Married to the Male Lead’s Hidden Rich Brother

Chapter 66 [End of the Main Story]

Shang Qiwen was arrested. She didn’t hesitate to attempt murder Qiaoqiao, and Yan Wei didn’t hesitate to accuse her of attempted murder outright.

Shang Qiwen was a little popular as Yan Ye’s wife. Later, she spent a short time in the entertainment industry. Now, with this incident, the internet was in an uproar again.

Before the police report was released, the breaking news had already sparked discussions online.

“My goodness, attempted murder! Did she really dare?”

“I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it. My goddess wouldn’t do this; someone must be slandering her.”


“Slander my foot! There’s concrete evidence; no slandering here.”

“She’s wealthy and attractive; would she really go and kill a completely unrelated pregnant woman? There must be a twist. Waiting to see.”

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Ls xyvvla bso xwnb ekpnwppksd byrrldle sdzkdl, Zyd Elk eked’v ryu ydu yvvldvksd. Tl eked’v nyal. Tkp tsyz oyp fwpv vs pdwqq swv vbl eydtla.

Tsolhla, yvvlxrvle xwaela oyp dsv y pxyzz nypl, yde vbl ldvkal rasnlpp oswzed’v uklze alpwzvp kd y pbsav vkxl. Jwv vbyv oyp qkdl; vblu bye rzldvu sq vkxl.

Ebld Zyd Zl alnlkhle vbkp dlop, bl oyp ewxcqswdele. Tl kdnalewzswpzu ypjle Qw Jyspbyd, vbl sdl obs elzkhlale vbl dlop vs bkx, “Kwpv dso usw pyke, obs vakle vs jkzz obsx?”

Qw Jyspbyd oyp yzps ypvsdkpble cu vbkp lhldv yde pyke, “Ykpp Fbydt, vblu pyu pbl vssj y jdkql yde vakle vs pvyc vbl lzelpv zyeu yv vbl bsprkvyz.”

Zyd Zl vssj y ellr calyvb yde nywvkswpzu ypjle, “Zsw’al pyukdt Fbydt Ckold vssj y jdkql yde vakle vs jkzz xu pkpvla-kd-zyo, Hbsw Ckysikys?”

Qw Jyspbyd dseele yde pyke, “Zlp, ulp, vbyv’p obyv byrrldle. Jwv Ya. Zyd, usw esd’v dlle vs osaau. Mblu pyu vbl lzelpv zyeu kp qkdl.”


Zyd Zl oyp rwggzle. Mbyv qsszkpb Hbsw Ckysikys oyp ynvwyzzu qkdl?

So, he asked Gu Baoshan, “Why? Was she saved by someone?” Did big brother play the hero and save the beauty? He must be feeling really proud now.


“No,” as Gu Baoshan continued, he became more excited. He said, “The eldest lady gave Miss Shang a beating. They say Miss Shang is now planning to sue her of intentional harm. And then, the eldest lady is strongly claiming self-defense…”

Listening to Gu Baoshan go on and on, narrating a quite astonishing story… oh, recounting a real event to him, Yan Ye felt like this was storytelling, wasn’t it?


Zhou Qiaoqiao’s baby was named Yan Miao. When Yan Miao was born, the fortune teller said he had a deficiency of the water element. Zhou Qiaoqiao immediately added three “water” characters to his name.1my friend explained this to me but I didn’t understand. What I get is that there are 5 elements and missing an element can cause misfortune in life. So they use the names to fill up the elements. Dunno. Yan Wei didn’t even have a chance to object; from then on, their eldest son was called Yan Miao.

Of course, Yan Wei believed he couldn’t change Zhou Qiaoqiao’s mind. Her reasoning was quite straightforward.

She looked innocent but stared at Yan Wei with determination, asking, “Didn’t you say he lacked water?”

Yan Wei responded, “Even if you named him Yan Chuan, it would be fine.”

Zhou Qiaoqiao immediately objected, rebuking, “Chuan? But river don’t have water!”

So, Yan Wei could only gently say to her, “Chuan means river; naturally, it has water.”

“No, no, it definitely doesn’t have as much water as my water.” Zhou Qiaoqiao shook her head, firmly stating, “Let’s stick with Yan Miao!2

Miao means flood in this case. When she says Miao淼 (flood) has more water than Chuan川 (river), she meant how the name is written in Chinese.
淼(miǎo)is a character made up of three water水(shuǐ)+水+水= 淼(miǎo). Water appeared so many times in this character so 淼 means “flood(n.)” or “ wide expanse of water(adj.).”
Meanwhile, Chuan (river) has no water because it’s written like 川 which doesn’t have the water 水 character.

Yan Wei had to cautiously ask her, “… Does the sound ‘Miao’ sound more suitable… for a daughter?”

“No way!” Zhou Qiaoqiao turned back, looked at him with big eyes, and said very seriously, “How could that be?”


Yan Wei was amused by her feigned composure, so he teased her again, “How about Yan Bing then? There’s definitely water in ice, right?”3 It’s spelled as 冰 (ice) which has 1 water 水(shuǐ) character.

Zhou Qiaoqiao: “…”

Holding their son, Zhou Qiaoqiao looked at Yan Wei accusingly and asked with a sense of injustice, “Do you dislike the name I chose because it doesn’t sound nice?”

He was amused.

Yan Wei smiled at her and then embraced her, saying, “Of course not. If you want to name him Yan Miao, then Yan Miao it is!”

Nodding in his embrace, Zhou Qiaoqiao happily agreed, “Mhm!”

Yan Miao: “…”

After the postpartum period, Zhou Qiaoqiao recovered well day by day. With the baby, her single apartment began to feel a bit small.

As a result, the family of three decided to move back to Yan Wei’s other property in Yiwu City – Royal Garden.

This was Zhou Qiaoqiao’s first time visiting here. When she was just a working professional, she had only passed by Royal Garden on occasion. She remembered her colleagues saying that Royal Garden had the highest real estate prices in Yiwu City. There were always retired soldiers stationed as security guards at the entrance, standing tall in their white uniforms.

From afar, it seemed quite imposing.

Now that she was inside, she realized that luxury had its own definition.


As they entered, bamboo groves flanked both sides, with tall bamboo shoots reaching for the sky. The green bamboo leaves contrasted with the blue sky and white clouds, creating a unique atmosphere. Starting from the entrance, it was as if they had instantly left behind the bustling city and entered a secluded paradise.

Zhou Qiaoqiao sat in the back seat, with the nanny holding the baby beside her. The baby couldn’t see clearly yet but was curious about the new environment.

The nanny, Aunt Liu, worked at the confinement center and had been taking care of the baby for the past two months. Since they needed a babysitter, they decided to hire her directly to spare the baby from having to adapt to someone new. At this moment, Aunt Liu’s eyes showed envy, unable to imagine such an upscale neighborhood.

Like a precious oil painting displayed before her, it stirred the heart.

She turned around to ask Miss Zhou how much a unit here cost, even though she couldn’t afford it. It was still an eye-opener.

The result was that when she turned around, she saw Zhou Qiaoqiao, who was amazed by her own house.

Aunt Liu: “…” Huh?

The car continued on its way and then directly entered a parking lot somewhere. The parking lot was also beyond imagination, and Yan Wei drove around in it for quite a while.

Zhou Qiaoqiao exclaimed, “Wow, Yan Wei, the parking lot is so big?”

Yan Wei remained silent for a while before saying, “Well, I just can’t find my own parking spot.”

Zhou Qiaoqiao: “…” True, you haven’t lived here much.

Aunt Liu: “…” Huh?


Not mentioning how Yan Wei bewildered both of them with his driving around, after about 30 minutes, they finally found their parking spot and got out of the car to retrieve their luggage.

Yan Wei’s parking space was right next to the elevator. They simply needed to take the elevator down. They didn’t have much luggage since most of their belongings had already been arranged in the new home before they moved in. So, Yan Wei only carried a bag and held Zhou Qiaoqiao’s hand, while the baby slept peacefully in Aunt Liu’s arms.

Unlike the dream house Zhou Qiaoqiao had in mind, she had merely hoped to buy an apartment within the third ring of Yuwu City. A three-bedroom apartment with a spacious balcony would be ideal, and having two balconies would be even better. One for drying clothes and one for leisure during spring and autumn.

Of course, for Zhou Qiaoqiao, who had narrowly escaped being crushed, life was full of surprises. For instance, the house she desired exceeded her expectations. In the car earlier, she had noticed the spacious balcony of this apartment, so large that she could see the lush garden on the upper balcony from the lower one.

Filled with hope for the new house, she followed Yan Wei into the elevator. The elevator was spacious, adorned with high-quality imitation oil paintings. One side of the elevator was a floor-to-ceiling glass wall.

Leaning against the glass wall, as the elevator ascended slowly, the view of the complex gradually unfolded before her eyes. It started with the vicinity of the complex, then the surrounding scenery, and finally the distant roads.

The view became more distant, and the landscape grew wider. The stars in Zhou Qiaoqiao’s eyes sparkled even brighter. Yes, anyone would love a house like this, but most people understood that it was beyond their means in this lifetime.

The elevator stopped on the 57th floor. As the doors opened, a spacious living room greeted them. Yan Wei stepped out first, and behind him, both Aunt Liu and Zhou Qiaoqiao had their eyes wide open, taking in the surroundings. Yan Wei pointed around the living room, explaining, “This is the communal area4shared/common area for the residents on this floor. Of course, there are only two units on each floor, and everyone is so busy that they hardly have time to rest here. So, its only function is to prevent us from feeling too constrained the moment we step out of the elevator. That’s a good thing.”

Zhou Qiaoqiao really wanted to ask what was good about that? Such a large portion of the common area came out of the money they paid when buying the house.5So in China, when you buy an apartment, the square area your buying will include the shared areas. For example, my friend’s apartment is 120 sq.m. on paper But his apt is only 85 sq.m. big because the rest is the shared area including the elevator The seller had extra water in their brain and a decrease in IQ in their wallet.

On either side of the communal area were substantial anti-theft doors. Yan Wei swiped his card, entered the code, and the door opened.

The first thing that caught their eyes was the foyer. Zhou Qiaoqiao took off her shoes and stepped inside, revealing a living room of approximately a hundred square meters. She was momentarily stunned. Apart from the living room, the ground floor had no other divisions, no unnecessary walls separating spaces. As a result, the house gave her a very spacious and comfortable feeling. Looking closely, she realized there was even a staircase leading directly to the second floor.

Yan Wei smiled and said, “Back then, I never thought I’d have my own family. So, I only bought two floors. Otherwise, I would have bought two more.”

Zhou Qiaoqiao blinked and was very satisfied with what she saw now. She turned her head to look at the floor-to-ceiling glass sliding door leading from the living room to the balcony. She walked over and opened the door, and the balcony was just as she had envisioned.

It was spacious enough to have a garden outside, large enough to host a party. During spring, they could place a table and two chairs there, a perfect spot for the three of them to enjoy the sun.

Walking to the edge of the balcony railing, Zhou Qiaoqiao leaned forward and looked down. Each balcony was arranged in a staggered manner, preventing the balcony of one unit from blocking the sunlight of the unit below it. This allowed every balcony to receive enough sunlight.

From where Zhou Qiaoqiao stood, she could see the balcony of the unit below hers, filled with colorful flowers. She sighed in admiration and then turned to look at Yan Wei. She saw him standing on the balcony, smiling. In response, she also broke into a radiant smile.

This is our home, and this home is wonderful.

Zhou Qiaoqiao ran back into the house with a light skip, climbed the spiral staircase to the second floor, and found quite a few rooms there.

Yan Wei’s room had a small private balcony as well. The splendid master bedroom made Zhou Qiaoqiao’s heart thump. The master bedroom wasn’t much smaller than the single apartment where Zhou Qiaoqiao and Yan Wei used to live. The luxurious bathroom had a bathtub by the wall with a button that, when pressed, revealed a floor-to-ceiling glass wall. The night view seen from there could truly relax one’s body and mind.

Zhou Qiaoqiao got into the bathtub, looked at the view outside, and turned back to Yan Wei with a smile, saying, “It feels like a dream.”

Yan Wei responded, “I feel the same way.”

Being able to live such a normal and happy life, I’m truly grateful; it feels just like a dream.

When Yan Miao turned 10 months old, Shang Qiwen’s sentence was announced.

She received a 4-and-a-half-year prison term with no parole.

Two months after Shang Qiwen was incarcerated, she requested to meet Yan Wei.

Yan Wei received the message from Tong Geng in his office. He looked up at Tong Geng and asked, “She wants to meet me?”

Tong Geng nodded, and Yan Wei questioned in puzzlement, “What’s the connection between her and me?”

Tong Geng nearly coughed up blood. Boss, she’s asking to meet you, and you’re asking me this?

But Yan Wei still furrowed his brows, pondered for a moment, and said, “I’ll see her.”

Since Shang Qiwen dared to make this request, it meant she held information that she wanted to share with him or had something to do with him.

Yan Wei lowered his head, curling his lips in amusement. Quite interesting, he thought. A person who seemingly had no hope left still wants to see me? What message could she possibly have that would make her want to meet with me?

On that day, from her prison cell, Shang Qiwen stared at the overcast sky outside. She couldn’t comprehend how her life had ended up like this.

When raindrops began to fall, she finally awaited Yan Wei’s arrival. She was led to a visiting room, a thick glass partition separating her and Yan Wei. Shang Qiwen sat on one side, and she picked up the telephone on the wall.

Yan Wei glanced at her and also picked up the phone.

From the other end of the line, a curious voice came from Shang Qiwen. She said, “I knew you would come.”

Yan Wei didn’t respond. This statement held no meaning. His patience was reliant on what she would say next. If it was meaningless, he could turn around and leave.

“What I want to talk about is Zhou Qiaoqiao,” Shang Qiwen evidently knew that Yan Wei’s patience was limited. She got straight to the point, tossing out the matter that Yan Wei cared about most.

A cold and stern gaze from Yan Wei instantly fixed on Shang Qiwen, a warning in his eyes.

Shang Qiwen burst into laughter, saying, “Don’t worry. I’m in no condition to harm her anymore. But the information I want to share with you might be hard for you to accept.”

Yan Wei looked up at her, and Shang Qiwen asked, “Mr. Yan, do you know what it means to be reborn? Do you know what it means for a spirit to possess a new body?”

Yan Wei remained silent as before, so Shang Qiwen continued, “Your wife, Zhou Qiaoqiao, lost consciousness last year after being hit on the head. She nearly died.” Shang Qiwen held onto the phone tightly, watching Yan Wei’s expression closely, fearing she might miss his response. She said with a raised voice, “There’s no such thing as so many miracles in the world. Yan Wei, she’s dead. She died a long time ago. Who is the person beside you?”

Yan Wei narrowed his eyes slowly, and Shang Qiwen continued her questioning, “Yan, are you truly willing to be with a dead person?”

Yan Wei sat across from Shang Qiwen, his expression unwavering. He looked at her for quite some time before finally asking, “How can I believe you?”

Shang Qiwen was taken aback. She had thought Yan Wei’s reaction would be one of two things: he would either dismiss this as nonsense and leave, or he would believe her words, looking terrified and crazed.

However, Yan Wei’s reaction was neither of these. He simply calmly requested evidence.

Evidence? Was there anyone in the world who could provide better evidence than herself?

Shang Qiwen smiled, realizing she was already in a prison cell. What else did she have to fear? She said, “Because I’ve died once before too.”

Yan Wei’s lips curved into an intrigued smile, clearly more interested now. He asked, “So what?”

Seeing Yan Wei’s expression, Shang Qiwen knew he had become intrigued. His eyes betrayed the otherwise calm facade he maintained.

Shang Qiwen continued, “I’m not from this world. I come from a different realm. I died, and I was originally supposed to enter the body of your wife—Zhou Qiaoqiao. Not Shang Qiwen’s body. I couldn’t enter Zhou Qiaoqiao’s body because after she died, she came back to life.” At this point, Shang Qiwen’s face twisted into a cruel smile as she said, “Or perhaps… inside her body, there’s a completely different soul.”

Yan Wei’s expression gradually turned serious. He tapped his index finger on the table in front of him, the sound echoing—thud, thud, thud. Shang Qiwen could only hear this through the phone.

She heard Yan Wei’s deep voice asking, “How can I believe what you’re saying?”

Shang Qiwen took a deep breath and said, “Of course, you can believe it. I can tell you about the future of this world.”

Shang Qiwen went on to describe a few representative events, of course, events that hadn’t happened yet, so it wasn’t confirmed whether her words were true.

However, Yan Wei had reached his current state by being discerning. He probably still knew whether Shang Qiwen was lying or not.

Yet, Yan Wei didn’t rush to express his stance. Clearly, there was more information that Shang Qiwen could reveal. Yan Wei squinted and continued, “The affairs of this world? How do you perceive our world?”

Someone from a parallel world couldn’t possibly predict the future of this world. They weren’t time travelers; they simply existed in a parallel universe. So why did Shang Qiwen, who hailed from another world, understand this world so well?

Seeing Yan Wei’s question, Shang Qiwen burst into laughter again, cruelly gazing at him as she revealed the biggest secret of this world.

This world was merely a book, a world constructed by letters. And you, Yan Wei, are just an unnamed supporting character within it.

The sun outside gradually approached the mountaintop. Yan Wei listened quietly as Shang Qiwen spoke about this world, about their own world. He gazed at Shang Qiwen before him, who grew increasingly fervent in her words.

Just when Shang Qiwen believed that Yan Wei would find this reality hard to accept and might leave, he suddenly smiled at her. This was the second smile he had shown since he entered the room. Unlike the first one, which was piqued by curiosity, this time, his smile was filled with mockery.

But he didn’t specify what he was mocking. He just calmly looked at Shang Qiwen and asked, “Were you at the hospital that day because of this matter?”

In truth, he didn’t care about Shang Qiwen’s answer at all. He had merely been trying to lead the conversation, but he didn’t expect to uncover something so interesting.

Shang Qiwen was dumbfounded by Yan Wei’s reaction. Why did he show no response? Could anyone accept the idea that their world was a mere book?

Shang Qiwen looked at Yan Wei and saw him with his fingers crossed under his chin. Then he said, “The nature of this world, it doesn’t matter. Even if my world is ten books, it doesn’t necessarily mean yours isn’t. As for me, as long as I know Qiaoqiao is safe and sound, that’s enough. And as for you? Since you’ve come to someone else’s world, you should live a bit more politely.”

Yan Wei mocked her with a glance before standing up, preparing to leave.

A book? Quite intriguing.

Nevertheless, no matter what, it didn’t matter. He just needed to know that they wouldn’t pose any danger to Qiaoqiao. As for whether she was her true self? How could he not know during the time he spent with Qiaoqiao? looking back, if Qiaoqiao wasn’t her true self, he still loves her—it wasn’t just the three words “Zhou Qiaoqiao.”6He loves the person inside, not the body itself

Did Shang Qiwen really think that by revealing this information, he would give up on Qiaoqiao? Was she naive? Or was it me who was naive?

Yan Wei coldly chuckled, preparing to turn and leave. Before leaving, he thought of an interesting question and asked Shang Qiwen, “Since it’s a book, then… who’s the male protagonist?”

Shang Qiwen replied, “Yan Ye.”

Yan Wei clicked his tongue and said, “That stupid kid as the male protagonist?”

Shang Qiwen: “…”

“What about me?” Yan Wei continued to question her.

Shang Qiwen said, “You died when you were 32.”

Yan Wei first froze. Anyone would be affected upon hearing about the end of their own fate.

Yan Wei was no exception. He was initially taken aback, then suddenly looked up and burst into laughter, saying, “So it seems that Zhou Qiaoqiao truly came to extend my life.”

Seeing Yan Wei’s reaction, Shang Qiwen left, not feeling melancholic at all. On the contrary, she left in a cheerful mood, feeling a bit baffled. She always thought she had called Yan Wei here to frighten him. And now, she felt a sense of emptiness, as if she had been used up and discarded.

Yan Wei drove all the way back home. He parked in the garage, exited the car, took the elevator, and entered his home.

Then, he saw Zhou Qiaoqiao squatting on the balcony, planting flowers.

She wore short sleeves and shorts, with gloves on her hands. One hand held a shovel, digging into the soil, while the other supported the sapling in the center of a flowerpot. She was planting the flowers earnestly, her expression serious.

The kitchen was a mess, with pots in the sink and flour on the floor. Sister Liu was upstairs, putting Yan Miao to sleep. Yan Wei glanced at the clothes Zhou Qiaoqiao had left in the living room, walked to the balcony door, and pushed it open.

The heat from outside rushed in, mirroring Zhou Qiaoqiao’s puzzled expression as she looked up and entered Yan Wei’s heart.

Zhou Qiaoqiao exclaimed, “Yan Wei, you’re back?”

Yan Wei stood there in his suit, holding his briefcase.

Seeing him looking at her, Zhou Qiaoqiao smiled at him, trying to please. Under the sunlight, her smile illuminated Yan Wei’s entire life.

“Yeah, what about the kitchen?” Yan Wei asked.

Zhou Qiaoqiao blushed slightly and said, “I was trying to make bread just now. It’s still baking, so I came out to plant some flowers. I’ll go back to tidy up the kitchen in a bit. Why don’t you go cool off with the air conditioning? It’s so hot.”

Yan Wei looked at the sunset by the mountains from the balcony, the red hue tinged with fire. It made Zhou Qiaoqiao’s face turn rosy. Her pleasing smile and shy demeanor made her look so full of life. He wanted to protect her for a lifetime!

“Qiaoqiao, let’s hire a professional cook!” Yan Wei said. He had earned so much wealth to ensure that his family could lead the most relaxed and joyful life. He wanted Qiaoqiao to be the happiest salted fish in the world, and this home was meant to allow her to be carefree.

Zhou Qiaoqiao let out another soft exclamation and said, “I can cook, you know! But if we hire another domestic helper, after weaning, I can go to work.”

Yan Wei walked towards her with a smile, saying as he approached, “Of course, you can do whatever you want. You can work, go shopping, travel around – I’ll always be right by your side.”

Zhou Qiaoqiao playfully puckered her lips, her whole face turning red. She stammered, asking, “Yan Wei, why are you suddenly saying all of this?”

Yan Wei crouched beside her, helping her hold onto the sapling. He gently spoke, “Qiaoqiao, it’s wonderful to have met you.”

Zhou Qiaoqiao lowered her head, flicking soil around the base of the sapling. She softly replied, “Yan Wei, it’s wonderful to have met you.”

Yan Wei turned to look at Zhou Qiaoqiao, who was earnestly planting the flowers, and burst into laughter. You see, we’re living a good life now.

And it will only get better in the future…

The living room lights came on, and Sister Liu entered the kitchen to tidy up. Yan Miao, who had been placed on the floor, glanced at the two people on the balcony, then crawled over with a series of “ah ah ah” sounds. The glass door of the balcony impeded his progress, so he leaned against it, gazing at his parents outside and making excited noises.

Yan Wei and Zhou Qiaoqiao exchanged glances and then shared a smile. The baby was awake…

Sansukini: Aww… It’s a feel good ending. The reason why I love this novel overall, is that it made me feel good with it’s foolishness and simplicity. I hope you enjoyed the ride too. There are still some extras left. Some comedic tropes when Zhou Qiaoqiao tries to find a job that’s not in his husband’s company. And some more extras for the couple’s children. They will have another one.

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  1. Melicow

    Thank you it was a good pick !
    I enjoyed the story, the development is sweet and logical. I love how he respected her from the start until the end. Even if he concealed some information about himself. He was serious from the start. Qiaoqiao is a happy fool, but the smart and cute one 🤣.
    Thank you so much for bringing this novel to us.

  2. chronos5884

    I enjoyed the story too. Also, yeah, I don’t understand that Shang girl who was originally Liu something. Just what would this information change? He’d never met ZQQ of before, he only met her “after her death” or so, so what does it matter to him if she was or wasn’t the original? The only girl he ever knew is the one he met, after all of these events, and the only girl he fell in love with was the one who he met after all of this. So what in the world does that change? Now if it was Shang something or Shan something, that would be different, because he already knew them before. But whether the person you’ve gotten to know was always the person you’ve gotten to know or was a different person before you met them doesn’t really matter for most people. Most people only care and judge based on the person that they’ve gotten to know, not tales of what they used to be like before… So like… the one who’s still in hot water here would be Liu Yan who took over people the Yan family knew before instead of someone they had never met before. As for whether the world is a book or not… does that matter either? The world is simply the only world you’ve known, the only thing that’s changed is your perspective perhaps. That change can be pretty significant, but again depends on the individual. If you told me that the current world we’re in was actually a matrix style world and we’re all actually in VR with our memories of our “real” lives blocked, I wouldn’t care if you were right or not. What I know is only what I can see or experience, if our lives are just a VR game, it doesn’t change that we’ve experienced what we have experienced. It just means that perhaps we can also proceed to experience more once we’re out. Or if we’re just characters in a book… so what? It doesn’t change the life I’ve lived or the experiences I’ve had. What happened and what I’ve experienced are things that have happened to me and what I’ve experienced. The extra information is just additgional information.

    1. chronos5884

      Now that I think of it, if anything else, it just makes me look down on that Liu girl more. She likes to run around thinking she’s god and everyone’s fake, but so what if it’s “just a book” or not? It doesn’t change that everyone in the book has their own experiences, lives and emotions. Having entered the story and realizing there’s all this detail that wasn’t in the book should have made her realize that everyone isn’t just a little paper cut out made of just a couple words here and there. As far as I’m concerned, if the emotions have been experienced, the events have happened and have changed and affected people’s lives, if people can still feel pain, cry, and be sad, and are basically indistinguishable from “real” people, then what’s the difference? “Fake” or “real” doesn’t matter to me at that level. You may as well just treat it all as “real” and offer the same respect, sympathy, and emotion one gives to anyone else. Humans are just biological computers anyways, firing and reacting based on the signals and chemicals created, sent to, and processed by our brains. If your pain nerves are firing like crazy because of psychological pain, does that mean your pain is fake and you aren’t feeling it? No, if your brain is sending you pain signals, then whether you’re physically injured or not doesn’t change the fact that you *are* in pain because those signals, whether from physical, psychological, or emotional causes are still pain signals that are firing off. It isn’t “fake” it’s just that the cause may not be visible. With that understanding, Liu girl is still a B-word for how little care she shows to other living, thinking, feeling beings.