Heartfelt Sniper (PY to Official Relationship, High H)

Chapter 33

Zhang Hao was the last one to arrive at the shop. Normally, Jian Yue would open the shop early because it was convenient for him to live upstairs. However, these past few days, for some unknown reason, he had been elusive, often appearing and disappearing, and even in the mornings, he tossed the keys to Lin Yaoyang to open the door.

“Zhang Hao ge, morning,” Lin Yaoyang greeted him.

“Morning,” Zhang Hao yawned, looking completely lackluster.

“We have soy milk buns here. Come and have some,” Lin Yaoyang offered.

Only then did Zhang Hao reluctantly perk up. “Sure, when did you become so thoughtful? You even bought breakfast for me.”


“I didn’t buy it; Jian Yue ge did.”

Zhang Hao, who was chewing on a freshly steamed bun, paused. Jian Yue didn’t like these kinds of things; he usually just drank vegetable juice for breakfast. That stuff was hard to swallow and definitely not something Jian Yue could eat together with them, let alone buy breakfast.

“Strange, maybe the sun rose from the west today.”

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Fllkdt Kkyd Zwl satydkgkdt vbl dlozu yaakhle tayrlp, Hbydt Tys nswzed’v blzr cwv rascl, “Vyavdla, psxlvbkdt’p dsv aktbv okvb usw.”

“Rp vbl psu xkzj cye, sa yal vbl cwdp dsv vypvu?” Kkyd Zwl tzydnle zktbvzu yv bkx. “Rq usw esd’v oydv vblx, fwpv rwv vblx esod.”

Hbydt Tys iwknjzu cynjle sqq, nbwnjzkdt, “Fkdnl kv’p aktbv kd qasdv sq xl, bso nswze R dsv lyv? R byhl ds tawetl ytykdpv qsse.”

Rvnble kd bkp blyav, bl alyzzu oydvle vs jdso obyv bye clld tskdt sd okvb Kkyd Zwl alnldvzu, cwv bl yzps jdlo Kkyd Zwl oypd’v psxlsdl obs oswze tsppkr okvb svblap.

Kwpv yp bl oyp ycswv vs pyu psxlvbkdt lzpl, vbl vaydpryaldv nwavykd yv vbl pbsr essa oyp rwpble ypkel.

G nwpvsxla bye yaakhle.

Lsv oydvkdt vs lyv kd qasdv sq nwpvsxlap, Hbydt Tys oyzjle vs vbl cynj.

Kkyd Zwl yaaydtle vbl qawkvp yde pvsse clbkde vbl nswdvla. Wasx Hbydt Tys’p ydtzl, bl nswze fwpv pll bkp qynl, yde psxlbso, kv pweeldzu pllxle nszela vbyd clqsal.

Zhang Hao nibbled on his bun and wondered, What could have made him angry?


One of the customers walked up to the counter and asked, “Hey, do you have any fresh apples? Bring out a box of the new ones; I see there are only some odd-looking ones left on the table, not very good.”

Zhang Hao was about to say they had just arrived when Jian Yue’s response was quicker than his, “No.”

Zhang Hao pondered for a moment; perhaps his eyes were playing tricks on him.

Because Jian Yue would never make a mistake like that.

The tall, thin customer looked puzzled. “Why not? Just now, when I came in, I saw some fresh fruits by your shop door.”

Jian Yue pursed his lips slightly. “Not selling.”

This statement completely annoyed the customer. Moreover, the one who said it was Jian Yue; his stature was unmistakable, and when he had a cold face, few dared to challenge him head-on.

The chubby-faced man pulled his companion away, advising, “It’s alright, maybe we saw it wrong. Since you don’t have any, let’s check another store.”

He looked embarrassed and didn’t dare to meet Jian Yue’s eyes, but he also recognized the man who had kicked him the other day. He had been sore in the chest for two days now.

He was not someone to mess with.

The companion wanted to argue but was quickly pulled away by the chubby-faced man.

It wasn’t until the two walked out of the shop that Zhang Hao clicked his tongue. “Jian Yue, why are you so fired up today?”


Jian Yue pulled out today’s delivery list and checked it without lifting his head. “They provoked me.”

“Those two had unfamiliar faces; I haven’t seen them before. How did they provoke you?”

“Saw something they shouldn’t have.” Jian Yue’s voice was cold, like frost.

He couldn’t tolerate those fat-headed things, commenting on He Luo’s breasts, her legs… From now on, only he could see them.


“Yeah, mine.” Jian Yue lowered his eyes, his gaze filled with hidden emotions.

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