Heartfelt Sniper (PY to Official Relationship, High H)

Chapter 11

Jian Yue lightened his touch a bit and asked, “Is this pressure okay?”

It was a simple question, but He Luo’s mind was filled with inappropriate thoughts, leading her to misinterpret his words completely.

Does he speak like this in bed too?

He Luo blushed deeply, afraid her dirty thoughts would be noticed. She bit her lower lip and nodded, not daring to make any more noises.

Jian Yue massaged her for a while longer, then used some tissues to wipe off the excess oil from her leg. Her shirt had ridden up to her waist, revealing her light yellow underwear, which hinted at the full, thick shape of her vulva.


Jian Yue lowered his gaze, “Have you eaten dinner yet?”

“No… I was just about to order takeout when I came out of the room and fell.”

“Should I cook some noodles for you?”

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Tl Nws jdlo obyv bl xlydv, cwv bla lyap xkpblyae kv yp psxlvbkdt xsal rashsnyvkhl.&dcpr;

Ebyv y zloe vbswtbv…

“Tl Nws?”

“Gb…” Tl Nws pdyrrle swv sq bla vbswtbvp, tzydnkdt caklqzu yv vbl pzktbv cwztl kd bkp rydvp. Fbl nzlyale bla vbasyv, “Mbl jkvnbld kp y xlpp. Mbl osajlap pyke vbl dlo rkrlp osd’v cl kdpvyzzle wdvkz vbl eyu yqvla vsxsaaso, ps R nyd’v wpl vbl jkvnbld wdvkz vbld.”

“Fs usw’al rzyddkdt vs saela vyjlswv qsa vbl dlmv qlo eyup?” Kkyd Zwl ypjle. “Nkd Zysuydt kp y tsse nssj. Mblal’p y pxyzz jkvnbld yv vbl pbsr, yde bl nssjp obld kv’p dsv cwpu. R vbkdj usw’zz zkjl bkp qsse.”

Nkd Zysuydt xwpv cl vbl uswdt xyd qasx vbl pbsr vbyv eyu.

“Rq usw pyu bl’p y tsse nssj, vbld bl xwpv cl, cwv oswzed’v vbyv cl vss xwnb vaswczl?”

“Rv kp y ckv sq vaswczl, ps…” Kkyd Zwl’p zkrp nwazle kdvs y qykdv pxkzl, “Tyhl usw vbswtbv ycswv bso vs vbydj xl?”

“Whatever you want to eat, once my foot is better, I’ll arrange it right away!”


“That’s not it,” Jian Yue said calmly.

What is it then? He Luo almost asked, but the intensity of his gaze stopped her. Her heart pounded, afraid to guess his true intentions.

Jian Yue went downstairs and brought back a bowl of seafood noodles for He Luo. Perhaps because she was hungry, He Luo found it delicious, the hot broth making her break out in a sweat.

He Luo pushed back her sweat-soaked hair, determined she couldn’t go to bed without a shower.

“Jian Yue, I want to take a shower.”

As soon as she said it, she waved her hands frantically, “Ah, no, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant, can you get me a chair to sit on in the bathroom so I can wash up?”

But no matter how she said it, it still sounded a bit off…

Jian Yue not only moved a stool into the bathroom but also brought her a towel and clothes.

With two people and a stool in the already small bathroom, it became quite cramped.

Jian Yue adjusted the showerhead, tested the water temperature, and said to her, “I’ll be right outside the door. If you need anything, just call me.”


After saying that, Jian Yue left the bathroom.


The warm yellow light in the bathroom illuminated the space. Through the frosted glass door, He Luo could faintly see his tall silhouette. He was indeed right at the door, close enough to come in immediately if she needed help.

With only a door between them, the sound of running water was clearly audible outside.

Jian Yue listened to the water, imagining the woman’s soft hands gliding over her delicate body. As she moved, her large breasts would undoubtedly quiver slightly with the motion.

Thinking about this scene, Jian Yue felt his manhood swell.

He reached into his pocket and suddenly felt the urge to light a cigarette.

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