Little Sea Otter Became Popular

Little Sea Otter Became Popular Chapter 78


Chapter 78

People who were eager to see Qiao Dai’s jokes were dumbfounded in an instant.


Cheng Su actually admitted it so openly? Shouldn’t the normal response be either to ignore the issue or to send a lawyer’s warning? How could someone straightforwardly admit to being at the scene as a fan?

Not to mention the black fans who were specially waiting here to see Qiao Dai’s embarrassing moment; even Qiao Dai’s fans, who came to help and prevent anyone from taking advantage of the situation, were also taken aback.

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Ebyv lmynvzu oyp tskdt sd? Ohlausdl qlzv y zkvvzl nsdqwple kd vblka xkdep.

Fllkdt vbyv vbl wpwyz pvayvltu sq rkzkdt sd nakvknkpx nswzed’v cl yrrzkle, psxlsdl iwknjzu nbydtle vbl vsrkn kd vbl zkhl casyenypv assx, ekpnwppkdt vbl kxrzkle alzyvksdpbkr clvolld Ckys Pyk yde Ubldt Fw.

[Pslpd’v kv xyjl pldpl dso? Ebyv jkde sq kdprkayvksdyz kxytl kp vbkp? Rpd’v kv yzz clnywpl vblal’p y ckt pbsv pwrrsavkdt qasx clbkde?]

[Rv xwpv cl vbyv jkde sq alzyvksdpbkr, aktbv? R yzoyup osdelale obu Ckys Pyk byp clld pwnnlppqwz yzz vbl oyu; vwadp swv, vblal’p y cynjla.]


The original poster who started the thread to criticize Qiao Dai before the debut night quickly resurrected their post. Back then, this poster had cunningly set a verbal trap, which unexpectedly triggered the crowd’s anger and led to them being insulted and driven away from the thread. Now, upon seeing Cheng Su admit to being the chief supporter, they immediately reappeared in the thread, proudly boasting about their foresight, confidently pointing out that only with a financial backer could Qiao Dai rise to fame so quickly.

[Why did the original poster resurrect so quickly? They’ve been staring at us, eagerly wanting to see her stumble. Your life must be so bitter to have such a dark heart.]

[Hehe, the original poster finally admits it; you are a professional hater.]

The online argument heated up, and the reporters on-site quickly changed their focus, asking Cheng Su, “Mr. Cheng, what is your relationship with Qiao Dai?”

“Is it because of you that Qiao Dai can access so many resources?”

“Are you two…?”


If it weren’t for the burly bodyguards standing around Cheng Su, the journalists would have rushed to him and thoroughly questioned Cheng Su about everything related to Qiao Dai.

A teenage idol and a business tycoon! What an intriguing topic to consider!

The entertainment reporters behaved like wild beasts catching a scent, eagerly moving forward. In their minds, they had already prepared numerous versions of their articles, waiting for Cheng Su to speak so they could freely expand on the topic.

Qiao Dai was an extraordinarily popular newcomer in the entertainment industry, while Cheng Su was the mysterious and low-key CEO of Cheng Corporation. Merely mentioning their names online would generate countless discussions. Just imagining the buzz that would be created when the news broke made everyone anticipate the level of attention it would receive.

Listening to the reporters’ borderline offensive and unrestrained questions, Cheng Su didn’t order his bodyguards to remove them. Instead, he let out a light snort and replied, “What? Can’t I be a fan?”


His voice didn’t intentionally raise in tone, and there was even a hint of an ambiguous smirk. But to everyone’s ears, it undoubtedly sent a shiver down their spines, making them instinctively shrink their necks and hastily respond, “No, of course not.”

Though it was merely a simple answer, it had the effect of silencing them.

[Ah, he’s so cool, right?!]

[No, no, of course, you can be a fan!]

[Even the overbearing CEO can be melted by our Dai Dai’s sweetness? Goodness, Dai Dai’s cuteness is simply irresistible!]

[Uh-oh, I’m a staunch supporter of the “Independent Beauty Party,” but suddenly, I want to ship the CEO and the teenage idol.]


The reporters were at a loss for words.

Initially, they wanted to steer the topic toward Qiao Dai’s financial backer and add some juicy gossip, thinking that it would be a hot topic. However, Cheng Su’s nonchalant attitude and simple rhetorical question left them unsure of how to proceed.

It was not that they couldn’t make things up, but Cheng Su’s imposing presence was too strong, and he seemed so natural in his response. It made the reporters uncertain about Qiao Dai and Cheng Su’s true relationship.

They wanted to fabricate stories, but they also feared that Cheng Corporation might come after them. So even if they were going to invent something, they dared not involve Cheng Su. Additionally, the industry had long accepted that they could jest about these so-called big shots without much consequence. People would just say they were being flirtatious, but only the stars entangled in such rumors would face criticism.

This had become the norm within the industry, and the reporters were accustomed to it. They only expected to hear Cheng Su clarify his relationship with Qiao Dai so they could confidently publish articles about the teenage idol chasing after a business tycoon, behind-the-scenes manipulation on talent shows, and other similar content.

But unexpectedly, before they could proceed with their pre-written articles, Cheng Su admitted to being Qiao Dai’s fan and even retorted, “Can’t I be a fan of Qiao Dai?”

It seems there are no rules stating that a CEO cannot be a fan of someone.

The reporters were drenched in cold sweat. They never expected Cheng Su to position himself even lower than Qiao Dai by openly admitting to being her fan. Wasn’t this just fueling Qiao Dai’s popularity?

With these thoughts, the reporters who intended to write trashy articles to criticize Qiao Dai fell silent, unsure of how to proceed.

Nevertheless, there were still persistent reporters who wanted to find any traces of a secret relationship between Qiao Dai and Cheng Su. They questioned, “During the debut night, Qiao Dai gave you a rose. Wasn’t that intentional? Otherwise, why would it be so coincidental that she gave the rose to you? Is she trying to please you, Mr. Cheng? Please answer!”

[Can’t stand it! Why does this reporter have such a foul mouth?]

[Heh, a well-known trash marketing account, always doing this kind of low-quality stuff, ugh.]

[Punching above its weight! Giving a rose is a way of pleasing someone? Why don’t you say that Cheng Su spent one billion as a way to thank our Dai Dai for the rose she gave him, making him ecstatic?]

[Exactly! Those present at the scene know that you don’t understand the atmosphere back then. If it were me receiving a rose from Dai Dai, I’d gladly spend one billion as well!]

[Captivated, totally captivated! Is Qiao Dai a character who can enchant people like this?]

Cheng Su glanced at the reporter and the latter immediately felt an invisible pressure coming at him. Then, Cheng Su spoke coldly, “Pleasing? She doesn’t need to.”

Clean and sharp.

The barrage exploded instantly.

[Oh my, the marketing account tried so hard to say that Cheng Su and Dai Dai’s relationship was fake, but the more they try, the more I believe it’s real? What do I do?]

[Ah, no wonder the marketing account kept trying to push the Cheng Su and Dai Dai ship. Damn, I’ve fallen for it!]

[Hahaha, I’m laughing to death! This is a reverse promotion; the marketing account has inadvertently become a ship promoter!]

[Sadly, Dai Dai is still a newcomer idol; otherwise, wouldn’t this be a fantastic opportunity for the company’s promotion?]

After speaking, Cheng Su left the scene surrounded by his bodyguards, leaving the reporters staring at each other.

Given the situation, can they still publish articles criticizing Qiao Dai?

The reporters couldn’t help but be cautious in their approach, unsure of Cheng Su’s stance. They refrained from imposing subjective narratives and instead wrote objective news articles based on Cheng Su’s response. After all, each of Cheng Su’s words was enough to attract attention.

Putting Cheng Su’s original response in the headlines alone drew a lot of onlookers.

Numerous netizens instantly became shippers, and some even regretted that Qiao Dai was a rookie idol just starting her career, bound by her contract, preventing her from dating. Otherwise, they would have instantly become fans of Cheng Su and Qiao Dai’s ship, urging them to get together.

[The unexpected is the most genuine. Although Cheng Su and Dai Dai probably don’t have any special relationship, it doesn’t stop me from shipping them.]

[Sisters, let’s not go overboard. Cheng Su and Dai Dai probably have a normal relationship. Overhyping it might bother them, right?]

[Raspberries are indeed delicious! Let’s keep our own little territory and not disturb Cheng Su and Dai Dai.]

Although the fans were excited by Cheng Su’s response to the reporters, they also found themselves agreeing with him. Indeed, what special relationship? Cheng Su sincerely appreciates Dai Dai’s talent, and it was only normal for him to be a career supporter. They advised the marketing accounts trying to fabricate romantic rumors to stop spreading falsehoods.

As a result, the fans quickly regained their composure and half-seriously shipped the “Raspberry” ship, considering it as a source of amusement among the fans.

Even so, on that day, the “Raspberry Observation Diary Bot” gained hundreds of thousands of followers, with many fans sending in their stories.

[Submission! I used to work at North Island Café, and coincidentally, I met Dai Dai there. She even signed an autograph for me! But I digress. Back to the main point, Cheng Su was there too that day, alone. When he was about to leave, he saw Dai Dai coming, and he excitedly shook the glass bell on the table to get my attention and help him pay so he could go ask for an autograph. Can you imagine someone like Cheng Su shaking a fairy-tale-like raspberry-colored glass bell? It was just too cute.]

Another service staff who had encountered Cheng Su and Qiao Dai at the North Island Café secretly submitted a story. She took pictures of the seat Cheng Su had sat in and the impatiently shaken pink-to-purple gradient bell. The vivid descriptions had many netizens laughing heartily in the comment section, exclaiming that Cheng Su was indeed quite amusing.

[Wow, a raspberry-colored bell! Is this a destined coincidence? I’m shipping it!]

[Haha, just imagine our Cheng Su holding onto such a little trinket; his expression must have been priceless.]

[Surprising! Cheng Su actually reasoned with others, and when he wanted to pursue someone, he honestly shook the bell to pay the bill. He’s kind of adorable.]

Apart from that, a photo of a mysterious male fan patiently holding a signing paper for Qiao Dai in front of the venue before the second performance was also submitted. It was then revealed that many fans had playfully speculated whether this male fan, who seemed to be straight out of an idol drama, was Cheng Su himself. The subtle sweetness in the photo almost made the Raspberry fans pass out from the overdose.

[Ah, ah, Cheng Su is indeed Dai Dai’s real fan! He was waiting at the scene so early!]

[This must be real, right? Which wealthy benefactor would come early in the morning to ask for an autograph and wait in line?]

[To come to the scene personally and wait for the performance, oh my, excuse me, I think I’m going crazy, I’m desperately shipping the dance couple!]

[Sisters, hold back your excitement, let’s quietly enjoy the sweetness without affecting Cheng Su and Dai Dai.]

[Holding back tears.jpg, if Dai Dai is truly dating Cheng Su, I won’t even be angry. Has the Raspberry ship charmed me?]

[Holding back tears +1]

As fans delightedly enjoyed the Raspberry Observation Diary Bot, they also held back tears of excitement, eagerly awaiting confirmation of Cheng Su and Qiao Dai’s relationship. The comment section was a mix of hilarious short stories and emoticons expressing the struggle to hold back tears, creating a lively atmosphere.

After finishing his schedule and sitting in the car, Cheng Su noticed that the posts that criticized Qiao Dai were already marked as being processed. He felt that Qiao Dai’s company was indeed handling things properly, dealing with those marketing accounts that had smeared Qiao Dai’s name online.

Thinking of this, Cheng Su’s perception of Coco improved slightly. He continued casually browsing through the online comments and soon came across the Raspberry Observation Diary Bot account.

[I declare that Raspberry is real!]

[By the way, Cheng Su, did you see our submission? Are you angry?]

[Probably not… Let’s keep a low profile.]

[How about we use a code? To avoid being recognized.]

Seeing the content mentioning himself and Qiao Dai, Cheng Su’s initially furrowed brow relaxed slightly, but he also felt a bit annoyed and let out a small sigh.

Why didn’t these people understand? If he minded all these things, how could they have had such a pleasant chat for so long?

Cheng Su was feeling a little displeased.

Don’t use a code! He actually wanted more people to see it!


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EA [Translator]

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