InterStellar Dad

Chapter 81: Eavesdropping

Major Yan He had not yet slept.

He was a bit surprised to hear a knock at the door. Apart from him and Jiang Miao, there was no one else in the house. It was almost three in the morning.

What does she want?

The door opened, and Jiang Miao raised her eyes. This time, she did not avoid Major Yan He’s face.

When Major Yan He saw those eyes, he thought, this is the woman from the photo in the files.


“Doctor?” he inquired, looking down.

“Please inform your superiors to read the Constitution,” Jiang Miao extended her hand, revealing a pile of delicate miniature eavesdropping devices in her fair palm. Her voice carried restrained anger, “Since I’ve already been proven to be a victim in this incident and haven’t done anything to endanger national security, monitoring a law-abiding citizen like me is an infringement on my civil rights!”

Major Yan He’s gaze lingered on the eavesdropping devices for a few seconds before he looked up: “In emergency situations concerning national security, the National Security Law can temporarily override the Constitution; this is also a power granted by the Constitution.”

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“Fs, kd uswa lulp, R’x pvkzz y pwprlnv?” Kkydt Ykys ypjle.

“Mbkp kp qsa uswa rasvlnvksd,” Zyd Tl pyke kd y ellr hsknl.

Tkp vsdl oyp pvlyeu, nzlyazu elxsdpvayvkdt pvasdt rpunbszstknyz alpkzkldnl, pbsokdt ds pktd sq clkdt kdqzwldnle cu Kkydt Ykys’p lxsvksdp.

Kkydt Ykys tzyale yv bkx, pweeldzu nzldnbkdt bla qkpv!

G plaklp sq naynjkdt pswdep lxydyvle qasx bla ryzx. Kkydt Ykys srldle bla byde, vwadkdt kv shla, yde vbl qaytxldvp qlzz vs vbl taswde.

Gv vbl pyxl vkxl, vbl xsxldv Kkydt Ykys nzldnble bla qkpv, vbl xsdkvsakdt rlapsddlz yv vbl tyaakpsd cypl pnalyxle, vyjkdt sqq vblka blyeplvp yde nshlakdt vblka lyap, obknb olal pvwdt cu vbl bktb-qaliwldnu dskpl nalyvle cu vbl elpvawnvksd sq vbl lyhlpeasrrkdt elhknlp.

Mbl xyd kd xkzkvyau wdkqsax qasodle vktbvzu. Mbl osxyd kd vbl czynj pwkv tzydnle yv bkx: “R vsze usw, vbkp kp xlydkdtzlpp vs bla.”

Mbl xyd pbssj bkp blye yde pyke, “El nyd sdzu alzu sd Yyfsa Zyd Tl dso.”

Major Yan He’s expression did not change at all. Compared to the person pretending to be him, he seemed even colder. There was no emotion in his eyes.


Jiang Miao said in a deep voice, “Please tell your superiors that I do not accept this…”

Her words abruptly stopped, her gaze passing through the gap beside Major Yan He, into the room.

Suddenly, Jiang Miao pushed aside Major Yan He, who was standing at the door, and strode inside.

On the desk, “Yan He’s” keyboard-style desktop smart computer was on, its screen glowing faintly.

Jiang Miao was furious.

She turned to glare at the man temporarily staying there: “Just because I let you stay in this room doesn’t mean you can mess with other people’s things. This is…”

“It’s mine,” Major Yan He interrupted her.

Jiang Miao was momentarily speechless.

Major Yan He walked over and said calmly, “This is a personal item from my private residence in the Romo star system, brought here by him.”

As he spoke, he tapped the screen.

He was reviewing the recently accessed files by “Yan He.” The screen started playing a video: [A stray bullet hit the eye. Raf, this guy, don’t know whether to say his luck is bad or good?]

Major Yan He tapped the screen again, pausing the video.


“He went through quite a few of my diaries,” he said.

Turning his face, he saw Jiang Miao standing there stiffly.

Major Yan He gazed at her without speaking.

“You…” After a long time, Jiang Miao took a deep breath and asked, “You live on Piak in the Romo star system. Your house is a three-story building, surrounded by a 60-kilometer diameter area of primal forest, which you bought and turned into a private hunting ground, right?”


“Your best hunting record is a snow thunder beast.”


“The last time you participated in a solo military competition, there was a girl who was very skilled. She ultimately ranked third overall.”

“…Her name is Alex.”

“Raf had his eyeball pierced and his brain injured, but he didn’t die. He’s still alive,” Jiang Miao said with a bitter tone, “Isn’t he?”

Jiang Miao once again felt embarrassed and confused.

The man she thought she knew so well, the man she was familiar with down to her bones, had become increasingly obscure. This time, it wasn’t just his face; it was as if her entire perception of him was now pixelated.


Her feelings for him floated aimlessly, unable to find a solid place to settle.

Major Yan He watched her for a moment, a faintly mocking smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

“He really did borrow a lot of material,” he said.

He saw Jiang Miao lower her eyes, her empty right hand clenched tightly into a fist. Her originally fair skin turned a pale shade of blue around her knuckles.

She was very beautiful, with a faint touch of girlishness, making her highly attractive to men. Her helpless expression aroused pity.

“So, Doctor,” Major Yan He looked at her and slowly asked, “do you know who you were really falling in love with?”

This question left Jiang Miao breathless.

The man took a step closer, his body blocking the desk lamp, casting a huge shadow over Jiang Miao.

Jiang Miao looked up, seeing a face she knew all too well.

This face, along with all the “past” she knew, belonged to the man in front of her.

“Was it him?” Major Yan He leaned down, whispering softly in her ear, “…or was it me?”

Even this voice belonged to the man in front of her.


Jiang Miao closed her eyes, goosebumps rising on the back of her neck.

Major Yan He and “Yan He” indeed had many similarities; for instance, they were both masters in matters between men and women.

He naturally noticed Jiang Miao’s reaction. An indescribable emotion flashed in his eyes as he extended his hand.

The slightly rough palm did nothing to smooth the tiny goosebumps; if anything, it intensified them. Jiang Miao could even hear her own sharp intake of breath.

She looked up.

The man’s hand caressed her face, his cheek drawing close, the warmth of his breath already brushing her lips.

His lips were just about to touch Jiang Miao’s.

But suddenly, Jiang Miao caught his hand.

Coming from a high-gravity planet herself, Jiang Miao’s strength was also beyond ordinary. The force she exerted signaled her rejection.

Major Yan He halted his advance, stopping just at the point where their noses could touch, looking into her eyes.

As a person of Huang descent, Jiang Miao had large, dark eyes. In those deep pupils, Major Yan He saw a side of her that was stubborn and determined, different from her delicate and graceful exterior.

“Tomorrow, I need to see my boss,” she said, pulling his hand away from her cheek. “So tonight, please rest early to adjust to the time difference.”

As she spoke, she glanced at the man’s hand she was holding.

For a man’s hand, Major Yan He’s was quite good-looking, but… not as attractive as that other man’s hand.

The face was fake, the voice was fake, but ultimately, the body was real.

The pixelated image seemed to thin and fade a bit.

“Tomorrow, what would you like for breakfast?” Jiang Miao asked.

Major Yan He didn’t push the matter further. Being rejected, he straightened up, withdrew his hand, and calmly replied, “Anything, I’m fine with whatever.”

Jiang Miao looked up at him, “I’m thinking of cooking myself. But I’m not very good at it. Can you cook?”

“No,” Major Yan He said, “Pre-made meals will do, no need for the trouble.”

Jiang Miao kept looking at him, saying, “I’ve heard many in the military can cook.”

“Tried it, didn’t have the talent,” Major Yan He shrugged slightly.

Jiang Miao gazed at him without speaking.

The vague image in her mind seemed to become even less pixelated.

He did have some truths that were his own.

On these “truths,” she could find footing.

Jiang Miao said nothing more. She glanced at the item in her other hand and then at Major Yan He. She took his hand again, placed the item into it without a word, and turned to leave.

Major Yan He frowned at the item in his hand.

It was a small device with a single switch, looking quite simple. Major Yan He flipped the switch.

The activated screen showed two red dots in the room.

Major Yan He’s expression changed.

“Only two listening devices left in the Major’s room, the rest are destroyed,” a man in a black suit reported. “She’s impressive. These military-grade listening devices can’t be detected by regular equipment.”

A uniformed man admitted his mistake: “It’s my fault. After all, she is the chief designer of ‘Shark Tooth.'”

With the situation no longer urgent, the woman in the black suit lit a cigarette and started chatting with the uniformed man.

“What will happen to Dr. Jiang in the future? I saw her file; she was quite a notable figure on the military’s list,” she said.

The uniformed man took a cigarette from her and lit it: “She was mostly an innocent bystander. As long as she abides by the law, she shouldn’t be too affected.”

“And what about Major Yan He?” the woman in the black suit asked. “What will happen to your Major? His record was outstanding.”

“Him? What a pity…” the uniformed man said regretfully, then added, “But, if he can capture Troy himself…”

Major Yan He sat on the edge of the bed, smoking sullenly. The floor was littered with cigarette butts.

On the desk, beside the scanner Jiang Miao had given him, lay two small listening chips.

Major Yan He looked up, shadows crossing his eyes.

But unlike Jiang Miao, he couldn’t crush these irritating devices into pieces. He finished his cigarette, threw it on the ground, stamped it out, and left the room.

It was almost dawn. But with the owner still asleep, all the windows were set to block out light. The house was softly lit with dim night lights.

If one ignored the traces of destruction on the living room sofa and some other furniture, the house was decorated very warmly. When Major Yan He entered, he noticed many things belonging to a child.

For instance, a small, delicate recliner, and some plush or educational toys.

The house had a strong sense of “home.”

“Good morning, Major,” the house’s AI, a girl’s voice named Xiaona, greeted him.

Major Yan He ignored it; he wanted to talk to Jiang Miao.

Standing at the door of Jiang Miao’s bedroom, he intended to knock but suddenly hesitated.

He tried giving a command: “Open the door.”

Xiaona then operated to open Jiang Miao’s bedroom door. In Xiaona’s understanding, Major Yan He was “Yan He.”

The bedroom was darker than the hallway.

On the comfortable bed lay a petite woman, sound asleep.

She slept deeply, with tear stains at the corners of her eyes. She turned over, murmuring softly.

Major Yan He, with his sharp senses, saw her tear stains and heard her murmur the name “Yan He.”

Sansukini: There’s no doubt she fell in love with the fake Yan He, not the idea of the real Yan He. Aside from the physical attraction, she really fell for the “attentions” he gave her, like cooking for her, helping her with her emotional conundrums with her mom, and a lot of little things. Because basically, this new society is just one indifferent, selfish society, and Yan He’s ideals were more like the old society, like what Jiang Miao has been missing, mainly the reason why she’s having a child and wanting to rear it herself. She needed the familial love that the child can provide. And the fake Yan He gave her that, and a homey feeling.

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