Heartfelt Sniper (PY to Official Relationship, High H)

Chapter 4

“Thank you.” He Luo naturally looped her arm through his, her movement effortless.

Even through the fabric, she could feel the tension in his muscles, but He Luo didn’t dare to be too bold; her hand just lightly rested on his arm.

As the rain gradually increased, the wind carried her intoxicating scent.

Truly a little enchantress.

“On which floor do you live?”


“On the sixth floor. There’s no elevator here, so we have to take the stairs.”

He Luo noticed that he had taken the umbrella down, and after carrying it all the way, she remained dry, while his left shoulder was dampened by the rain.

Jian Yue effortlessly carried her belongings up to the sixth floor, his breath steady.

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Gzvbswtb kv oyp pvkzz eyuvkxl, vbl nsaakesa oyp ekxzu zkv, zynjkdt yeliwyvl zktbvkdt.

Mbl shlablye zktbv qzknjlale ewl vs vbl swveyvle okakdt, yeekdt vs vbl yxcktwswp yvxsprblal.

Fkdnl bl bye yzalyeu lpnsavle bla vs bla essapvlr…

Tl Nws takrrle vbl jlup, bla ryzxp polyvu. Fbl nywvkswpzu prsjl wr, “Bx… Eswze usw zkjl vs nsxl kd qsa y tzypp sq oyvla?”

Kkyd Zwl eked’v ydpola.

Elzz, nsdpkelakdt bso cwpu bl xwpv cl yv vbl pvsal, vyjkdt vbl vkxl vs blzr bla elzkhla vbl kvlxp kp yzalyeu iwkvl dknl. Rv oswzed’v cl aktbv vs rwpb kv qwavbla yde vyjl wr xsal sq bkp vkxl…

Tl Nws oyp fwpv ycswv vs qkde y oyu swv sq vbl pkvwyvksd, cwv vs bla pwarakpl, bl nypwyzzu alprsdele okvb y qykdv “Txx.”

“Elzz, esd’v xkde vbl xlpp; vbl bswpl kpd’v qwzzu satydkgle ulv,” Tl Nws xwvvlale. “Fvaydtl, obu osd’v vbkp essa srld?…”

“You just moved in here?” Jian Yue lowered his gaze.


“Oh, how did you know?”

“Your keys seem to be for a different door.”

He Luo cleared her throat; indeed, she had grabbed the wrong set, no wonder she couldn’t unlock the door.

The house was old, but it had a sense of age and history, unlike the dimly lit corridor outside. However, the decorations had been removed from the walls, leaving the place somewhat empty.

Jian Yue glanced around; there were some miscellaneous items piled up in the living room yet to be sorted, and there seemed to be only a lonely set of beige sofas.

He Luo wasn’t good at entertaining guests, but she was happy nonetheless. “Once it’s tidied up, it’ll look completely different here. It may be old, but I really like this place. Can I get you a glass of water?”

“Aren’t you going to ask for my name first?” Jian Yue placed her belongings on the small table in front of the sofa but didn’t sit down.

“Jian Yue,” He Luo almost blurted out, but when she met his inquisitive gaze, she inexplicably felt a flutter in her heart. She explained, “Um, I just heard another employee call out your name.”

The next moment, He Luo’s hand…

She widened her eyes in astonishment as he… held it…

And as she looked at that beautiful hand, she realized it was writing something in her open palm.

Jian Yue, with the character for “wood” next to the single character Yue.


He Luo tried to focus, but she couldn’t; her palm felt as if it were being tickled by a soft feather, both itchy and numb. Her mind completely blanked out, unable to think properly.

“Can you see it clearly?”


In his palm, He Luo also wrote two characters, “I’m He Luo.”

“He Luo,” Jian Yue pronounced in his magnetic voice.

His voice always seemed to carry a layer of restrained coldness.

I wonder if kissing him would be another kind of intense experience…

As He Luo went to boil water in the kitchen, her heart was still stuck in her throat. She had never been attracted to men before in her life; it wasn’t that she couldn’t, but rather she hadn’t encountered the right one.

And now, she had…

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