Yandere Girlfriend x Psychopathic Boyfriend ≒ Pure Love

YGxPB Chapter 6

Study Group Misaki Sato’s Case

When he said we were going to study, we hadn’t decided which subjects we were going to do.

I was beginning to think he might be more impulsive than I thought, so did he think we could just study like that?

“So, Misaki, which subjects are you good at and which are you not?”

“I’m good at maths, but I’m not so good at 1Rote learning is another way of saying memorization.rote learning.”


“Then we’ll teach each other, because it’s the opposite of what I do.”

I thought it would be nice if lovers could teach each other subjects they weren’t good at.

I used to study on my own, and even though I wasn’t good at it, I was better at it than my friends.

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R eked’v jdso bso xwnb bl nswze es, cwv R bsrle R oswze cl yczl vs blzr bkx.

“Rv’p byae vs nsdnldvayvl kq ol pvweu yzz vbl vkxl, ps ol’zz byhl y calyj lhlau dso yde vbld.”

“Ebyv es ol es qsa y calyj?”

“R vbkdj ol’al tskdt vs nsdnldvayvl xsal sd vbl tyxlp yde pvwqq, ps R’x tskdt vs zssj yv xu tayewyvksd yzcwx qsa psxlvbkdt xsal nsdhldkldv.”

“Usxl sd, ckt casvbla. Ebu esd’v usw pbso xl uswa tayewyvksd yzcwx kdpvlye sq xkdl?”

R oyp kdvlalpvle kd bkp tayewyvksd yzcwx, cwv xyucl R nswze ypj xu qakldep obs oldv vs vbl pyxl plnsdeyau pnbssz yp bkx vs pbso kv vs xl.

Ysal kxrsavydvzu, R xktbv byhl clld y zkvvzl kdvlalpvle kd Zwk’p tayewyvksd yzcwx.

Fbl oyp y fwdksa bktb pnbssz pvweldv dso, ps eke rakxyau pnbsszp xlyd pbl oyp uswdtla vbyd pbl oyp dso?

“I’d like to see your graduation album.”


“Hey, what are you talking about, Sato?”

“I’m curious to know what it was like because you’re so cute, Yui-chan. Also, you can call me Misaki.”

“You should stop teasing me. But I’m happy to call you Misaki-senpai. I’m going to try my best to get into the same high school as Misaki and my brother. Then I can be a real junior.”

“Yui-chan is really cute. I only have one sister, so it’s nice to have another sister.”

“I can’t be an older sister because I only have older brothers and sisters, but I’m happy to talk to Misaki-senpai.”

“I hope we can get to know each other better.”

“I’d like to get to know you better too, so please come and visit me when you’re not busy.”

Yui seemed to be making a new cup of tea for me.

I could feel her excitement as she ran towards the kitchen, she was so cute. I wondered if she was going to go to her room to study soon?

“Are we going to study in your room?”

“No, no. I study in here.”

“This is the living room, isn’t it?”


“Yes, in the living room.”

“Do you think it would be a problem if I studied in here?”

“I don’t think so.”

I was surprised because I thought we were going to study in Ma-kun’s room, but it was too early for us to be alone in the same room on the day we started dating.

Maybe he was a gentleman in that area, unlike the other boys.

We had only been going out for a day, but he had been very kind to me by casually carrying my tote bag and taking care of me.

“You didn’t bring any study materials with you, did you?”

“No, I didn’t have any classes today.”

“I’ll be back in a minute with your textbooks.”

Then Ma-kun was leaving the living room, should I go with him?

Yui hadn’t come back, and it felt awkward to be alone in the living room of my first visit. Just as I was thinking this, Yui came back.

I wanted to look around the living room a bit more, but it was not very polite to look around so I think I would just have a chat with Yui and wait for Ma-kun to arrive.


“Do you drink tea?”

“No, I don’t drink much, but I like it.”

“I’m glad. My brother doesn’t drink tea, so I usually don’t brew it, but today I opened a new tea leaf because my senior is here.”

Yui happily made a cup of tea and served it to me with cookies.

The cookies were a little uneven in appearance, but once you had one, they were not too sweet and went well with the tea.

“These cookies go so well with tea. Where can I find them?”

“These cookies, you know. We don’t sell them. They are not for sale.”

“If it’s not for sale, will I ever get to eat it again?”

I tried to say so, but I was sure this was made by Yui.

“I got these cookies from a friend. If you like them, would you like me to bake some for you next?”

“That’s what I thought. But I’m sorry to ask someone I don’t know to bake for me.”

I thought it was handmade by Yui, but it was made by her friend.


But could I eat the cookies that her friend made?

I thought so, but the cookies and tea went so well together that I couldn’t stop eating them.

“Oh, I’m sure that’s all right. Ishikawa-kun seems to like making sweets.”


“Yes, he’s my classmate, but he’s a very feminine boy. He cooks better than me, so sometimes he gives me sweets and stuff like this.”

“Do you get on well with this Ishikawa boy, Yui-chan?”

“I think he’s one of the best friends I’ve ever had.”

“You might even like him.”

“I don’t think so. I love my brother just as much as you do.”

Was this brother-sister love?

I thought the tone of her voice was a bit low for that, but maybe I shouldn’t think too much about it.

“You’re really close siblings, aren’t you? Do you think I can be one of them?”

“That’s right. I don’t feel good with other people, but Misaki-senpai is my favorite person, and my older brother seems to be in contact with me normally, so I think it’s okay.”

I felt like her words were a bit harsh, but I was in a relationship and I shouldn’t be too shy.

But it was probably best not to offend Yui too much.

“I’m jealous that you and Ma-kun are such close siblings. I’m not that close to my sister.”

“Do you feel that way because your sister is your senior?”

“I’m not sure.”

“I’m a sister too, but I can’t see myself as a romantic interest for an older brother.”

Did this mean she saw him as a romantic interest?

I thought that was a little strange, but maybe it was possible for this time and age?

I didn’t think any of the people I knew looked at their brothers as romantic partners.

“What does it mean to be in love?”

“Do you mean like a brother and sister?”

“I don’t think that’s possible with a brother and sister.”

“That may be, but it’s up to you.”

“Well, why don’t you ask him when he comes back?”

“Please don’t do that. I love my brother, but I can’t take the risk of destroying our current good relationship.

And I’m really glad that my brother’s first girlfriend was Misaki-senpai.”

I thought she was overthinking it a little bit, but if Yui said so, I wouldn’t check with Ma-kun.

It must take a lot of courage to break up a good relationship and go to the next step, and even more so when they are family, because you can’t leave.

“Thank you. I’d be happy to get to know you better, too.”

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Verii-chan [Ex-Translator]

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1 Comment

  1. Mayumi

    Okay… That’s starting to get weird… Well, thank you for the chapter!