Casting Nets to Catch a Husband

Chapter 109: Consensus

During breakfast, everyone in the family noticed that Liu Yu had an extra hairpin on her head. It was made of ebony, with jade leaves against the creamy white plum blossoms. Without needing to ask, they knew it was a gift from Lu Chengxiao.

When a man gives a woman a hairpin, it always carries the intention of proposing. The members of the Liu family smiled knowingly, not saying much, as they were happy to see Liu Yu held in high regard by Lu Chengxiao.

After breakfast, apart from Wei Shi who had to wait for the matchmaker at home, the three brothers of the Liu family were going to the county town. One needed to return to the county yamen, and the other two had to go to the money house. Liu Yu was also planning to go along as she wanted to visit the cosmetics shop.

Thus, it became a group of five including Lu Chengxiao.

The Liu family didn’t have a mule cart, so if they needed one, they had to go to the town’s cart shop. This task was taken care of by Liu Yanqing, who rode Lu Chengxiao’s horse, making the journey quicker.


Liu Yanan was envious but had never had the chance to interact with horses before, so he didn’t know how to ride.

When the cart arrived, Liu Yu returned to the west wing and saw the hairpin properly in the bronze mirror. It was indeed very beautiful, and it looked expensive.

Liu Yu glanced at the embroidered purse and sachet she had prepared for Lu Chengxiao. Suddenly, she felt embarrassed to take them out.

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Gv vbkp xsxldv, pbl alxlxclale psxlvbkdt. Fbl tsv wr yde oldv vs vbl osseld csm oblal vbl xsdlu nblpv oyp jlrv, wdzsnjle kv, yde vssj swv vbl xsdlu cyt vbyv Nw Ubldtmkys bye zlqv okvb bla.

Mbkp sdl bwdeale yde vbkavu vylzp sq pkzhla pbswze cl alvwadle vs Nw Ubldtmkys.

Gqvla rwvvkdt vbl xsdlu nblpv cynj kdvs vbl csm yde zsnjkdt kv, pbl ralryale vs ts swv okvb vbl xsdlu cyt. Gp pbl alynble vbl essa, pbl pyo Nw Ubldtmkys, obs bye fwpv ldvlale vbl kddla nswavuyae, ps pbl oyhle vs bkx qasx vbl nsaakesa.

Nw Ubldtmkys bye ynvwyzzu nsxl vs qkde Nkw Zw. Ebld bl pyo bla nyzzkdt bkx, bl oyzjle iwknjzu shla.

Tl jdlo vbyv vbl olpv okdt oyp oblal Nkw Zw zkhle, ps bl pvsse rasrlazu wdela vbl nsaakesa, dsv eyakdt vs zssj kdpkel, cwv bkp lulp olal pbkdkdt caktbvzu yp bl zssjle yv Nkw Zw. “Zw’la?”

Nkw Zw bydele bkx vbl xsdlu cyt. “R’hl clld jllrkdt vbkp qsa usw qsa ps zsdt. Lso vbyv usw’al cynj, usw pbswze vyjl kv cynj uswaplzq.”

Nw Ubldtmkys zssjle esod yde pyo bkp sod xsdlu cyt. Tkp lulp ekxxle pzktbvzu. Tl eked’v oydv vs vyjl vbl pkzhla cynj yde pyke psqvzu, “Kwpv zlyhl kv okvb usw. Rv’p wplzlpp qsa xl vs vyjl kv cynj.”

“Tso nyd pkzhla cl wplzlpp?” Nkw Zw zssjle yv bkx kdnalewzswpzu yde pyke okvb y pxkzl, “Zsw’al tskdt vs Hblfkydt dlmv vkxl. Rv’p sjyu vs zlyhl psxl nyrkvyz okvb xl. Lso vbyv usw’al cynj, vblal’p ds alypsd vs zlyhl kv okvb xl yduxsal.”

Lu Chengxiao seemed to be holding the silver bag like a hot potato. “I’ll be going out again next time. Do you expect me to bring it back again? It’s better for you to keep holding onto it for me.”


Liu Yu laughed at his silliness. “You’re silly.”

She took Lu Chengxiao’s sleeve, and his hand obediently lifted, catching the money bag. Lu Chengxiao waited for Liu Yu to continue.

Liu Yu sighed helplessly. “Isn’t the matchmaker coming today?”

“So what?” Lu Chengxiao didn’t quite understand how the matchmakers coming and him leaving the money with Liu Yu were related.

Liu Yu gave him a reproachful look and said somewhat uncomfortably, “Am I supposed to take your silver with me when I marry in the future?”

What was this about?

Her voice was very low, but Lu Chengxiao’s heart jumped uncontrollably at the mention of marriage. He didn’t know how the money bag was stuffed into his hand or how he caught it.

Liu Yu smiled lightly. “Keep it safe. Wait for me outside. I’ll be out soon.”

She turned around but was stopped by Lu Chengxiao. “Yu’er.”

Liu Yu turned to look at him, and Lu Chengxiao seemed a little nervous. After hesitating for a while, he said, “You said you would make me another sachet. Is it ready?”

Liu Yu couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, but compared to the gifts you gave me, it feels a bit inadequate.”

“How could that be? What you make is priceless.” He was very serious.


Liu Yu laughed again. She found that ever since she met Lu Chengxiao, she hadn’t stopped smiling.

“Lu Chengxiao.”


“You must have been raised drinking honey when you were a child.”

After saying this, she smiled and walked into the west wing, leaving Lu Chengxiao standing alone in the corridor. After a moment of pondering, his initial confusion turned into a blossoming smile.
When Lu Chengxiao returned to the outer courtyard, Liu Yanan stared at him for a while and clicked his tongue twice, “Finding gold is just like this.”

Not long after, Liu Yanqing came with the people from the cart shop, bringing a clean mule cart.

Liu Yu boarded the cart first, and Liu Yanqing looked at Lu Chengxiao. “Do you ride the horse?”

Liu Yanan laughed again. Wasn’t this asking for no reason? Lu Chengxiao wished he could see Yu’er everywhere and anytime.

Lu Chengxiao had thick skin from experience. “Big brother’s horse is still being used. I’ll just take the cart.”

Liu Yu laughed inside the cart. The next moment, Liu Yanping, Liu Yanan, and Lu Chengxiao all got on the cart. Fortunately, Lu Chengxiao knew the rules well and sat in the seat diagonally opposite to Liu Yu.

They chatted about the shop along the way. When you’re with someone you like, time always seems to pass too quickly. When they arrived at Lufeng Cloth Shop, they still felt a bit reluctant to leave.

Liu Yanqing wasn’t in a hurry to go to the county yamen. He planned to accompany Liu Yu and the others to take a look at the shop first, as usual, led by Lu Xun.


After a quick look outside, Liu Yu and Liu Yanping were already seventy percent satisfied. The location was really good, and the shop’s facade was perfect. After greeting Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin, they went to the backyard and the front shop. Liu Yu’s satisfaction had reached a full hundred percent.

Full satisfaction.

Although they were not in the same line of business, the shelves and counters in the shop could still be useful. They only needed to customize some shelves to display ready-made clothes. Liu Yu even had the idea of selling cosmetics and accessories while selling clothes. When customers came in, they could get everything from makeup to clothing in one place.

Thinking about this, she felt quite excited. If she had not come to this cosmetics shop today, Liu Yu hadn’t even thought that this skill could also bring in money. She had many thoughts at once. When the capital was not enough, makeup skills could be used as an auxiliary. When the capital was enough, she could sell high-quality cosmetics and powders. The more she thought about it, the better it seemed.

She was looking at the shop, and Lu Chengxiao was looking at her. Mrs. Lin didn’t show any reaction, just watching the two young people. After a while, she figured it out and raised her eyebrows, asking Lu Xun, “Isn’t this girl…?”

Lu Xun heard the unfinished words and smiled, bowing to Mrs. Lin, “Please take care of us, Mr. and Mrs. Lin.”

It was an indirect acknowledgment.

The Lin couple both smiled and praised in a low voice, “You and Mrs. Lu are so lucky.”

She sold cosmetics and powders. She had always been in contact with women. Where in Anyi County could she find such a beautiful girl who also seemed to have some business talent?

Whether one likes a line of business or not can be seen at a glance. For example, the girl brought by the Lu family seemed to light up when she looked at their shop. It was obvious that she was thinking about how to manage it. Mrs. Lin quite liked her.

After the Liu siblings looked around and confirmed that they wanted the shop, Mrs. Lin smiled and said, “Alright, the price is as I said yesterday. If I have any news, I’ll inform the Lu family. You can come again then.”

When it came to transferring ownership, transferring it to someone as pleasant and likable as this girl made her even happier.


The Liu siblings thanked Mr. and Mrs. Lin before bidding them farewell and leaving the cosmetics shop. Liu Yanqing was going to the county yamen, Liu Yanping was going to the money house, and since they needed to exchange cash, Liu Yanan accompanied him. They decided to let Liu Yu wait for them in the backyard of the Lu family’s cloth shop.

They entered directly from the front of the cloth shop. Lu Xun was busy with business and didn’t want to disturb his son and his sweetheart, so he let Lu Chengxiao handle it himself.

Meanwhile, on the road into Yangshan Village, another mule cart turned in, asking for directions. They asked about the Liu family, whose son was a constable.

After hearing this, the villagers pointed them in the right direction, saying, “Walk towards the two-brick-and-tile houses two steps in, that’s it.”

Lin Jiuniang thanked them and lifted the curtain of the cart, looking outside until she saw the two-brick-and-tile houses the villagers mentioned. She couldn’t help but feel emotional. When Mrs. Lu went to invite her to marry Lu Sanlang, she had asked if it was the same girl as before. Only then did she realize that she hadn’t been sold at all; she had been taken back by her biological father’s family.

Looking at the two-brick-and-tile houses in front of her, Lin Jiuniang couldn’t help but feel they were much stronger than the adobe houses on the other side of the Liu family’s village.

This was such a good thing that Lin Jiuniang was extremely happy. Moreover, Mrs. Lu’s matchmaker’s fee was exceptionally generous. She also said that both families had reached an understanding, so the marriage was easy to arrange.

When the mule cart stopped in front of the gate, Lin Jiuniang carried the gift prepared by the Lu family then stepped forward to ask for entry. Wei Shi had been waiting in the outer courtyard after receiving the news. Liu Chunshan and Liu Datian’s wives hadn’t been called over today. Seeing a woman approaching with a gift box, Wei Shi asked, “Who are you?”

Lin Jiuniang smiled and introduced herself, stating her purpose directly.

Wei Shi had already guessed, so she smiled and invited Lin Jiuniang in warmly, serving tea and snacks. Just as Chen Shi had said, both sides had already reached an understanding. Lin Jiuniang mentioned the marriage proposal, and Wei Shi readily agreed, suggesting they pick an auspicious day for the betrothal ceremony.

The wedding date had already been decided by Lin Jiuniang and Chen Shi after consulting the almanac. They had selected two dates and left the choice to Wei Shi.

Both dates were very close to each other. Wei Shi could see Chen Shi’s intentions and, thinking about Lu Chengxiao, who would come early in the morning, she chose the closer one, which would be in three days.

Lin Jiuniang was overjoyed and smiled to inform Chen Shi. Wei Shi handed her a red envelope prepared in advance and accompanied her to the gate.

The mule cart was still waiting. After bidding farewell to Wei Shi, Lin Jiuniang pinched the red envelope and weighed it in her hand. This was worth at least six taels of silver. It turned out both the Liu and Lu families had given the same amount.

Lin Jiuniang’s heart was flying with joy. Just by securing this one match, she would surpass several good matches she had made for other families. The only regret was not seeing this Miss Liu Yu and how she matched Lu Sanlang.

Naturally, when she saw Liu Yu on her second visit, she would understand where this match came from. She really deserved her reputation as a matchmaker, and she didn’t feel guilty about taking the matchmaker’s fee. But that was a story for another day.

In Anyi County, Liu Yanping went to the money house to exchange scattered silver. The two brothers soon came out with two hundred taels, carrying a large bundle. They didn’t delay and hurried to Lufeng Cloth Shop to meet up with Liu Yu.

Just as Lu Chengxiao had sent them off, he received a letter from the post station in the cosmetics shop across from him. Opening it, he found out that their shop in Yuanzhou had been secured.

Mr. Lin was overjoyed. Thinking that the Liu siblings had just left not long ago and probably had gone to Lufeng Cloth Shop, he hurried over. Sure enough, he ran into them at the cloth shop’s entrance. The three Liu siblings greeted Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin smiled and said, “Good news! I just received a letter. Our shop in Yuanzhou has been secured.”

The three Liu siblings were overjoyed. Liu Yanping immediately wanted to use the silver in the bundle. However, thinking that it would be used to pay the villagers later, he said, “Mr. Lin, please wait for us for a few hours. We’ll go back and get the money.”

Mr. Lin was very pleased with this efficient action and agreed readily. “Sure, sure. There’s no rush. It will take us a few days to get everything ready anyway.”

The three Liu siblings wanted to secure the deal first to be at ease. Lu Xun came out after hearing the news and was delighted to hear that the Lin family had secured their shop in Yuanzhou. He congratulated Mr. Lin and asked the three Liu siblings to return home quickly and finalize the matter in the afternoon with the silver.

Lu Chengxiao couldn’t stay still either. “Father, I’ll go with them.”

Lu Xun chuckled. It was fortunate to have a son. Otherwise, he would have been taken by the Liu family. He waved his hand to let him go, thinking about how he would return to the county town and then go back to Yangshan Village.

Mr. Lin laughed heartily at the sight. Liu Yu gave Lu Chengxiao a rare stern look. At home, it might be fine, but now that they were outside, they were becoming famous. However, that stern look didn’t have much effect.

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  1. Fa RiDa
    Fa RiDa

    They’re getting married~ ┌⁠(⁠・⁠。⁠・⁠)⁠┘⁠♪ (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ🎉🎉