He Confessed in the Backlight

Chapter 65

Jiang Hao’s tone was very calm. “Captain Li, do you really think Da En’s target is Ruan Nianchu?”

The moment the words fell, Li Teng’s pupils constricted sharply.

Suddenly, “Bang! Bang!”

Two gunshots rang out from the building opposite, tearing through the quiet of the deep night.

“…” Ruan Nianchu quickly turned her head to look outside the floor-to-ceiling window. Realizing what had happened, her mind buzzed, going completely blank.


Jiang Hao also raised his eyes to look at the opposite building. His gaze was calm as he said, “Chen Guozhi is Da En’s man planted beside Zheng Sunhe.” He paused, a cruel and contemptuous smile forming on his lips. “Isn’t it surprising? You’ve gone through so much trouble to set this up, but Da En’s target was your old comrade.”

“…Captain Yang?” Ruan Nianchu heard her own voice break and tremble. Then, the gunshots just now?

At this moment, several armed SWAT officers broke through the door, their black muzzles all aimed at Jiang Hao on the ground.

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Nk Mldt’p lulp olal czssepbsv. Mbl dlmv plnsde, bl vwadle yde awpble swv kd zyatl pvakelp. Flhlayz FEGM sqqknlap twyaekdt vbl essa olal jdsnjle ypkel cu bkp xshlxldv. Gv vbkp xsxldv, vblal oyp dsvbkdt kd bkp lulp, yde bl oyp zkjl yd ldaytle zksd sd vbl hlatl sq lmrzspksd.

Swyd Lkydnbw pdyrrle cynj vs bla pldplp kd yd kdpvydv. Rd y rydkn, pbl yzps cszvle swv yqvla bkx.

Mbl ralhkswp twdpbsvp bye yoyjldle xydu dlyacu alpkeldvp. Mbl sdnl-lxrvu pvallv iwknjzu clnyxl nasoele. Ozelazu xld yde osxld tyvblale yv vbl asyepkel vs oyvnb vbl nsxxsvksd, obkprlakdt yxsdt vblxplzhlp.

Vszknl nyap yaakhle, yde yxcwzydnlp qszzsole.

Fsxl sqqknlap pvlrrle qsaoyae vs plv wr y nsaesd, plryayvkdt vbl cwkzekdt oblal vbl pbsvp bye clld qkale qasx vbl nasoe. Kkydt Tys oyp bydenwqqle yde lpnsavle esodpvykap cu FEGM sqqknlap. G bsse oyp rzynle shla bkp blye, yde bl oyp rwpble kdvs y rszknl nya.

Swyd Lkydnbw ayd elprlayvlzu yqvla Nk Mldt, cwv pbl nswzed’v jllr wr okvb bkp prlle yde nswze sdzu oyvnb yp vbl ekpvydnl clvolld vblx talo. Fbl takvvle bla vllvb yde ayd lhld byaela.

Ebld pbl alynble vbl asyepkel, vbl xyd kd qasdv sq bla pweeldzu pvsrrle.

Swyd Lkydnbw yzps nyxl vs yd ycawrv byzv, pvwddle.

Chen Guozhi’s body was the first to be carried out. Following closely was Yang Zhengfeng, lying on a stretcher. His face was pale, eyes tightly closed, clearly showing that his vital signs were weak.


Lei Lei came out, breaking through the cordon. Her expression was heavy, and she took a deep breath, speaking in a hoarse voice, “The sniper who arrived later killed Chen Guozhi. But it was too late. Captain Yang was shot in the left chest, and his condition is critical.”

Li Teng hung his head, not making a sound from beginning to end.

Around them, the noise of the crowd’s discussions and the sound of police sirens intertwined in a chaotic mess, forming an invisible net that made it hard to breathe.

Yang Zhengfeng was lifted into the ambulance.

Li Teng leapt up, intending to follow, but a nurse coldly blocked him. “There are other injured people in the car, we can’t take that many.”

The ambulance drove away.

Li Teng closed his eyes, pressing his brow in frustration. He took a few steps in place, then suddenly slammed his fist into the nearby wall, roaring in anger, “Damn it!”

Across the street, a man in a black hoodie blended into the onlookers, then turned and quietly left.


Yang Zhengfeng was taken to the General Hospital of the Military Region for comprehensive isolated treatment. In a sterile environment, no visitors were allowed.

The next morning at dawn, after taking Ruan Nianchu home, Li Teng drove to the Yun City Public Security SWAT team.

In the interrogation room, Jiang Hao sat silently in a chair, handcuffed.


Li Teng sat opposite him, speaking coldly, “I’ll ask you again, where is Da En hiding?”

“I’ll answer you again, I don’t know.” Jiang Hao’s tone was very casual. “Li, you know more about Master Da En than I do. You should be aware that he’s very cautious in his actions. I’m just a small fry. How could I possibly know where his headquarters is?”

Li Teng tapped his index finger on the table, narrowing his eyes slightly. “How do you usually contact Cambodia?”

Jiang Hao replied, “Through an encrypted email. When there’s a mission, I receive emails in that mailbox.”

Li Teng stared at him, scrutinizing his expression. “Why do you work for Da En?”

Jiang Hao raised an eyebrow. “If seven years ago, you hadn’t taken down Tuwa’s stronghold, Lain would have continued working for Tuwa.”

“Are you a child soldier raised by Khun Sa?”

“That’s right. After the boss was captured, I’ve been following Master Da En.”

Li Teng gave a smile without warmth. “Your Master Da En has Chinese state secrets. Whether you were Cambodian or not before, your nationality is now Chinese. Not reporting this and harboring Da En is a crime against national security.”

“Li, I admit you’re smart, but Master Da En is smarter. Every move you make, he’s already anticipated— including Chen Guozhi’s death and my capture.” Jiang Hao smirked. “You think that by catching me, you can trace Da En’s headquarters? Unfortunately, Da En never told me anything. I know nothing.”

Li Teng pressed his lips tightly together, not saying a word.

“Li, can’t you see the truth? You’ve lost this game completely. You’re no match for Master Da En.” Jiang Hao leaned closer, whispering with a chuckle, “Cambodia is vast. If Da En doesn’t want to be found, you’ll never locate him. Instead of wasting time interrogating me, you’d better burn some incense and pray your old comrade survives a few more days.”


Hearing this, Li Teng’s long-suppressed anger surged. He grabbed Jiang Hao’s collar and flung him against the opposite wall.

With a heavy impact, Jiang Hao collided with the wall, knocking over a table and chair. He hit the wall with a “bang,” feeling as if his bones were about to shatter. He groaned in pain, falling to the ground.

At that moment, people outside heard the commotion and pushed the door open.

Lei Lei glanced at the convulsing Jiang Hao on the floor, frowned, and walked a few steps closer to Li Teng. “Interrogation is our specialty, Captain Li. You should leave it to us.”

Li Teng gritted his teeth, turned around, and walked out.

As he left the SWAT team building, the sky outside suddenly darkened, showing signs of an impending heavy rain. He walked to the roadside, took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one, and stood by the curb smoking. The bluish-white smoke curled away, blurring the world before his eyes, distorting the scenery, making everything seem unreal.

He finished one cigarette, then another. In a few minutes, several cigarette butts lay on the ground.

Rain soon began to fall.

In the rain, people hurried along the road. Li Teng stood still, noticing a figure in a black hoodie at the street corner, who had appeared without him realizing it and had been watching him for some time.

Li Teng remained calm, extinguished his cigarette, and left.

The man in the black hoodie watched as the jeep drove away.

A few minutes later, the man in the black hoodie took out his phone and dialed an overseas number. After a few rings, the call connected. He spoke in Khmer, “Boss, your plan was very successful. Jiang Hao was captured, Chen Guozhi is dead. Yang Zhengfeng was shot in the chest and is still in critical condition. It looks like he won’t last long.”


The person on the other end asked, “How is Li?”

“He’s very guilty about Yang Zhengfeng.”

“Chinese people are very emotional. If they cause their comrades’ deaths due to a misjudgment, of course they feel guilty. The more guilty he is, the more he hates me, and the more he suffers.” Da En laughed contentedly. “But seven years ago, Yang Zhengfeng was involved in framing my father. This time, even if he dies, it’s deserved.”

The man in the black hoodie asked, “What’s next?”

“The Chinese should be taking action soon.” Da En closed his eyes, lightly tapping his brow with his fingers. “Keep watching the hospital. Inform me as soon as Yang Zhengfeng dies. Also, find an opportunity to eliminate Jiang Hao.”

“Yes.” The call ended.

Somewhere in the Cambodian jungle.

“Why kill your own men?” Washa frowned deeply. “I thought you sent someone to China to find a way to save that child.”

Da En’s expression was cold. “Being captured means he’s useless.”

Washa’s eyes flickered with shock, her voice deepening. “So anyone who can’t help you anymore has only one outcome—death?”

Da En looked at her, indifferent. “Yes.”

“…Does life mean nothing to you?” Vasha’s heart sank. “Do you have any feelings at all?”

Da En gently caressed her cheek, smiling faintly. “Since the day I lost my father, my life has been filled with nothing but hatred.”

Washa felt a sense of helplessness. “So you’re determined to hurt the people around Li, making him feel the same hatred and pain as you.”

“Your Chinese is quite good; you should know the saying, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,'” Da En’s voice was soft. “I’m just letting Li taste the feeling of being fooled. He could defeat my father, but he can’t defeat me.”

“What good does it do you to defeat him?” She gave a bitter smile. “Whether that air force officer lives or dies, the Chinese won’t let you go. What are you planning next?”

Da En said, “Killing Yang Zhengfeng is my first gift to the Chinese. I’ll soon send them a second one.”

“…?” Washa didn’t understand.

Da En smiled and enunciated each word clearly, “The entire ‘Falcon’ unit will be buried with my father.”

Outside, a few meters away, Duan Kun was sitting on a tall haystack, holding a fresh stalk of rice. Under the sunlight, it glowed golden.

He picked it up and played with it, chuckling to himself, “How did you get blown here? This isn’t where you belong.”

Just then, the wind picked up.

Duan Kun released the stalk, letting it drift away on the breeze.


Three days later, life temporarily returned to a semblance of normalcy.

Ruan Nianchu took Li Xiaojiu to the pet hospital. After surgery, the doctor indeed retrieved a listening device from the cat’s stomach. She handed the device over to Lei Lei, and the police technical department’s analysis revealed that it had a built-in self-destruct mechanism and became inoperative once removed from a living body.

Apart from this, there were no other discoveries.

Ruan Nianchu continued her routine of working nine to five, practicing her vocal skills, and preparing programs. When she got home, she played with the poor little chubby cat.

Life seemed much the same as before.

The only change was that Li Teng was getting busier and busier, running between the hospital, the SWAT team, and the central military district. Every day he left before dawn and didn’t return until late at night.

As a result, Ruan Nianchu had very few opportunities to talk to him.

She had no complaints about this, only felt heartache. This man’s character was such that he would suffer in silence, and since Yang’s incident, he had become increasingly silent and withdrawn. Though he said nothing, she knew he blamed himself for everything.

He was in a lot of pain.

Busy work was necessary, but it also served as a way to numb himself.

That day, Ruan Nianchu finished work early. Passing by a supermarket, she bought a fish and some beef and went home to try her hand at cooking using online recipes.

Before long, several simple dishes were placed on the dining table. She tasted them. Though not particularly good, they were edible, so she felt reassured. Wearing an apron and resting her chin in her hands, she sat waiting for Li Teng.

Li Teng came back at eight in the evening.

The moment he entered, he smelled the aroma of food. Changing his shoes, he walked into the dining room, glanced at the table, and casually asked, “Ordered takeout?”

“It’s not takeout,” Ruan Nianchu shook her head earnestly. “I made it myself.”

Li Teng raised an eyebrow slightly. “You can cook?”

“I learned from recipes.” She smiled softly, standing up and pushing him towards the bathroom. “Go wash your hands quickly and try my cooking.”

Li Teng smiled faintly, washed his hands, and sat back at the dining table, picking up chopsticks to try the dishes.

To be honest, Ruan Nianchu’s cooking was very mediocre. The food was far from delicious, just barely edible. But since she made it, he liked it.

Ruan Nianchu’s eyes sparkled. “How is it?”

Li Teng said, “It’s delicious.”

“You’re just trying to make me happy. I’ve tasted it; it’s not that great.” Despite her words, a sweet smile bloomed on her face as she helped him with fish and beef. “If you like it, eat more.”

Li Teng continued to eat quietly.

The book said that watching someone you like eat is also a form of happiness. Ruan Nianchu watched him silently for a while, then asked softly, “How is Captain Yang doing?”

“…” Li Teng’s chopsticks paused abruptly, his brows furrowing slightly, but he didn’t say anything.

She observed his expression and understood. “Not too well?”

After a moment, Li Teng resumed eating, his head lowered. His voice was very quiet. “Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing serious.”

“This is something I should be saying to you.” Ruan Nianchu’s eyes grew misty as she spoke gently. “Li Teng, don’t worry too much or burden yourself with guilt. None of us knew that Chen Guozhi was working for Da En. What happened to Captain Yang was an accident. No one could have predicted it, and it’s not your fault.”

Li Teng’s grip on the bowl tightened, his tone indifferent. “Let’s not talk about this.”

“But we need to talk about it. I have to say these things.” Ruan Nianchu took a deep breath, exhaling shakily as she continued with a choked voice, “I know you’re hurting. These past few days, you’ve been avoiding me and not talking to me because you don’t want to pass on your negative emotions and make me sad too, right?”

Li Teng looked at her but didn’t respond.

Ruan Nianchu was never good at comforting people. Since she didn’t feel the pain herself, she couldn’t truly empathize. She couldn’t offer profound wisdom or provide any substantial help, but she tried to console him and share his burden.

“Since the incident with Captain Yang, you’ve blamed yourself for not realizing that Chen Guozhi was a traitor, for not protecting Captain Yang. You feel guilty, you’re in pain, and you probably wish you had taken that bullet instead. You don’t say it, but I understand.” She walked over, gently embracing him and resting her cheek against his forehead. Softly, she said, “No one blames you.”

The one truly at fault who should be punished is Da En.

This world can be overly harsh, allowing ordinary people to make a hundred mistakes but not permitting a hero to make even one. Like Olympic champions who are expected to win gold as a matter of course and are harshly criticized for any slip-up, forgetting that heroes are just ordinary people too.

“You are already very, very good,” Ruan Nianchu said. “Really.”

In this position, her chest was just above his cheek. Li Teng remained silent for a few seconds, then hugged her tightly, his arms so strong it seemed he wanted to fuse her into his own body.

He hoarsely said, “Thank you.”


With a “ding,” a new message arrived on Li Teng’s phone on the table.

Sender: Yang Zhengfeng.

Content: Everything is going smoothly.

Sansukini: 9 chapters left. I’m not sure what to translate next. I have 2 novels that I was planning to translate, but they were a little melancholy. I was thinking of something comedic, but I can’t seem to find any that I like.

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