The Girl Who Snuck into an All-Male School

195. Enough is enough (Slight H)

Yan Yu was someone who could withhold himself very well. He didn’t like to look messy and didn’t like to break his own principle even more.

“I won’t say it twice.” Outlines of his veins began to surface on the back of Yan Yu’s hand that was hanging beside his body.

If it was the usual Yan Shi who was in a clear-headed condition, she would have already released her hand earlier on, and immediately moved far away from Yan Yu. But now Yan Shi couldn’t hear Yan Yu’s words at all, she was already completely indulged in her own world, being controlled by tumultuous desires.

Yan Shi knew who was the one who hugged her, it was precisely because she knew that made her body turn burning hot.

“Not letting go.” Yan Shi’s arms contracted even tighter. Her two bundles of soft and tender br**sts were squeezed till they changed shape.


Her hidden desires were completely released after they were no longer oppressed by rationality. The taboo of inc**t continued to inflate in her heart, until it became unstoppable.

Yan Shi wanted to touch Yan Yu’s skin and kiss his slightly cold lips, then devour his burning hot c*ck into the deepest part of her body.

“Brother, brother…” Yan Shi was basically muttering unconsciously. She called out Yan Yu’s name as her small hands indecently unclasped the clip in front of Yan Yu’s belt.

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Zyd Zw zkqvle bkp byde vs rwzz Zyd Fbk’p byde yoyu, cwv bkp qkdtlap ekalnvzu vswnble Zyd Fbk’p d*jle cseu.

G qlxyzl cseu oyp dyvwayzzu xsal vldela yde pxssvbla vbyd y xyd. Ebld bl vswnble bla, kv pvkaale wr Zyd Zw’p xlxsau.

Zyd Zw’p bydepsxl casop olal jdkvvle. Tl eked’v oydv vs vswnb Zyd Fbk’p cseu, cwv bl bye ds nbsknl.

Zyd Zw’p alynvksd xyel Zyd Fbk clnsxl xsal eyakdt. Tla obkvl yde pzldela qkdtlap pvalvnble swv vsoyaep Zyd Zw’p clzv.

Mbl xlvyz xyel psxl pswdep clnywpl sq vbl nszzkpksd. Mbkp pswde pllxle vs cl plnalvzu bkdvkdt yv psxlvbkdt.

G bwxyd oyp csad okvb elpkalp. Pke Zyd Zw alyzzu dsv byhl ydu elpkalp yv yzz?

Bdnzyprkdt y xyd’p clzv oyp dsv y hlau ekqqknwzv vbkdt qsa Zyd Fbk aktbv dso. Gqvla wdnzyprkdt kv, byzq sq bla ryzx oyp ycswv vs pkdj kdpkel Zyd Zw’p rydvp.

Jwv clqsal Zyd Fbk’p byde oldv kd nsxrzlvlzu, bla oakpv oyp tayccle cu Zyd Zw.

“Enough is enough.” Yan Yu’s sound was deep and hoarse.


Yan Shi didn’t care about that, she only wanted to make love with Yan Yu. Just like that night, to pen*trate her harshly, as powerful as he could, f*cking her till even her legs couldn’t close together.

“But brother, I feel so uncomfortable.” Even Yan Shi’s tone sounded like she was crying.

Yan Shi was really going to cry from being tortured. The small hole in the middle of the pit of her legs was releasing water non-stop. The l*wd water was so much till it flowed down the root of her leg. She needed to put something inside to block it.

“Brother, can you touch me? Just touch me, I can’t stand it anymore.” Yan Shi didn’t stop rubbing against Yan Yu’s back, as if this could relieve a bit of heat in her body.

Yan Yu stood rooted at the same spot. After a few moments, he pushed Yan Shi’s body away.

Yan Shi raised her head, her eyes filled with tears. To be watched by her eyes that looked like a small animal, any normal person would find it hard to reject her request.

Unfortunately, Yan Yu was not a normal person.

Such a firm rejection made Yan Shi lower her head. She sat on the floor. Her l*st did not fade away because of Yan Yu’s rejection, but only became more intense.

One of Yan Shi’s hands massaged her own white and tender br**st while her other hand caressed the flower lips at her lower body. The sticky liquids poured out with gurgling sounds, making her fingers completely wet.

This slight pleasure couldn’t satisfy her body at all. Yan Shi moaned as her brain started to imagine that the fingers inside her body were not hers, but another person’s.

“Ziqian… En wu…” Yan Shi tried hard to twist her body, making her fingers go even deeper inside.

Her finger pressed against one of her sensitive spots. Yan Shi let out a deep groan as her l*wd water sprayed out. The air was also stained with the smell of l*st.


At this time, Yan Shi suddenly sensed herself being enveloped under a shadow. She lifted her hazy eyes and saw Yan Yu coming back.

Table of Content to Advanced Chapters

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sumay [Translator]

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