My Weibo Page is Able to Tell Fortunes

Chapter 160: The results came out.

There were quite a few people in the office listening with their ears open.

Ren Lulu said: “Captain, what you said makes sense.”

She couldn’t even refute.

Li Chen and Liu Heyang couldn’t hold back their laughter behind the file rack. When they thought of the serious answer from the captain just now, they instantly understood why there were so many complaints about straight forward men on Weibo.

They were both not afraid since they both had girlfriends. Although the captain’s words were really reasonable, listening to them made them want to complain.


Ren Lulu thought for a while, and changed the words: “Then Yuanye is no longer a consultant, and there is no need for you to go to her, Captain.”

Jiang Pan flipped through the documents, and said slowly, “I’m in charge of her case. It’s not over yet. Why won’t I need to go find her?”

Ren Lulu was silent again.

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Rv qlzv zkjl ds xyvvla bso xydu iwlpvksdp olal aykple, vbl nyrvykd oswze ekalnvzu pyu kv cynj. Ohldvwyzzu, kv yzz oldv cynj vs bkx.

Ebld Kkydt Vyd zssjle wr, bl qswde vbyv lhlausdl oyp zssjkdt yv bkx. Tl qasodle yde ypjle, “Ls osaj?”

Nkw Tluydt nswzed’v blzr cwv pktb: “Uyrvykd, R qkdyzzu jdso obu usw yal pkdtzl.”

Nk Ubld yeele: “Mbl nyrvykd kp pkdtzl cyple sd bkp pvaldtvb.”

Mblu bye zsdt qlzv vbyv vblal oyp y pxyzz pryaj clvolld Fbld Zwydul yde vbl nyrvykd, cwv dlkvbla sq vblx qlzv kv. Nssjkdt yv kv dso, kv oyp nsxrzlvlzu dsaxyz vbyv vblu eked’v qllz kv.

Rd vbkp oyu sq vbkdjkdt, vblal xyu dsv cl ydu qllzkdtp clvolld vbl vos sq vblx wdvkz vbl lde sq vbl osaze.

Kkydt Vyd ktdsale vblka osaep, yde zssjle vbaswtb vbl esnwxldvp nyalqwzzu. Tl qasodle qasx vkxl vs vkxl, yde pllxle nsxrzlvlzu ycpsacle kd bkp osaj.

Sld Nwzw pyv pkzldvzu kd bla plyv yde pldv y ElUbyv xlppytl: “Zwydul, yal usw dsv nsxkdt yduxsal?”

Shen Yuanye had just gotten into the car: “I haven’t resigned yet. I won’t do it until all the dust settles, otherwise I don’t feel relieved.”


This was in case of an accident in the middle, although it sounded bad, it was entirely possible.

Ren Lulu glanced up at Jiang Pan who was still seriously reading documents, and said, “The captain is simply a straightforward man of steel in the universe.”

Shen Yuanye was amused, “What happened this time?”

Ren Lulu didn’t dare to say what she just said, so she skipped the topic over with a laugh.

Shen Yuanye also realized it, she couldn’t guess the reason, but she didn’t continue to ask. Then she also changed the topic.


The next day, Shen Yuanye returned to work, the previously suppressed endorsements were piled up all at once, and they all had to be dealt with.

“Take a break and continue again later.”

The photographer stopped suddenly and moved closer: “Yuanye, think about it yourself, the effect just now was not ideal.”

Shen Yuanye also sighed, “I will.”

The filming stopped, and the makeup artists immediately stepped forward to touch up her makeup, and Lu Yue silently handed over her vibrating phone.

Now her status was not bad, so she was at ease here.


There was an unfamiliar number on the phone screen, which she had never seen before, and she didn’t know who it was.

Shen Yuanye was about to refuse it, but suddenly thought of something, and connected: “Hello?”

The other person continued to speak for a long time, “…Ms., you should come here and take the report back by yourself. The test results are all given on it, which is clear at a glance.”

The DNA test results came out.

Shen Yuanye’s heart was pounding.

The person on the phone just said a bunch of principles, but didn’t mention what the result was at all, and she had to go there by herself.

However, the results came out, that meant she already had half of her answer.

When Wen Conghui and Lin Jinsong’s new confessions come out, then everything will finally be settled.

“Hey, that’s the right smile!” The cameraman not far away suddenly shouted.

After the filming was over, he came over contentedly, “It was a snapshot just now, you can see if you can follow this look later.”

Because Shen Yuanye still had a phone in her hand just now, although it can be processed when editing, it was still not as good as direct shooting.

Shen Yuanye was in a good mood, and she agreed easily: “Okay.”


With less burden in her heart, her mood was much more relaxed. The rest of the shooting was also easy. It was supposed to last a whole afternoon, but she ended it in three hours.

The cameraman, who was originally quite critical, couldn’t help but compliment her.

In the entertainment industry, there were always those who delayed work. There were also some who rushed for the sake of speed, but the results were very ugly.

But Shen Yuanye managed to fulfill the task perfectly and even ahead of time. Her sense of presence was very good.

Liu Li just so happened to come to pick her up, “Are you in a good mood today?”

Shen Yuanye touched her face, “Is it obvious?”

“Of course.” Liu Li said in her heart that she probably couldn’t hide her emotions, “As long as you are not angry.”

She didn’t ask what happened.

As a result of some temporary errands, Shen Yuanye separated from her once they went outside and took a taxi to the lab for the results.

“There are a total of three copies here, and there are detailed results on each copy. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask us. We attach great importance to privacy…”

The doctor’s chattering attributes were fully displayed.

“Thank you, doctor.” Shen Yuanye waved her hand and left the hospital impatiently.


While holding the document bag containing the report, her mind was in a state of chaos, and she still hadn’t completely reacted until she got back to her apartment by car.

After calming down for a few minutes, Shen Yuanye finally opened the file.

She randomly took out a copy, and when she opened it, she saw the names of Wen Conghui and Wen Congyan, and inside it was their relationship.

Shen Yuanye became less nervous, and picked up another document… It belonged to her and Wen Conghui.

Reading along the way, although there were some things she didn’t understand, most of it was fairly clear and easy to understand.

She did have a relationship with Wen Conghui.

In this way, it seemed very reasonable for Wen Conghui to take action against her for the sake of the Wen family’s property.

Shen Yuanye picked up the last copy and found the same result at the end.

She was also related to Wen Congyan?

On second thought, it was her that was being stupid.

She had a relationship with Wen Conghui, Wen Conghui was Wen Congyan’s cousin, so of course she had a relationship with Wen Congyan.

Shen Yuanye thought back to the Wen family. Could it be that she was Wen Conghui’s younger sister?

The age difference was too big, and it was obviously impossible, because Wen Conghui already had a younger sister who was the same age as her.

The Wen family did not seem to favor boys over girls, so it was impossible for two girls to be born and one to be thrown away in the end.

Whose child was she from the Wen family?

Shen Yuanye’s brain hurt just thinking about it, and she couldn’t express the complexity of this big family in words. She just found it strange.

The Wen family was a family she never thought would recognize as her’s and vice versa.

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Anon HuLi [Translator]

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