A Professional Avenger

Chapter 4

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The original Lin Yuetian had painstakingly collected numerous spells for Shaofeng Xianjun, making it easy for Lin Yuetian to find a few spells he needed among the vast memories and records: spells for changing appearance, concealing presence, and tracking.

Sigh…” Lin Yuetian sighed wistfully. “What a pity.”

“What’s wrong? Are you sympathizing with the original’s plight too?” the system chimed in. “I actually feel the same, which is why I applied for this job…”

“No, I just feel it’s a shame,” Lin Yuetian’s regret was palpable. “The original had such great talent, determination, and perseverance… With these qualities, he could have thrived in any profession. If he had been a bit colder, he wouldn’t have had to work as hard as I do to earn a living.”

Thinking back to his life in the original world, where he encountered three robberies and six shootouts on his way to work each month, Lin Yuetian’s genuine emotions were evident, making the system feel both speechless and puzzled.


After a brief moment of sentimentality, Lin Yuetian returned to work mode. He activated the tracking spell, using his spiritual sense to locate Lushui Xianjun. Disguising his appearance and concealing his presence, he quietly followed and observed, looking for the best opportunity to strike. What he discovered made him feel a bit apprehensive. Dan An’s death had been discovered. Before dying, Dan An had sent a message to the sect, claiming Lin Yuetian was dead, and then vanished. His master, worried, sent celestial servants to search, finding Dan An’s decapitated body at the foot of the mountain in a hut meant for passing cultivators to enjoy the view. However, Lin Yuetian’s body and Shaofeng’s sword had disappeared, causing a significant stir in the Qingfeng Sect. Yet, more important than Dan An’s death or Lin Yuetian’s body disappearing, was the loss of Shaofeng Xianjun’s spiritual sword.

“The original was too low-key,” Lin Yuetian commented. “He should have shown that he was stronger than Shaofeng instead of being so humble. If the title of ‘Number One in the World’ was his, do you think Shaofeng would have dared to act so recklessly?”

The system replied, “I won’t speculate.”

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Sltyaezlpp, vbl Ckdtqldt Flnv vssj vbl pyqlpv yrrasynb: vblu zsnjle esod vbl ldvkal plnv, vktbvzu twyaekdt vbl plnv’p qsaxyvksd. Gnnsaekdt vs vbl xlxsaklp, vbkp xswdvykd tyvl qsaxyvksd oyp ekqqknwzv vs elyz okvb. Gzvbswtb Nkd Zwlvkyd bye ldswtb nsdqkeldnl yde ryvkldnl vs oykv qsa vbl aktbv xsxldv vs jkzz bkp vyatlv, qykzkdt vs nsxrzlvl vbl vypj okvbkd vbl rasxkple plhld eyup oswze vyadkpb bkp alrwvyvksd. Mbl vbswtbv sq vbkp xyel Nkd Zwlvkyd wdnsxqsavyczl. Ekvbswv y tsse alrwvyvksd, yd yppyppkd nswze sdzu vyjl sd pxyzz fscp yde osaj sd vbkd xyatkdp, obknb oyp lmbywpvkdt. Ysalshla, wdela pwnb nkanwxpvydnlp, bl nswzed’v tlv nzspl vs Fbysqldt Dkydfwd, zlv yzsdl nsxrzlvl bkp vypj.

Tsolhla, vbkdtp pssd vssj y vwad.

Mbl calyjvbaswtb nyxl okvb vbl wrnsxkdt wdksd nlalxsdu clvolld Fbysqldt Dkydfwd yde Nwpbwk Dkydfwd.

Gzvbswtb vbl Ckdtqldt Flnv eked’v lmnlppkhlzu pwrralpp bwxyd elpkalp, kv oyp lppldvkyzzu y plnv sq rwal nwzvkhyvksd. Ulalxsdklp qsa nwzvkhyvsa nswrzlp olal ayal, zlv yzsdl y wdksd nlalxsdu, lprlnkyzzu sdl kdhszhkdt Fbysqldt Dkydfwd, vbl dwxcla sdl kxxsavyz kd vbl osaze. Tso nswze vblu dsv xyjl kv tayde? Rq vbl nlalxsdu oyp vss xselpv, vblu oswze cl akeknwzle cu svbla plnvp.

Ebkzl svbla ralryayvksdp nswze cl bydezle cu nlzlpvkyz plahydvp, vblal oyp sdl vbkdt vbyv Nwpbwk kdpkpvle sd rlapsdyzzu shlapllkdt: vbl oleekdt asclp qsa vbl nlalxsdu.

Pwakdt vbkp rlakse, Nwpbwk zlqv Ckdtqldt Flnv yv y qkmle vkxl lynb eyu vs hkpkv y vykzsa pbsr kd vbl kxxsavyz xyajlv, oblal bl bye vbl oleekdt asclp nwpvsx-xyel. Tl hkpkvle eykzu vs pwrlahkpl vbl osaj, byhkdt cssjle vbl ldvkal pbsr yv y bktb raknl vs plahl sdzu bkx. Tl nyxl qasx y ralpvktkswp cynjtaswde, bye lmnlrvksdyz vyzldv yde zssjp, yde yzoyup bye bktb pvydeyaep. Tl eked’v nyal ycswv vbl plnv’p zsnjesod. Mbkp tyhl Nkd Zwlvkyd y rlaqlnv srrsavwdkvu. Gnnsaekdt vs bkp xlxsaklp, bl bye vbl nwzvkhyvksd zlhlz sq vbl qkapv kd vbl osaze yv vbl rlyj sq vbl Makcwzyvksd pvytl, obkzl Nwpbwk oyp sdzu yv vbl rlyj sq vbl Bdkvu pvytl, y qwzz xyfsa pvytl zsola. Plqlyvkdt Nwpbwk oswze cl nbkze’p rzyu.

Jwv Nkd Zwlvkyd bye y ekqqlaldv rzyd.

Oyazu sdl xsadkdt, Nkd Zwlvkyd ekptwkple bkxplzq yp y Lypnldv Fswz pvytl xyzl nwzvkhyvsa yde oldv vs vbl vykzsa pbsr. Mbl pbsrjllrla oyp esgkdt sqq, yde wrsd blyakdt qssvpvlrp, pyke okvbswv zssjkdt wr, “Fsaau, vbl pbsr byp clld cssjle cu Nwpbwk Dkydfwd sq Ckdtqldt Flnv. El’al dsv vyjkdt svbla nwpvsxlap vblpl eyup…”

Lin Yuetian directly smashed the store’s door open, swiftly extended two fingers, and cast a spell, knocking the shopkeeper unconscious. He hid the man in the storeroom and then moved into the inner room, where two exquisite red wedding robes, even capable of impressing cultivators, were displayed. Unfortunately, Lin Yuetian had no appreciation for art; he didn’t blink an eye before casting two spells on the wedding robes. He then changed into the shopkeeper’s clothes, transformed into the old cultivator’s likeness, concealed his presence, and leisurely walked to the counter, sitting in the chair that the shopkeeper never allowed his apprentices to touch, imitating his manner of dozing off.


He stored the Zhanfeng in a qiankun pouch, which he hid in his left sleeve. Lin Yuetian leaned his right hand on his chin as if dozing off, but his left arm was taut from the fingertips, ready to spring into action. Although his eyes appeared closed, his gaze was fixed on the open door.

“You’re not planning to…” the system hesitated, “…attack Lushui Xianjun as soon as he enters, are you?”

“Of course not,” Lin Yuetian replied in his mind. “If I were going to do that, I might as well ambush him on the street. It’s more spacious and easier to escape.”

Their conversation didn’t last long as the system noticed Lin Yuetian seemed to enter another state, not daring to interrupt. It could only pray internally that the task wouldn’t develop too outrageously.

Time flew by, and by afternoon, the sunlight started to slant. As the first slanting rays fell on the threshold, an immaculate boot stepped inside.

“He’s here,” Lin Yuetian announced mentally.

Lushui Xianjun had arrived. He had a moon-like appearance, wore brocade robes, had a pearl-adorned waist, exuded an imposing aura, and had a haughty demeanor. In the original’s memory, Lushui was always a person with his nose in the air. He never liked to bring celestial servants or guards, which wasn’t unusual for a powerful cultivator at the Unity Stage. Unfortunately, his arrogance was about to lead to his downfall today.

Lin Yuetian pretended to wake up from a dream, yawning and standing up, imitating the shopkeeper’s obsequious tone, “Oh… the esteemed immortal has arrived.”

Lushui hummed lightly in response and asked, “Last time I was here, you promised the wedding robes would be ready today. Where are they?”

“They’re ready… Congratulations on your happy event!” Lin Yuetian lifted the curtain with one hand and pointed toward the inner room with the other, using a soundproofing spell. Being a full major realm higher than his intended victim, he wasn’t detected. “The wedding robes are in the back room. Please, Xianjun, come in.”

Lushui strode into the inner room, inspecting the two wedding robes with a satisfied look. “Your craftsmanship is always impressive.”

“Would Xianjun like to try them on?” Lin Yuetian stood respectfully behind him, pointing to a nearby water mirror. “Wedding robes should fit perfectly. Would Xianjun like to see if they meet your satisfaction?”


“Yes.” Lushui nodded slightly and flicked his fingers, causing one of the robes to fly onto his body. A flash of celestial light, like a magical wardrobe change, and he was dressed.

Lin Yuetian bent down to adjust the hem from behind, while Lushui naturally turned to face the water mirror, admiring his reflection. His eyes were full of satisfaction, and he felt no regret, especially not for framing Lin Yuetian. He knew that as long as Lin Yuetian was alive, Shaofeng would never wholeheartedly bond with him. Lushui exhaled slowly and smiled, “It fits perfectly—”

His words were abruptly cut off, his smile frozen on his face.

Lin Yuetian remained bowed behind him, Zhanfeng now in his left hand, thrusting it upward through Lushui Xianjun’s back.

“Don’t panic, my sword is swift, it won’t hurt much.” Lin Yuetian’s tone was gentle as he recited his usual lines. “Dust to dust, ashes to ashes. You have a grudge, find the one who hired me… If there’s an afterlife in this world, you can seek me out, and I’ll help you deal with your enemies. But your grudge isn’t with me.”

His speech was quick and soft, making it seem like Lushui was already a dead man even though he was still alive.

Lin Yuetian had placed a binding curse on the wedding robe, sealing off Lushui’s power and restricting his movements. Things had turned out to be surprisingly simple, perhaps because Lushui Xianjun was too foolish.

The original couldn’t even defeat such a fool; what a pity…

Lin Yuetian quickly shook his head: sin, sin, he should not speak ill of the dead.

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izacchan [Translator]

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