Little Sea Otter Became Popular

Little Sea Otter Became Popular Chapter 77


Chapter 77

The formation night of “Pick Eleven” was already one of the hottest topics on the internet recently. Coupled with the involvement of Qiao Dai, who was debuting in the center position, and her dedicated super fan, the marketing account’s Weibo post quickly went viral.


[He looks like a handsome guy, doesn’t he?]

[The y1s1 account is going a bit too far by digging into amateurs!]

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[Tl zssjp psxlobyv qyxkzkya. Yyucl bl oyp nyrvwale sd nyxlay clqsal?]

Mbl rbsvs alzlyple cu vbl xyajlvkdt ynnswdv oyp pswanle qasx y qaklde’p nkanzl sq y zkhl ywekldnl xlxcla. Jyple sd vbl pnalldpbsv, kv oyp alhlyzle vbyv lhld clqsal vbl qsaxyvksd dktbv’p alzyvle ekpnwppksdp pralye sdzkdl, y qyd obs oyp ralpldv yv vbl lhldv bye pbyale y rbsvs kd vblka qaklde’p nkanzl, nzykxkdt vs byhl plld vbl rlapsd obs pwrrsavle Ckys Pyk okvb 100 xkzzksd.

Gv vbyv vkxl, xspv sq vbl nsxxldvp wdela vbyv qaklde’p nkanzl rspv olal fwpv qakldezu cydvla yxsdt qydp yde eked’v nywpl ydu nsxxsvksd. Tsolhla, yqvla vbl vsrkn sq Ckys Pyk’p pwrlaqyd pwrrsavkdt bla okvb shla 100 xkzzksd pvyavle nkanwzyvkdt sdzkdl, psxlsdl pldv vbl pnalldpbsv vs vbl xyajlvkdt ynnswdv, pryajkdt vbl nwaaldv oyhl sq nsdvashlapu.

Gzvbswtb vbl qyd obs vssj vbl rbsvs byp elzlvle vbl qaklde’p nkanzl rspv yde rwczknzu yrszstkgle, kv nswzed’v ralhldv vbl rbsvs qasx nsdvkdwkdt vs nkanwzyvl sdzkdl. Ohld vbswtb kv oyp y czwaau rasqkzl rknvwal, psxl rlsrzl iwknjzu alnstdkgle vbl rlapsd yp vbl xyzl qyd obs alnlkhle y aspl ewakdt vbl rlaqsaxydnl sq “Sspl Qkazp.”


The audience had a deep impression of that interaction during “Rose Girls.” Therefore, when they saw the exposed photo, some immediately felt a sense of familiarity and identified the man as the fan who had hidden the rose. Any audience member who had witnessed the live performance still had that scene in their memory. As a result, they quickly connected the dots.

Despite the blurry nature of the photo released by the marketing account, the footage from the show was clear. Even fleeting shots could be enlarged by netizens using magnifying glasses, and other marketing accounts were eager to capitalize on this buzz. They swiftly extracted every frame featuring Cheng Su, updating and posting them online in real-time.

While the audience criticized the marketing account for their behavior, they couldn’t help but be curious and clicked to view the uploaded photos. The man in the photos had a tall figure, and despite wearing a hat and mask, it was not difficult to recognize that he was a handsome man. Just sitting casually in the audience section, he exuded a certain aura that made many people suspect if he was a male celebrity.

[By the way, does anyone think that the big shot’s clothes look great? Which brand is it?]

[Oh my, his cufflinks are limited edition. They must cost at least 800,000, right?]

[I checked out the handsome guy’s clothes. Hmm, they’re all brands I’ve never heard of, very expensive. No wonder they look good!]


Curious netizens quickly researched Cheng Su’s attire, only to be shocked by the string of zeros in the prices, silently retreating. This further confirmed their belief that he must be Qiao Dai’s dedicated superfan. After all, he effortlessly impressed many people with just the outfit he wore.

While netizens discussed whether the man in the photo was Qiao Dai’s dedicated superfan and speculated about his identity, someone suddenly exclaimed in surprise:

“Could this person be Cheng Su?”

For most netizens, the name Cheng Su was unfamiliar, so when they saw someone mention the name, their first reaction was: Who is Cheng Su?

“Who is Cheng Su?”


“Don’t you know? He’s the owner of Galaxy, the heir of the Cheng family!”

“But isn’t the owner of Galaxy a middle-aged man?”

“Let me clarify. Cheng Su is the owner of the Cheng family, and Galaxy is a subsidiary company. So Cheng Su is the boss of the boss of Galaxy.”

“Really? That actually fits the profile of someone who would support with a hundred million without hesitation.”

The PR department of Cheng Corporation almost simultaneously discovered that people were discussing their top boss online. Their first thought was, someone was trying to target their boss!

The PR director stayed up all night, examining the online discussions to understand how the topic had come to involve their company’s president. To their surprise, as soon as they opened the webpage, they were bombarded with discussions about the “mysterious superfan” and the “support of a hundred million.” The director furrowed their brows in deep concern.


What on earth is all this?

Who didn’t know that their boss had a notorious temper? It was hard to imagine him going to a live performance by a teenage girl and staying calm. He would probably storm out of the room. How could he have gone to support her at the scene and even become her top supporter? It was simply impossible!

The PR department immediately started handling the related matters. For them, it was not difficult to remove all the related discussions. Regardless of whether the man in the photo was Cheng Su or not, their main goal was to prevent their boss’s name from appearing online.

While the director was overseeing the work of the PR department, they suddenly received a phone call from higher-ups, instructing them not to delete the news for the time being and to await further instructions.

“Yes, understood.”

The director nodded repeatedly in response, but couldn’t help but feel puzzled. They wondered if the person in the photo was indeed their Mr. Cheng.

Lost in thought, the director fell silent.

“What do you think Mr. Cheng is planning?”

After a moment, the director raised their head and asked the subordinate who had come to report.

The subordinate shook their head in confusion, unsure whether they should speak up. Eventually, they hesitantly and softly ventured, “Director, I have a feeling that he wants to make it public.”

“Make it public?” The director, a middle-aged person in their forties, who had mostly dealt with business cases, furrowed their brows in response and instinctively asked, “Publicize what?”

Currently, Cheng Corporation did not have any ongoing promotional projects. After giving it some thought, the director couldn’t figure out what Mr. Cheng intended by not removing his name from the entertainment gossip.

It should be noted that their boss had always been low-profile and rarely appeared in public. This was the first time his name had spread on the internet to such a large extent.

The young subordinate glanced at the expression on their boss’s face and whispered, “I think this seems like a publicized romantic relationship in the entertainment industry. Otherwise, Mr. Cheng would have instructed us to delete the related content right away. Now, with the higher-ups saying not to delete it for the time being, it feels like Mr. Cheng deliberately wants everyone to see it. It’s just like… the thoughts of someone in love.”

The subordinate’s voice grew quieter as they spoke, and by the end, they felt that their words sounded absurd. They regretted saying those things and wished they could turn back time and keep those words to themselves.

Sigh, what nonsense was he talking about? It seemed as if he was suggesting that Mr. Cheng couldn’t wait to make it public.

The director’s initial reaction was that it was all nonsensical. But the next moment, they couldn’t help but think that their subordinate had a point. After all, with the level of the PR department at Cheng Corporation, it shouldn’t be difficult to delete any content. Mr. Cheng didn’t have to let his name linger online for so long.

Lost in thought, the PR director fell silent. It was impossible to figure out Mr. Cheng’s intentions.

[Could it really be Cheng Su? Otherwise, wouldn’t Cheng Corporation’s PR department have already deleted the news?]

[Are some of Qiao Dai’s fans being too arrogant? A billionaire tycoon becoming a superfan in your fanbase? That’s really stretching it!]

[Leave our little sister alone! We didn’t even try to dig up the identity of Mr. Orca. Whether Mr. Orca is Mr. Cheng or not has nothing to do with us. Some people should stop trying to create trouble.]

[Random passers-by interfering… I have to say, Qiao Dai really has that “famous for being famous” quality. Even the fans themselves are trending. So this must be real fame. Light a cigarette.jpg]

While the curious onlookers were engrossed in their speculation, someone quickly discovered Cheng Su’s itinerary and found out that he was currently attending a business symposium. As a result, many journalists flocked to the scene, ready to interview Cheng Su at the first opportunity.

The onlookers who had been staying up late, indulging in the gossip since the end of “Pick Eleven,” resisted their sleepiness and eagerly awaited a direct response from the real person. Some even started live streaming on the internet, providing a live broadcast of the journalists waiting outside the symposium venue for netizens to see.

[Amazing, the viewership in the live stream is so high?]

[This is the first time I’ve seen so many people eagerly waiting for gossip.]

[I don’t understand what there is to look forward to. He will definitely say whether it’s him or not. Why are so many people getting caught up in this spectacle?]

The attendees of the symposium were all business people. When they finished the meeting and left the venue, they were almost startled by the massive crowd outside the gate. They had seen many reporters before, but they had never seen such a lively scene. If they didn’t know any better, they would have thought a major celebrity had arrived.

The organizers of the symposium were pleasantly surprised, wondering if their product had already garnered so much media attention.

They were contemplating how to make an appropriate statement in front of so many media outlets when they heard someone shouting, “Mr. Cheng is coming out!”


“Mr. Cheng!”

Then everyone rushed towards Cheng Su as if in a frenzy, leaving the organizers with a sense of inevitability. Fortunately, they hadn’t shown too much obvious excitement earlier, or it would have been embarrassing now.

“Mr. Cheng, is it true that you are the mysterious fan called ‘Mr. Orca’’ who supported Qiao Dai with over a billion?”

The bodyguards expressionlessly blocked the approaching journalists, allowing Cheng Su to leave without being disturbed. Those reporters who couldn’t get close to Cheng Su shouted their questions from within the crowd.

[It’s a waste of effort. How could he possibly answer you?]

[If you want to ride the wave, save your breath. Others don’t even look at you.]

[That’s right. Big shots don’t even bother to give small stars a glance.]

In the midst of a barrage of sarcastic comments, the man in the live stream heard the reporters’ words. He raised his eyes nonchalantly and turned his head, allowing the audience in the live stream to see Cheng Su’s appearance up close. They were stunned by his sharply handsome face, like a blade that could cut through anything, and their hearts skipped a beat.

[F*ck! No wonder people are swooning over him. Mr. Cheng’s looks are just too striking!]

[It’s over, it’s over. I suddenly want them to be a couple.]

[Ah, ah, count me in!]

At that moment, Cheng Su casually responded, “Huh? Yes, that’s right, it’s me.”

The man’s tone was as casual as chatting with someone during a leisurely walk, but to others, it was even more relaxing than his usually deep voice.

Everyone: ???

He… He just admitted it?!


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EA [Translator]

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