Little Sea Otter Became Popular


Chapter 90

On the ice rink, several celebrities in training attire were struggling to glide on the ice under the guidance of their coach.

“Straighten your legs, don’t hunch your waist! Boldly move forward, open up your posture!”

Watching the group of young people in front of him, who appeared timid and hesitant, Coach Zhang could only shake his head. If these were his students from the university, he would have dragged them through the entire ice rink by now!

The coaches providing training for Qiao Dai and the others in the ice-related project were professors from the Sports College’s ice and snow specialization. Their instructor was a retired provincial team figure skater who later became a teacher at the university. The production team had specifically invited them to coach the guests for the program.


“Coach Zhang, how is everyone doing in their practice?”

During a break, the production team’s staff, wearing smiles, approached. The temperature inside the ice rink was much lower than outside, so as soon as the man entered, he couldn’t help but shiver. He quickly zipped up his jacket and then headed towards Coach Zhang.

Coach Zhang glanced at the celebrities who were practicing outside edge gliding and single-foot gliding. His facial expression didn’t change much, making it hard to tell if he was happy or angry. He spoke in a calm tone, “It’s passable. After all, this is an ice performance, not a figure skating competition. Being able to skate through the routine proficiently is enough.”

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Mbl pvyqq eked’v byhl xwnb vs pyu kd alprsdpl vs vbkp. Mblu yzps oydvle Usynb Hbydt vs raykpl vbl twlpvp xsal, cwv bl oyp y alvkale rashkdnkyz vlyx yvbzlvl, yde vblu wdelapvsse vbl ekqqlaldnl clvolld rasqlppksdyzp yde yxyvlwap. Mblu nswzed’v lmrlnv bkx vs pbsola nsxrzkxldvp czkdezu.

Tsolhla, lhld vbswtb vblu wdelapvsse vbkp, vbl pvyqq nswzed’v blzr cwv osaau. Rq vbl twlpvp nswzed’v rasewnl tsse alpwzvp, obyv oswze byrrld ewakdt vbl zkhl rlaqsaxydnl? Ohld kq vblu xydytle vs lekv vbl pbso zyvla vs xyjl kv oyvnbyczl, vblu nswzed’v qssz vbl zkhl ywekldnl.

Kwpv yp vblu olal osaaukdt, vblu blyae Usynb Hbydt, obs oyp pkvvkdt dlyacu, pweeldzu pyu, “Jwv usw byhl y uswdt tkaz yxsdt usw obs kp iwkvl tsse. Fbl’p qlyazlpp, yde bla rspvwal kp srld. Fbl zlyadp iwknjzu.”

Mbl pvyqq kdkvkyzzu vbswtbv Usynb Hbydt oyp vaukdt vs tkhl vblx y oyu swv ps vblu oswzed’v qllz lxcyaaypple. Tsolhla, fwpv yp vblu olal ycswv vs pyu vblal oyp ds dlle vs cl ps rszkvl, vblu blyae y pxyzz lmnzyxyvksd qasx vbl knl akdj. Ebld vblu zssjle wr, vblu pyo Ckys Pyk sd vbl knl.

Mbl pdso-obkvl knl pwaqynl alqzlnvle y nsze, pbkxxlakdt zktbv wdela vbl prsvzktbvp. Mbl uswdt tkaz, zkjl y taynlqwz poyd, pralye bla yaxp yde rlaqsaxle y qsaoyae swvpkel letl tzkel. Rd xke-yka, pbl lmlnwvle y byzq-vwad asvyvksd yde zydele pvlyekzu sd vbl knl, nsxrzlvkdt y oyzvg fwxr. Fryapl yrrzywpl cltyd vs qkzz vbl yka.

Fvyqq: “?!?”

Eypd’v pbl eskdt iwkvl olzz?

Ekvb vbkp vbswtbv, vbl lmralppksd sd vbl pvyqq’p qynlp alzymle, yde vblka lmnkvlxldv tsv vbl clvvla sq vblx yp vblu vwadle vs Usynb Hbydt. “Usynb, yal usw vyzjkdt ycswv Ckys Pyk? Fbl wple vs zlyad eydnl. Ju vbl oyu, pbl oyp kd vbyv hkayz hkels ycswv kdvydtkczl nwzvwayz blakvytl y obkzl yts.”

Coach Zhang didn’t pay much attention to the entertainment industry, but upon hearing the staff’s words, he vaguely remembered something of the sort. He glanced at Qiao Dai, who was practicing on the ice, and his tone softened slightly as he asked, “No wonder. With a dance background, she has a foundation. Which video are you talking about, though?”


Earlier, the promotional video for Eleven Girls went viral on the internet, and even many official media outlets shared the corresponding clips. Not to mention that afterward, the Cultural Heritage Association also cooperated with them. Coach Zhang had seen that video, as he worked in the sports field, and the one who left the deepest impression among all the projects was the young girl who performed the single bamboo drifting.

Hearing from the staff that Qiao Dai was the girl who did the single bamboo drifting, Coach Zhang wasn’t surprised. He thought it made sense why Qiao Dai progressed so rapidly. If she had started learning figure skating at a younger age, she might have become a professional athlete.

“Little Qiao, you’re making great progress.”

On the other side, another male guest from a different idol group who had also signed up for the ice project approached Qiao Dai. He spoke with a tone of admiration and envy, his gaze fixed on her slender neck. He cleared his throat and continued, “You’ve already mastered waltz jumps and reverse crossovers so quickly. I’ve been practicing for quite a while.”

After speaking, he seemed to hesitate for a long time and finally gathered his courage. He looked at Qiao Dai and said, “There are a few moves I just can’t get right. Little Qiao, could you give me some guidance after practice?”

While the production team provided guests with a practice venue, the ice rink couldn’t be open for use twenty-four hours a day. Therefore, Qiao Dai and the other guests had less than eight hours of practice time each day. If they wanted to practice more, they had to find their own rinks and coaches.

Qiao Dai’s rapid progress was not only due to her excellent physical qualities and her prior experience on stage and single bamboo drifting but also because of the private training she attended after the official lessons. Most of the other guests were busy with their schedules after the official training sessions, which led to a growing gap between them.

Upon hearing the male guest’s request, Qiao Dai looked at him with her clear, bright eyes and immediately replied, “Sure.”

Since she practiced at another ice rink every day after the official training, practicing alone or with someone else didn’t make much difference to her. Perhaps they could help each other improve.

The male guest, gazing at Qiao Dai, who had tilted her head slightly, felt an exhilaration in his heart. He was so excited that he didn’t know what to say. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Qiao Dai continue, “I’ll ask if anyone else wants to join, and I’ll inform my manager in advance.”

With those words, the male guest’s excitement dampened significantly. He suddenly realized that in Qiao Dai’s eyes, he wasn’t any different from the other guests. He felt a bit disheartened.

However, despite his disappointment, he realized that this could bring him closer to Qiao Dai. That thought reignited his enthusiasm. He was about to suggest that they grab a meal together after practice when a stern voice came from behind them.


“Qin Zhou, it’s rare to see you so serious today. Let me guide you then.”

Qiao Dai, taken by surprise, turned to see Coach Zhang and quickly stood up, greeting him, “Hello, Coach Zhang.”

Qin Zhou, who had been attempting to approach Qiao Dai, was nearly scared out of his wits by Coach Zhang’s deep voice. He shivered and turned around just in time to see Coach Zhang standing behind them, his sharp gaze fixed on him. He stammered, “Co-Co-Coach Zhang, hello.”

Coach Zhang nodded. He had seen this young man not practicing seriously but bothering others. That’s why he came over to check the situation, so Qiao Dai wouldn’t have to reject him herself. Instead, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

Seeing Qiao Dai’s bewildered expression, Coach Zhang couldn’t help but chuckle. However, he quickly put on a serious face and said, “Practice diligently. I’ll be watching your performance on the day of the public show.”

“Okay! I’ll do my best!”

Qiao Dai nodded earnestly and, with her gaze passing beyond Coach Zhang’s shoulder, fell upon Qin Zhou. She blinked and asked, “So, Qin Zhou…”

Coach Zhang let out a slight snort, turned around, and patted Qin Zhou, who was looking downhearted. He pushed him away and said with a gradually distant voice, “Let me teach him.”

Afterward, Qin Zhou was caught by Coach Zhang and made to practice continuously. Before Qiao Dai left, she saw Coach Zhang talking to him. After bidding farewell to everyone, she turned and headed to the practice facility that had been arranged for them by their group’s manager, Lu Miao.

The ice skates’ blades left marks on the smooth ice, resembling strokes on white rice paper, using ink and brush to depict passionate characters. Now, the ice was the canvas, and the blades were the brushes. On the ice rink, they portrayed their interpretation of the world through agile steps. It was just like moving their performances from the stage to the ice, with no significant differences.

Jumping, spinning, landing—ice shavings flew as Qiao Dai executed her moves. She pushed forward on the ice, striking an elegant ending pose to conclude her routine.

As she changed out of her equipment and entered the rink, she happened to witness this scene. A glint of light passed through her pitch-black eyes.


“How was it? How was it?”

Seeing Cheng Su had arrived, Qiao Dai quickly glided over, her graceful posture from earlier replaced by the excitement of a child seeking praise. There was no trace of the elegant figure she displayed on the ice. Instead, she resembled an eager child waiting for approval.

Cheng Su had just finished his work and received a voice message from Qiao Dai asking if he had time to come to the training facility and watch her practice. He didn’t think much about it, and since he wanted to check on Qiao Dai’s progress, he agreed immediately. As soon as he arrived, he saw Qiao Dai practicing her Axel jump.

Before Cheng Su could say anything, Qiao Dai had already skated to his side. Gone was the graceful posture from before. Instead, she looked like an excited child seeking praise. Her dark, sparkling eyes gazed at him, her long, curly lashes trembling slightly in the air. Her chin tilted up slightly, giving her a particularly innocent and romantic appearance, and a faint smile played at the corners of her lips.

Cheng Su’s gaze paused, and he involuntarily raised an eyebrow.

Qiao Dai looked at Cheng Su, who had been silent for a long time, and couldn’t help but furrow her brow. The playful tone she had a moment ago, which was somewhat uncontrollable, quietly faded. It was as if she felt wronged and struck, causing her voice to lower a few degrees as she murmured, “Is it not good?”

Seeing the pitiful look in Qiao Dai’s eyes, Cheng Su suddenly chuckled, lowered his head, and lightly kissed Qiao Dai’s lips, like a dragonfly skimming the surface of water.

Gently, yet carrying the strong aura of Cheng Su, it was refreshing yet concealed a surging undercurrent, secretive yet dominant.

Qiao Dai instinctively froze in place, while Cheng Su raised his head to look at her and replied, “Hmm? It’s quite good.”

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EA [Translator]

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