I Started Farming in the Countryside After I Divorced

Chapter 8.1: How Is He?

  The cloudless azure sky stretched overhead, and the sun’s brilliant rays bathed the golden sands in a warm, mesmerizing glow. In the crystalline blue waters, sun-kissed bodies in vibrant swimwear cavorted and frolicked with sheer delight. Meanwhile, Lin Zhou reclined lazily on a deck chair under a parasol, his chiseled physique gleaming with sunscreen as he savored a cool, fruity drink.

  All of a sudden, the mobile phone on his table began to ring. Unhurriedly, he set down his glass of fruit juice, picked up his phone, and checked the caller ID. Raising an eyebrow, he tapped the answer button.

  “My, my, CEO Lin,” he drawled, an impish gleam in his gaze, “when did you become so invested in me that you’d grace me with calls these past several days?”

  Lin Feng’s icy voice crackled through the phone. “Su Ling has transferred ten million1 CNY 10,000,000 is approximately US $1,410,181. to your account.”


  Lin Zhou straightened up and crossed his legs beneath him before settling comfortably into the chair without the slightest hint of urgency. “Our company has recently launched a new project that’s caught Su Ling’s eye, so he’s invested ten million in it. I have all the details right here. Shall I send them your way?”

  Ten million was by no means a small sum. If Lin Feng were to simply pull the bank statements, he would instantly find out the whereabouts of the money. So why on earth would he foolishly hand over the bank card directly to Su Ling for Lin Feng to closely monitor the account and trace its activity?

  Clearly, the money had been funneled into the company’s project expenses — becoming innocuous construction fees that blended seamlessly into the ledgers. By dividing up the substantial sum and dispersing it across various line items, he had effectively made the money untraceable, leaving Lin Feng with no way to get to the bottom of where those funds had truly ended up.

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  Sltyaekdt vbl vld xkzzksd kd Fw Nkdt’p rspplppksd, bl bye srldle y plryayvl cydj ynnswdv yde aswvle vbl qwdep vbaswtb vbl rlapsdyz ynnswdv sq Nkd Hbsw’p bwpcyde, Ww Tldt.

  Rq Nkd Wldt oydvle vs kdhlpvktyvl Ww Tldt’p ynnswdv, bl oswze byhl vs kdhlpv nsdpkelayczl vkxl yde lqqsav kdvs rwapwkdt zlpp-vbyd-pyhsau vynvknp. Jwv Ww Tldt oyp ds rwpbshla yde nlavykdzu dsv vbl vurl obs nswze cl lypkzu lmrzskvle sa vyjld yehydvytl sq.

  Gp qsa Nkd Wldt bkxplzq, bl zkjlzu blze vss xwnb rakel kd pvssrkdt vs wdelabydele xlvbsep, yp alpsavkdt vs pwnb ekpalrwvyczl xlydp oyp pkxrzu cldlyvb bkx. Mblalqsal, vbl xspv pvayktbvqsaoyae yde wdnsxrzknyvle yrrasynb oswze cl vs pkxrzu tkhl Ww Tldt y nyzz.

  Tsolhla, yp Fw Nkdt’p clpv qaklde, Nkd Hbsw qlzv y ellr pldpl sq ewvu yde sczktyvksd vs rasvlnv bkp qaklde yv yzz nspvp. Jswde cu zsuyzvu, Nkd Hbsw hsole vs pyqltwyae Fw Nkdt’p plnalvp wdzlpp bl pyke svblaokpl.

  Mbl zkdl qlzz pkzldv qsa byzq y xkdwvl vbyv pllxle vs pvalvnb sd qsa ytlp. Gv vbkp fwdnvwal, Nkd Hbsw bye cltwd vs yppwxl vbl svbla bye pkxrzu tkhld wr, ps bl ralryale vs lde vbl nyzz. Fweeldzu, Nkd Wldt’p bsyapl hsknl alpsdyvle vbaswtb vbl alnlkhla. “Tso…” Nkd Wldt rywple, vbl olktbv sq bkp wdqkdkpble iwlpvksd bydtkdt blyhu kd vbl pkzldnl. “… Tso kp bl?”

  Uywtbv sqq twyae cu vbl lxsvksd lhkeldv kd Nkd Wldt’p byzvkdt osaep qasx vbl svbla lde sq vbl zkdl, Nkd Hbsw qlzv y oyhl sq pwarakpl oypb shla bkx. Zlv, clqsal bl nswze qwzzu rasnlpp kv, bl pwcnsdpnkswpzu alprsdele, “Tl’p eskdt talyv.”

  Mbl xsxldv vbl osaep zlqv bkp xswvb, bl nswze dsv blzr cwv takxynl yde tkhl y qawpvayvle vwt yv bkp byka. Pyxd kv, R’hl fwpv pbsod xu byde, byhld’v R?

  Nkd Hbsw nwaple bkxplzq qsa zlvvkdt bkp twyae esod, yp bl bye clld nsxrzlvlzu rzyule cu vbkp nwddkdt qlzzso, obs zwale bkx kd okvb y elnlrvkhlzu kddsnldv iwlpvksd!

  In a split second, Lin Zhou’s expression was laced with a palpable sense of gloom and resignation. Abandoning any semblance of caution, he opted for a more direct approach, his words cutting through the tension like a sharp blade. “I know where Su Ling is, but I won’t tell you. Unless Su Ling has thought things through and contacts you himself, you’ll have to rely on your own devices to find him and seek his forgiveness. I don’t claim to understand what has happened in your relationship, so I have no right to judge you. But as a friend, I can’t help but notice that you’ve been traveling more frequently this past year. Constant separation and lack of communication can often lead to the unraveling of even the strongest of bonds. Perhaps it’s time to reassess your priorities, CEO Lin, and make more time for your spouse.”


  Click! The line went dead, leaving nothing but silence echoing in its wake.

  Lin Zhou shrugged his shoulders and vented his frustrations inwardly. With a temper like that, it’s a wonder that Su Ling has managed to live with him for three years without being driven mad.

  “What’s wrong?” Returning with two large cups of ice cream, Fu Heng noticed his lover pouting and glaring intently at the phone in their hand.

  Lin Zhou perked up at the sound, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the ice cream. He reached out eagerly and accepted it. Then, like a feline, he extended his tongue to give it a lick.

  “Lin Feng called me again,” he murmured, his words slightly muddled as they slipped from his lips.

  “He’s searching for Su Ling?” Fu Heng placed the other cup on the table, his handsome features graced with a warm smile as he gazed tenderly at Lin Zhou.

  “Su Ling’s dead set on divorcing him, so of course, he’s anxious.” Lin Zhou gently nudged Fu Heng in the side with his elbow and added, “Listen, Lin Feng’s family is incredibly influential. Now that he can’t pry any info from me, he’ll come at you with all guns blazing. So, you must hold your ground and not let him pressure you!”

  Though his partner’s actions had incurred the wrath of a powerful foe, Fu Heng’s expression was not one of reproach, but rather radiated an unmistakable tenderness and indulgence.

  Holding up three fingers, he stated, “I fear I can only hold out for no more than three months.”

  With a spoon dangling from his lips, he questioned, “Is the gap really that big?”

  Fu Heng gave his shoulder a reassuring pat, nodding firmly. “Indeed, it is.”

  It was not so much self-deprecation on his part, but rather a stark reminder of the gap between them. In just three short years, the Fu Lin Group skyrocketed to a market value in the billions within the electronic and information technology industry. Like a meteoric rise, they had gained a foothold in Country Z’s technology field. 


  In contrast, the Lin family boasted a lineage stretching back over a century. Though they had weathered tumultuous times, they emerged unscathed and maintained their formidable standing. On top of that, they made noteworthy contributions during that momentous conflict, cementing their reputation as a revered and influential lineage.

  Over the past two decades, the Lin Cooperation had undergone a remarkable transformation, expanding its reach across an array of sectors and establishing a formidable commercial empire of towering proportions. Besides that, its influence had grown to become a weighty force on the global stage. For the Fu Lin Group to challenge the Lin Cooperation would be akin to a mere egg attempting to crack a stone.

  Lin Zhou felt a knot of worry tightening after Fu Heng’s analysis. “What should we do?” he fretted. “I fear I might have caused you some trouble.”

  With a reassuring smile, Fu Heng assuaged, “Don’t worry, the Fu Lin Group will be just fine.”

  Lin Zhou probed further, “What if?”

  Shaking his head, Fu Heng remarked, “I know Lin Feng well enough to say he’s a reasonable person. Given your friendship with Su Ling, if Lin Feng were to harm you, how do you think Su Ling would react? Their relationship could be ruined forever.”

  Lin Zhou thoughtfully stroked his chin, mulling over Fu Heng’s words. “You make a good point,” he admitted.

  Fu Heng reassured, “So there’s no need to fret.”


  Lin Clan Private Hospital

  Xu Yunzhuo’s gaze flickered toward the hospital bed, surreptitiously studying the man resting in it.

  After ending the call, CEO Lin remained perfectly still, his striking features devoid of any discernible emotion as he lapsed into silence for a full ten minutes.


  Has the call gone horribly wrong?

  After a moment of hesitation, Xu Yunzhuo mustered his resolve and broached the subject with a tentative tone. “CEO Lin, regarding the Fu Lin Group, would you like to…”

  Lin Feng put down his phone. “No,” he stated plainly, “there’s no need to complicate matters further.”

  In that instant, everything clicked for Xu Yunzhuo. “Understood, CEO Lin.”

  News of Madam Lin’s disappearance was a closely guarded secret, with CEO Lin even keeping Old Master and Old Madame in the dark to avoid too many people knowing. However, Xu Yunzhuo lamented that the Lin Zhou lead had come to a dead end but fortunately, he found a silver lining: a new clue had surfaced, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the setback.

  “CEO Lin, Madam’s first flight was bound for City H,” Xu Yunzhuo reported, unclasping the file folder in his hand. He carefully retrieved a paper from within and respectfully handed it to Lin Feng.

  In all honesty, when Xu Yunzhuo laid eyes on the photocopied identity documents bearing Madam Lin’s personal information and photograph, the depths of his psyche were utterly shaken, stirring up a tempestuous maelstrom of emotion.

  During his three-year tenure as CEO Lin’s assistant, he was aware that his boss had married young, but had never fathomed that Madam Lin was, in fact, a man — and a strikingly beautiful, elegant gentleman at that!

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Islanor [Translator]

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