I Started Farming in the Countryside After I Divorced

Chapter 6.2: If You Want to Get Rich, Build Roads First

  Meanwhile, Village Chief Jin set aside his abacus and reached for the teacup on the table, bringing it to his lips for a revitalizing sip. “The tea yield this year has increased. If the sales go well, we can rake in one million yuan in profit. Initially, your grandfather intended to postpone the road repairs for another five years, but with his passing, that plan is as good as abandoned.”

  “Rest assured, it will not be abandoned, nor shall it fall through,” Su Ling declared, hands clasped firmly. His eyes bore a fiery determination as he faced the village chief. “I’ve got the funds, so I’ll see the road repaired.”

  Village Chief Jin’s hand quivered, sending ripples dancing across the surface of the water until it spilled over the brim of the cup.

  When the clock struck one in the afternoon, Su Ling departed from the village committee office. He slipped his hands into the depths of his windbreaker’s pockets as he sauntered along the gravel pathway and drank in the idyllic countryside vistas that unfolded along the wayside.


  Drained by the incessant clamor and bustle of city life, scores of young folks often found themselves yearning for the solace and slower pace of the countryside, and Su Ling was no exception. But as he immersed himself in rural life, he discovered a sobering truth: rural life was no idyllic escape but rather a battleground against poverty and helplessness.

  Even so, the questions of what lay ahead in the future, where he would dwell in the days to come, and whether his relationship with Lin Feng would persist were all distant reveries for him in the present.

  At this juncture, a multitude of pressing matters awaited him, demanding his immediate attention.

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  Wkapv, bl oswze cl aliwkale vs rykdpvyjkdtzu jdsnj sd lhlau essa kd plyanb sq hkzzytlap okvb vaynvsap yde ekpnwpp vbl xyvvla sq vaydprsavkdt vly zlyhlp swv sq vbl hkzzytl okvb vblx. Llmv, bl oswze byhl vs ekr kdvs bkp sod rsnjlvp vs alryka vbl asye yde vynvqwzzu ekpnwpp vbl zyde nsxrldpyvksd okvb vbl hkzzytlap. Zlv yxkepv vbl obkazokde sq vypjp, vbl kppwl zssxkdt zyatlpv oyp bso bl oswze plnwal vball xlyzp y eyu.

  Ms bkp ekpxyu, vblal oyp ds xyajlv vs cl qswde kd vbkp hkzzytl!

  Rd lhlau bswplbsze, qyxkzklp lxcaynle qyaxkdt, zlyekdt y zkqlpvuzl sq csvb plzq-pwpvykdyckzkvu yde plzq-pwqqknkldnu.

  Gp pwnb, kv oyp bktb vkxl qsa bkx vs cl plzq-alzkydv yde pvyav tasokdt hltlvyczlp bkxplzq!

  Wwavblaxsal, bl bye yd ldvkal zkpv sq bswplbsze yrrzkydnlp vs rwanbypl, kdnzwekdt y oypbkdt xynbkdl, alqaktlayvsa, yka nsdekvksdla, oyvla blyvla, ekpboypbla, oyvla ekprldpla, yde ps sd…

  Fvydekdt sd vbl caketl shla vbl cycczkdt cassj, vbl okde czlo kd Fw Nkdt’p qynl yp bkp tygl qlzz wrsd vbl ekpvydv Fw Uzyd Gdnlpvayz Tswpl. Gzz sq y pweeld, y xswdvykdswp ralppwal olktble blyhkzu wrsd bkx.


  Jssx, cssx, nzydt! Jssx, cssx, nzydt!

  Crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle!


  At the entrance of Stone Creek Village, a symphony of drums and gongs filled the air, punctuated by bursts of firecrackers, painting the scene with an explosion of energy and excitement.

  Beneath the sprawling canopy of the majestic banyan tree, a lively crowd of villagers had gathered, their eyes alight with curiosity as they watched the scene unfold. Above them, the branches served as a natural playground for adventurous youngsters, scaling the heights to catch a better view of the spectacle below.

  Su Ling’s shoulder-length, slightly curled locks were gathered into a neat little ponytail, as he exuded an effortless charm while wearing a tailored ensemble in a captivating shade of sapphire blue. Beneath the suit jacket, he donned a crisp white Windsor collar1 温莎领 (wēn shā lǐng): A Windsor collar, also known as the full cutaway collar, is a type of dress shirt collar characterized by wide-spread points that angle outwards. It is named after the Duke of Windsor, who popularized this particular collar style in the early 20th century. The points of a Windsor collar are typically longer and more spread apart than those of a traditional collar, creating a wider collar spread. Windsor Collar shirt, accentuated by a silver-gray Windsor knot tie2 温莎领带 (wēn shā lǐng dài): Windsor knot is also known as Full Windsor in order to be further distinguished from its half-Windsor counterpart. It gets its name from the Duke of Windsor and sets itself apart with a large, well-balanced, symmetrical knot. It is also considered to be the most formal type of tie knot. You can read more about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windsor_knot Windsor Knot . A silver chain adorned his vest, showcasing a silver pocket watch. The straight-cut trousers gracefully cascaded over his frame, leading to a pair of sleek black Oxford shoes. Su Ling’s attire epitomized both elegance and precision as if he had stepped out of a painting as a prince. Standing alongside the village committee members at the entrance, he solemnly welcomed the arrival of the tea-picking team with utmost grandeur.

  With beaming smiles, the tea merchants ushered the girls of the tea-picking team toward Su Ling. His presence was like a magnetic force, captivating them instantly. The moment they laid eyes upon him, their breath caught in their throats, as they were stunned by his unrivaled beauty.

  “Mr. Su, we’ll be entrusting our tea-picking team to your capable hands for the next two weeks.”

  With a charming smile and a sprinkle of politeness, Su Ling assured, “Everything should go smoothly so long as they can adjust to living in the village.” 

  Before setting foot in Stone Creek Village, Su Ling had never delved into the art of harvesting tea leaves. Just yesterday, a riveting chat with the village chief unveiled the intricacies of tea picking. It became clear that harvesting tea leaves was a finely tuned craft that was cherished by tea merchants who staunchly adhered to the time-honored tradition of handpicking to yield premium-grade tea leaves.

  Despite the villagers’ expertise in not only cultivating tea trees but also harvesting tea leaves, Qi Yue and the other tea merchants’ faith still lay in a select team of tea pickers. Season after season, it was them who took charge of bringing this skilled team to harvest the tea leaves.

  The tea harvesting process demanded a substantial two-week commitment, compounded by the poor road conditions in Stone Creek Village that made travel cumbersome. Faced with these challenges, the tea-picking team graciously sought shelter in the welcoming homes of the villagers.

  After years of seamless collaboration, the villagers took pleasure not only in offering lodging but also in reaping the benefits of the accommodation fees, a welcome addition to their livelihoods. Upon receiving a notice yesterday, they eagerly and promptly prepared vacant rooms, ensuring they were cleared out well in advance.

  Qi Yue’s eyes sparkled with amusement as he chuckled, “They’re definitely used to it. The girls in our team have been picking tea leaves here for five years. Oh, right—”

  When the conversation took a sudden turn, a glint of brilliance flickered his slender eyes. “Mr. Su, I trust that you’ve already made the necessary preparations for the transportation trucks heading out of the village, correct?”


  Su Ling replied calmly, “It’s all taken care of. We may not have any trucks, but we do have over a hundred tractors available.”

  Qi Yue’s face contorted briefly, his brows knitting together in worry. “Are you sure tractors are a viable option? I fear the jostling might affect the quality of the tea leaves we’ve just harvested.”

  With a confident smile, Su Ling reassured, “Rest assured, Boss Qi. I guarantee that the roads will be leveled by the end of today.”

  It might be impossible to repair the road in time, but it was still feasible to transport some gravel and use bulldozers and road rollers to patch up the potholes within the day. So, before the sun even peeked over the horizon and while the world was still in slumber, the village chief set off to rally the construction team in town.

  Unencumbered by any lingering doubts, the tea merchants held a tea-picking ceremony. Amidst the resounding crackle of firecrackers, they officially began their ascent up the mountain.

  The tea harvest buzzed with energy, with Su Ling at the center of it all, working tirelessly alongside the village chief. Each day brought a sense of fulfillment, leaving Su Ling glowing with satisfaction. And as night fell, exhaustion claimed him the moment his head touched the pillow.

  In all his twenty-five years of existence, he had never experienced such profound weariness.

  Whether it was before or after marriage, he had always led a life of leisure and ease.

  At precisely seven in the morning, the chirping of birds marked the beginning of Su Ling’s day. He would go on a half-hour jog in the neighborhood, return for a refreshing shower, and savor a breakfast prepared by his housekeeper. Once fueled up, he would then hurry off to his art studio, where his creativity took flight on canvas. On fair-weather days, he would carry his easel to the park for outdoor sketching. As the day progressed into the afternoon, he would be curled up on the living room sofa, sipping tea while scrolling through his phone. He would enjoy watching dramas, reading novels, playing games, and occasionally engaging in conversations with friends. As dusk painted the sky, Lin Feng would return home from work, and their evenings would be filled with shared meals and leisurely strolls, hand in hand, beneath the starry sky.

  After all, Su Ling’s lifelong dream was simple: the freedom to follow his heart’s desires and a life filled with love. He longed to stand hand in hand with his beloved, weathering life’s storms together and cherishing every moment until they were old and gray.

  Little did he know that such an insignificant wish would unexpectedly shatter in the third year of their marriage.

  Unbeknownst to him, cracks began to appear in his relationship with Lin Feng. After facing repeated disappointments, he was abruptly awakened to the harsh truth and temporarily chose to retreat to the countryside.


  Amidst the daily hustle and bustle, Su Ling found himself swept up in a whirlwind of tasks, leaving him utterly exhausted. Yet, amidst the chaos, there was an exhilarating joy in tackling entirely new challenges, a bliss like no other.

  As the days passed, the tea-picking team grew more adept, and by the eighth day, everything was running like clockwork. Meanwhile, the village chief and members of the village committee stepped in to oversee the operations, allowing Su Ling to bask in a sense of relief. With a light heart, he retreated to the study and diligently calculated his expenses.

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Islanor [Translator]

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