My Husband’s Boss Fell In Love With Me at First Sight

Chapter 64: Divorce.

It was a men’s health clinic.

In the bustling crowd, the couple made eye contact and immediately recognized each other.

Su Man was shocked, “Wang Li? Why are you here?”

Wang Li was stunned and hurriedly explained, “Xiao Man… I, I’m here with a colleague…”

Before he could finish, a cold mechanical voice echoed through the entire hall, “Number 27, Wang Li, please proceed to Consultation Room 3… Number 27…”


Wang Li stopped speaking, his face looking somewhat unpleasant.

Su Man’s brother, Su Yuanhong, sensed something was off and stepped forward, glaring at him, “You…”

The system announcement continued. Su Man remained calm, pulled her brother back, and told Wang Li, “You should go. You’re about to miss your turn.”

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Mblu oldv vblka plryayvl oyup. Fw Yyd vssj bla casvbla vs pll vbl prlnkyzkpv obkzl Eydt Nk oldv kdvs vbl nsdpwzvyvksd assx.

Gqvla vbl nsdpwzvyvksd, Fw Yyd oykvle qsa bkx yv vbl essa.

“Gal usw qllzkdt wdolzz?” pbl ypjle.

Fw Yyd oyp iwkvl pwarakple clnywpl Eydt Nk bye dlhla pbsod ydu pktdp sq xyzl blyzvb kppwlp yde bye ds rasczlxp okvb plmwyz rlaqsaxydnl.

Fw Zwydbsdt bye clld pldv vs cwu oyvla. Eydt Nk jdlo Fw Yyd oyp tkhkdt bkx qynl, blpkvyvle qsa y xsxldv, yde vbld elnkele vs nsdqlpp. Tl pyke bl bye dlnasprlaxky.

Tl bye qswde swv pbsavzu yqvla vblka xyaakytl yde qlzv ypbyxle, ps bl eked’v vlzz ydusdl. Mbkp vkxl, bl nyxl vs vbl bsprkvyz yqvla csypvkdt vs Hbsw Ubldtfkdt clnywpl bl tldwkdlzu oydvle y nbkze okvb Fw Yyd. Tl oydvle vs nsdpwzv vbl esnvsap vs pll kq vblal oyp ydu valyvxldv.

Gqvla zkpvldkdt, Fw Yyd pweeldzu bye y vbswtbv: Ls osdela Eydt Nk yzoyup pkele okvb bla obld bkp xsvbla ralppwale bla vs byhl nbkzeald. Eyp kv clnywpl bl jdlo bl bye y rasczlx?

Yyucl Eydt Nk eked’v vbkdj vbyv oyu, cwv Fw Yyd nswzed’v blzr cwv prlnwzyvl.

The rift between them had long been irreparable.


At that moment, Su Man couldn’t tell if she was disappointed or sad. She finally said the words that had been on the tip of her tongue, “Let’s get a divorce.”

Both Wang Li and Su Yuanhong had their tests done. In the afternoon, the results came out dramatically.

Su Yuanhong, who thought he was infertile and almost got divorced because of it, found out it was a misdiagnosis. On the other hand, Wang Li was confirmed as infertile once again at a more authoritative hospital.

The cure rate… well, it wasn’t non-existent, but it wasn’t optimistic either.

In front of Su Yuanhong, Wang Li couldn’t continue to ‘delay’ Su Man and had to agree to the divorce.

To protect Wang Li’s dignity, Su Man agreed to tell people they were divorcing due to irreconcilable differences and promised not to disclose his infertility.

Wang Li nodded and walked away with a somber expression.

That night, the elderly couple of the Su family received a shocking piece of news—

Just as their son had a change of heart, their daughter couldn’t continue her marriage anymore.

Su Man’s father almost fainted again, and her mother, experienced in such situations, quickly administered his medication. After stabilizing the situation, her mother calmly accepted the news.

She had never thought highly of Wang Li and seemed to have anticipated this outcome.

“I didn’t agree with you marrying him in the first place. A young man who can’t keep his feet on the ground and only talks big isn’t someone you can rely on for life. You wouldn’t listen, and now you’ve hit a dead end and realize the pain, right?”


“It’s good that you’ve come to your senses. If you’re unhappy, come home. Your father and I will always love you.”

Su Man’s nose tingled with emotion as she threw herself into her mother’s arms, crying silently for a while.

Before bed, Zhou Chengjing called to ask about her brother’s test results.

Su Man was cautious and only told him it was a misdiagnosis, not mentioning that she and Wang Li had agreed to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau next week to finalize their divorce.

However, Zhou Chengjing still found out.

Since the Civil Affairs Bureau is closed on weekends, Wang Li had to request time off from work during the week, informing Zhou Chengjing of his reason.

Zhou Chengjing was pleasantly surprised but also slightly annoyed that Su Man had kept this from him. He followed Wang Li all the way to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Su Man was already waiting at the entrance.

In truth, Wang Li did not want the divorce. Over the past two days, he had been trying to contact Su Man, hoping she would change her mind, but all his messages had gone unanswered.

Wang Li felt both love and resentment for Su Man. He couldn’t believe she would discard him so easily over a physical imperfection.

When they met, he couldn’t hold back and bitterly said, “Finally willing to see me?”

Immediately regretting his words, he changed his tone, humbly pleading, “Xiao Man, don’t divorce me, please? The doctor said there’s still hope for me. I promise to actively cooperate with the treatment. I will get better…”


Su Man shook her head and said, “It’s not because of that, Wang Li. I’m sorry. I’ve realized that my feelings for you have faded.”

Wang Li didn’t believe her, thinking she was making excuses.

He wanted to say more, but Su Yuanhong, who had accompanied Su Man and just returned from the restroom, asked, “Why aren’t you going in?”

Wang Li, angry and resentful, ultimately kept quiet and went through the process.

With the new red divorce certificate in hand, before parting ways, Wang Li sternly requested Su Man, “Don’t tell my parents about the divorce yet.”

Su Man agreed.

Feeling a sense of release from her guilt and torment, Su Man was just beginning to feel relieved when her phone rang.

It was Zhou Chengjing, asking where she was.

Feeling inexplicably guilty, Su Man looked around. Zhou Chengjing had brought a new car today, parked nearby, and she hadn’t recognized it.

She lied, saying, “At the office.”

Zhou Chengjing scoffed and exposed her lie on the spot, “Really? Then why do I see someone who looks a lot like you at the Civil Affairs Bureau?”

He honked the horn, drawing Su Man’s attention.


“Get in the car. I’ll take you.”

Su Man was reluctant but didn’t refuse, pretending she had called a ride-share. She and her brother got into the car.

Su Man didn’t know much about cars, but Su Yuanhong did, and he was quite surprised to recognize that this was a luxury car. As soon as he got in, he started chatting with the driver, “Wow, man, you must be doing well, driving this car for ride-sharing!”

Zhou Chengjing was very amicable and modestly said, “It’s all thanks to my family. As young people, we still need to work hard on our own.”

Su Yuanhong felt that this young man had the right attitude and chatted with him all the way. By the end of the trip, they were on such good terms that Zhou Chengjing was calling him “bro.”

Once Su Yuanhong got out at his destination and the car door closed, Zhou Chengjing’s warm and cheerful smile faded. He turned to Su Man and said, “Come sit up front.”

His stern expression was a bit intimidating, so Su Man, not wanting to provoke him, obediently moved to the front passenger seat.

“Did you only take the morning off, or the whole day?” Zhou Chengjing asked her to confirm, then said, “I think we need to have a talk.”

Su Man nodded in agreement.

As Zhou Chengjing steered the car, he began, “First of all, Manman, I’m really happy that you’ve gotten a divorce.”

After expressing his happiness, his tone shifted, “But then you didn’t tell me about it. If I’m not mistaken, you were planning to kick me out of your life as well, weren’t you?”

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