Casting Nets to Catch a Husband

Chapter 108: Love

When Liu Yanqing brought the news back home, the Liu family was equally shocked. However, it was only for a moment. Wei Shi had been mentally prepared for the Lu family to propose marriage after this trip to Liangzhe. She smiled and asked Liu Yu, “Did you agree to him?”

Liu Yu’s face heated up. She had agreed, but she didn’t expect Lu Chengxiao to be so eager about it right after disembarking, which left her blushing furiously. Still, she honestly replied, “I promised him before going on the business trip that he would come to propose after we returned.”

Wei Shi chuckled, poking Liu Yu’s forehead, “A girl can’t be kept at home once she’s grown. Even if your aunt wants to keep you a bit longer, she can’t.”

Seeing Liu Yu’s red face, Wei Shi stopped teasing her and smiled, “Alright, Chengxiao is a good match. Your aunt has no worries. He seems quite anxious, so I won’t make things difficult for him.”

Once again, Liu Yu found herself being teased. She saw Liu Yanping and Liu Yanan laughing and buried herself in chopping vegetables.


Liu Yanqing, on the other hand, asked Wei Shi seriously, “Isn’t it a bit rushed for the Lu family to come and propose tomorrow? Do you know what we need to prepare?”

Wei Shi shook her head, “Your Aunt Lu is very particular about etiquette. Tomorrow, the matchmaker should come first to test the waters. We’ve already privately agreed between our families, so it’s just a formality to follow the rituals. Then we can choose an auspicious date for the betrothal gifts. I’m not very sure about the specifics.”

At this point, she got anxious and took off her apron, “I need to find out more.”

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Fbl bye kdewztle bla vball psdp vss xwnb. Lsdl sq vblx olal kd y bwaau vs tlv xyaakle, yde pbl bye tsdl yzsdt okvb kv. Lso, vbl qkapv fsuswp lhldv kd vbl qyxkzu vwadle swv vs cl bla dklnl’p. Tla szela psdp pbsole ds pktdp sq xshlxldv, yde Elk Fbk nswzed’v blzr cwv tawxczl y ckv, pvyavkdt okvb Nkw Zydikdt.

“Zsw wple vs wpl zssjkdt yqvla Zw’la yp yd lmnwpl vs elzyu xyaakytl. Lso vbyv pbl’p tlvvkdt ldtytle, kq usw byhl psxlsdl usw zkjl, zlv xl jdso iwknjzu. Xvblaokpl, R’zz qkde psxlsdl qsa usw kd vbl hkzzytl.”

Fweeldzu, vbl ralppwal pbkqvle sdvs bkx. Fllkdt bkp vball uswdtla pkczkdtp pxkaj, Nkw Zydikdt zssjle lxcyaaypple yde nswze sdzu rzlye okvb Elk Fbk, “Ysx, qsnwp sd bydezkdt xu pkpvla’p oleekdt qkapv. El nyd osaau ycswv xl zyvla.”

Elk Fbk sdzu nsxrzykdle hlacyzzu. Rq bla psd byed’v xlv vbl aktbv rlapsd, pbl nswzed’v qsanl bkx kdvs xyaakytl. G tawxczl oyp yzz pbl yzzsole blaplzq, vbswtb pbl tldwkdlzu pvyavle vs osaau. Tl oyp voldvu-vos, yde kv nswzed’v cl elzyule xwnb zsdtla.

Mbl Nkw qyxkzu byed’v blze y oleekdt kd shla voldvu ulyap. Idsokdt vbl Nw qyxkzu’p xyvnbxyjla oswze nsxl pssd, Elk Fbk nswzed’v yqqsae vs oypvl ydu vkxl. Fbl ypjle Nkw Zw vs oyvnb vbl nbknjld pvlo sd vbl pvshl yde bwaakle vs vbl nzyd zlyela’p okql vs pllj yehknl.

Rd vbl jkvnbld, Nkw Zydikdt qkdyzzu bye y nbydnl vs cakdt wr vbl xyvvla sq vbl pbsr. Tl vsze bkp pkczkdtp ycswv vbl tswynbl pbsr clkdt wr qsa vaydpqla, elvykzkdt kvp pkvwyvksd, vbl vaydpqla qll, yde vbl aldv.

Mbl pbsr oyp aktbv ynaspp qasx Nw Wldt’p pvsal, yde kv oyp y zyatl vos-wdkv pbsr.

Nkw Zw yde Nkw Zydrkdt’p lulp zkv wr yp vblu zkpvldle. Nkw Zydikdt dsvknle vblka alynvksd yde ypjle, “Zsw pllx lmnkvle. Gald’v usw osaakle ycswv xyjkdt cynj vbl pkmvlld vylzp sq xsdvbzu aldv?”

The siblings shook their heads in unison. Having seen the large, six-unit fabric store in the provincial capital, Liu Yanping genuinely didn’t think a two-unit store was that big, especially for a place like Anyi County. It seemed just right.


Liu Yu was straightforward, “Big Brother, considering Lu Feng’s fabric shop, which overtook other fabric shops in the county within a few years, I believe it’s because he gets good prices from the provincial capital and has a large enough shop with a wide range of goods. Before, we didn’t have enough capital, but now we have over two hundred taels. After paying the transfer and rent fees of eighty-eight taels, we still have more than a hundred taels for purchasing fabric and turnover. A two-unit shop might be challenging at first, but it’s beneficial for future growth.”

Liu Yanping agreed, “Exactly. It’s not like we’d struggle with space once business picks up. And having a larger shop gives us an edge over the competition, especially if we aim to deal in high-end goods.”

Liu Yu nodded and added, “Besides, with eight rooms behind the shop, it’s suitable for our family and for the embroiderers we hire. It’s quite fitting.”

Liu Yanan didn’t understand much, but having traveled to Liangzhe, he was more confident and said, “We just need enough capital to get through the first two months. It’s almost time to harvest new hemp. We can trade more fabric, and the capital for the shop will be there.”

So, they weren’t worried about not having enough capital. As Second Brother said in the afternoon, people in the village would likely be willing to give them fabric on credit now.

Liu Yu thought there wouldn’t be much need for additional funds later, “Investing those hundred plus taels should generate profit. I think managing the working capital won’t be a problem.”

As they exchanged words back and forth, Liu Yanqing seemed to have it all planned out in his mind. He asked Liu Yanping for the details of their recent business trip, feeling more reassured after hearing it. He smiled and said, “Big brother may not understand these things very well, but it seems you all have a knack for it. Since you think it’s feasible, it’s best to go and see in the next few days. Sort things out with Mrs. Lin to avoid any setbacks later.”

However, Liu Yanping didn’t share the same sentiment. He replied, “It’s not that big brother doesn’t understand, it’s just that he hasn’t had any experience with these matters. If he were to go through it all like we did, traveling far and wide, he would come to the same conclusions as us.”

Liu Yanping had always had a bit of adventurous genes, while his older brother, Liu Yanqing, was much more steady. In a family like theirs, they needed both daring risk-takers and steadfast maintainers. Liu Yanping even had a thought in his mind: rather than his brother continuing as a constable, it might be better for the four siblings to go into business together. Thinking this, he voiced his opinion.

Liu Yanqing just smiled and shook his head. “Let’s see about that. If Yu’er opens a shop in the county, I’d better not leave the yamen just yet. I need to provide her with some support. Once things settle down, if you find yourselves overwhelmed, we can reconsider.”

When Wei Shi returned from the clan leader’s house and heard about the shop, she became excited. That night, the whole family sat in the flower hall and chatted for a while. They were both hopeful and fearful, worried that the Lin family might not find a suitable gouache shop in Yuanzhou City.

With the Lu family coming to discuss the marriage proposal, Wei Shi was even more eager to get the shop up and running quickly. In the minds of Wei Shi and her three children, the shop was the dowry they had prepared for Liu Yu.


Liu Yu didn’t know what her aunt was thinking; she was more interested in knowing what the shop looked like. Just hearing Liu Yanqing’s description, she couldn’t quite imagine it.

Liu Yanping chuckled, “It’s simple. I’ll be going to the county tomorrow morning to exchange some silver coins. Yu’er, come with me to take a look. We don’t need to be present when the matchmaker comes.”

Liu Yu wanted to agree but remembered what Lu Chengxiao had said about coming to see her. She was afraid they might miss each other, but she could only think about it in her heart. If she said it out loud, she would undoubtedly be teased by her aunt and brothers again.

Liu Yanping remembered it himself and, seeing Liu Yu’s expression, chuckled. “I forgot. Chengxiao is coming tomorrow. Don’t worry; according to his character, even if we haven’t finished breakfast, he’ll already be here.”

Everyone remembered how Lu Chengxiao had left from the county before dawn when he came to help with the farm work at Liu’s house. It was another round of laughter. Liu Yu had been laughed at so much that her skin had thickened, and she let them laugh it off.

Indeed, Liu Yanping was not wrong in his laughter. The next day, even before the Lu family had breakfast, they heard the sound of horse hooves outside the courtyard. At that time, the three siblings were in the outer courtyard, with Liu Yu feeding her pet rabbit named “Hanbao,” and the Liu brothers were in the main hall, sorting out the account books they had taken from the villagers when they borrowed fabric. When Lu Chengxiao arrived, Liu Yan’an burst into laughter immediately, and even Liu Yanqing couldn’t help but smirk.

When Lu Chengxiao entered, he was greeted with such a scene.

Liu Yanan stepped forward to help him tie up his horse, jokingly calling out to Liu Yu, “Yu’er, hurry up and take our guest to the inner courtyard for a chat. Don’t delay the matter when Second Brother and I go to the county later.”

Liu Yanqing also found it amusing but didn’t have the same temperament as Liu Yanan. He just smiled and asked Lu Chengxiao, “You came so early. Have you had breakfast?”

Riding from the county at this time, it was impossible to have breakfast. Naturally, there was none. Lu Chengxiao vaguely understood what the brothers of the Liu family were laughing at. He remained calm, not even blushing when asked by Liu Yanqing, and simply smiled, saying he had eaten.

Liu Yanqing didn’t expose him and just turned to urge Liu Yu, “Yu’er, attend to the guest.”

Feeling both shy and amused, Liu Yu quickly put the fresh grass into the rabbit’s cage and hurried over.


Seeing Lu Chengxiao’s gaze fixed on her, not wanting her brothers to witness the scene, she pinched the sleeve of his robe and said, “Let’s go inside.”

Lu Chengxiao felt a surge of joy just seeing her slender fingers pinching his sleeve. He clasped his hands in greeting to Liu Yanqing and the others, then obediently followed Liu Yu inside, leaving the three brothers in the outer courtyard watching in amazement. Liu Yanping laughed and asked Liu Yanqing, “Brother, just look at this. Aren’t you in a hurry to find me a sister-in-law?”

Liu Yanqing playfully kicked him.

In the inner courtyard kitchen, Wei Shi heard the commotion and came out, somewhat surprised. She immediately said, “Chengxiao, you’re here so early? You haven’t had breakfast yet, have you?”

Lu Chengxiao wanted to say he had eaten, but Liu Yu couldn’t help but laugh softly and said to Madam Wei, “He hasn’t eaten. Auntie, prepare a portion for him too. I’ll take him to the parlor to talk.”

Wei Shi recalled Liu Yanping’s joke from the night before, smiled and agreed, heading into the kitchen to prepare breakfast without saying anything.

Seeing that his fib hadn’t worked on anyone, Lu Chengxiao awkwardly touched his nose, sidled closer to Liu Yu, and whispered, “I just wanted to see you earlier. I wanted to come yesterday, but I was afraid you’d mind because I was so dusty from the journey.”

“Hmm, I know, I don’t mind,” Liu Yu smiled, a faint dimple appearing on her cheek.

Despite the teasing from her brothers, she couldn’t deny the sweetness in her heart.

When they reached the parlor and found no one else around, Lu Chengxiao didn’t sit but stood facing Liu Yu. He gazed at her for a long moment, then leaned close to her ear and asked in a low voice, “Did you miss me?”

Without waiting for her response, he took her hand in his and said, “I missed you. I missed you very much.”

Who could resist such a passionate confession? Liu Yu’s hand held by him was warm, and her heart was also warm. Without saying whether she missed him or not, she raised her eyes and asked Lu Chengxiao, “What about the half hairpin?”


Lu Chengxiao raised an eyebrow and took it out from his waist sachet, handing it to Liu Yu.

Then, he saw Liu Yu take out the other half from her own personal sachet, carefully using a pearl chain to connect the two halves together again, forming a complete hairpin, and smiling as she handed it to him.

However, with such a simple gesture, Lu Chengxiao felt warmth in his heart.

It turned out that she, like himself, had been carrying the half hairpin with her all along.

Whether she missed him or not, there was no need for words to give the answer.

He was so happy that he couldn’t find his bearings. Full of joy, he couldn’t even find a way to express it. Taking the hairpin, his voice even sounded slightly hoarse.

“I’ll put it on for you.”

Following his instructions, Liu Yu lowered her head, and the hairpin was inserted into her hair bun. She wanted to raise her head, but heard Lu Chengxiao say, “Close your eyes.”

Liu Yu was a bit puzzled, but when she looked up at him, Lu Chengxiao smiled and softly said two words, “Trust me.”

Liu Yu didn’t know what he wanted to do, but she obediently closed her eyes.

The girl’s fair and delicate cheeks were right in front of him, her eyelashes trembling lightly.

Lu Chengxiao’s heart was pounding rapidly. He restrained himself from looking at her lips and took out a hairpin he bought in Hongdu Prefecture from his sleeve.

In the dim light, her senses became particularly acute. Liu Yu only felt a soft touch against her face. After a while, she realized it was Lu Chengxiao’s sleeve cuff. Then, something was pinned into her hair bun.

Both their hearts were beating fast, and time seemed to slow down. Finally, she heard a voice, “Done.”

The voice sounded very tense, with a hint of unnatural hoarseness.

Liu Yu opened her eyes and lightly touched her hair bun with her hand. There was now an extra hairpin where Lu Chengxiao had touched.

“A gift, I’ll buy you a better one in the future.”

Lu Chengxiao had already stepped back half a step, even unable to look directly into Liu Yu’s eyes due to some inappropriate thoughts just now.

But Liu Yu only heard her own rapid heartbeat and saw Lu Chengxiao’s ears turning red.

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