Little Sea Otter Became Popular

Little Sea Otter Became Popular Chapter 81


Chapter 81

Qiao Dai gently leaned her forehead against the back of the driver’s seat. The smooth leather gave off a faintly icy touch, which cooled her slightly flushed face. Gradually, the jumbled thoughts in her mind began to settle.


After a while, Cheng Su finally felt Qiao Dai take a breath behind him, as if she had something to say.

“Cheng Su.”

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Fllxkdt vs byhl qkdyzzu xyel wr bla xkde, Ckys Pyk psqvzu nyzzle Ubldt Fw’p dyxl. Ubldt Fw, obs oyp pkvvkdt kd vbl eakhla’p plyv, vldple wr pwcvzu, yde bkp byde kdpvkdnvkhlzu takrrle vbl pvllakdt obllz, bkp lmralppksd plakswp.


Ubldt Fw yrrlyale psxlobyv ytkvyvle. Tl qwaasole bkp casop yde zssjle kdvs vbl alyahklo xkaasa, cwv vbl eakhla’p plyv oyp pbklzekdt Ckys Pyk qasx bkp hklo, ralhldvkdt bkx qasx pllkdt vbl lmralppksd sd vbl tkaz’p qynl yv vbkp xsxldv. Tl nswze sdzu nsdvkdwl vs pkv alpvzlppzu kd bkp plyv, oykvkdt qsa Ckys Pyk vs prlyj.

Mbl kdvlaksa sq vbl nya kdpvydvzu qlzz pkzldv. Wsa y obkzl, vbl sdzu pswdep olal vbl pzktbvzu bwaakle calyvbp sq vbl vos kdekhkewyzp. Gxkepv vbl pkzldnl, obknb nyaakle y bkdv sq alpvzlppdlpp, Ubldt Fw pweeldzu prsjl wr, “Gnvwyzzu, usw esd’v byhl vs ydpola xl ps iwknjzu.”


Upon careful consideration, Cheng Su realized that Qiao Dai’s hesitation in addressing this topic could only mean that she was responding to him.

Thinking this, an inexplicable restlessness surged within him. He couldn’t help but run his tongue over his upper palate, a slight itch causing his jawline to unconsciously tense. His overall aura suddenly grew sharper.

He was nervous.


Almost simultaneously, Qiao Dai’s voice echoed in the air. She lifted her head to look at Cheng Su, her tone unusually firm, her attitude resolute in her denial.

Qiao Dai’s voice sounded somewhat anxious. Her usually innocent and lively eyes were now tinged with a hint of unease. A faint blush appeared on her fair skin.


Cheng Su unconsciously held his breath.

Outside the window, the tree shadows swayed gently. Bright light filtered through the gaps in the leaves, pouring onto the car parked beneath the tree’s shade. A gentle breeze rustled through, causing the dappled light and shadows on the window to dance like a serene and beautiful dream.

Because Cheng Su was seated in the driver’s seat, Qiao Dai couldn’t see the man’s expression. Her gaze lazily settled on Cheng Su’s blurry silhouette reflected in the windshield. Her dark, bright eyes glided over with a soft glimmer.

“You like me, I know.”

She knew.

She knew that Cheng Su had done a lot for her, so she had to tell him her answer.


Qiao Dai’s eyes were like ripples on a clear spring, her lips trembled twice, and she slowly said, “I like you too, Cheng Su.”

Directly and without the slightest hesitation, Qiao Dai repeated herself, “You like me, I know, and I like you too.”

It was a strange feeling.

Actually, even now, Qiao Dai couldn’t clearly define what liking someone meant and what not liking someone meant. This concept was too vague for her. But if that person was Cheng Su, then everything ambiguous and uncertain turned into going with the flow, becoming comfortable and acceptable.

If it was him, if it was Cheng Su, then even if it was just a vague concept, it gained a form in Qiao Dai’s mind.

Her liking was Cheng Su.


Qiao Dai’s words were like sparks scattered in the air, gently landing in Cheng Su’s ears, making him feel a bit scorched.

A kind of pain, akin to being burnt by intense fire, spread through his body along his meridians. However, this pain didn’t feel agonizing. It was a secretive and indescribable sensation. Not comfortable, but deeply memorable, like the growing bones in the body of a teenager during puberty, sore and numb.

Only when he heard Qiao Dai’s response did Cheng Su feel a sense of relief. The anxiety and restlessness that had lingered in his heart for so long were instantly dispelled. His mood suddenly became calm, causing his tense body to relax.

Sensing Cheng Su’s change in emotion, Qiao Dai paused for a moment before continuing.

“But I can’t promise you right now.”

As she spoke, seemingly worried that Cheng Su might misunderstand her intentions, Qiao Dai was about to explain, when suddenly a low chuckle echoed through the car cabin. She involuntarily froze for a moment, instinctively leaned forward to look at Cheng Su’s face, only to see him chuckling softly, saying, “I know, your contract right now.”

The members of the girl group “Eleven Girls” were not allowed to date during their contract period. Cheng Su knew this too. Although these terms and conditions weren’t very important to him, he knew that they held significance for Qiao Dai.

Even though Qiao Dai is now a highly popular new idol in the country, this is just the beginning. There are more new challenges waiting for her in the future, and countless people are looking forward to her reaching higher and farther places.

Cheng Su is also the same.

He has seen Qiao Dai’s appearance on stage, the dazzling lights, enthusiastic cheers, and the shining girl in the crowd. Whenever she appears, she is the most eye-catching presence on the stage.

Someone like her should have emerged to tell the world that she has arrived.

“Because of everyone’s support, I’ve been able to come this far. I don’t want to let down their expectations.”

As Qiao Dai speaks, she recalls in her mind the company, friends, and fans who have helped her along the way.

She remembers the birthday wishes from her fans at her birthday party, and she won’t forget the tears shed by fans who cried tears of joy for her victory on the night of her debut, a moment etched in her memory. Their love and trust are precious treasures to her. She wants to go even further with them to see more scenery.

Thinking this, a hopeful glint dances in Qiao Dai’s eyes. She looks up at Cheng Su, her voice trembling slightly as she says, “So, can you patiently wait for me a bit longer?”

She speaks as if she’s afraid of being rejected, and she quickly adds, “It won’t be long, I promise.”

Qiao Dai’s heart races as she anxiously gazes at Cheng Su, unsure of how he will respond.

It’s precisely at this moment that Cheng Su’s deep voice ripples through the air, saying, “Okay.”

He agreed?

Qiao Dai is slightly taken aback. She hadn’t expected Cheng Su to become so agreeable all of a sudden. But upon closer thought, she realizes that she had only heard this about him from others, and in her presence, Cheng Su had always been easy to talk to.

Thinking this, Qiao Dai suddenly feels a bit embarrassed. Subconsciously, she hides her head behind the back of the driver’s seat. After a while, she slowly peeks out and says, “Thank you.”

Qiao Dai pauses for a moment while speaking, unsure of what she’s thinking. Cheng Su was just about to turn his head to see what Qiao Dai was doing when he saw her extend her slender hand from the corner of his eye. Her fingers lightly brushed over her own lips, and then gently landed on Cheng Su’s face.

The girl’s soft fingertips still carried a lingering warmth as they brushed against the corner of the man’s lips. It was like a shy and timid kiss, with the heat from the girl’s fingertips making one wonder about the sensation of her alluring lips.

Qiao Dai felt her cheeks heating up slightly and was about to retract her hand, but Cheng Su held onto her wrist, causing her gaze to flicker with a mix of surprise and anxiety. However, she still tried to sound calm as she raised her voice a bit unsteadily, asking, “W-What are you doing?”

Qiao Dai’s fair arm, like a beautiful piece of jade, was held by Cheng Su. He raised an eyebrow and asked, “Is this your way of comforting me?”

Cheng Su’s voice, filled with a deep laugh, made Qiao Dai’s face blush. She felt annoyed yet embarrassed as she extended her sentence, playfully calling out to Cheng Su, “Is it not allowed?”

If she had known Cheng Su would react like this, she wouldn’t have done it!

Qiao Dai felt a bit frustrated with herself while sensing the warmth of Cheng Su’s palm against her skin. The blazing heat caused her heart to race. She looked at Cheng Su’s profile with a flustered expression, wanting to pull her hand back. However, Cheng Su was holding her wrist tightly, making it impossible for her to break free.

Cheng Su grabbed Qiao Dai’s outstretched hand in return and gently bit her fingertip with his teeth.

The sensation of his teeth made Qiao Dai feel a slight electric shock. Subconsciously, she moved back a little. At the same time, Cheng Su released his grip on her wrist, allowing her to retract her hand.

Cheng Su finally unbuckled his seatbelt and turned around from the driver’s seat. He looked intently at Qiao Dai, whose face was flushed, and said in a deep voice, “Of course you can.”

Cheng Su’s unexpected action made Qiao Dai’s heart race. She widened her eyes, looking at Cheng Su. Her voice unconsciously rose a few degrees, with a lingering tone that sounded like a coquettish “complaint”: “Why do you enjoy biting people so much?”

Blushing and with a pounding heart, Qiao Dai spoke, involuntarily recalling the scene by the rooftop pool. That time, Cheng Su had bitten her lip as well. It hadn’t scared her off, though!

Hearing Qiao Dai’s slightly disgruntled “accusation,” Cheng Su didn’t get upset. Instead, he confidently corrected her, “I just enjoy biting you.”

Qiao Dai’s earlobes turned a faint shade of pink again. She lowered her head, muttering something to herself. She seemed to be complaining as she shot Cheng Su a look and said in a stuttering, soft voice, “Why do you always do that? Annoying.”

Hearing Qiao Dai’s words, Cheng Su nodded repeatedly, accepting both compliments and complaints. He didn’t want Qiao Dai to feel embarrassed and potentially storm out of the car.

“It’s getting late. If we don’t go back soon, Professor Lang Xing will find it strange.”

Qiao Dai, like a drowning person grasping at a lifeline, glanced at the time and quickly reminded Cheng Su that they still needed to move their belongings back to the dormitory. Cheng Su stopped teasing Qiao Dai and fastened his seatbelt instead. He instructed her to sit properly and then started the car.

As Cheng Su drove Qiao Dai to the dormitory building, they saw Lang Xing walking out with his phone in hand. Seeing Cheng Su and Qiao Dai stepping out of the car, he couldn’t resist making a playful comment, “What took you so long? I was just about to look for you.”

Qiao Dai awkwardly coughed twice and quickly explained that she had accidentally taken the wrong road. Fortunately, Lang Xing was in a hurry and didn’t think too much about it. After some small talk, they all helped move the belongings back to the dormitory. Then, Cheng Su and Lang Xing left the place together.

When the other members of Eleven Girls returned, Qiao Dai was upstairs in the villa packing things. They all rushed over to help decorate their shared dormitory room.

That night, the members of Eleven Girls posted pictures of their carefully decorated room on their social media accounts, signaling the beginning of their journey in the entertainment industry.

“The room of our little sisters looks amazing!”

“In Dai dai’s room, there’s even a children’s pool, hahaha!”

“So touching! Our Dai dai finally has the money to buy a new big pool!”

“Coco, hurry up and get one too! Give Dai dai a room with a built-in big pool!”

Fans congratulated the Eleven Girls on their new rooms, and amid the lively atmosphere, Qiao Dai and her group were about to embark on their first project after debuting.

The next day, the members of Eleven Girls were led by their respective agency managers to the headquarters of “Pick Eleven,” where they were going to work on their debut album. The annual contract included the provision that besides their original managers, a dedicated manager from “Pick Eleven” would oversee the group’s activities.

Upon entering the building, Qiao Dai noticed that the place seemed particularly bustling today. The lobby was filled with stylishly dressed young male and female stars, many of whom were her peers.

Ling Na craned her head in the direction of the crowd, took a quick look, and then turned to Qiao Dai and her friends to quietly introduce the names, debut times, and representative works of the people she recognized. She concluded with a sentence, “They are just like you and will also participate in this year’s annual selection.”

Upon hearing this, everyone’s expressions subtly changed. Even Luan Zhen, who usually appeared calm, seemed to tighten his lips nervously. Shiqing lowered her head without saying a word, her gaze sweeping the room before she couldn’t help but gasp and murmur, “So many seniors here.”

For actors, the Oscars are the awards they strive for; similarly, for idols, the Annual Idol Popularity Election, abbreviated as the Annual Selection, is their equivalent of the Oscars.

The reason Qiao Dai and her group were invited to Shengshi today was because Eleven Girls were also participating in this year’s Annual Selection.

As a one-year limited-time group, this would be the only chance for Qiao Dai and her group to participate in the Annual Selection under the name of Eleven Girls. Therefore, the organizers of “Pick Eleven,” Shengshi, attached great importance to this year’s competition, hoping that they could win the award for the Newcomer Group with the Highest Annual Popularity.

Undoubtedly, the members of Eleven Girls had displayed impressive performances in the show. However, leaving the stage of “Pick Eleven” did not mean they had everything under control. Looking at the entire entertainment industry, just in the same season, there were rival networks airing similar talent shows. Apart from that, there were trainees from major entertainment companies—all of them were competitors of Qiao Dai and her group, not to be underestimated.

“But there’s no need to worry; you all are already very outstanding.”

Ling Na was speaking when a staff member from Shengshi approached, prompting her to stop. She accompanied her own artists to the meeting room, waiting for the meeting to begin.

The agent in charge of Eleven Girls’ group activities was named Lu Miao. With ample experience in artist management, she was assigned by Shengshi to oversee this task.

“I assume you’re all aware that Eleven Girls will be participating in this year’s Annual Selection. So, I won’t go into the details. The reason we’re holding this meeting today is that I have one more piece of news to share.”

The meeting room fell silent as Lu Miao’s gaze lightly swept across the audience. She maintained a calm tone in her voice but couldn’t help allowing it to rise at the end as she continued, “In addition to the group competition, the company is also planning for you to participate in the individual competition of the Annual Selection.”

As her words fell, a small gasp rippled through the meeting room, as if they found it hard to believe what Lu Miao had just said.

In fact, even Lu Miao found it somewhat unbelievable.

By all accounts, members of a limited-time group from a talent show couldn’t possibly win individual awards in their first year of debut. After all, they would be up against numerous seasoned idols who had embarked on solo careers. This was not something that newcomers, especially those who debuted as part of a group, could achieve.

However, Eleven Girls had made the Shengshi executives see the potential.

After various data calculations, the top brass at Shengshi finally nodded their approval and decided to take the gamble.

“There’s one spot.”

Lu Miao announced, “Among you, one person will have the opportunity to participate in the Annual Selection as an individual.”

In other words, if this person manages to win awards both as a part of the group and as an individual, there’s no doubt that she will become the most remarkable presence in this year’s Annual Selection.


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EA [Translator]

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