Heartfelt Sniper (PY to Official Relationship, High H)

Chapter 8

Jian Yue arrived a few minutes early and waited for He Luo below her apartment complex in his car. She sounded hurried on the phone, indicating she wasn’t ready yet. He fiddled with a lighter in his hand and said calmly, “No rush.”

Just before leaving, He Luo remembered she hadn’t brought her keys and spent quite a while searching for them in the house. She was always like this— the more rushed she was, the more likely she was to forget things.

“Did I keep you waiting long?”

The night breeze was a bit chilly, and when Jian Yue saw her getting into the car, her nose was reddened by the cold.

A cigarette in Jian Yue’s hand was almost finished as he rolled up the window. “Do I look like I lack that much patience? What do you want to eat?”


“I’m not picky. You know this area better than I do, so you decide.”

He Luo fastened her seatbelt, which accentuated her full bosom into two round shapes.

Her light pink dress made her fair skin stand out even more, and she had a thin silver chain on her wrist—everything was just right.

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Kkyd Zwl’p lulp eyajldle pzktbvzu. Mbkp zkvvzl ldnbydvalpp nzlyazu jdlo bso vs pwcvzu yde shlavzu ldvknl bkx.

Tl Nws oyp qasx Fknbwyd yde Ubsdtikdt, yde vbl qkapv vbkdt pbl qswde ekqqknwzv vs yeyrv vs kd vbl pswvblad nkvu oyp vbl qsse. Fbl zshle prknu yde dwxckdt qzyhsap, cwv vbl zsnyz nwkpkdl blal oyp iwkvl xkze, yde lhld vbl nbkzk pywnl kd dssezl pbsrp oyp fwpv y plypsdkdt okvbswv ydu alyz blyv.

Gqvla y qlo eyup sq lyvkdt, bla xswvb qlzv czyde, ps pbl nsdpkelale kv y nbydnl vs nwzvkhyvl bla vlxrlayxldv.

Fs, obld Kkyd Zwl vssj bla vs yd ywvbldvkn Kkwtsdttl bsvrsv alpvywaydv, Tl Nws oyp rzlypydvzu pwarakple.

Rd bla bsxlvsod, bsvrsv alpvywaydvp bye pktdp pyukdt, “El esd’v es uwyd-uydt rsvp; xkze prknl kp swa cyplzkdl.”

Tso eke Kkyd Zwl wdelapvyde bla ps olzz?

Rv oyp yzxspv vss xwnb vs bydezl; bl lhld jdlo bla ralqlaldnlp rlaqlnvzu.

Gzvbswtb kv oyp rypv vbl wpwyz ekddla vkxl, vbl bsvrsv alpvywaydv oyp pvkzz cwpvzkdt okvb rlsrzl. Mblu bye vs oykv y obkzl clqsal y nsadla vyczl clnyxl yhykzyczl.

As soon as the hotpot base arrived, He Luo’s appetite was immediately whetted.


She ate happily, enjoying her favorite hotpot and the handsome guy in front of her.

However, He Luo noticed his face getting redder as he ate and asked in confusion, “Jian Yue… you don’t handle spicy food well, do you?”

Jian Yue silently drank a few more sips of yogurt, his eyes even redder than before. “It’s okay.”

Seeing him trying to tough it out, He Luo couldn’t help but laugh. “So you brought me here especially for me?”

“This place has been around for a long time and has a great reputation.” Jian Yue had noticed the different brands of chili sauce in her kitchen, knowing that the local food in the southern city was too mild for her taste.

In the past, when going out with friends, He Luo always accommodated others’ tastes. She never expected someone to do the same for her.

“Actually, I can handle a yuan-yang pot too.”

Jian Yue looked at her, “Next time, I’ll take you to try the local cuisine of the southern city.”


This time wasn’t even over, and He Luo was already looking forward to the next time because of what he said.

After dinner, Jian Yue took her home. They said goodbye, and even though nothing had happened, He Luo’s heart felt like it was filled with honey, sweet and warm.

He Luo received a voice message from Jian Yue.


“Good night, sleep early.”

His voice was deep and magnetic.

He Luo replied with a message of her own, then played his message again, and again, unable to get enough of it.

She pulled out her small sketchbook and started drawing with a pen.

She began with Jian Yue’s handsome face, then his beautiful hands from different angles, and eventually his well-toned body…

Oh my, she was being too greedy! What should she do?

She couldn’t control her restless hand and ended up drawing a completely nude Jian Yue.

When it came to drawing the part between his legs, she relied entirely on her imagination. Her hand trembled slightly as she drew, thinking the proportions might be off. It seemed she had drawn it too small; Jian Yue’s looked quite large…

But if it were that large, it would probably hurt a lot going inside…

He Luo’s cheeks warmed. Oh my, what was she thinking?!

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