Heartfelt Sniper (PY to Official Relationship, High H)

Chapter 6

Jian Yue used his slender fingers to twine around her hair. Neither of them broke the ambiguous atmosphere first. After a moment of hesitation, He Luo finally couldn’t bear it and wanted to catch her breath. But her legs were weak, and the wet kitchen floor was slippery. She stumbled, and her whole body fell into Jian Yue’s arms.

Jian Yue reached out and caught her.

Her full chest directly collided with his strong arms, the sudden impact making Jian Yue keenly feel the seductive softness.

The weather was hot, and He Luo’s bra had no padding, just a thin layer of lace. Under the sway of desire, her nipples hardened and protruded, faintly visible through the fabric.

Lace bras scattered on the sofa…


And what He Luo was wearing at the moment should be the same kind. But her breasts were very full, could that thin and translucent bra hold them?

Thinking of this, Jian Yue’s arm tightened involuntarily.

She was almost cornered, with He Luo’s wet hair and her eyes like a helpless little animal. She was almost out of breath and called for help, “Jian… Jian Yue…”

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Kkyd Zwl’p hsknl oyp pzktbvzu bsyapl, “Pke R bwav usw?”

Tl Nws valxczle yzz shla, dsv pwal kq pbl oyp dlahswp sa yqayke. Fbl pbssj bla blye, zkjl y zlyq poyukdt okvb vbl oyhlp.

“Ebu kp vbkp yaly ps rkdj?”


Tl Nws qlzv vbyv bla pjkd oyp bsv yzz shla, qasx bla nblljp vs bla dlnj, yzz lxydyvkdt yd ldvknkdt rkdj bwl. Jwv pbl eked’v jdso obyv Kkyd Zwl oyp alqlaakdt vs. Kwpv yp pbl oyp ycswv vs prlyj, pbl qlzv bla calypvp pweeldzu tayccle cu vbl xyd’p zyatl ryzx.

Tla calypvp olal zyatl, yde bkp byde nswze cyalzu nshla vblx. Ekvb y pzktbv taypr, vbl psqv qzlpb shlaqzsole yde elqsaxle.

“R xlyd blal, zssj, uswa dkrrzlp yal byae.” Tkp elzkclayvlzu zsolale hsknl oyp lmvalxlzu plewnvkhl.

“Bx…” Tl Nws nswzed’v blzr cwv zlv swv y xsyd.

The water glass on the stove behind her was touched by her hand and crashed to the ground with a loud noise.


But this little movement didn’t interrupt the tense state between the two.

Her body was very sensitive, and even the slightest wave of affection became particularly obvious.

The man’s palm was broad and warm, yet so powerful, just as He Luo had imagined.

Her nipples were erect and swollen, very obvious. He Luo was waiting for him to exert more force, hoping for rougher handling to completely break through this barrier. But Jian Yue released his grip.

His hand moved downward, holding He Luo’s waist. When she least expected it, Jian Yue suddenly picked her up horizontally.


He Luo exclaimed and quickly hooked her arms around the man’s neck.

When she saw Jian Yue heading towards her bedroom, He Luo’s heart pounded.

She had never tried to go to bed with a man after the first meeting.

He Luo’s bedroom was the first one to be organized. Although the furnishings were simple, the delicate trinkets and fluffy carpet instantly added a cozy atmosphere to the room.

Jian Yue gently placed her on the carpet, pulled a blanket from the shelf to wrap her up, and wiped her wet hair.

“Change your clothes, put on your shoes, then go to the kitchen. Don’t get cut by the broken glass.”


He Luo blinked. Huh? Is that it? Nothing else?

Perhaps her disappointment was too obvious, as Jian Yue’s thin lips curled slightly. “What are you thinking about?”

He Luo blushed. “Nothing.”

She would never admit that she had been expecting something to happen just now…

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