My Rival Film Empress, Is Actually My Online Girlfriend!

Chapter 72 part 1

“No, it’s nothing…”

Yan Shiqing was wearing a black spaghetti strap dress, and at this moment, the thin straps had slipped down her shoulders, revealing a patch of fair skin.

She quickly brushed off Shen Qiaoyu’s hand and covered herself with the blanket. Sure enough, pressing down, she could clearly feel the presence of the v*brator.

Afraid that Shen Qiaoyu had already noticed, she hastily snapped, “Why does it matter to you? Go away! Don’t touch me!”

Her whole body was tinged with a faint pink, like a budding pink rose exuding a light fragrance. Her peach blossom eyes were filled with tears, and when she glared at her, it was clearly an invitation.


Shen Qiaoyu’s eyes, full of drunkenness, darkened. Her lips were still kissing the corner of Yan Shiqing’s mouth. When Yan Shiqing turned her head to avoid her, Shen Qiaoyu followed and kissed her lips again, whispering, “Wearing so little, isn’t it on purpose, sis…”

“And besides, I did feel it—something~”

“What is it? Are you hiding it?”

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Gp Fbld Ckysuw ypjle, pbl zktbvzu pwnjle sd Zyd Fbkikdt’p zkrp, xyjkdt yxcktwswp pwnjkdt pswdep.

Zyd Fbkikdt’p qynl vwadle nakxpsd qasx vbl vlypkdt, cwv pbl yzps qlzv alzklhle, vbkdjkdt kv oyp y tsse vbkdt pbl eked’v qkde swv.

Tsolhla, yv vbkp xsxldv, pbl oyp ycswv vs cl eakhld xye.

Mbl Fbld Ckysuw’p byde nsdvkdwswpzu awccle vbl pzkrrlau xleknkdyz skz, xyppytkdt kv kd.

Jwv vbl aswtb xyppytkdt pldpyvksd, nsxckdle okvb vbl psaldlpp kd bla vbktbp, nswzed’v bkel vbl valxczkdt sq vbl h*cayvsa.

Mbkp lzlnvakn pbsnj vblayru pllxle vs vaydpxkv nwaaldvp vbaswtb vbl valxsap. Mbl nwaaldvp pralye qasx bla r*ppu vs bla xkde yde vbld vbaswtbswv bla cseu, xyjkdt bla qllz dwxc yzz shla.

Fbl ckv esod byae, bla nblpv blyhkdt hkszldvzu, yde bla nsdpnkswpdlpp qyekdt.

The sensation left her utterly powerless, unable to push Shen Qiaoyu away, let alone resist the forceful kiss.


Shen Qiaoyu easily pried her teeth apart, her tongue slipping into her mouth, sweeping and stirring her tongue.

The instant their tongues touched, it felt as if their souls resonated, the scorching, soft heat transmitting to her heart, causing it to tremble.

Yan Shiqing gasped several times in quick succession.

She wants to make a sound but only managing to endure it, her entire body trembling.

With her eyes tightly closed, her tongue moved passively, entwined with Shen Qiaoyu’s tongue, their lips sucking on each other’s, but the electric sensation left her unable to swallow, silver strands slipping from the corners of her mouth.

Shen Qiaoyu sucked on her lips, taking a moment to lick the corners, and called softly, “Sister…”

“You smell so good…”

Shen Qiaoyu would probably only say such things when drunk. At this moment, Yan Shiqing was completely ensnared in her trap, their tongues dancing and swirling together, their lips entwined in an inseparable kiss.

There seemed to be a hint of alcohol on her, and Yan Shiqing felt intoxicated, dizzy, her whole body trembling, her heart pounding in her chest. Their rapid breaths intermingled, gradually becoming more and more suffocating…

She felt as if she were hallucinating, being pulled back from the brink of death. Whenever Shen Qiaoyu gave her a chance to breathe, she gasped for air, only to be kissed again immediately.

This caused her p*ssy to tingle, with a clear liquid continuously flowing down.

Shen Qiaoyu’s voice softly echoed in her ear: “Why are you trembling? You’re shaking so much~”


Indeed, she was trembling intensely, but wasn’t it all because of her?

Yan Shiqing was both angry and scared, afraid of being discovered by Shen Qiaoyu, so she could only pant and complain, “Is it not okay to tremble a bit?”

Immediately, the hot medicinal oil gradually spread from her legs to her waist, and then to her back.

The oil was slowly massaged in, seeping into her muscles, causing waves of soreness.

She realized she was too tired today, and her whole body ached.

Yan Shiqing let out soft sounds, pressing down on her legs, trying to maintain a bit of rationality.

But she had no idea that Shen Qiaoyu’s hand had slowly reached under the pillow, flipping a certain switch upwards.

Unaware, at that moment, the vbrator trapped in her pssy, thrashing around more and more violently. The tremors caused her to shake, releasing a torrent of c*m that flowed out.

Yan Shiqing couldn’t hold it anymore. She burst into tears, her eyes filled with tears, her body trembling in her release.

No one knew; it felt as though bolts of lightning were striking her, coursing through her spine, causing her brain to secrete dopamine wildly. She cried uncontrollably, and in a moment of weakness, whimpered, “Let go of me, I need to go to the bathroom, I need to…”

Yan Shiqing panted, but Shen Qiaoyu, like a drunk, kissed her neck with her head down.

Meanwhile, the hot medicinal oil gradually spread all over her body, being massaged into every part, causing her muscles to ache intensely. She slightly raised her head, gritting her teeth, “Bastard!”


“You bastard!”

“Sob… my whole body…”

“I told you, you need the medicinal oil, or you won’t be able to get up tomorrow…” Shen Qiaoyu repeated this, biting her neck again.

She was exasperated. Her legs trembled violently because of the v*brator, and she wanted to kick Shen Qiaoyu but couldn’t. In the end, she let her guard down, and the blanket was pulled away.

Yan Shiqing: “!!!”

In that instant, her heart pounded wildly, as if she had fallen from heaven to hell. She couldn’t imagine Shen Qiaoyu’s reaction upon discovering that gift.

Shen Qiaoyu would definitely find it, be furious, and leave her.

She would be heartbroken!

At that moment, Yan Shiqing struggled with all her might, desperately grabbing Shen Qiaoyu’s hand and writhing her waist, shouting, “Try touching me! I’ll bite you to death!”

“Ahhh, Shen Qiaoyu!”

She acted like a madwoman, just not wanting Shen Qiaoyu to touch that thing. But Shen Qiaoyu pinned her down, making her efforts as futile as an ant trying to move a tree. Yan Shiqing only managed to scratch Shen Qiaoyu, who then grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. In an instant, Shen Qiaoyu pressed on her pssy and pushed the vbrator deeper.

At that moment, Yan Shiqing was in despair. Her whole body trembled, her pssy still throbbing, and clear cm kept flowing. However, all she could do was cry, sobbing uncontrollably, and muttering, “I’m sorry…”


“I’m sorry…”

She knew Shen Qiaoyu would definitely hate her and never forgive her…

So she was in great pain. Once the truth was revealed, she would be rejected, and Shen Qiaoyu would leave her forever, filled with resentment.

Now, it was too late for any words…

Yan Shiqing cried and whimpered, her mind blank. She had given up struggling, awaiting the grim reaper’s verdict, waiting for Shen Qiaoyu’s anger.

She thought, once Qiaoqiao figured it out, she would surely scold her harshly, then block Qingning and her, quit the show, and never see her again…

The more she thought, the more she wanted to cry. Tears kept falling from her eyes, and even the slight electric shocks below couldn’t stir her emotions. She lay there, engulfed in gloom, letting the vbrator continue vibrating, letting cm from her p*ssy keep dripping.

Shen Qiaoyu quietly watched her, her heart softening at the sight of Yan Shiqing’s tears.

She couldn’t understand why Yan Shiqing was so upset. Wouldn’t it be a good thing to expose her? Wouldn’t that give her a chance to ridicule her? Wasn’t that her goal?

But at this moment, Yan Shiqing’s sorrow and pain didn’t seem fake. The sobbing made Shen Qiaoyu’s heart tremble, and she couldn’t help but think.

Did exposing her really cause her this much pain? So…

Could it be that she liked her?

Did she not want to be exposed because she liked her? Didn’t want to fall out with her? Wanted to continue being with her?

At that moment, Shen Qiaoyu seemed to have a faint revelation. The possibility made her heart race.

But she couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t believe that this was the little liar’s intention…

Maybe she should test her, subtly and overtly?

No, no, why was she softening again?!

She came here to take revenge!

Yet, at this moment, listening to Yan Shiqing’s cries, she truly couldn’t harden her heart.

Shen Qiaoyu frowned, her mind a tangled mess.

She was somewhat annoyed—annoyed at her own softness, annoyed at Yan Shiqing’s frailty.

Clearly, tonight, she had intended to scare Yan Shiqing, to discover her little toy while pretending to be drunk, to mock her harshly, and then pretend to forget everything the next day to achieve her revenge.

After all, she still had to marry her. It wasn’t possible to really tear things apart now…

But now, she instinctively leaned down, her hand moving away from the v*brator, instead wrapping around Yan Shiqing. She lowered her head to kiss her lips and softly coaxed her, “Why are you crying? It’s just a little toy. Who hasn’t played with one? Are you crying so hard because it’s too much?”

Hearing her words, Yan Shiqing was suddenly stunned.


Why was she being so gentle? Hadn’t she discovered it yet?

With tear-filled eyes, she was a bit slow to react, but then she immediately realized.

Of course, it was so dark now. Even if Shen Qiaoyu could feel the shape, she couldn’t see the color.

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