Little Sea Otter Became Popular

Little Sea Otter Became Popular Chapter 76


Chapter 76

Initially, the barrage of screams overwhelmed everyone’s attention. But when someone unexpectedly asked the question, they all thought of it at the same time:


Oh right, how did the younger sister know it was Mr. Orca?

The host also thought of this question and smiled at Qiao Dai. Jokingly, he asked, “How did the younger sister know it was Mr. Orca and not Miss Orca?”

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Brsd blyakdt vbl bspv’p osaep, Kkydt Wldt, plyvle kd vbl twlpv yaly, pwcnsdpnkswpzu pvayktbvldle bkp rspvwal.

Gp vbl sdzu xyzl pvya yxsdt vbl qswa xldvsap sd vbl pbso yde nsdpkelakdt bkp sod lmrlakldnlp, bl oyp ryavknwzyazu pldpkvkhl vs nlavykd vsrknp. Wsa lmyxrzl, yv vbkp xsxldv, bl qlzv vbyv vbl bspv’p ralhkswp iwlpvksd oyp psxlobyv kdyrrasrakyvl. Wsa keszp, rakhyvl kdvlaynvksdp okvb qydp nswze lypkzu clnsxl dltyvkhl dlop blyezkdlp. Ekvb vbl vldpksd awddkdt bktb sd vbkp dktbv sq vblka elcwv, kq Ckys Pyk eked’v bydezl bla alprsdpl olzz, kv nswze cl vyjld yehydvytl sq cu vbspl okvb wzvlaksa xsvkhlp.

Kkydt Wldt oyp fwpv ycswv vs alxkde Ckys Pyk vs cl nywvkswp obld bl pyo vbl tkaz sd pvytl pxkzkdt cakzzkydvzu yv vbl nyxlay yde prlyjkdt lyadlpvzu, “Jlnywpl vbkp Ya. Xany kp y csu, aktbv?”

Gp pssd yp Ckys Pyk qkdkpble prlyjkdt, dsv sdzu Kkydt Wldt cwv yzps vbl bspv yde vbl ywekldnl olal rwggzle. Mblu zssjle yv Ckys Pyk okvb nsdqwpksd. Ckys Pyk, okvb qzsola rlvyzp yde nszsaqwz nsdqlvvk pvkzz pvwnj kd bla byka, lmvldele bla byde yde rskdvle yv vbl Xany yhyvya sd vbl pnalld. Fbl vwadle vs vbl nyxlay yde lmrzykdle plakswpzu, “Rd vbl Xany qyxkzu, vbl esapyz qkd sq xyzlp kp pvayktbv, zkjl y pbyar jdkql, obkzl vbl esapyz qkd sq qlxyzlp kp nwahle, zkjl y pknjzl.”


While she spoke, she looked up at the audience area. Her round eyes sparkled under the stage lights, inexplicably giving off an air of innocence.

Following Qiao Dai’s direction, everyone looked at the screen and noticed that the killer whale’s dorsal fin was indeed straight. Combined with Qiao Dai’s statement just now, everyone was momentarily taken aback. The live broadcast momentarily went silent, and then the barrage of comments exploded across the screen.

[Hahaha, the younger sister is really naive!]

[Ah, she’s so so so cute with her innocence!]

[Was our adorable little one a hidden academic genius? She actually knows how to differentiate the genders of Orca?]

[Wow, the dorsal fin of Killer whale (orca) males is really straight, so cool! The females have curved, small ones, so cute!]


In the audience area, Cheng Su’s pitch-black eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

For most creatures in the ocean, they don’t particularly pay attention to other species, especially their predatory enemies. When encountering a beast that is hunting them, their focus is solely on escaping. Even if they catch a whiff of their enemy’s scent, they will flee as quickly as possible. They don’t have the leisure to observe whether the enemy’s dorsal fin is straight or curved, or whether it is male or female.

Qiao Dai is indeed different from other sea otters, but Cheng Su believes that when it comes to despising their predatory enemies, Qiao Dai will be consistent with other sea otters.

However, even so, he heard about Orca from Qiao Dai today. Does this mean that Qiao Dai is also making an effort to understand him?

At this thought, Cheng Su felt as if someone lightly scratched his heart. At first, it was a subtle tingling sensation, followed by a delicate pain that spread from the wounded area. This pain wasn’t unpleasant. It was like a flame meandering through his veins, warm yet hidden, inadvertently scorching him while giving him an inexplicable sense of satisfaction.


As Qiao Dai answered the host’s question, she subconsciously searched the audience area with her gaze, thinking that Cheng Su was watching her at this moment. The thought made her cheeks involuntarily flush.

Jiang Feng let out a sigh of relief. The corners of his lips curved slightly upwards. He thought that the girls from Eleven had indeed grown up, and perhaps in the near future, he would witness even more remarkable performances from them.

“I see. So it seems that our younger sister really loves animals, especially Orca, right?” the host said, realizing that his initial question lacked consideration. However, luckily, Qiao Dai’s answer successfully shifted the attention of others. He didn’t continue with the first question but changed the topic, teasingly asking if Qiao Dai liked Orca.

A barely noticeable blush appeared at the corner of Qiao Dai’s eyes as she slightly lowered her head, responding in a soft voice, as if feeling embarrassed, “Um… I like them.”

[Live scene with an “aww” effect]

[So adorable! The younger sister is so adorable today!]


[Can I still change my name? I want to be called Orca now.]

[Don’t cue me, I am the original Killer whale.]

[Someone in front is thinking of changing to Peach.]

Qiao Dai’s voice was soft, transmitted to Cheng Su’s ears through the microphone. It felt like a gentle breeze brushing against his earlobe, momentarily pausing his breath.

In the next second, the man suddenly reached out to support his forehead. His face was cast in shadow, making it impossible to discern his expression at this moment.

After a while, Cheng Su chuckled softly. She really was a mischievous Miss Sea Otter. Every word she uttered made him feel restless.

But he liked it.

“Although my favorite is still sea otters, they are so adorable!” Qiao Dai added quickly after her previous statement. She looked excitedly at the camera and repeated, “Really, sea otters are especially cute.”

[Hahaha, Dai dai is so cute.]

[Ah, Dai Dai likes sea otters just like me. Sea otters are super cute!]

Finally, Jiang Feng, the witness to the group’s formation, congratulated Eleven Girls and gave a speech. Qiao Dai was surrounded by her teammates, and with a “click” sound, the staff captured a group photo of Eleven Girls.

The curtain fell on the “Pick Eleven” formation night.

The staff began organizing the orderly exit of the audience from the venue, while the guests and participants who had been on stage returned backstage to remove their makeup and change clothes. Various news about the “Pick Eleven” formation night quickly spread on major online community forums, like mushrooms after the rain.

[Qiao Dai’s holographic opening show amazed the audience.]

[Debut of the six-member group! ‘Rose Girls’ firmly establishes their position as the top stage of the formation night.]

[The birth of the center position on the ‘Pick Eleven’ formation night! Qiao Dai secured the championship with 190 million popularity.]

Even after the program officially ended the live broadcast of the formation night, the viewers who remained in the livestream room were reluctant to leave. Their emotions were at an all-time high, and they couldn’t wait to share their experiences with more people. So they quickly flooded into various forums, appearing as frontline viewers who had finished watching the livestream and were eager to chat.

The top search results were dominated by discussions about Eleven Girls, and among them, the most frequently mentioned name was naturally Qiao Dai’s. Every post related to the formation night inevitably mentioned her.

At first, some passersby felt a bit annoyed, thinking, “Isn’t this Eleven Girls’ formation night? Why is Qiao Dai everywhere?” But as they learned more about the content of the formation night, any trace of dislike in their hearts quickly vanished. Instead, they couldn’t help but exclaim, “Qiao Dai is amazing! No wonder everyone who watched the formation night can’t help but think of her. She was the absolute focus tonight!”

Upon entering the forum, besides the posts discussing Qiao Dai’s performance on the formation night, even the mysterious Mr. Orca became the center of attention, with countless viewers speculating about his identity.

“Oh my god, that’s 190 million! Killer whale must be Dai Dai’s ultimate fan, right?”

“Sorry to interrupt, but I was totally charmed by Dai Dai’s ‘Mr. Orca’ comment. Couldn’t help but imagine a handsome guy.”

“I confess, I also had that imagination, like the sister above.”

“Did the forum rules die? Highlight: No amateurs on the forum.”

“Ah, I got too excited and forgot the rules. I’m the OP, I’ll quietly go delete the post now.”

To maintain a healthy ecosystem between celebrities and fans, most fan forums strictly prohibit discussions about amateurs. Qiao Dai’s fans couldn’t help but feel a headache as they saw more and more onlookers casually starting threads. Even though Mr. Orca was Dai Dai’s top supporter, at the end of the day, he was just an amateur. Being widely discussed online, with some people openly trying to dig up his identity, was bound to make him angry. However, as more news about the formation night spread, it was inevitable that onlookers would join in the discussion.

“Mr. Orca must have attended the event today, right?”

“Does that mean some of the sisters who were at the event have actually seen Mr. Orca in person?”

“With the ability to directly donate 190 million, Mr. Orca’s seat must be in the front row as a VIP.”

While fans could control onlookers from starting threads on the forum, it was impossible to prevent others from discussing the topic on platforms like Weibo. Moreover, due to the increasing curiosity from the onlookers, it quickly became a trending topic.

“Bring down this topic quickly.”

Ling Na frowned unhappily as she looked at the chaotic comments online. Meanwhile, she gradually developed a bad feeling.

She knew that making such a conspicuous move by donating 190 million would naturally pique the curiosity of netizens. However, having such a high level of discussion focused on an amateur, new fan was not a good thing. While it was common knowledge in the industry that amateurs were not that involved, it couldn’t be guaranteed that someone wouldn’t be tempted by the high level of discussion. If they encountered a marketing account with low professional ethics, it would be troublesome.

Just as Ling Na was thinking about this, she saw a panicked staff member from the operations department rushing over. They urgently said to Ling Na, “Manager Ling, something bad has happened. A marketing account has posted a photo of Little Qiao ranking first online!”


Ling Na felt as if she had been struck by lightning. Her eyes widened, and as she heard the staff member’s words, her head buzzed, and her mind went blank. She quickly lowered her head to look at her tablet, and as expected, an unethical marketing account had posted on Weibo:

[Over 100 million in support! Qiao Dai’s mysterious superfan revealed on the formation night.”]

The comment section under the marketing account’s post was already in an uproar.

Ling Na didn’t even have time to open the Weibo post. She only saw a dimly lit image, vaguely showing the side profile of a young man wearing a hat and a mask.


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EA [Translator]

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