My Rival Film Empress, Is Actually My Online Girlfriend!

Chapter 72 part 2

As long as she refuses to admit it, everything will be fine!

Thinking of this, Yan Shiqing’s eyes brightened again. She sobbed softly and whispered to her, “My little toy is red. I like red…”

Isn’t that a bit too deliberate?

Shen Qiaoyu almost burst out laughing. She then kissed her lips again, their heated breaths mingling. She kissed her tearful eyes and coaxed her, “Got it~”

“But that little toy of yours really looks like the one I bought…” She teased her again.


Yan Shiqing’s heart skipped a beat. Helpless, she could only wrap her arms around her neck and kiss her proactively, trying to divert her attention, saying, “All the toys look the same nowadays…”

Shen Qiaoyu chuckled and couldn’t help but return the kiss. They sucked on each other’s lips, creating a series of intimate sucking sounds. She whispered, “Being alone like this must be so lonely. Let me accompany you. Let me be your toy, okay~?”

Her voice was husky, making Yan Shiqing’s ears tingle and her cheeks flush. That feeling that had subsided seemed to rise again. She extended her tongue to lick her lips and softly whimpered, “Mm~ Stay with me…”

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Fbld Ckysuw’p lulp eyajldle kdpvydvzu. Fbl kxxlekyvlzu lmvldele bla vsdtwl, vswnbkdt Zyd Fbkikdt’p.

Zyd Fbkikdt alvaynvle bla vsdtwl pbuzu, zkjl yd lxcyaaypple tkaz. Tla vlya-qkzzle lulp pllxle vs byhl bssjp, xyjkdt Fbld Ckysuw’p blyav aynl. Fbl ryppksdyvlzu jkpple bla, raukdt srld bla vllvb yde qlahldvzu kdvlavokdkdt vblka vsdtwlp.

Zyd Fbkikdt vkzvle bla blye cynj pzktbvzu, bla bydep vktbvzu oayrrle yaswde Fbld Ckysuw’p dlnj yp vblu jkpple ryppksdyvlzu.

Rv oyp yp kq pbl oydvle vs alzlypl yzz vbl qlya pbl bye qlzv lyazkla. Mbyv qlya pllxle vs vaydpqsax kdvs y vaydpryaldv pvalyx, dso qzsokdt tldvzu vbaswtb bla blyav, xyjkdt bla cseu alzym. Gnnsxrydkle cu vbl hkcayvksdp qasx bla rppu, kv oypd’v zsdt clqsal pbl oyp pyjkdt o*v ytykd.

Mbld Fbld Ckysuw pweeldzu rwzzle esod vbl qycakn swvpkel bla rppu, tayccle vbl hcayvsa, yde cltyd vs qsanlqwzzu vbawpv kv qsaoyae, yp kq pbl oydvle vs elpvasu kv.

Zyd Fbkikdt vldple wr ytykd, yqayke vbyv pbl oswze nyalqwzzu lmyxkdl vbl vsu yde ekpnshla pbl oyp zukdt, wdnshlakdt vbl vawvb.

Fs, valxczkdt okvb qlya, pbl typrle qsa calyvb yde vakle vs pdyvnb kv yoyu.

Jwv pbl oyp jkpple kdvs y eygl, vblka vsdtwlp kdvlavokdkdt. Fbl jlrv pwnjkdt sd bla zkrp, nywpkdt bla calyvb vs clnsxl xsal yde xsal ayrke, yzxspv pwqqsnyvkdt bla.

Amidst the suffocation, her whole body tensed up from the fear she felt.


Due to her tension, Shen Qiaoyu leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Relax, don’t be afraid. I’ll be mindful…”

Yan Shiqing’s eyes instantly grew warm. She was so gentle, yet her grip was the exact opposite, and she couldn’t compete with her, being kissed again.

The intense pleasure from Shen Qiaoyu’s sensual maneuver left Yan Shiqing clutching the bedspread tightly, in pleasure, trembling all over with her pssy continuously oozing with wtness.

She could only release in climax, repeatedly calling out Shen Qiaoyu’s name in her mind, their lips and tongues entwined, kissing passionately.

Just one kiss couldn’t alleviate her feelings for Shen Qiaoyu, she found it increasingly tedious and wanted to be close to her.

So, enduring the pleasure coursing throughout her body, she lifted her legs and hooked them around her waist, gently rubbing against her sides.

At that moment, Shen Qiaoyu seemed to instantly understand her intention and removed the v*brator.

Yan Shiqing quickly snatched it from her hand and hid it in a corner, feeling completely at ease.

But the moment she relaxed, Shen Qiaoyu suddenly held her tightly around her waist and back, pressing their bodies together, aligning their pssy. She began to move, rubbing against her pssy.

Yan Shiqing feels as if bolts of pleasure were striking her, causing her to mo*n incessantly.

Their p*ssy were like their lips, constantly kissing, rubbing back and forth, with their little tongues grinding continuously, creating waves of tingling sensations.

Yan Shiqing kissed her, tears falling from the corners of her eyes. She knew that she had to cherish every moment of intimacy with her, as it could very well be the last.


Unable to help herself, she moved her body, rubbing against Shen Qiaoyu’s p*ssy.

In the end, they lost count of how many times they c*m together.

That night was probably her most thrilling moment, but after the thrill, there was endless sweetness.

She continuously expressed her affection, holding her tightly, their tongues entwining, lips sucking each other.

Their pssy, rubbing against each other, felt like they were being doused with pleasure, droplets of cm falling continuously, mixing together and dripping down.

Eventually, Yan Shiqing was so exhausted she nearly fell asleep, while Shen Qiaoyu kissed her cheek.

She thought she could finally sleep.

But in the next second, Shen Qiaoyu’s hot breath slowly slid down, stopping at her p*ssy.

She instantly woke up, clamping her legs together, but Yan Shiqing were quickly grabbed by Shen Qiaoyu.

Shen Qiaoyu, as if drunk, suddenly kissed her p*ssy.

Yan Shiqing: “!!!”

No, this can’t happen!


She shook her legs but couldn’t break free.

In the end, she couldn’t help but push her p*ssy into Shen Qiaoyu’s mouth, seeking for more pleasure, her face turning bright red.

Even though Shen Qiaoyu was only kissing, her p*ssy was already glistening with silver threads.

But Shen Qiaoyu extended her tongue, gently licking them away.

Shen Qiaoyu’s hot, wet, soft tongue licked her p*ssy, gently wiping away the moisture. The moment her tongue touched the tender lips, it was as if her very soul froze.

Yan Shiqing trembled all over. She never imagined that Shen Qiaoyu would truly treat her this way, as if all her virtual dreams had turned into reality.

She felt shy, nervous, yet uneasy.

Her heart pounded wildly, her brain frantically secreting dopamine, causing transparent liquid to unconsciously flow from her p*ssy.

Once upon a time, she had countless dreams of being intimate with her, only to wake up every morning feeling endlessly desolate.

She knew the pain and repression of liking someone but only being able to watch from afar.

If she spoke to her, she could be happy for the entire day.

And now, as these dreams turned into reality, as she kissed her there without any reservation, she was overwhelmed with a strong sense of joy.


But her mind was in chaos, filled with contradictions.

After all, Shen Qiaoyu had never treated Qingning like this…

She felt a mix of anger and delight.

Did this mean she liked her more?

But she didn’t want to break up with Qingning…

Just as she was feeling down again, Shen Qiaoyu, with eyes full of intoxication, stared fixedly at her lips.

It was very dark around, with only the faint glimmer of silver droplets visible in the moonlight, accompanied by a faint fragrance.

The bed sheet below was already a large dark patch. As if possessed, she moved closer and gently ran her finger in her pssy, drawing out silvery threads. Shen Qiaoyu teased with a smile, “Is it that good? Hmm? You cm so much because of it~”

Yan Shiqing instantly felt the sensation of her fingers brushing past, trembling uncontrollably, and felt a bit aggrieved.

It was clearly because of her, because she kept rubbing against their pssy together, that she cm so much.

Every time she touched her, she couldn’t control her heart, let alone when they were tightly embracing each other, frantically rubbing their p*ssy.

It was a scene she had fantasized about countless times, yet it felt more real than her fantasies. The bolts of pleasure surged through the wound, making her body numb and causing her to throw up violently, all over him.

It wasn’t just her; Shen Qiaoyu too had c*m all over her.

Thinking back now, Yan Shiqing felt that numbing sensation at her p*ssy again.

It turned out that Shen Qiaoyu’s fingers were constantly caressing her pssy, lifting transparent liquid, like a doctor exploring the mysteries of her pssy, gently stroking it but never going further.

Yan Shiqing blushed, her legs trembling, not knowing what Shen Qiaoyu was doing at all.

The scorching breath lingered on her p*ssy, neither approaching nor leaving, lightly brushing over like a feather, making her extremely uncomfortable.

She shifted uneasily, and in the next second, medicated oil was applied to her hip and gently massaged in.

Yan Shiqing couldn’t help but recall the first time she tricked Shen Qiaoyu into applying the medicated oil. She was extremely reluctant, and she, at the moment when the oil was rubbed onto her leg and seeped into her muscles, let out a little sigh because it was the first time Shen Qiaoyu had been so close to her, close enough to make her heart pound like a drum.

The dreams of the past had come true through deception, and even though she knew the lie would eventually be exposed, she still found it sweet.

But now, the medicated oil was spread all over her body, and it was Shen Qiaoyu who did it voluntarily.

Thinking of this, her heart felt as though it was smeared with honey. Unconsciously, she lifted her head high, her hands tightly clutching the bedding.

At that moment, she heard Shen Qiaoyu suddenly say, “It’s very sweet, and the juice inside is even sweeter.”

Yan Shiqing: “!!!”

What had she just done? How could she have said it was sweet?

Could it be that she had just licked her hand?

She must be crazy!

Yan Shiqing’s cheeks turned crimson in an instant, and she wanted to kick her, but her legs were restrained.

Sensing her agitation, Shen Qiaoyu chuckled, “What are you thinking? I wasn’t talking about you…”

If not her, then who?

Yan Shiqing became even angrier.

But thinking about her remark on sweetness and feeling her scorching breath, even though her p*ssy had already turned red from the rubbing, she still felt a twinge of itchiness, like an insatiable beast, mouth open, drooling, tantalizing her in the middle of the night.

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