My Rival Film Empress, Is Actually My Online Girlfriend!

Chapter 70 part 1

“If you carefully select a ring for her and assist her in choosing a wedding dress, she will surely forgive you.”

Upon hearing this, Shen Qiaoyu pondered for a moment before responding noncommittally, “Understood.”

“Hey, with that attitude, you’re bound to suffer sooner or later,” Shen Yuchuan said discontentedly as he walked away.

Yet, Shen Qiaoyu couldn’t help but glance at Yan Shiqing, who was not far away, only to catch her looking back at her.

Their eyes met, and both instinctively looked away as if scalded.


Yan Shiqing thought to herself that if Shen Qiaoyu didn’t break up with Qingning, she would never be able to reconcile with her!

Meanwhile, Shen Qiaoyu thought that time was on her side. Sooner or later, she would torment Yan Shiqing until she couldn’t take it anymore and confessed. Then, she would mock her from a position of superiority, divorce her, and cut off all ties!

The two initiated another round of their cold war.

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Fbld Zwnbwyd qswde kv wdclyayczl.

Ekvb qswa rlsrzl kd vsvyz, vos olal ldtytle kd y nsze oya, yde ydsvbla oyp yvvlxrvkdt lhlau rsppkczl xlydp vs tlv nzspl vs Fbld Ckysuw, zlyhkdt sdzu bkx vs ldewal vbl byaepbkr.

Wwavblaxsal, vbl taswr qykzle vs qkde ydsvbla ryvb. Ohldvwyzzu, Zyd Fbkikdt, qllzkdt psxlvbkdt oyp yxkpp, vswnble vbl pvsdl czsnjkdt vblka oyu yde ekpnshlale psxlvbkdt wdwpwyz.

Fbl yvvlxrvle vs xshl y pvsdl qasx vbl asyepkel vs pxypb kv cwv nswzed’v.

Brsd pllkdt vbkp, Fbld Ckysuw kxxlekyvlzu yrrasynble, zkqvle vbl pvsdl, yde ypjle, “Ebyv es usw kdvlde vs es?”

Mbl yvxsprblal clvolld vblx oyp pwcvzu nbyatle.

Zlv, Zyd Fbkikdt pvkzz prsjl nszezu, “Bpl vbl pvsdl vs pxypb vbyv czsnjkdt pvsdl.”

Fbld Ckysuw nsxrzkle.

The moment she smashed it, the stone that was blocking their way split open instantly.


It turned out that the obstruction wasn’t made of stone material and could be broken through, allowing them to pass.

Subsequently, the group started to smash the stones together.

Yan Shiqing, lacking in strength, still picked up a small stone intending to help.

However, as soon as she approached, she saw Shen Qiaoyu and Yan Yi standing close together, talking about something, with Yan Yi appearing shy?!

A wave of jealousy surged in her immediately. She bit her lip and moved closer, curious about what they were discussing.

At that moment, everyone’s cameras and microphones were on.

The live stream’s chat was filled with a variety of comments, especially after hearing the conversation between Shen Qiaoyu and Yan Yi, which made the chat explode with activity.

“What? They actually broke up.”

“Oh my, that was unexpected.”

“Now I can ship Qiaoyu and Shiqing with more conviction, haha!”

“Props to you, above.”

It turned out Shen Yuchuan and Shen Qiaoyu had planned to discuss their relationship status in front of the live stream, leading Shen Qiaoyu to reveal, “We’ve broken up.”


“Huh?” Yan Yi was somewhat shocked, then responded, “This is news to me.”

Shen Qiaoyu replied indifferently, “It’s nothing. Let’s drop the subject.”

Clearly not wanting to continue on the topic, Yan Yi didn’t press further, offering a few words of comfort. However, her shyness while speaking to Shen Qiaoyu led Yan Shiqing to misunderstand.

Yan Shiqing naturally heard those words of breakup and was furious. She wondered, “When did I break up with Shen Qiaoyu? How come I didn’t know?” Worse yet, she said it in front of the camera!

She couldn’t stand it anymore. As soon as the stone was smashed, she took the chance to turn off the receiver and quietly asked her, “You clearly haven’t broken up with Qingning. Why would you say that?”

Seeing her like this, Shen Qiaoyu actually laughed and responded, “What, didn’t you want me to break up with Qingning?”

She did want her to break up with Qingning and be with her, but she hadn’t expected her to do it this way!

Biting her teeth in frustration, Yan Shiqing replied, “But you didn’t even tell Qingning; you just said it in front of the camera. Have you thought about how disappointed she would be?”

“How do you know I didn’t tell her?” Shen Qiaoyu asked with feigned confusion.

Yan Shiqing froze, then responded softly, “Because Qingning didn’t tell me, and I’m her best friend. She would have told me if they had broken up…”

“You still know you’re her best friend, huh? And yet you’re trying to steal her girlfriend, asking me to break up with her?” Shen Qiaoyu’s words were piercing.

In a moment of irritation, Yan Shiqing retorted, “Well, you’re the one playing both sides. Neither of us has the right to talk!”


Seeing her genuinely upset, Shen Qiaoyu turned her head away, seemingly with a twinge of guilt.

She felt like she was going crazy. If she had really fallen for Yan Shiqing, then she was doomed!


Then she thought, “I couldn’t really be falling for Yan Shiqing. It was all just an act.”

But as she thought this, she ended up revealing the truth, softly saying to her, “Before coming to the cave, I sent her a bunch of messages, saying I wanted the audience to know I was single. Otherwise, how would we get married? I was worried it would generate a ton of scandalous rumors that could affect you…”

“And Qingning replied with a simple ‘okay’.”

Hearing this, Yan Shiqing was stunned for a moment. Then she remembered that before leaving, he had indeed sent her a bunch of messages, and she had only read the first line, “I’m going out, baby.”

And she had replied with a simple “okay.”

Thinking about this made her feel somewhat guilty. After a long pause, she managed to say, “We could just go through the motions of getting married. Our relationship is fake anyway, and haven’t we agreed not to interfere with each other’s lives? Why overthink it…”

Shen Qiaoyu smiled at her and said, “Just because we lose that kind of relationship, can’t we still be friends? You used to say you wanted to be friends with me.”

Yan Shiqing glanced at her, then turned her head away, saying awkwardly, “It’s up to you. As long as you can forget what happened before and be just friends with me…”

“Of course,” Shen Qiaoyu replied. “You’ve rejected me. How could I be anything but a pure friend to you?”


The emphasis on “pure” made Yan Shiqing’s ears turn red unconsciously. She lowered her long eyelashes, her mind a whirlwind of confusion…

She knew she had changed for the worse, but she couldn’t help recalling every moment they had shared in the past few days.

These moments were not shared as Qingning but as Yan Shiqing…

Being Yan Shiqing, she had interacted with her, enjoying the thrill despite it not being entirely honorable, even if it often ended in arguments and annoyance.

She could express her emotions freely in her arms without having to hide her face, pouring out her feelings without reservation.

Even though she had changed for the worse, she still liked her so much…

While Yan Shiqing was lost in thought, the group had already reached the underground river inside the cave. Suddenly, Shen Qiaoyu noticed something jumping out of the water, heading straight for Yan Shiqing.

Alarmed, she immediately pulled her into her embrace and turned around swiftly, using her back to shield her from the object.

Everything happened so quickly that Yan Shiqing hadn’t even processed the events before she was instinctively embraced, feeling an unexpected warmth in her eyes, followed by panic.

“What was that just now?!”

“Are you guys acting out a soap opera here?”

Shen Yuchuan couldn’t help but laugh, then picked up the lively fish from the ground and threw it back into the water.

Shen Qiaoyu: “…”

Yan Shiqing: “…”

It turned out that a fish had jumped from the water and hit Shen Qiaoyu’s back.

The light was too dim, so they didn’t see clearly and thought something might hurt Yan Shiqing. Therefore, Shen Qiaoyu instinctively protected her.

At that moment, the two who were embracing each other instantly sprang apart; even their ears involuntarily reddened, and they awkwardly turned their heads away, not comfortable looking at each other.

Shen Qiaoyu coughed and quickly explained, “I thought it was something attacking us. If it were you, I would definitely have protected you too.”

Shen Yuchuan: “…”

Clearly skeptical.

Yan Shiqing also slightly lowered her head, agreeing with her: “It’s too dark here. Suddenly seeing a dark shadow jump out really scared me.”

Actually, upon closer inspection, there were many fish in the underground river swimming in the same direction, even occasionally jumping onto the shore.

Without the flashlight shining on them, they just appeared as shadows jumping in the water.

Shen Qiaoyu, while on their way, picked up another fish and put it back into the water, then naturally turned to Yan Shiqing: “Having me as a friend, you can’t complain, right?”

“Um, indeed, can’t complain…….”

Yan Shiqing’s eyes slightly reddened, her emotions still a bit unstable. Recalling the moment Shen Qiaoyu embraced her without hesitation, she was deeply touched. However, hearing the word “friend” now felt somewhat jarring.

Who would kiss their friend and personally apply medicine to that person and in that intimate area of all places…

Yet, it was her who suggested they cut off their relationship, so she couldn’t just make a fuss about not wanting to be just friends, wanting to continue their secret affair, could she?

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