My Rival Film Empress, Is Actually My Online Girlfriend!

Chapter 73

That scoundrel, can’t she just cut to the chase? Why must he tease her?

Yan Shiqing could barely restrain herself from grabbing her. Her entire body was flushed with shame, and her face was unnaturally red because she desperately wanted, really wanted, her to kiss her, kiss her p*ssy and eat it.

So she swallowed hard, then lifted her leg to rest it on her shoulder, wrapping her arms around her neck. Her hands clenched the bedding tightly as she softly called out to her, “Shen Qiaoyu…”

Hurry up, come on…

“Kiss me…” She tilted her head slightly, her chest heaving, eyes brimming with tears.


Shen Qiaoyu chuckled softly and said to her, “Tell me clearly what you want me to do…”

Hearing this, she wanted to curse her, bite her, feeling both shame and anger. But in the end, driven by that itch in her heart, she softly replied, “My pssy… my pssy needs a kiss…”

As soon as the words left her mouth, Shen Qiaoyu immediately captured her p*ssy.

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G oyhl sq blyv ldhlzsrle Zyd Fbkikdt. Tla r*ppu eked’v ynvwyzzu bwav vbyv xwnb, yde lhld vbswtb kv bye clld psyjle kd oyvla plhlayz vkxlp shla vbl rypv qlo eyup, kv bye yzps clld valyvle okvb xleknkdl xydu vkxlp, yde vbl pjkd bye yzxspv nsxrzlvlzu blyzle.

Jwv pbl pvkzz rydvle, nsdvkdwswpzu naukdt swv, “Rv bwavp!”

“Gb, yb, vbl oswde kd xu r*ppu bwavp ps xwnb!”

“Fs pldpkvkhl~” Fbld Ckysuw jdlo bla olzz, yoyal vbyv vbkp zkvvzl zkya oyp ralvldekdt, ldfsukdt vbl qllzkdt sq nyzzkdt swv zswezu. Zlv, pbl pvkzz nyalqwzzu zknjle yaswde bla oswde, zkjl y pxyzz ydkxyz pssvbkdt bla tldvzu, vaukdt dsv vs vswnb vbl oswde.

Fbl vbld pzkrrle bkp vsdtwl kd bla rppu, pollrkdt cynj yde qsavb, lhld dkcczkdt sd bla nzvsakp okvb bla vllvb, tldvzu vlypkdt kv.

Gv vbyv xsxldv, Zyd Fbkikdt qlzv yp kq pbl olal kd y ealyx, xlxsaklp sq bla yde Fbld Ckysuw qzssekdt bla xkde.

Fbl zkjle bla, zkjle bla ps xwnb vbyv lhld yd ynnkeldvyz vswnb oswze xyjl bla czwpb, zlv yzsdl clkdt lyvld zkjl vbkp…

Fbl qlzv yp vbswtb pbl bye clld vbasod kdvs vbl nzswep yde qlyale pbl oswze qyzz yv ydu plnsde.

To mask her affection, she feigned anger, trembling with frustration, and snapped, “Who’s being delicate?!”


“Ugh, I told you it hurts…”

No one knew what she was feeling now. Shen Qiaoyu was actually eating her, probing her pssy with her tongue, mimicking the movements her fingers had made before, exploring her pssy as if examining it.

It was as if her soul had drifted away, back to the moment they first met.

A red scarf, comforting words, Shen Qiaoyu telling her, “Don’t cry…”

“Happy Lantern Festival…”

The innocent words of a child echoed in her ears, transforming into the tenderness in Shen Qiaoyu’s eyes.

Countless fireflies flew towards her, lighting up her eyes and making her dizzy. Tears rolled down her cheeks and into her hair.

She was ‘in pain,’ as if having a seizure. Her hands clutched the bedding tightly, her body trembling, her legs pressed together, and she clung to her neck, not wanting her to leave.

Shen Qiaoyu chuckled softly and asked, “Well, is this better than that thing?”

Yan Shiqing snapped back to reality at the sound of het voice. The medicinal oil on her buttocks was being massaged, seeping into her skin, generating a burning sensation.

She couldn’t help but think of the little gift she had given her. Honestly, no matter how powerful the gift was, it couldn’t compare to her.

Moreover, that object was cold; she didn’t like it at all. She only liked the feeling of being dominated by her, simply because she held the remote. Just thinking about Shen Qiaoyu controlling her made her involuntarily excited.


Thinking of this, Yan Shiqing felt a bit embarrassed, annoyed at her own lack of self-control, but she responded softly, “You’re amazing…”

Hearing this, Shen Qiaoyu’s eyes darkened, and she suck her pssy even more passionately, sucking it, her tongue swirling inside her pssy and teasing her cl*toris.

Being eaten like that, Yan Shiqing couldn’t help but move her p*ssy closer, tilting her head back.

Her pssy feels too good, like electric shocks traveling up her spine, making her emit moning sounds all over.

She could only gasp for breath and quickly corrected herself, “No, no, I was wrong, you’re not as good as it…”

Her voice was tinged with tears, and after she said this, Shen Qiaoyu suck her even more fiercely, as if eating her beloved girl, sucking gently inch by inch.

From the room came the sound of sucking and swallowing. Her tongue was as agile as a snake’s, sweeping between the Yan Shiqing’s lips and probing her pssy repeatedly, mimicking a finger and continually pressing into the depth of her pssy.

At that moment, Yan Shiqing felt as if she were seeing a sky full of stars. Her mind was dizzy, and she could only tremble and utter, “What exactly do you want…”

“Qiao Qiao…”

She was in so much pleasure that she broke out in a cold sweat, constantly calling Shen Qiaoyu’s name softly. It was as if she were struck by lightning, unable to bear the electric currents surging through her pssy, frequently wetting cmming on Shen Qiaoyu.

However, all the cm she poured on Shen Qiaoyu was caught, and the tip of her tongue licked away the moisture around her pssy.

In the end, Yan Shiqing seemed terminally ill, tears continuously streaming from the corners of her eyes. Gasping with her lips parted, she could only plead, “Please let me sleep. Can I sleep now? I want to sleep…”


“The wound hurts so much… Shen Qiaoyu…”

Her voice suddenly rose by a pitch.

Then Shen Qiaoyu felt as if a whole cup of tea had been poured over her face.

She was stunned for a moment, the faint fragrance at the tip of her nose, and c*m sliding down her face.

This time, Yan Shiqing had never c*m so much before; she had truly climaxed.

Shen Qiaoyu curled her lips, licked the corner of her mouth, and wanted to lean in again to gently lick away all the clear fluid around her p*ssy.

Yan Shiqing felt she was about to faint and was too ashamed to face anyone. She couldn’t bear to go through this again, so she pretended to faint in pain, her whole body trembling.

Hearing her voice, Shen Qiaoyu finally looked up at her, thinking she had truly fainted. She stood up and pinched her face, sighing softly, “Is there anyone worse than you in this world…”

What? Clearly, she was the one being bullied!

Yan Shiqing was very angry until Shen Qiaoyu suddenly half-lifted her, making her nervous again.

“What is she going to do now?” she thought, feeling like she was about to faint.

Her nightgown had been tossed aside earlier when they were being passionate towards each other. The two had held each other so tightly and passionately that the medicinal oil had even been smeared on her bosom. Through their constant movement, it had been thoroughly rubbed in.


Now, with medicinal oil all over her body, she naturally needed to wash it off.

Shen Qiaoyu carried her into the bathroom. Only then did Yan Shiqing let out a sigh of relief, feeling utterly exhausted.

She felt as if her entire body was no longer her own. Leaning against the other person, she felt incredibly safe and content.

Shen Qiaoyu placed her on a stool, held her, and then turned on the showerhead, carefully helping her wash.

The warm shower water washed over her, cleansing away her fatigue. Yan Shiqing, familiar with her touch, enjoyed it immensely and gradually fell asleep.

As she slept, her breathing became even. Only then did Shen Qiaoyu look at her and smile, gently tapping her nose and calling her, “Little liar…”

The next morning, thanks to the medicinal oil applied the previous night, Yan Shiqing woke up feeling comfortable all over. The wound in her p*ssy felt much better, likely because Shen Qiaoyu had applied medicine to it.

She was sleeping in Shen Qiaoyu’s arms, inhaling the fragrance of her body.

Shen Qiaoyu was holding her tightly, her face serene and her eyelashes long and soft.

Unable to resist, she reached out to touch her eyelashes, then curled her lips into a smile and secretly kissed her lips.

Their soft lips touched, and after the first kiss, Yan Shiqing wanted a second. She hooked her arm around Shen Qiaoyu’s neck, kissed her again, and began to lick her lips, producing loud sucking sounds with each kiss.

But just at that moment, Shen Qiaoyu woke up and instantly flipped over, pinning her beneath her. Her powerful presence completely enveloped her.

Yan Shiqing’s face turned red. She thought she was going to kiss her, so she slowly closed her eyes and slightly curled her lips, looking foolishly expectant.

To her surprise, Shen Qiaoyu flicked her forehead and sternly said, “Sneaking a kiss, huh? Didn’t you say we were going to be friends from now on? Didn’t you say we were cutting ties?”

Yan Shiqing: “!!!”

She covered her forehead, staring at her in disbelief. Then she angrily retorted, “After what happened last night, still just friends? It was clearly you who insisted on clinging to me, making me end up like that! And now you want to deny it?!”

“End up like what?” Shen Qiaoyu remained unmoved and told her, “I was drunk last night. I remember nothing. Even if something did happen, let’s just pretend it didn’t.”

“Anyway, wasn’t it you who said we should be friends? I also want to treat Qingning well from now on and turn over a new leaf. So let’s just remain friends.”

Yan Shiqing: “!!!”

Scumbag! She won’t admit it!

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