Little Sea Otter Became Popular


Chapter 89

Before the recording of “Idol All-Star” began, the production team informed all participating guests to gather at the company for a preliminary discussion to confirm some rules and regulations.

Because this episode had a competitive nature, the projects involved required a certain level of expertise. The guests would undergo relevant training before the show, so the main focus of this meeting was to determine the project each guest would sign up for.

When Qiao Dai entered the meeting room, there were already quite a few people inside.

“What do you think of the archery project?”


“It’s quite good, with strong entertainment value, and it will definitely look good on stage!”

“Swimming is a good option too. Didn’t Eleven Girls’ debut night opening show use swimming elements? It went viral.”

A group of guests sat together discussing the projects they wanted to choose. When they looked up and saw Qiao Dai entering, their expressions froze for a moment. Then, their tones became somewhat uncontrollably lighter, and someone jokingly said, “The great one has arrived. It seems like water-related projects are out of our reach.”

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Rq psxlsdl lzpl bye pyke vbkp, rlabyrp psxl oswze byhl qlzv kdektdydv. Ebu pbswze psxlsdl cl yczl vs elpktdyvl y rasflnv yp kq kv olal vblka rakhkzltl? Fbswzed’v kv cl y qyka nsxrlvkvksd, okvb vbl xspv pjkzzle kdekhkewyzp okddkdt?

Tsolhla, obld vblu pyo Ckys Pyk, yzxspv lhlausdl yppwxle vbyv pbl oswze elqkdkvlzu nbsspl y oyvla-alzyvle rasflnv. Mblu cltyd vs ldhkpksd yd kxytkdyau pnldl kd vblka xkdep, wdyczl vs alpkpv twlppkdt, “Ebyv okzz Ckys Pyk’p rlaqsaxydnl cl zkjl?”

Mbl tkaz pkxrzu pvsse vblal, yde kv pllxle yp vbswtb vblal olal vldela oyvla alqzlnvksdp yde poyukdt akrrzlp yaswde bla, eayokdt rlsrzl kdvs y ealyxu yde tldvzl wdelaoyvla osaze.

Fbl pllxle zkjl y oyvla prkakv, yde ds sdl oyp xsal pwkvyczl vbyd bla.

“Tlzzs, lhlausdl.”

Gp y fwdksa kd vbl kdewpvau, Ckys Pyk rszkvlzu tallvle lhlausdl kd vbl xllvkdt assx. Fsxl twlpvp, obs bye elcwvle lyazkla cwv bye qya zlpp rsrwzyakvu vbyd Ckys Pyk, olal rzlypydvzu pwarakple. Mblu byed’v lmrlnvle vbl bsvvlpv dlonsxla kd vbl kdewpvau vs byhl pwnb y tsse vlxrlayxldv. Fbl prsjl zkjl y psqv yde nblou aknl nyjl, xyjkdt rlsrzl nswzed’v blzr cwv oydv vs rkdnb bla vldela nblljp.

“Gppkpvydv Pkalnvsa.”

Mbl rastayx’p yppkpvydv ekalnvsa oyp ralryakdt vs ldvla vbl xllvkdt assx obld bl blyae psxlsdl nyzzkdt bkp dyxl y qlo pvlrp yoyu. Tl vwadle yaswde yde oyp pwarakple vs qkde Lkdy. Tl pyke, “Lkdy?”

Nina smiled at the assistant director and quickly glanced at the stack of documents he was holding. Then, she furrowed her brows slightly, appearing somewhat uncomfortable, and said, “I suddenly don’t feel well. I won’t be able to attend the discussion meeting later. I’m really sorry.”


The assistant director walked a few steps closer to Nina, concerned, and asked, “What’s wrong? Is it serious? It’s okay; your health is more important.”

Gratefully, Nina nodded and continued to express her concerns, “But I have to participate in the project…”

She glanced at the assistant director’s expression as she spoke, and he didn’t react in any special way. He paused for a moment and then smiled before clapping his hands and saying loudly, “What’s there to worry about! Just tell me which project you want, and I’ll sign you up for it. Later, I’ll explain to the other guests. Who doesn’t have special circumstances from time to time? They’ll understand.”

Hearing the assistant director’s words, Nina chuckled inwardly. However, she still politely replied, “I’m really sorry for the trouble.”

The assistant director didn’t mind and smiled, “It’s no big deal.”

After a few more polite exchanges, the meeting time was approaching, and Nina no longer concealed her intentions. She directly pointed at the water-related project on the documents in the assistant director’s hand and said, “I want the water-related project.”

As soon as Nina finished speaking, the assistant director, unsurprised, raised his head and looked at her for a moment before nodding and agreeing, “Oh, the water-related project? That’s a good choice, indeed.”

While smiling, the assistant director wrote Nina’s name in the column for the water-related project and gave her a meaningful glance, but he didn’t say much more.

Seeing that the assistant director had approved her request and the list was confirmed, Nina breathed a sigh of relief, thanked him with a smile, and then turned and left.

Who wouldn’t know that the water-related project had strong entertainment value and was a tempting opportunity for most guests? Moreover, Qiao Dai had repeatedly gained attention with themes related to water. If she were to secure a spot in the water-related project, it would be like giving her wings, and Nina would not tolerate such a situation.

After Nina left, the assistant director, with a knowing smile, glanced at the list in his hand and shook his head without saying a word.

Nina, oh Nina, you are indeed still too young.


The middle-aged man took a deep breath and walked towards the meeting room, clutching the documents in his hand.

He had been in the industry for many years and had seen his fair share of people. He had a good eye for judging character. Regardless of what thoughts the guests participating in the program had, the assistant director could see right through them. Otherwise, if he lacked this level of insight, what business did he have directing a show? He’d be at the mercy of the guests every day.

As soon as Nina spoke, he knew she was faking illness to bypass the discussion meeting and secure a spot in the water-related project.

The assistant director wasn’t surprised at all. After all, everyone knew that both Nina and Qiao Dai were competing in the annual selection. Moreover, Nina had been criticized for being a “fake foreigner” not too long ago, both in and out of the industry. Who would believe she wasn’t anxious? When a person gets anxious, they might resort to unscrupulous means.

While the assistant director maintained an expression that showed he didn’t care, his assistant, who was walking alongside him, couldn’t help but express his discontent. He said, “Isn’t it unfair for Nina to choose a project in advance? We’re having this discussion meeting to allow the guests to negotiate and create the best show. Isn’t Nina going a bit too far?”

The assistant director waved his hand, signaling that they should drop the topic. Then he continued to walk, saying to his young assistant, “You really think this discussion meeting is about the guests discussing together? Just wait and see. It’s all about who has more influence. When they say they want a specific project, no one will dare to argue. This person is quite cunning. Nina is still a senior in the industry, and her company has its own interests. She says she wants the water-related project; who would dare to compete with her? Sooner or later, it will be given to her, and this will prevent any trouble later.”

The assistant was a young man, and his girlfriend was a fan of Qiao Dai. She had specifically asked him to look out for her. Therefore, the assistant wanted to help wherever he could. However, he didn’t expect things to go this way right from the start. He couldn’t help feeling frustrated.

Seeing that his assistant seemed to be feeling down, the assistant director suddenly smiled and comforted him, “You know, there’s no such thing as a guaranteed profit in this world.”

Although Nina had secured the most attractive project, it was also a double-edged sword. With Qiao Dai shining brightly in front, if Nina didn’t produce impressive results that could win people’s hearts, wouldn’t she end up becoming a laughingstock?

Hearing the assistant director’s words, the assistant nodded but still couldn’t help sighing, “I thought I would see Qiao Dai choose the water-related project.”

The assistant’s words reflected the sentiment of most viewers. Although several guests could participate in each sports project, it was clear that Qiao Dai wouldn’t choose to be in the same group as Nina. Therefore, Qiao Dai would have to settle for another project.

“Don’t worry; Mr. Gao gave clear instructions. Do you think I’d let the show go wrong?”


The assistant director smiled and, as he finished speaking, reached the entrance of the meeting room, pushing the door open and walking in.

Before entering the room, he handed the documents to his assistant and whispered, “Besides, she might not even want to choose the water-related project.”

The assistant was taken aback and didn’t have time to ponder the meaning behind the assistant director’s words before the assistant director patted his shoulder and walked enthusiastically to the front of the meeting table, greeting the people in the room.

“Please have a seat, everyone. We’ve gathered you here today to discuss the projects you’d like to participate in.”

As the assistant director went through the customary pleasantries, the assistant gradually began to realize what had just happened and was suddenly astonished.

In other words, Qiao Dai had never intended to choose the water-related project from the start?

Then, what did she want to choose?

At 7 o’clock in the evening, fans flocked to the official Weibo account of “Idol All-Star,” eagerly awaiting the latest information about the guests.

“I heard it’s a sports theme?”

“So can we expect our adorable Qiao Dai to participate in a water-related project?”

“Adorable Qiao Dai must be doing swimming, right? I’m excited; will we get to see another escapee mermaid?”


As fans excitedly discussed the sports projects their idols might choose, the official account released the latest information. Qiao Dai’s fans were stunned when they saw it.

“??? Figure skating!?”

“Our dear Qiao Dai can ice skate?”

Upon learning that Qiao Dai had chosen a winter sports project, her fans suddenly felt a bit worried.

Certainly, figure skating was an extremely visually appealing sport, but it was also incredibly challenging!

Even though the production team would provide training for the guests before shooting, mastering the basic skills in less than a month, let alone becoming proficient or incorporating figure skating elements into a stage performance, was not an easy feat.

Could she do it?

“Figure skating? Is it really figure skating?”

Meanwhile, on the other side, as soon as Lu Miao finished her meeting at Shengshi, she saw the program list released by the “Idol All-Star” production team. When her eyes landed on Qiao Dai’s name, she paused for a moment.

This child really has good luck.

Out of all the projects, she happened to choose the winter sports project.

With this thought in mind, Lu Miao suddenly smiled, took a deep breath, and turned to her assistant, instructing, “Go, help Qiao Dai contact the best coach and training facility.”

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EA [Translator]

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