I Started Farming in the Countryside After I Divorced

Chapter 7.2: Where Has Your Wife Gone?

  Now that his heart was set on welcoming the puppy into his life, he embraced the responsibility wholeheartedly. From stocking up on the perfect dog food to selecting a cozy bed and a bundle of toys, every detail was meticulously tended to.

  In the past, he once dreamed of having a pet to call his own, but Lin Feng’s allergy to fur put a damper on that. Now, with only himself to consider, Su Ling’s home was open to all creatures, great and small.


  Superior Room, Lin Clan Private Hospital, City S


  “Do you still consider me your mother? You’ve even managed to keep quite a secret! If it weren’t for Doctor Zhang’s phone call, I would have had no idea about the serious injury you sustained abroad!” The impeccably groomed lady arched an eyebrow, her accusation evident in both her tone and expression as she perched on the edge of the chair beside the hospital bed.

  Lin Feng propped against the bed, his left arm swathed in bandages and slung across his chest. On the other side, his right hand clutched his phone as his thumb swiped feverishly across the screen, seemingly oblivious to her words.

  Rong Siqiu stared at her son in speechless disbelief. “… Are you even listening to me?”

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  “Ybx.” Nkd Wldt alprsdele ycpldvxkdelezu; bkp lulp alxykdle tzwle vs bkp rbsdl pnalld.

  Ssdt Fkikw rkdnble vbl caketl sq bla dspl yp vbl cltkddkdtp sq y blyeynbl vbasccle clvolld bla lulcasop. Tla alvknldv psd’p pkzldnl pvalvnble sd, zlyhkdt bla tayrrzkdt qsa osaep. Plprlayvl, pbl nypv y rzlyekdt tzydnl yv bla bwpcyde, watkdt bkx vs calyj vbl vldpksd okvb yduvbkdt.

  Uyvnbkdt sdvs bkp okql’p pwcvzl bkdv, Nkd Nkbsdt nzlyale bkp vbasyv clqsal yeealppkdt bkp psd okvb dloqswde plakswpdlpp. “Fs, R blyae usw’hl kdhlpvle kd yd Rdpvkvwvl sq Jkszstu ycasye?”

  Wkdyzzu, Nkd Wldt’p kdvlalpv oyp rkiwle. Tl plv bkp rbsdl ypkel yde zsnjle lulp okvb bkp qyvbla. “Mbyv’p nsaalnv.”

  Brsd blyakdt vbyv, Nkd Nkbsdt qwaasole bkp casop yde kdiwkale, “Ebyv kp vbl rakxyau yaly sq alplyanb yv vbkp kdpvkvwvl?”

  Ekvb dsv y qzknjla sq lxsvksd sd bkp qynl, Nkd Wldt easrrle y csxcpblzz kd fwpv vball kdqwakyvkdt osaep, “Rv’p y plnalv.”

  Nkd Nkbsdt’p calyvb nywtbv kd bkp vbasyv, bkp pwarakpl ryzryczl yp bl pvawttzle vs rasnlpp vbl wdlmrlnvle alrzu.

  Ssdt Fkikw rzynle y nsxqsavkdt byde sd bla bwpcyde’p vldpl cynj, blzrkdt bkx pvlyeu bkp dlahlp. Mblka psd bye yzoyup clld xyvwal clusde bkp ulyap yde bsyaekdt bkp osaep zkjl ralnkswp valypwalp pkdnl nbkzebsse. Usymkdt xsal vbyd y qlo pldvldnlp swv sq bkx qsa ydusdl svbla vbyd Fw Nkdt oyp y Fkpurblyd vypj.

  As Rong Siqiu’s thoughts drifted to Su Ling, she could not help but wonder aloud, “Where’s Su Ling? We’ve been here for over half an hour, and I haven’t caught sight of him at all.”


  Not a ripple disturbed Lin Feng’s countenance as he answered, “He’s on vacation.”

  “A vacation?” Rong Siqiu’s voice echoed with disbelief, a hint of incredulity lacing her words. “What’s going on in that head of his? His husband’s injured, yet he decides to go on a trip?”

  “He doesn’t know about it.” Lin Feng’s head snapped up to look at his mother as ice settled in the depths of his eyes.

  Rong Siqiu faltered for a moment, the harshness in her voice giving way to a gentler tone. “Why keep it from him? When did he go on a trip? Is he by himself or with company? Is he safe?”

  With a second thought, Lin Feng averted his gaze. His thumb flew across the phone’s nine-grid keyboard1 The phone keyboard looks something like this: 9-Grid Keyboard , typing sharp, cutting words to reject his subordinate’s report ruthlessly.

  Frustration bubbled within Lin Lihong as he watched his son’s indifference. With a sharp rap of his cane against the floor, he commanded sternly, “Call him and tell him to return at once.”

  Glancing discreetly at her husband, Rong Siqiu pulled out her phone and stated, “I’ll give him a call. He can be quite simple-minded and doesn’t know how to take care of himself. Being away from home would certainly make him fall prey to scams and exploitation easily.”

  Lin Feng made no attempt to intervene, allowing her to make the call unimpeded. As expected, the familiar electronic ringtone soon sounded through the phone.

  “We’re sorry, the number you have dialed has been disconnected or is no longer in service.”

  Perplexed, Rong Siqiu questioned, “Strange, why isn’t he within the coverage area?”

  Lin Feng’s fingers halted mid-air before explaining, “There’s no signal in the mountains.”

  With no other option, Rong Siqiu ended the call. Her countenance was brimming with a pained concern as she beheld her son’s bandaged forehead and arms.


  At first, her son was dead set on marrying Su Ling, but she was vehemently opposed to it. After all, how could a son-in-law ever be as considerate as a female one? Furthermore, the Su and Lin families were at odds with each other. As such, she outright refused to give her blessing, even threatening to cut all ties if Su Ling dared to be with Lin Feng. She had assumed Su Ling would back down, but that stubborn youth surprised her by severing ties with his family just to be with Lin Feng.

  Though same-sex marriage was legalized, not everyone embraced it with open arms. For Rong Siqiu, accepting her son’s coming out was a journey. It took six months of wrestling with unexpected emotions. But as Su Ling fearlessly pursued his happiness with Lin Feng, Rong Siqiu found herself filled with admiration and joy.

  After three blissful years of marriage, Su Ling and Lin Feng’s relationship blossomed into an unbreakable bond. Lin Feng adored his wife to the point of obsession, constantly worrying that he might struggle to adjust to life in the Lin residence.

  Determined to ensure Su Ling’s comfort, Lin Feng spared no expense, splurging a fortune to purchase a villa nestled amidst Mount Aromaterra. There, the newlyweds could revel in the privacy of their own little haven, free from interference.

  As for Su Ling’s mother-in-law, she dared not pry too deeply into the couple’s affairs. Whenever she tried, she was met with her son’s icy stare — a stark reminder that with Su Ling by his side, Lin Feng had all but forgotten the mother who once held such sway over him.

  Swallowing back her mounting frustration, Rong Siqiu urged, “Once Su Ling gets signal back on his phone, I need you to persuade him to return. It takes about three months for your arm to heal properly, and managing everyday tasks with just one hand is incredibly tough. So having him by your side through this would make all the difference.”

  Lin Lihong nodded in agreement, “Your mum’s right.”

  Lin Feng noted, “I have my assistants.”

  Startled by the unexpected cue, Xu Yunzhuo stood frozen like a statue for nearly thirty minutes. Then, with a courteous smile, he reassured them in a deferential tone. “Rest assured, Old Master, Old Madame. I will take great care of CEO Lin.”

  Rong Siqiu’s gaze shifted toward Xu Yunchuan, a contemplative nod marking her acknowledgment. Lin Feng’s assistants were elite talents, meticulously nurtured by the Lin family. With them at the helm, her worries ebbed away.

  “We’ll take our leave now, so take good care of yourself.” With a graceful sweep, she rose from her seat and smoothed her attire.

  Leaning on his cane, Lin Lihong directed his gaze to his son lying in the hospital bed. “Only six months remain…” he began, his tone solemn and weighted with emotion. “Time to ponder your next move.” 


  Upon hearing that, Rong Siqiu’s brows came down into a barely perceptible frown. She opened her mouth​ as if she ​had something​ to say​, but the words were stuck in her throat​. 

  Lin Feng set his phone down and replied coldly, “I know.”

  After ensuring his parents had left, Lin Feng reached under his pillow and pulled out a gold phone. Instead of switching it on, he traced his thumb over the phone case.

  Crafted with care, the custom-made case showcased two stunning figures intertwined in an embrace. It was none other than himself and Su Ling, immortalized in a portrait that captured their love in all its beauty.

  With a barely audible click, Xu Yunzhuo gently closed the ward door and stole a quick glance at CEO Lin. In a split second, his eyes were drawn to the gold phone cradled in CEO Lin’s hand, evoking a silent lament within him.

  It was Madam Lin’s smartphone that once lay next to the divorce papers.

  That fateful trip to the villa had unveiled CEO Lin’s hidden secrets, a discovery that now weighed heavily on Xu Yunzhuo’s mind. Each step he took felt like a precarious dance on a tightrope. He knew one wrong word could spell his doom, with CEO Lin’s iron grip that was capable of silencing him forever to safeguard his hidden truths.

  Earlier, when Old Madame asked about Madam Lin, CEO Lin remained perfectly composed and calmly said he was on a trip. Clearly, he did not wish for his parents to know about their son-in-law’s disappearance. However, CEO Lin knew his story would not hold up forever. If Madam Lin remained missing for too long, Old Madame would undoubtedly become suspicious, and it was uncertain how CEO Lin would manage to cover it up then.

  As the person responsible for the downfall of CEO Lin’s once-harmonious union, Xu Yunzhuo was constantly plagued by a persistent sense of unease. Driven by a fervent need to atone for his wrongdoings, he mobilized the entirety of his resources and connections, sparing no effort in his frenetic pursuit of the missing Madam Lin.

  After a week of arduous investigation, Xu Yunzhuo finally uncovered a promising lead. Eager to share his breakthrough with CEO Lin, he hurried over today, only to find Old Master and Old Madame had shown up out of the blue. For the lack of a better option, Xu Yunzhuo stood silently on the sidelines until now.

  He reported, “I’ve traced the whereabouts of the ten million2 CNY 10,000,000 is approximately US $1,410,181. , CEO Lin.”

  Lin Feng paused, set his phone down, and fixed him with a sharp gaze. “Go on.”


  Xu Yunzhuo disclosed, “The recipient was Lin Zhou, the vice president of Fu Lin Group.”

The author has something to say:

Lin Zhou: Achoo!—Who’s talking about me?

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Islanor [Translator]

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