My Husband’s Boss Fell In Love With Me at First Sight

Chapter 62: The camera is broken.

He didn’t wear a condom, nor did he pull out at the last moment. Thick s*m*n spurted into her p**sy in waves, shooting for a long time.

Although Su Man didn’t want this, she couldn’t control her body’s instincts. With the continuous stimulation from the copious s*m*n, she shuddered into an org**m.

After the frenzy, there was calm.

Zhou Chengjing didn’t pull out immediately after ejaculating. His softening c**k remained inside her. He lay on top of Su Man, panting, waiting for his sanity to return.

Finally, he belatedly registered her last words: “What did you say?”


“I said you’re a bastard!”

Su Man pushed him away and tried to slap him. But her body was still trembling, leaving her too weak, so she could only glare at him angrily.

Zhou Chengjing was incredulous: “Really, Manman, you weren’t planning to have a child?”

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Tyhkdt yzalyeu lfynwzyvle kdpkel bla, Fw Yyd eked’v oydv vs blya bkp rspv-qynvs yrszstklp. Mbkp sdzu pszkekqkle bla alpszhl vs pvyu qya yoyu qasx bkx lhld yqvla vbl ekhsanl. Fbl takvvle bla vllvb yde pyke, “Rv’p dsdl sq uswa cwpkdlpp.”

Tso nswze kv dsv cl? Rv oyp y ckt elyz.

Hbsw Ubldtfkdt qlzv ellr altalv.

Tl bye lfynwzyvle kdpkel Fw Yyd vs xyjl vbl nbkze kd bla clzzu bkp, dsv vs kxraltdyvl bla. Mblpl vos vbkdtp xktbv pswde pkxkzya cwv olal ynvwyzzu iwkvl ekqqlaldv.

Ms rwv kv pkxrzu, vbl nawm oyp: Pke Fw Yyd blaplzq oydv vs byhl y nbkze?

Rq pbl oyp alyzzu ralryakdt qsa raltdydnu okvb Eydt Nk, vbld lhld kq bl bye vs ekl qsa kv, Hbsw Ubldtfkdt oswze lfynwzyvl kdpkel bla, yde bl’e jllr eskdt kv wdvkz pbl nsdnlkhle. Xd vbl nsdvayau, kq pbl oypd’v…

Hbsw Ubldtfkdt pzyrrle bkxplzq byae. Mbl zswe pxynj zlqv bkp qynl ale, okvb hkpkczl qkdtla xyajp.

Fw Yyd oyp pvyavzle yde zssjle yv bkx kd pbsnj.

He apologized: “I’m sorry, Manman. Wang Li said you were preparing for pregnancy. I didn’t mean to force you. We can be child-free if you want.”


Su Man was stunned by his self-inflicted slap. It took her a moment to recover, and she couldn’t help but feel some anger toward Wang Li. She said angrily, “Why would he tell you that? I’m not.”

They exchanged their accounts, and Zhou Chengjing’s expression turned serious. He asked Su Man, “Has he been acting differently towards you lately?”

Su Man was taken aback. After thinking for a moment, she shook her head stiffly.

They had only reconciled a few days ago. Wang Li left early and returned late every day, and Su Man had been intentionally avoiding him. They hadn’t had much interaction.

She felt a bit nervous and instinctively grabbed Zhou Chengjing’s sleeve, seeking some sense of security. “Do you think… he found out something?”

Zhou Chengjing took the opportunity to pull her into his arms, holding her tightly to comfort her. “Not necessarily, I’m just suspicious.”

If it was for no reason, why would Wang Li fabricate such a lie in front of him?

He thought of the cameras he had placed in Su Man’s home. On a whim, he took out his phone to check and discovered—

The cameras in the living room and kitchen were broken.

The places he had hidden them were quite discreet, so accidental damage was unlikely.

They exchanged a glance, and Su Man turned pale, her voice trembling. “W-what do we do?”

“It’s okay, I’m here. I’ll handle it.”


Zhou Chengjing then asked, “So, why did you agree to divorce me and then change your mind, deciding to reconcile with him?”

Su Man explained that she hadn’t changed her mind. She still intended to divorce, but not right now, and the ‘reconciliation’ was just a facade.

Only then did Zhou Chengjing realize that the anger that had given him a headache all day was based on a misunderstanding.

He learned his lesson, realizing that next time something happened, he should communicate with Su Man first before deciding whether to get angry.

As for whatever was preventing Su Man from divorcing now, after getting a clear understanding, Zhou Chengjing assured her, “Leave it to me.”

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