Heartfelt Sniper (PY to Official Relationship, High H)

Chapter 20

He briefly sat down, and Jian Yuan helped He Luo apply some stimulating oil and massaged her again.

This seemed to be the thing He Luo looked forward to most every day. She lay on the sofa early, lifted her skirt to reveal her slender legs. She didn’t mind at all, even when her lace panties peeked out from between her thighs, revealing the dark hair around her small opening and the full shape of her labia.

She proactively rested her legs on him, and sometimes her soles would brush against Jian Yuan’s yet unerect pen!!s between his legs. Not only did they brush, but she also teased a few times, quickly arousing a surge of blood rushing to the tip of his pen!!s.

Jian Yuan grabbed her restless foot and pressed down on the restless movement of his pen!!s between her hips. “He Luo, am I spoiling you too much?”

“Hmm?” He Luo pretended not to understand, absentmindedly biting her lip. “What’s wrong?”


“Make my c**ck hard, and I’ll spread open your little p**sy and fck you all the way in.” Jian Yuan’s gaze fell between her legs, waves of desire surging in his eyes.

He wasn’t joking.

He Luo was indeed frightened. She wanted to see him erect, to see the desire in his eyes, but she wasn’t prepared to take all of Jian Yuan’s large c**ck into her small p**sy. She was afraid of pain. If she were to be penetrated all the way…

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Fbl alxlxclale vbl rwarzl-ale tkydv pbl bye plld zypv dktbv. Rv oyp elqkdkvlzu hlau rykdqwz!

Tla pldpkvkhl r**pu valxczle clvolld bla vbktbp, yde Tl Nws sclekldvzu zlv Kkyd Zwyd xyppytl bla okvbswv xshkdt yaswde.

Tla cawkple zltp eked’v zssj ps pnyau yduxsal.

Mbkp ayal plahknl rascyczu oswzed’v cl ldfsule qsa zsdt…

Jlnywpl bkp xshlxldvp olal vss tldvzl, Tl Nws clnyxl xsal yde xsal vkale, yde lhldvwyzzu qlzz ypzllr okvbswv alyzkgkdt kv.

Kkyd Zwyd rwzzle esod vbl pjkav yaswde bla oykpv yde jkpple bla qynl. “Nws Nws, ts cynj vs uswa assx yde pzllr.”

Tl Nws xwxczle pzllrkzu kd alprsdpl, cwv eked’v xshl. Nyvla, pbl hytwlzu qlzv y vbkd czydjlv yeele vs bla cseu.

Wasx nbkzebsse vs dso, kd ydu dlo ldhkasdxldv, Tl Nws nswzed’v pzllr olzz ewl vs bla ekpnsxqsav. Fbl oyp yzps nwakswp obu pbl nswze qyzz ypzllr ps elqldplzlppzu kd Kkyd Zwyd’p bsxl.

Later, she realized it was the sense of security that Jian Yuan gave her.


He was very patient with her, very restrained, and took care of her feelings carefully. Even in situations like last night, when the atmosphere seemed uncontrollable even to He Luo, he didn’t lose control. Even after ejaculating once, his c**ck remained hard…

He Luo pulled the thin blanket over her face.

It seemed that her affection for Jian Yuan had grown a little more…

The fruit shop was quite busy at night, and Jian Yuan was afraid she would feel bored staying there, so he specially came up to accompany her during dinner.

Until half past ten, He Luo heard the sound of the door handle turning and knew Jian Yuan was back.

“Jian Yuan, I brewed some flower tea for you. Have a cup to quench your thirst.”

The lights were on in the room. He Luo came out from the porch, adding a bit of liveliness to this originally quiet home.

“No need to bother.” Jian Yuan embraced her waist, his big hand rubbing against her skin.

“My ankle is no longer swollen, and it’s not that painful. It’s not like it’s broken. Why act so fragile…” He Luo bit her lip.

Her hint was obvious, how could Jian Yuan not understand? Her words almost made his c**ck stand up.

He Luo stared at him for a moment, finally couldn’t help but joke, “Hmm, are all the delivery men at the fruit shop in such good shape?”

Jian Yuan lifted his clothes, revealing his waistline, smiling, “Do you want to touch to make sure?”


She liked this kind of straightforward person.

“…I really touched.”

In the porch, the dim light highlighted the man’s waist and abdomen, which were stronger and more explosive than she had imagined.

He Luo licked her dry lips lightly and raised her head. “Your abs are strong. I wonder how they are in bed?”

“Want to find out?”

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