Quitting My Studies, ‘coz I Want to Date!

Chapter 67: Short Chapter

With a plaster cast on her right hand, Yao Yi couldn’t wear any tight clothes. However, she managed to put on two loose sweaters, with her winter school uniform on top.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, there was a trace of softness in Fu Chuan’s eyes. He turned his head to look, but his eyes froze when they saw Yao Yi’s upper body.

Yao Yi stiffly walked in front of Fu Chuan: “Morning, good morning.”

Fu Chuan connected Yao Yi’s strange behavior from two days ago in his mind, and instantly understood.

His heart was in pain, his pretty eyes became deep almost immediately. Fu Chuan’s lips moved, and he wanted to ask her, why didn’t she know how to take care of herself? Why did her arm get injured when all she did was go and take exams? But finally in the end, he only stared at the pale Yao Yi.


Yao Yi felt guilty and wanted to run away. One foot was quietly grinding against the ground. She couldn’t see Fu Chuan’s face very clearly, but she could also feel the gloom emanating from him.

“The doctor said it will heal after some time.” Yao Yi repeated the same words.

Fu Chuan’s jaw was tense, his brows and eyes were indifferent: “It will heal, so you don’t care at all?”

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“Ls.” Zys Zk zsolale bla blye, qllzkdt y zkvvzl yttaklhle kd bla blyav. Ww Ubwyd oyp vss qklanl vseyu, kv’p dsv zkjl pbl oydvle vs tlv bwav.

Ww Ubwyd’p Geyx’p yrrzl vokvnble, yde yzz bkp lxsvksdp vwadle kdvs y pktb: “Nlv’p ts vs pnbssz.”

Tlyakdt vbkp, Zys Zk kxxlekyvlzu aykple bla blye yde clnyxl yzkhl ytykd. Fbl bwaaklezu qszzsole Ww Ubwyd yde pyv kd vbl cynj plyv.

Mbl olyvbla oyp qkdl, okvb ds okde, yde vbld vbl pwd lhld nyxl swv. Ww Ubwyd pvkzz vwadle yaswde yde vssj sqq bkp pnyaq, nyalqwzzu oayrrkdt kv yaswde Zys Zk’p dlnj.

Zys Zk aykple bla blye kd y eygl yde zlv Ww Ubwyd oayr kv yaswde bla dlnj: “Esd’v usw cl nsze kq usw tkhl kv vs xl?” Fbl qsatsv vs olya bla pnyaq obld pbl oldv swv kd y bwaau.

Ww Ubwyd ktdsale Zys Zk, vwadle yaswde yde rleyzle bla ekalnvzu vs vbl pnbssz cu ckjl.

Tyd Kkysfkys yde Nk Ql, obs olal yv pnbssz, bye yzalyeu alnlkhle dlop vbyv Zys Zk oyp kdfwale. Hbys Ckyd lhld caswtbv y nsdvykdla sq bsv rkt’p qllv yde psuclyd pswr kd yd kdpwzyvle csm lyazu kd vbl xsadkdt.

Ww Ubwyd nyaakle bkp sod pnbssz cyt sd sdl pbswzela yde Zys Zk’p pnbssz cyt kd bkp byde, obkzl vbl sodla sq vbl pnbssz cyt qszzsole bkx elflnvlezu.

Yao Yi tried to talk to Fu Chuan along the way, but he ignored her.


The two walked into the classroom together, and everyone in the class suddenly fell silent.

“They look like a couple.” Li Ge leaned on Han Jiaojiao’s seat and looked at the two people that entered the classroom.

The boy was handsome and the girl… was also considered beautiful, although the arm that was covered with plaster was very conspicuous.

Although the people in the class had the same thoughts as Li Ge for a moment, they were quickly attracted to Yao Yi. The class president stood up and asked in surprise, “Yao Yi, didn’t you go to the winter camp to compete? What happened to your arm?”

Yao Yi carefully glanced at Fu Chuan, but her words were distracted: “I accidentally broke it.”

The corner of the class president’s mouth twitched: “Broken?” She said it as if breaking a hand was a very common thing.

Surrounded by a group of classmates, Yao Yi couldn’t see Fu Chuan’s increasingly gloomy face. 

What he heard from Yao Yi’s words was that she didn’t even care about her own body.

After finally returning to her seat, Yao Yi still hadn’t found an opportunity to show her affection to Fu Chuan. Zhao Qian turned around with the insulated box in his hand: “Yao Yi, this is the pig’s feet and soybean soup I’ve been cooking since last night, for you to supplement.”

“You can make soup?” Han Jiaojiao squinted.

“Of course, as a gourmet, it is necessary to know how to make one or two special dishes.” Zhao Qian said proudly.

Li Ge was amused: “Zhao Qian, you are a snack gourmet, the school canteen must need you.”


The three of them chatted and laughed, they wanted to watch Yao Yi drink the soup.

“It’s too oily to drink this early in the morning.” Yao Yi didn’t open it, and she didn’t want to drink it after hearing the name.

“Have some belief in my cooking skills, the soup is not oily at all. I got up several times throughout the night to remove the oil slick.” Zhao Qian was full of confidence.

In the end, Yao Yi could only open it. Amidst the drowsy sound of reading, the aroma of this box of soup made everyone in the class turn their heads and look again and again.

“F*ck, it’s so fragrant!” Li Ge smelled the aroma, and his saliva was about to flow out. He immediately withdrew from his seat, away from Yao Yi.

“Try it quickly, this is what I learned from my dad.” Zhao Qian said proudly, “My dad only makes it for my mom, and now that you are in such a miserable situation, Yao Yi, this is the most I can do as a friend.”

Han Jiaojiao rolled her eyes and hit Zhao Qian’s waist with her elbow.

“What’s the matter?” Zhao Qian felt a murderous look for no reason, he didn’t dare to say anything, so he turned back and asked in a low voice.

“Shut your mouth.” Han Jiaojiao vaguely gritted her teeth.

Yao Yi took two sips and looked at Fu Chuan: “Do you want to have a taste?”

She tried to curry favor with Fu Chuan in this crappy way.

This time Fu Chuan replied to her and said one word: “No.”


“Oh.” Yao Yi responded aggrievedly, thinking that Fu Chuan disliked that she already drank it.

All the teachers took turns taking care of Yao Yi all morning, while Fu Chuan sat in his seat with a cold face. When school was over, he didn’t speak, just silently picked up Yao Yi’s school bag and walked out.

“Fu Chuan, I’m sorry.” Yao Yi slowly followed Fu Chuan who was not walking fast, and grabbed onto his sleeve.

A trace of tolerance flashed between Fu Chuan’s brows: “Why are you saying sorry to me?”

Yao Yi didn’t understand the meaning of his words, and really began to think hard about what she was sorry for Fu Chuan.

“The person you should apologize to is yourself.” Although Fu Chuan looked angry, he still let Yao Yi pull on his sleeves. He even turned his body sideways vaguely, blocking the wind blowing from the side.

In fact, Yao Yi’s arm has always been in pain like a needle was stuck in it, which was uncomfortable at first. Hearing Fu Chuan’s heavy tone, her nose became inexplicably sour. Yao Yi sniffed, and the corners of her mouth pulled down evidently.

Fu Chuan, who had been watching her the entire time, couldn’t help but pause. The gloom in his heart dissipated instantly, leaving only panic: “Sorry, you…”

Yao Yi looked up at Fu Chuan: “My hand hurts.”

Fu Chuan, who had barely maintained his composure, suddenly showed an anxious expression: “Where does it hurt, I’ll take you to the hospital.”

Fu Chuan had already sent a text message to Uncle Li in the morning, asking him to drive to pick them up at noon. It was colder now, and Yao Yi was injured, so it was really too worrying to let her sit on the bicycle again.

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