Quitting My Studies, ‘coz I Want to Date!

Chapter 65: My roommate is sleeping.

“Mhm, I will take care of myself.” Yao Yi nodded seriously on the phone.

Zhou Cheng, who was next to her, frowned. The current students were really trying too hard to get a good future. Although he did not agree with his teacher, he actually felt that current competitions have changed a bit.

“Aren’t you going back?” Zhou Cheng waited for Yao Yi to hang up the phone and then asked.

“No, I won’t go back until I finish the winter camp in a few days.” Yao Yi was pale, and looked down at the time on her phone, “Teacher, can we hurry back to the camp? It’s almost time for the exam.”

Zhou Cheng couldn’t order her to go home, so he could only say: “Your hand is injured, take a day off first.”


Yao Yi refused: “I want to take the exam.”

If I don’t take the exam, I won’t get a ranking, then Lao Han will be disappointed.

In the end, Yao Yi still took the afternoon exam, but she was alone in a room, 

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Mbl lmyxkdll oyp yzsdl kd vbl assx, yde Hbsw Ubldt oasvl qsa bla obkzl pkvvkdt clpkel bla.

Zys Zk oyp alyzzu kd rykd, yde vbl nsze polyv sd bla qsalblye byed’v ekpyrrlyale pkdnl vbl oyu cynj qasx vbl bsprkvyz. Rd saela vs pyhl vkxl sd vbl lmyx, Zys Zk eked’v ydpola vbl iwlpvksdp kd vbl pyxl xyddla yp ulpvlaeyu. Gzz vbl ydpolap olal pkxrzkqkle yp xwnb yp rsppkczl, yde vbl vkxl prldv vs qkdkpb ydpolakdt yzz vbl iwlpvksdp oyp dlyazu yd bswa zlpp vbyd ulpvlaeyu.

“…” Hbsw Ubldt zssjle esod yv vbl ydpola pbllv kd ypvsdkpbxldv.

Mblal oyp ds dlle vs tayel kv, yp pssd yp Zys Zk prsjl, bl oswze jdso vbyv vbl ydpola oyp 100% nsaalnv. Rd qynv, vbl xyvblxyvknkydp obs nyxl vs scplahl yzz alye ulpvlaeyu’p lmyxkdyvksd ryrlap. Gzvbswtb Zys Zk tsv qwzz xyajp, bla ydpolap olal qya zlpp lmnkvkdt vbyd Nkw Ykd obs yzps tsv qwzz xyajp. Rv oyp clnywpl vbl zstkn sq yzz Zys Zk’p ydpolap olal hlau dsaxyz, yde vblal olal ds qyzzynklp kd vbl pzktbvlpv, obknb oyp hlau ekqqlaldv qasx Nkw Ykd’p hyakswp qalpb xlvbsep.

Mblalqsal, lhlausdl vynkvzu ytalle vbyv Zys Zk oyp vaykdle ldvkalzu cu pvydeyae vynvknp, obkzl Nkw Ykd oyp lmvalxlzu vyzldvle.

Lso… Hbsw Ubldt zssjle yv vbl vlpv ryrla yde zssjle wr yv vbl ryzl Zys Zk, bl oyp dsv pwal.

“Mlynbla, R’hl bydele kd vbl vlpv ryrla, R’zz ts qkapv.” Zys Zk okrle bla nsze polyv okvb bla zlqv byde, yde oydvle vs ts cynj vs vbl esaxkvsau yde zkl esod.

“Bb, sjyu, R’zz ypj vbl vlynbla vs vyjl usw vblal.” Hbsw Ubldt pvsse wr, pldv Zys Zk swv, yde ypjle vbl qlxyzl vlynbla vs ynnsxrydu Zys Zk cynj yv vbl essa.

After grading the test papers all night, the group of mathematicians gathered together in front of the four test papers.


“It’s still full marks.” A slightly older person said.

Liu Min still continued the style of his previous exam, which clearly demonstrated his genius style. On the other hand, Yao Yi’s two test papers, one showed the perfect style of a textbook, and the other had a personal style that was extremely concise. The steps of answering the questions were rough, but they could not find any mistakes from it.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Cheng spoke: “The first one is too regular.”

Yes, they didn’t notice it last night.

Yao Yi’s answer was too regular, almost exactly the same as the answer key. They only wanted to find students who were really talented and stood out in exam-oriented education. However, in this process, they ignored some students who could completely see through the questions and the teachers who made the questions.

“What is Yao Yi’s background?” Wang Li asked, looking at the crowd while holding onto the table.

Everyone moved their eyes to the team leader in the corner in unison.

The team leader was overwhelmed by the stares of the group of big bosses, and stammered: “Just a student from Yan City, I haven’t heard much about her before I came here.”

The students who come every year were the best of the best, and they didn’t have that much energy to investigate. Especially this year, several young children came to participate, and their attention was naturally attracted by these students.

The bosses frowned, obviously dissatisfied with the team leader’s statement.

“Ah, Yao Yi is number one in their province.” The team leader finally came up with one thing after thinking about it for a long time.

“Go and get her answer sheets from previous competitions, let’s take a look.” Wang Li said with a straight face, “Send it directly.”


The next morning was to visit colleges and universities, and the atmosphere of the crowd was cohesive, but obviously not as relaxed as before.

“Teacher, is Yao Yi gone?” Liu Min asked with tears in the corners of his eyes, his eyes were also red.

“No, she’ll come over later.” The teacher couldn’t stand the child’s pitiful appearance, so he bent down and patted his head to coax him.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yao Yi walked over slowly with her plastered hand hanging.

Her hand was still uncomfortable today, but it was better than yesterday.

Seeing Yao Yi, Liu Min ran towards her, seemed to think of something in the middle of the run, and stopped immediately. He gazed at Yao Yi with pitiful eyes.

Yao Yi couldn’t have any feelings of disgust towards a child, so she walked up to the child, glanced at him, and comforted, “Don’t cry, I don’t have candy.” So I can’t coax you.

“Mhm mhm.” Seeing that Yao Yi was still willing to talk to him, the child immediately burst into a smile, and followed behind Yao Yi.

Seeing that everyone was present, the teacher began to lead the students to tour around, explaining while walking. The child behind Yao Yi raised his face and chattered, “Does your hand still hurt? How long will it take to get better?”

Yao Yi answered patiently, but the child next to her fell silent.

Yao Yi couldn’t help but look down, and saw that the child pursed his mouth. His hands were twisted into a ball, and he apologized with red eyes, “I’m sorry, it’s my fault.”

“Mhm, it’s all over, I accept your apology.” Yao Yi didn’t want to see the child being pitiful all the time. An  ambitious child looked more pleasing to the eye.


At the same time, the math bigwigs also got photos from the team leader of Yao Yi’s answer sheets from previous competitions. While finding the pictures, the team leader also went to learn more about the student Yao Yi.

[Since she was a child, she has been better than the other students by a large margin. In the first grade of elementary school, there were many teachers who wanted Yao Yi to skip a grade, and later in middle school as well. But Yao Yi’s family did not agree, saying that their child should go to school normally like other children.]

The team leader sent a long message, followed by several pictures, all of which were Yao Yi’s answer sheets from Yan City.

Zhou Cheng could tell at a glance that Yao Yi’s answers were outrageously standard.

Similarly, other people nearby could also tell, and the room fell silent.

At this moment, the team leader sent another piece of news: [Yao Yi has been suppressed by a student since she was divided into majors in high school, and has become an everlasting second place. Not sure why this student did not enter any competitions.]

The bosses didn’t know why. After all, being good at math had nothing to do with other subjects.

Then the team leader sent a few more photos: [No.1 High School Ranking Results.JPG…]

Everyone saw that the score was surprisingly high, and Yao Yi had never scored anything but full marks in all subjects other than language arts. Fu Chuan, who was ahead of Yao Yi, also came into the eyes of the bosses.

 “This student seems to be good, why didn’t I see him?” A mathematician asked.

Now they were much more cautious and did not dare underestimate any student at will.

Zhou Cheng knew Fu Chuan: “The son of the Fu family, I heard that he went to Yan City to recuperate.”


The group of professionals who only studied mathematics looked confused.

“The one that donated money to our research institute.” Zhou Cheng further reminded them.

Now everyone understood.

“Why is Yao Yi’s language arts score so poor?” A middle-aged professor looked at the scores above and asked in confusion.

Yao Yi’s performance in language arts was by no means bad, but it was not good in terms of her other perfect scores.

Several senior mathematicians looked at each other, seeming to remember something.

“Okay, stop looking, wait for the exam in the afternoon.” A gray-haired mathematician said.

The exam this afternoon was the final one. After the exam, Yao Yi breathed a sigh of relief and laid on the bed without moving.

Although her roommate looked down on Yao Yi’s self-abandonment before, she still sympathized with her injury. Standing in front of her bed for a long time, she finally said, “If you need anything, you can call me.”

“Mhm, you already said it yesterday, I will call you if something happens.” Yao Yi leaned upright on the bed, feeling that the weight of the quilt on her hand was a thousand tons.

“Your phone is on.” The roommate pointed to the phone on Yao Yi’s table.

Yao Yi moved her head with difficulty, unable to see the phone.

The roommate stepped forward to take the phone and handed it to Yao Yi.

“Dad, Mom.” Yao Yi sat up again, turned on the video call, and there were two people on the opposite side.

Lin Xiuyu and her husband stayed in front of the phone, and shed tears when they saw Yao Yi’s hand with plaster cast.

“Yiyi, can mom go find you?” Lin Xiuyu couldn’t eat or sleep well these days, she wanted to rush over, but she was afraid that Yao Yi would get angry. Something like this has happened before.

Yao Yi was stubborn, slapped her butt (TLN: saying that means determined), and left. Both the Lin family and the Yao family came out that time, and finally found Yao Yi who was about to become a beggar on the provincial road next to their province.

“I’m going back by plane tomorrow. Mom, dad, just wait for me at the airport.” Yao Yi indeed didn’t want to make her parents go back and forth again.

After chatting for a while, Lin Xiuyu’s (TLN: Yao Yi’s mom) anxiety was relieved a little, and Yao Yicai (Yao Yi’s dad) hung up the video call.

Before putting the phone away, the video call rang again, but this time it was Fu Chuan.

Yao Yi didn’t know why she was nervous, so she hung up the video call directly.

Soon Fu Chuan sent a message: [What’s wrong, is it not convenient?]

Yao Yi hadn’t contacted him for two days, and Fu Chuan was waiting for news from her every night, but nothing happened.

Yao Yi was a little flustered, coughed, and there was a roommate standing beside her waiting to help.

“Do you want me to hold your phone for you?”

“No need.” Yao Yi sneaked a glance at her roommate

It was very troublesome for her to type with one hand. The phone was also not small. Finally, Yao Yi pressed the voice button and whispered: “My roommate is sleeping. I will go back tomorrow.”

Sleeping roommate: “…”

Fu Chuan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Yao Yi’s voice, but quickly realized, why didn’t Yao Yi type a message and had to send a voice message when her roommate was sleeping?

[Are you not sleeping?] Fu Chuan didn’t go into details, thinking that Yao Yi was busy now, [It’s 10:40.]

“I’m going to sleep soon, you should go to sleep soon too.” Yao Yi said in a low voice.

She had no idea that if she felt guilty, she would add a soft tone at the end.

Fu Chuan played the voice message again, and finally decided not to ask any more questions. Anyways, he could wait for her to come back tomorrow.

Yao Yi breathed a sigh of relief after hanging up the phone, and the roommate next to her looked at her strangely: “Your boyfriend?”

Was that what dating was like? The roommate thought about it for a while. If she was injured, she must have her boyfriend come over.

“Not yet, we haven’t dated yet.” Yao Yi sighed, feeling depressed at the thought at this moment.

Anyway, the tests were over, and everything was settled. Her roommate relaxed, sat on the opposite bed and asked: “You two have not started dating yet?”

The roommate looked at Yao Yi carefully. Anyone who could come to the winter camp would at least have good grades in school. Although this person had a rustic atmosphere, she still looked good and had a foreign style.

Although her hair was messed up and blown until it looked like a fluffy ball, it couldn’t hide her delicate face. Fair and delicate skin, clear and distinct eyes, bright red lips that were slightly curled up.

At first she thought Yao Yi came here with makeup on.

The author has something to say: There is one more update.

Yao Yao is going back

Countdown to dating~

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Anon HuLi [Translator]

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  1. tenshineko

    lol. Fu Chuan thought she’d be safe at training camp – now he’s really not going to let her out of his sight 😂

    1. anonfox
      anonfox [Translator]

      Yao Yi is never safe on her own, gotta have Fu Chuan accompany her at all times lolol.