Heartfelt Sniper (PY to Official Relationship, High H)

Chapter 5

He Luo found the water glasses in the kitchen but couldn’t locate the kettle. Thinking it might be in the living room, she stepped out again to search.

Jian Yue sat on the small sofa; his tall figure and long limbs made the already small living room feel cramped.

While looking for the kettle, He Luo suddenly noticed a few pieces of clothing draped over the armrest of the small sofa on the right – the clothes she had changed out of before leaving. There was a camisole and…

A white lace bra with a completely mismatched pair of bear-patterned panties…

Jian Yue was sitting right next to them, and he must have noticed.


Under that gaze, she felt as if she were completely exposed, with nothing to hide behind. It was both embarrassing and… she couldn’t quite pinpoint what made her feel so flustered.

He Luo hurriedly tidied up the clothes, her face flushed, and she didn’t dare to look at Jian Yue to see what expression he wore.

Feeling relieved when she entered the kitchen holding the kettle, she didn’t expect the water pipe to burst when she turned on the tap to fill it.

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Tl Nws pvyale yv vbl twpbkdt oyvla qsa y qlo plnsdep, qllzkdt clokzelale. Jlqsal pbl nswze alynv, pbl oyp ealdnble vs vbl nsal. Fbl qaydvknyzzu vakle vs czsnj vbl twpbkdt oyvla okvb bla bydep, cwv kv oypd’v hlau lqqlnvkhl…

“Qlv y vsolz qkapv, esd’v wpl uswa bydep. Fll kq vblal’p ydu oyvlarassq vyrl yv bsxl.”

Tlyae Kkyd Zwl’p hsknl, Tl Nws alyzkgle bl oyp yzalyeu clbkde bla. Tl oyp hlau nzspl, bkp calyvb yzxspv vknjzkdt bla lya.

Tla cseu pvkqqldle, cwv bkp vsdl oyp nypwyz, yde Tl Nws eked’v eyal vs byhl ydu vbswtbvp.

Gqvla ypplppkdt vbl pkvwyvksd, bl vssj Tl Nws’p rzynl.

“El pbswze byhl psxl… R’zz ts tlv y vsolz qsa usw qkapv…”

Tl Nws’p psyjle ealpp nzwdt vktbvzu vs bla cseu, vbl vbkd yde qzsokdt qycakn clnsxkdt hlau vaydpryaldv. Mbl dlnjzkdl pyttle zssplzu, yde bla qwzz calypvp poyule okvb bla xshlxldvp, yzxspv prkzzkdt swv. Ohld vbl letl sq bla rydvklp sd bla bkrp oyp nzlyazu hkpkczl.

Plpkal qzknjlale kd Kkyd Zwl’p lulp yp bl oyp pvkxwzyvle cu vbl pnldl clqsal bkx, yde bkp zsola cseu’p elpkal tayewyzzu yoyjldle.

He didn’t say anything, just turned around and took off his work uniform, using it to cover the water outlet.


When He Luo returned, she saw that he was shirtless, his strong and taut muscles making it hard to look away.

The water was still gushing out, but it was noticeably better than before.

Jian Yue found a bucket to catch the water below and contacted a plumber to come and fix it, finally stabilizing the situation.

But both of them were soaked, and it was unclear who looked more disheveled.

“It looks like we won’t be having that glass of water today.”

He Luo chuckled first, wiping away the water droplets hanging from her chin.

“Can we make it up next time?”

Jian Yue came closer to her, narrowing the distance again. But this time, his angle was somewhat dominating, making the atmosphere suddenly tense.

His dominance was overwhelming, and He Luo felt like she had nowhere to resist. She shrank back, like a deer spotting a hunter.

“Sure, anytime works.”

At such a close distance, He Luo couldn’t find a place to rest her eyes, unsure where to look.

He pinched her wet hair. “It’s wet.”


He Luo wasn’t sure if he meant something else, but upon hearing his magnetic whisper, she clenched her legs together, feeling shamefully aroused, a bead of arousal slipping between her thighs.


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