My Husband’s Boss Fell In Love With Me at First Sight

Chapter 63: What a fool.

Su Man’s father had a weak heart, and her brother was going through a divorce. She didn’t want to add more stress to her father at this critical time.

Originally, she planned to wait a few days, but given the situation, she realized she couldn’t delay even one more day.

Su Man, not bothering with emotions like anger, hurriedly cleaned herself up and asked Zhou Chengjing to buy her some emergency contraception.

The finger marks from the slap Zhou Chengjing gave himself were still on his face. If he didn’t want to show up at work with those obvious marks the next day, he also needed to take care of that.

While in the car, he contacted a family doctor and took Su Man to his place.


Even the most expensive emergency contraception is harmful to the body. Zhou Chengjing felt very guilty and kept apologizing.

Su Man remained unmoved. After changing out of the pants he had torn, she said she wanted to go home.

Zhou Chengjing suggested she stay there for the night because they couldn’t be sure if Wang Li had already found out something. If Wang Li was planning revenge, Zhou Chengjing was worried about Su Man’s safety.

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Fw Yyd byed’v nsdpkelale vbkp rskdv, cwv bkp osaep xyel bla y ckv pnyale. Fbl nbydtle bla xkde yde pyke, “R’zz ts vs xu ryaldvp’ rzynl.”

Hbsw Ubldtfkdt ytalle yde eashl bla vblal.

Jlqsal pbl tsv swv sq vbl nya, bl nyzzle bla cynj yde alyppwale bla sdnl xsal, “Kwpv vyjl nyal sq uswaplzq. Nlyhl lhlauvbkdt lzpl vs xl.”

Fw Yyd, wdelapvydekdt vbl pkvwyvksd, dseele byrbygyaezu.

Mbl dlmv eyu, yqvla yaakhkdt yv osaj, Hbsw Ubldtfkdt nyzzle Eydt Nk kdvs bkp sqqknl yde tsv pvayktbv vs vbl rskdv, ypjkdt, “Pke usw calyj vblx?”

Tkp vsdl oyp nyzx, bkp elxlydsa alzymle, pbsokdt ds pktdp sq lxcyaayppxldv qsa clkdt nywtbv eskdt psxlvbkdt oasdt. Tkp pvasdt ralpldnl kdpvlye xyel Eydt Nk kdlmrzknyczu dlahswp.

Eydt Nk vakle vs rzyu ewxc. “E-obyv…”

“Mbl nyxlayp R rwv kd uswa bswpl,” Hbsw Ubldtfkdt nzyakqkle okvbswv oykvkdt qsa bkx vs qkdkpb.

Wang Li couldn’t keep up the pretense and, forcing himself to be firm, said, “Mr. Zhou, what you did is illegal.”


“Illegal?” Zhou Chengjing scoffed, disdain evident in his voice. “Money can make the devil turn millstones. Don’t you understand that?”

Of course, Wang Li understood.

Before bringing Wang Li over, Zhou Chengjing had already learned that Wang Li was an arrogant yet cowardly man with weak willpower. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been so easily swayed by a few complaints from his colleagues, leading to his dissatisfaction and desire to switch jobs just when his previous boss was considering promoting him.

Such a person, in awe of the circles they couldn’t access, deeply believed that the wealthy could do as they pleased.

As expected, Wang Li was frightened, his face showing a slight change.

Zhou Chengjing felt that Wang Li wasn’t fully aware but was probing him. He tested the waters, “Do you really not know what I want?”

He then offered a deal, “In exchange, I can give you what you want—money or fame—as long as you…”

Wang Li, scared of what Zhou Chengjing might say next, interrupted him, unable to keep his composure, “Mr. Zhou, I really love my wife and I really like kids. I’m straight.”


Zhou Chengjing understood.

Wang Li still firmly believed that Zhou Chengjing liked men, thinking that his unrequited love led him to use cameras to spy on him. Was that why he was trying to hint at a happy family life?

What a fool.


Zhou Chengjing’s expression turned cold as he dismissed Wang Li and then called Su Man to reassure her.

Su Man was indeed relieved. Seeing that her father was in good spirits yesterday, she planned to take advantage of the current calm and talk about the divorce that night. After all, a divorce wouldn’t be as shocking as an affair.

However, Zhou Chengjing advised her to wait.

According to Su Man, the reason her brother wanted a divorce was because, last month, he was diagnosed with azoospermia (absence of sperm). Yet, he already had a beautiful, lovely child.

Zhou Chengjing had asked around and found out that such diagnoses could be wrong if not conducted at a highly reputable hospital.

So, he suggested that his brother-in-law undergo another test, hoping it might solve one of their father’s worries.

The doctor had been scheduled for an appointment and would be available after an academic conference in a couple of days. Waiting for the results wouldn’t delay much.

Su Man agreed.

But she didn’t expect to run into Wang Li at the hospital.

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