Heartfelt Sniper (PY to Official Relationship, High H)

Chapter 7

When He Luo came out of the bedroom after changing clothes, Jian Yue was in the kitchen helping her clean up the mess.

She put on a loose shirt that just covered her buttocks, revealing her long, fair legs. He Luo walked over to him while drying her hair with the towel from earlier. Seeing Jian Yue busy, she felt a bit embarrassed and moved closer to him.

“Your store’s fruit service is so thoughtful.”

Jian Yue’s gaze traveled from bottom to top. The woman’s shirt wasn’t very long, barely reaching her thighs, covering her perky buttocks. Her thighs were fair, but he couldn’t tell if she was wearing anything underneath.

She crossed her legs, seeming a bit chilly.


Hmm, it seems like she’s not wearing anything…

He stared at her, feeling a warmth in his lower abdomen, his erection growing, “Depends on who’s asking.”

He Luo couldn’t handle his intense gaze, feeling flustered. She felt like he could see right through her thoughts. “If you’ve been out here for so long, will you get your pay deducted by the boss?”

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“Xwa cspp kp lyputskdt.”

“R’zz saela qawkv qasx uswa pvsal qasx dso sd.” Tl Nws pxkzle pollvzu. “Jwv pkdnl R’x yzsdl, R nyd’v saela vss xwnb. Uyd usw elzkhla kd pxyzz iwydvkvklp?”

Kkyd Zwl pweeldzu pyke okvb psxl ellrla xlydkdt, “Ekvb uswa aliwlpv, nsdpkela kv esdl.”

Mbld Kkyd Zwl vssj swv bkp rbsdl yde srldle bkp ElUbyv CS nsel qsa bla vs pnyd.

Gqvla pbl yeele bkx yp y qaklde, pbl pyo y dlo rasqkzl rknvwal kd bla ElUbyv nbyv okdeso.

Fbl qlzv pwaalyz.

Fwnb y bydepsxl twu ynvwyzzu yeele bla sd ElUbyv.

Tl Nws elnkele vs cl csze yde ypjle bkx swv qsa pwrrla yqvla osaj. Jsvb sq vblx oydvle vs prlde xsal vkxl vstlvbla, ps vblu iwknjzu plvvzle sd y vkxl: 10:30 VY.

Throughout the evening, He Luo rummaged through her wardrobe. What was once a tidy bedroom quickly turned into a chaotic battlefield of piled-up clothes.


He Luo had quite a few clothes, but at this moment, she felt like none of them were suitable to wear.

She was torn between wanting the man’s admiration and not wanting to appear too flashy.

After much deliberation, she decided to wear the light pink bubble sleeve dress she initially picked out. It was feminine, accentuating her slender waist and showcasing her straight, long legs.

When Jian Yue announced the store’s closure at ten, Lin Yaoyang was still a bit puzzled.

“Jian Yue, it’s not closing time yet.”

Zhang Hao patted his head affectionately, “Isn’t it good to close early?”

“I have something to do later.” Jian Yue tossed the keys to Lin Yaoyang. “You hold onto the keys. You’ll open the store tomorrow morning.”

Taking on the responsibility, Lin Yaoyang felt greatly affirmed, nodding repeatedly, “Rest assured, Jian Yue.”

“Something going on?” Zhang Hao sensed something amiss. They had been partners in running the fruit store since graduating from university. They knew each other well. From Jian Yue’s tone, he could smell a hint of gossip.

“Meeting someone for dinner.”

“Male or female?”



“Damn, when did you get a girlfriend?! As your bro, how come I didn’t know?!” Zhang Hao was shocked. He knew Jian Yue’s aloof demeanor well. A large portion of their female customers came to see Jian Yue, all sorts of them, tall, short, fat, thin, constantly streaming in and out.

But Jian Yue was always indifferent. Zhang Hao had known him for so many years and had never seen him interact with any woman.

“She’s not my girlfriend.”


“It might happen soon.” Jian Yue said calmly.

Zhang Hao wanted to pry for more gossip, but Jian Yue didn’t give him the chance. He went upstairs, leaving Zhang Hao with a figure to speculate about.


He Luo: I’m craving his body.

Oh, ho, ho, our Jian Yue isn’t just looking for a one-night stand.

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