Vast Dream

Chapter 32: Yujing City in the Sky-Part 10

Jiang Xuehe squatted on the ground, checking on Ti Ying.

Ti Ying looked up dazedly, her eyes rimmed with moisture, her nose tip red, and her eyes sparkling with clear tears.

She was a child who relied on others’ affection to unabashedly ask for candy.

But Jiang Xuehe thought: How can you be sure that I will unconditionally pamper you?

And how can you be sure that what I give you… is candy?


He felt confused himself, convincing himself to be a good senior brother, yet feeling he didn’t quite fit the role.

There seemed to be some strange thoughts in his mind…

He continued to press it down.

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Mbyv oyp vbl hkzl ryav sq Zl Fby; bl eked’v oydv vs qynl vbl rlsrzl bl nyale ycswv okvb vbl yrrlyaydnl sq Zl Fby.

Kkydt Dwlbl zsolale bkp lulp yde tldvzu okrle Mk Zkdt’p vlyap.

Tl alvaynvle bkp pzkr sq vbl vsdtwl, nlavykd vbyv Mk Zkdt eked’v alyzzu wdelapvyde bkx.

Mk Zkdt kdelle eked’v wdelapvyde bkx; pbl vwadle vbkdtp shla kd bla xkde yde kdvlaralvle bla pldksa casvbla’p osaep yp: yrrasynbkdt bkx xlydv cwzzukdt bkx.

Fbl ayalzu czwpble.

Fbl sclekldvzu pvsrrle naukdt, zlvvkdt bla pldksa casvbla okrl bla lulp.

Jlbkde vblx, Zwl Lw pvsse kd vbl prkakvwyz qklze, tzsokdt okvb y tbspvzu czwl zktbv, vkzvkdt bla blye yp pbl oyvnble vbl pldksa casvbla yde fwdksa pkpvla ryka.

Mbkdtp Mk Zkdt nswzed’v wdelapvyde, pbl dyvwayzzu nswzed’v nsxralblde lkvbla.

Yue Nu directly asked, “What are you two doing?”


Jiang Xuehe felt the girl under his fingers shiver slightly.

He paused and told Yue Nu, “It’s late; I’ll take my junior sister back. Does the Sword Spirit have other matters?”

Yue Nu: “Yes.”

Jiang Xuehe was surprised.

Yue Nu: “I said I’d ask her questions, and she can ask me questions too.”

Ti Ying poked her furry head out from under Jiang Xuehe’s arm.

She blinked, “I don’t want to ask now; I’ll ask later.”

Yue Nu was stunned.

Can it be delayed?

But it seemed fine.

Yue Nu dazedly left, leaving only Ti Ying and Jiang Xuehe in the spiritual field.

Jiang Xuehe finally asked Ti Ying, “Tell me, why did you call me here?”


Ti Ying stubbornly said, “Who said I called you here! It was Yue Nu who brought you here.”

Jiang Xuehe said, “If you were just angry, you would’ve come crying to scold me. But you wanted me to come…”

He lowered his eyes, his gaze falling again on her cheeks, soft and snow-like, glistening with tears.

Her delicate and soft skin made one want to rub it.

But Jiang Xuehe remembered his role and his recent cautiousness.

He slowly said to Ti Ying, “You just wanted to win my sympathy, didn’t you?”

Making him see her bullied appearance on purpose, making him feel sorry for her, and making him give in.

Ti Ying was suddenly embarrassed and angry.

But she retorted sharply, “So what! You’re my senior brother; isn’t it right for you to sympathize with your junior sister? Why do you make it sound like I’ve done something wrong? I haven’t… even if I did, you should still be on my side.”

Her self-righteousness would definitely make her former master knock her on the head.

So she shrank back after she finished speaking.

But Jiang Xuehe’s eyes flashed, and he actually said calmly, “You’re right.”


He leaned down, his soft and hoarse voice soothing, “No matter what you do, I will always side with you.”

Ti Ying: “…”

He spoke calmly, as if stating an ordinary fact. But when he looked at her, his eyes sparkled with starlight like a spring night, glittering…

Ti Ying was stunned.

That familiar confusion and itchiness came over her again.

Ti Ying lowered her head to cover it up.

Ti Ying said, “Hmph, I was just talking about Elder Shen.”

Jiang Xuehe frowned, “Shen Xingchuan?”

Why did she keep thinking of Shen Xingchuan?

Ti Ying: “You can’t call him by name; you should call him Elder. Never mind, I won’t report you; I’m just saying, I know about you and Elder Shen!”

She stared unblinkingly at Jiang Xuehe.

Jiang Xuehe remained unmoved, “What about me and Elder Shen?”


Ti Ying couldn’t read his face.

She didn’t relent—hmph, she gradually realized her senior brother was very good at pretending.

He knew everything, but said nothing, always watching coldly. As if most things in the world had nothing to do with him.

But how could they have nothing to do with him?

Ti Ying said angrily, “Elder Shen clearly likes you a lot, always secretly watching you, always secretly asking you questions. He cares about your studies, is curious about your progress, and even his sword knows you.

“He cares about you.”

Ti Ying spoke, her eyes becoming misty again.

Her tone was filled with jealousy.

She murmured sadly, “And I’m just the incidental one.”

Jiang Xuehe: “So what?”

Ti Ying: “You!”

Jiang Xuehe: “Hm?”

Ti Ying was extremely frustrated, blurting out, “You can’t be chosen as his disciple. If he likes you privately, you should act annoying and make him dislike you.”

Jiang Xuehe looked at her quietly.

Ti Ying: “What?”

Jiang Xuehe: “You want to use private feelings to influence public selection?”

Ti Ying: “What’s the difference?”

Jiang Xuehe: “I can promise you…”

Ti Ying was about to relax, but then he said, “But it will only harm you.”

Ti Ying was stunned.

Jiang Xuehe patiently said, “Little Ying, you can’t make everyone like you…”

Ti Ying immediately covered her ears.

She refused to listen.

Covering her ears, she stubbornly looked at him, her eyes wet and watery, about to cry again.

Jiang Xuehe was a very hard-hearted person.

He never cared if others cried or not.

But… this was his junior sister.

He was silent for a long time.

He finally pulled down Ti Ying’s hands and softly coaxed in her ear, “Senior brother promise you, if he asks me privately, I will refuse. Is that okay?”

A tear finally fell from Ti Ying’s eye.

But she was happy, opening her arms to hug Jiang Xuehe.

She pouted, “Senior brother, I didn’t mean it. I just don’t want to argue with you… if I meet you in a competition, I’ll definitely win fairly. I don’t just use small tricks.”

Jiang Xuehe’s body stiffened.

She noticed and looked up in confusion, but just as she raised her head, Jiang Xuehe’s hand pressed her back down.

Ti Ying became cheerful, feeling she had wronged her senior brother, so she showed off the pile of spiritual herbs she had picked beside her like a little mountain.

Ti Ying: “I picked all these for you! I want to help heal your face, and the wounds on your body, and your voice…”

Jiang Xuehe was stunned.

She used her index finger to roll a spiritual herb, lightly touching it to the faint scar near his eye.

The girl’s finger touched his face.

Jiang Xuehe reached out, holding her hand.

Ti Ying looked at him in confusion.

Jiang Xuehe slowly released her hand, gently saying, “The curse cannot be removed this way.”

Ti Ying immediately became nervous, “Shh! Don’t talk like that.”

She looked around warily, afraid that there was a spiritual consciousness in the surroundings that might pick up their conversation.

She reproached Jiang Xuehe with her eyes—how could he casually mention the curse?

This was a forbidden curse in Taoism.

Anyone carrying the curse would be judged if discovered. Because if you didn’t have some problems, the curse wouldn’t be on you.

This was something her former master had warned her about before she left Qianshan.

At the time, Ti Ying didn’t understand why her former master warned her about a curse she no longer had.

It was only after meeting Jiang Xuehe that she realized the warning might have been for her senior brother.

Her former master had given her a letter not to be shown to her senior brother and warned her about the curse… was it to protect her senior brother?

How could she protect him?

But at least—

Ti Ying whispered in Jiang Xuehe’s ear, “Senior brother, don’t let anyone know about the curse on you.”

She was puzzled: usually, he hid it with a veiled hat; why did he tell her now?

Jiang Xuehe looked down at the girl nestled in his arms.

He suddenly said, “Little Ying.”

Ti Ying: “What?”

Jiang Xuehe: “If you knew… I’m not the exceptionally good senior brother you think I am; if I’d killed many more innocent people than you imagined, would you still…”

He paused.

He didn’t know what he wanted from Ti Ying.

Ti Ying was perplexed, “But you’re my senior brother.”

Jiang Xuehe asked, “Didn’t you already renounce our master? Do I still count as your senior brother?”

Ti Ying thought he was accusing her of betraying their master.

She stomped her feet angrily, “But our former master still acknowledges me! He doesn’t say anything to me, so why should you? Annoying, I won’t play with you anymore!”

She tried to run, but Jiang Xuehe grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

She collided with his chest, his faint snow-like scent making her dizzy. 

But she couldn’t understand why her brother, with his arm around her shoulder, was pushing her away from his embrace.

Jiang Xuehe said, “Let’s go back.”

Ti Ying’s eyes darted around. She looked at the mountains and the distant clouds. Thinking about her own dreadful wind control technique, Ti Ying spread her arms and said, “Senior brother, I’m so tired. I’ve been collecting herbs for you all day. Can you carry me back?”

Jiang Xuehe smiled and said, “Alright.”

Ti Ying was stunned for a moment, then, afraid he might change his mind, quickly grabbed his arm and climbed on.

Ti Ying put the spiritual herbs she had picked into her Qiankun bag. As they were leaving the Medicine Peak, Jiang Xuehe calmly used the spirit stones Ti Ying had won to pay.

After that, Jiang Xuehe indeed carried Ti Ying on his back.

However, he asked, “Are these herbs really for me?”

Ti Ying replied, “Yes. Although I don’t know much about medicine, the senior brothers and sisters at Medicine Peak definitely know how to make medicine. I’ll figure out a way to have them make a salve for you… Senior Brother will surely be able to restore his appearance.”

Jiang Xuehe remained silent.

He didn’t think any medicine could cure the curse, but he remembered Ti Ying’s words.

The girl lay on his shoulder, lazily wrapping her arms around his neck. Every time he turned his face, he could feel Ti Ying’s breath.

Jiang Xuehe gradually felt that this, too, seemed like a path of cultivation.

His little junior sister seemed to be a part of his personal training.

Could he fulfill his master’s wishes and take good care of his junior sister? Would he be willing to let her go when the second junior brother came? Could he remain calm and not develop more inappropriate thoughts due to their increasing closeness?

Jiang Xuehe quietly walked this very thin line.

He pondered how to tell Ti Ying about the arrival of the second junior brother.

Before he could figure it out, Ti Ying, bored on his back, reached out to lightly twirl the hair by his ear, wrapping it around her finger.

Jiang Xuehe stopped.

Ti Ying asked, “Senior Brother?”

She shyly inquired, “What’s your specialty?”

Jiang Xuehe thought: Hm?

Why ask that?

His self-centered little junior sister actually cared about him? Was this progress, or was she up to some other mischief?

While Jiang Xuehe was contemplating, Ti Ying anxiously squeezed his waist with her legs, urging him, “Hurry up and tell me!”

Jiang Xuehe tightened his grip on her leg, causing Ti Ying some pain.

But before she could complain, he released his grip.

Jiang Xuehe thought for a moment.

It wouldn’t be good to say he excelled at taking lives, right?

He didn’t want to lie to Ti Ying either.

He found a compromise, “I’m good at deceiving people.”

Ti Ying exclaimed, “Huh?”

She was so shocked that her mouth hung open. Jiang Xuehe turned his face, a slight smile on his lips, his tone leisurely, “What? You don’t believe me?”

Ti Ying snorted, and whether it was true or not, she made a mental note of it. Next time someone asked, at least she wouldn’t be at a loss for words.

Twisting her brother’s hair around her finger, Ti Ying urged, “What else?”

Jiang Xuehe said, “Cooking?”

Ti Ying exclaimed, “Wow! What else?”

Jiang Xuehe said, “Reading?”

Under her urging, he listed several things. He thought he was being very cooperative, but Ti Ying gradually became unhappy.

Finally, Ti Ying said sullenly, “None of your specialties have anything to do with me.”

Jiang Xuehe: …Hm?

Specialties needed to be related to her?

He carried her, not speaking for a long time.

Starlight fell on them; Yujing Mountain was very close to the sky, stars shone through the forest, and the ground was covered in silver, like frost and snow.

Ti Ying lay sullenly on his shoulder.

She was about to fall asleep when she suddenly heard her brother’s hoarse voice say, “There is one.”

He said, “Comforting you.”

Ti Ying was suddenly wide awake.

She looked down at her brother’s profile.

In the quiet, starry forest, the fresh scent of bamboo leaves surrounded her.

Ti Ying gradually tightened her grip on his arm.

She hugged him tightly, but he made no sound.

Ti Ying asked again, “What about your flaws?”

He wasn’t really perfect.

Jiang Xuehe looked up at the stars.

He said, “Comforting you.”

—His specialty was comforting you.

His flaw was also comforting you.

He really didn’t know how to get along with his little junior sister, so he could only go to great lengths to accommodate her. And as he did, he began to feel confused.

Ti Ying couldn’t stand the awkwardness between them, an awkwardness always tinged with a kind of tingly, numbing feeling, like being drunk.

Ti Ying felt uneasy.

Ti Ying sighed.

Jiang Xuehe said nothing.

Ti Ying sighed again.

Jiang Xuehe’s eyes lit up with a smile, but he held it back, asking, “What’s wrong?”

Ti Ying replied, “We’re almost at my courtyard.”

Jiang Xuehe didn’t understand, “Yes, we are.”

So what?

Ti Ying said, “I don’t want to be separated from you.”

Jiang Xuehe’s heart skipped a beat.

He said, “Don’t say such things.”

Ti Ying continued, “But why not? They say men and women should live separately, but what’s the difference between men and women? You and our former master are both men, and I don’t see any difference between you and me.”

Jiang Xuehe asked, “So in your mind, I’m the same as your former master?”

Ti Ying, somewhat confused, nodded as if she understood.

She felt her brother fall silent.

But what she wanted to say was— “I want to sleep with you. You can lull me to sleep. You’d be very patient, and your voice is so nice to listen to…”

She fell into a reverie.

Jiang Xuehe was silent for a long time.

Ti Ying became unhappy, “Say something.”

Jiang Xuehe’s eyelashes lowered slightly, hiding his emotions, and he spoke softly, “Little Ying, I am your senior brother.”

Ti Ying asked, “What?”

Jiang Xuehe continued, “You don’t understand what it means to be a senior brother.”

Ti Ying was unconvinced.

Jiang Xuehe explained, “If you knew what you were saying, you wouldn’t say such things.”

Ti Ying said, “You’re so complicated, I don’t understand.”

He seemed very helpless.

Jiang Xuehe said, “Alright, just remember this—I am your senior brother. A senior brother is different from a master, a Dao companion, a friend, or a family member.”

Ti Ying said, “Teach me then.”

Jiang Xuehe replied, “I’m afraid I don’t have time to teach.”

Ti Ying asked, “Huh?”

In the midst of Ti Ying’s frustration, Jiang Xuehe said, “Little Ying, your second senior brother is coming.”

Ti Ying said, “What?”

Jiang Xuehe continued, “I should leave then.”

Ti Ying exclaimed, “What?!”

She lifted her face, staring at Jiang Xuehe.

Jiang Xuehe told her about Bai Luye’s letter, mentioning that Bai Luye was currently at the foot of the mountain.

Ti Ying stared blankly at his profile, not understanding why he had to leave when the second senior brother arrived.

Jiang Xuehe also expressed his confusion, “He said he would soon become a disciple and ascend the mountain. But the recruitment for Yujing Sect has ended, and the current selection of disciples at the foot of the mountain is for other sects. How can the second junior brother become a disciple so quickly?”

Ti Ying was annoyed, “Ah… it’s easy for him. Because he’s the illegitimate son of the late sect master of Yujing Sect.”

Jiang Xuehe was silent.

Is there such a hidden dragon and crouching tiger in the small Qianshan?

Ti Ying’s voice was lazy and soft as she lay on her brother’s back, feeling restless and unable to figure out how to ask him to stay. This frustration made her irritable, and her breath blew onto his earlobe.

He felt stiff, but she didn’t notice. His earlobe gradually turned red, but she didn’t notice that either.

She just suppressed her anger and explained to her brother, “If the second senior brother wants to enter Yujing Sect, it would be very easy. At that time, several elders might even serve him tea. But I guess that won’t happen… The second senior brother has never stayed at Yujing Sect for a day, so even as the illegitimate son of the sect master, it won’t make much difference.”

She added, “It’s annoying, I originally thought the second senior brother could be useful. Who knew that before I even ascended the mountain, the sect master had died, making the second senior brother’s status useless… So why is he even coming?”

She squinted her eyes maliciously, glaring at Jiang Xuehe—was it because he found her troublesome and didn’t want to take care of her anymore, so he wanted to leave her to the second senior brother?

Jiang Xuehe remained silent.

Ti Ying became even more dissatisfied, “Say something.”

Jiang Xuehe finally spoke, “Did you insist on joining Yujing Sect because of your second senior brother?”

Ti Ying was startled.

Jiang Xuehe continued in a calm voice, “Qianshan caused some trouble, and the master couldn’t leave, but he let you go. With nowhere to go, you thought of the second senior brother’s status. You must have heard a lot about Yujing Sect from him and believed that with his status, it would be easy for you to become a disciple and learn great skills.

“Even after knowing the sect master had passed away, you still thought his status could be useful. While he couldn’t give you many advantages, at least he could secure your position as a disciple of the Yujing Sect.

“Little Ying, you knew from the beginning what you wanted and how to achieve it. You planned to persuade the second senior brother to stay with you, relying on his status for convenience in Yujing Sect.

“I don’t understand why you have such schemes. Why didn’t you think of competing openly and becoming a proper inner disciple? Why do you always think of taking shortcuts?

“Is there something wrong with you?”

Jiang Xuehe felt Ti Ying’s grip on his arm stiffen.

Ti Ying coldly said, “I don’t want you to carry me anymore. Put me down.”

Jiang Xuehe didn’t let go, “Let me into your sea of consciousness and see…”

Ti Ying interrupted, “No! I won’t let anyone into my sea of consciousness! You’re dreaming! How I cultivate is my business; even as my senior brother, you can’t control me. I will choose my own master and sect, and you can’t stop me!”

She struggled to jump out of his arms.

Jiang Xuehe was afraid of hurting her, but as she kept struggling, he wobbled.

Taking advantage of his unsteadiness, Ti Ying scratched his neck and jumped off his back.

Jiang Xuehe was both shocked and angry, “Little Ying!”

At this moment, Ti Ying resembled a porcupine with all its quills raised.

She was angry and sharp, and extremely guarded against him. When he took a step forward, she anxiously stepped back.

Ti Ying said, “I’m leaving, don’t come any closer!”

Tears welled up in her eyes, “You go! I don’t need you anymore. Having my second senior brother is enough. If you want to abandon me, just do it. After all, we’re not really close, and I never knew you before…”

She spoke so sorrowfully, her tears falling.

Jiang Xuehe felt a pang in his heart.

He knew countless ways to comfort people, but seeing Ti Ying so wary, his mind was in turmoil, and he couldn’t think of any of them.

She ran off, clutching her chest as if afraid Jiang Xuehe might suddenly attack her without warning.

She was scared of this sharp and powerful senior brother.

Ti Ying fled in a panic, while Jiang Xuehe stood rooted to the spot, feeling a sharp sting in his heart from her fearful and defensive attitude, rendering him unable to pursue her any further.

How had their conversation turned out like this?

Indeed, Bai Luye was at the foot of the mountain.

A new day began, and regardless of the misunderstanding between the senior brother and junior sister on the mountain, Bai Luye wandered slowly among the tents of various sects, recruiting disciples at the mountain’s base.

His face was refined, and his eyes were like peach blossoms, attracting many people with just a few steps. But most were more interested in the numerous clinking badges he wore on his waist.

He had passed the trials of several sects.

Yet, he hadn’t decided which one to join.

He only mentioned wanting to join the Yujing Sect.

Various sect masters were hoarse from persuasion, “Young Master Bai, with your talent, joining our sect would certainly place you in the inner sect…”

Bai Luye frowned slightly, looking troubled, “But the conditions aren’t very appealing to me.”

Suddenly, he turned his head and saw people from Wushen Palace, wearing veiled hats, approaching him.

The people from Wushen Palace bowed, “Young Master Bai, our Wushen Palace is willing to make you the personal disciple of the Great Heavenly Official, but we need you to do something for us.”

Wushen Palace, huh.

Bai Luye’s eyes, like glazed glass, carried a cold smile that deepened.

He said, “That’s easy, easy.”

Bai Luye followed these disciples of Wushen Palace, listening to their discussion on how to bypass the surveillance of the “Heaven’s Eye” to kill Nan Yuan.

Behind them, two young cultivators led a donkey, dressed in simple, patched clothes, strolling leisurely.

One was tall and thin, the other short and fat.

The chubby one was out of breath from chasing, while the elder brother walked calmly.

Their conversation used a secret sect method, only audible to them.

The chubby one said, “Senior brother, senior brother! Look, as soon as Bai Luye arrived at Yujing Sect, he abandoned us. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have helped him.”

His tall, thin senior brother turned back.

With a handsome yet serious face, he said solemnly, “Shh! You shouldn’t say that. Since we are to oppose Yujing Sect, sending a troublesome person up the mountain to create chaos already achieves our goal.”

The chubby one was stunned.

He laughed bitterly, “Senior brother, do you still remember our ancestral teachings? We’re so poor now… Why keep going against the Yujing Sect? If not for our master, uncle-master, and grandmaster all being so stubborn, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”

His senior brother replied calmly, “Following the Path of Changyun means upholding its spirit. Our sect has been at odds with Yujing Sect since its founding. All our sect’s teachings are aimed at countering Yujing Sect. Without this resolve, our sect’s practices would clash, and we wouldn’t be able to protect our mountain.”

He scolded his junior, “It’s because you don’t respect the sect rules that you never master our sect’s techniques.”

The chubby one teared up, “I was just too poor at the time. My mother thought Changyun Sect was a powerful immortal sect and sent me up the mountain to learn. Who knew Changyun Sect was so poor…”

Changyun Sect’s techniques were indeed powerful.

Though the sect had few disciples, each was formidable.

The chubby one had been very motivated when he first ascended the mountain, until he was taken to the ancestor’s portrait and told that to learn Changyun Sect’s techniques, he had to wholeheartedly embrace Changyun Sect’s Path…

But Changyun Sect’s path was to overthrow the number one sect, Yujing Sect!

Who could accomplish that!

The two continued their secret conversation.

His senior brother was calm: “Junior brother, knowing it earlier is more valuable than gold. I can become the chief disciple because of my firm determination.”

His junior brother said, “An aspiration to overthrow Yujing Sect? Senior brother, I really think those ancestral teachings are odd and not worth following. Why don’t you discuss with master about changing them? For example, the Vast Dream Formation… I’ve never heard of it!”

The chubby junior brother was deeply concerned for their sect, “We’ve never seen anyone practice the Vast Dream formation. If we can’t encounter such a person, our sect’s methods won’t improve, and we’ll be suppressed by Yujing Sect forever. I think you all have issues.”

His senior brother smiled.

Under the sunlight, he lowered his gaze and said calmly, “The next line of ‘at the end of the world, the Vast Dream rises again…’ is something we’ve never encountered.”

“For a thousand years, we’ve indeed never found anything related to the ‘Vast Dream,’ nor can we prove whether the immortal behind Yujing Sect exists, but our ancestral teachings cannot be wrong. There must be someone in this world practicing the Vast Dream technique, who was an old friend of our founding ancestor.

“San Dong, if you cannot uphold the ancestral teachings, then after this training trip back to the mountain, you should leave. Those who cannot keep their resolve may truly not be suited for Changyun Sect.”

The chubby disciple, named San Dong, was stunned.

Ahead, a Yujing Sect elder hurried over with several sect stewards to greet the two of them: “Is this Master Ye? The chief disciple of Changyun sect, it is an honor for our humble sect to receive you.

“This time, are you here to select disciples for Changyun sect, instead of your sect leader?”

Master Ye’s face was serious.

From a distance, his eyes met those of Bai Luye, who had turned to look at him.

The chief disciple of Changyun Sect was named Ye Chuanlin.

Ye Chuanlin casually betrayed another person by informing Yujing Sect: “Yes, but it’s not just me. The chief disciple of Guantian Sect, Hang Guqiu, has come with me.

“However, Hang Guqiu is an old friend of Elder Shen Xingchuan of your sect, and he has probably already gone up the mountain to visit Elder Shen.”

The elder and stewards who came to greet them were taken aback and became even more respectful.

Thus, with the presence of Wushen Palace, Guantian , and Changyun, the stage was set.

The real drama was about to unfold, heralding an impending storm.

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