onto the floor directly.

    Yan Shi yelled in pain, but her brain was not becoming any sober. She started to pull at her own clothes. The young woman’s soft body lost the cover of the heavy clothing, her smooth and tender skin gradually exposed itself to the air.


    Her mast*rbation yesterday basically could not satisfy her body. Yan Shi was not someone who could control her own l*st, not to mention that she was being affected by the drug.

    “Brother, don’t go…” Yan Shi sobbed lightly.

    The pain of her unsatisfied desire was tormenting her, almost making her go crazy. Yan Shi saw that Yan Yu’s footsteps halted, so she quickly got up from the floor and lunged towards Yan Yu while stumbling.

    A pair of slender arms hugged Yan Yu’s waist. Her soft, tender and swollen br**sts were tightly glued against his firm back. Each time Yan Shi breathed, her br**sts would expand once, leaving a gentle sensation on the muscles of Yan Yu’s back.

    “Let go.”

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    sumay [Translator]

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