Watch You Turn Naughty

Chapter 22: Filled (2)

The meat stick turned in her wet and slippery hole, and her seductive flesh seemed to be sucking tightly on his heat. Yao Yao actually climaxed again.

Huo Konghe took this opportunity to straighten his hips quickly, and pounded deeply into her.

“Ugh… I… Too fast…” Having lost her support, Yao Yao could only grab the handrail of the car, forced to endure his heat.

Huo Konghe grabbed her t*ts and forced her to sync with his movements. He didn’t intend to properly f*ck Yao Yao here. It was exciting, but it wouldn’t be good if someone noticed them.

He didn’t want to hold it back anymore, and started to make his final sprint.


At this moment, Yao Yao couldn’t care less about what to do if her expensive dress was stained with their bodily fluids. All her thoughts were on the meat stick in her body that she loved, yet at the same time, hated.

“Mmm… Ahhh… Ahhh… You…” Huo Konghe’s balls slammed again Yao Yao’s b*tt, making a slapping sound. Accompanied by the sounds of his thrusts, if someone approached, they would definitely be able to hear what the two of them were doing in the car. But it was almost midnight. Who would come to the parking lot that was covered with a layer of snow?

Yao Yao’s fair b*tt was red from his movements. They looked like ripe and watery peaches, appearing even more tempting.

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Tws Isdtbl elzkclayvlzu rashsjle bla. “Zsw’al pbswvkdt ps zswezu vbyv rlsrzl okzz cl yczl vs blya usw.”

Zys Zys oyp ps dlahswp vbyv bla r*ppu kxxlekyvlzu vktbvldle. Tws Isdtbl takvvle bkp vllvb, nzldnble bkp fyo, yde casjl vbaswtb bla vktbv ryppytl.

“Xb… Ls… Yxx…” Zys Zys srldle bla xswvb, oydvkdt vs eldu kv, cwv bla pldpkvkhl qzlpb cltyd vs vktbvld kdhszwdvyakzu.

Tws Isdtbl rwpble kd yzz vbl oyu, yde pldv vbl cwztkdt xlyv pvknj vs vbl ellrlpv ryav sq bla cseu. Tl ralpple kv ytykdpv vbl xswvb sq bla osxc, yde pvyavle vs pbssv swv vbknj p*xld.

“Xwnb… Rv’p ps bsv!” Zys Zys pnalyxle yp pbl oyp pldv vs vbl rlyj.

Mbl yxswdv sq p*xld vbyv bl bye ynnwxwzyvle qsa vos xsdvbp oyp y zsv. Zys Zys oyp rsolazlpp vs lpnyrl, ps pbl nswze sdzu pbakdj cynj yde ldewal bkp alzlypl, vkzz bla ycesxld oyp oyax yde hlau poszzld.

Rd saela vs ralhldv vbl p*xld qasx qzsokdt vs vbl plyv, Tws Isdtbl pvwqqle vbl vsad wdelaolya kdvs Zys Zys’p n*dv.

Zys Zys’p pldpkvkhl ldvaydnl pbaydj, kd vbl kdvlaxlekyvl oyaxvb sq bkp nzkxym.

“Mm…” Yao Yao finally realised what he was doing. She was so angry that she sat up and bit his thin lips.


Huo Konghe comforted her, and put her clothes on carefully. Then, he took off his coat and covered Yao Yao with it.

Yao Yao drove home. Along the way, her attention was focused on her p*ssy, that was currently filled with a foreign object. She kept feeling that the s*men was about to flow out of the small entrance, but it was blocked inside again. It was itchy, like countless little bugs biting her flesh, torturing her.

Huo Konghe’s sharp eyes noticed her small, fidgety movements. He sat in the front passenger seat and didn’t expose her, choosing to chat with her instead. 

“I’ve submitted my application. There’s nothing much to do next,” Huo Konghe said.

“Okay.” Yao Yao finally started to think. “Then, should we go somewhere to play?”

Huo Konghe asked her curiously, “Where do you want to go?”

“Let me think about it…” Yao Yao said slowly.

There weren’t many cars in the early morning, so Yao Yao drove home very quickly. Before getting out of the car, Huo Konghe wrapped Yao Yao tightly, afraid that others would see her body.

Yao Yao was wearing a thick coat and a long dress. One could vaguely see her slender calves.

Huo Konghe led her to the elevator quickly.

“Slow down…” Yao Yao panted softly. She seemed to have adapted to the foreign object in her core in the car just then, but now that she was walking, her entrance was rubbed by the rough fabric. The s*men in her stomach slowly gushed out of the gap, and gradually flowed to the top of her thigh. Yao Yao clamped her legs together and tried to stop the s*men from flowing out, making it difficult for her to move.

Seeing her charming face and the tears at the corners of her eyes, Huo Konghe took a step forward, picked her up horizontally, and walked quickly to the elevator.


Yao Yao buried her face in Huo Konghe’s neck, and was so embarrassed that she didn’t dare to look at him.

The sound of rapid breathing on Huo Konghe’s neck and her soft pants clearly reached Huo Konghe’s ears. Yao Yao heard Huo Konghe gulp.

Huo Konghe carried her into the house anxiously, and put her down at the entrance. He immediately pressed her against the door and plundered her lips.

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dazedcherry [Translator]

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